View Full Version : Death of customer service

08-26-2007, 10:16 PM
Ok so contract on my cell phone recently expired so I decided good chance to get a new phone as lots of people do. did a little research on the internet for contracts/phones then headed out. THis is where the fun begins, started out at bestbuy where the only salesmen I could get to talk to me "doesn't deal with that carrier" and wasn't even willing to see if a phone was in stock or even find someone who could tell me. :banghead: So gave up on them pretty quickly and headed over to a futureshop, here I at least go someone to talk to me which I now wish didn't happen. Ask them if the phone is in stock, it is, great! ask to get the phone and a new 3 year contract to get the phone cheap. Heres where i'm trying to figure out if the guy was an idiot or trying to rip me off, he proceeds to tell me I can't get the cheap phone deal and keep my phone number, basically says I need to get a whole new account. I instantly call his BS on that and he then proceeds to argue with me over this. Then some other idiot salesmen comes over and back up this first one, WHAT THE HELL. now i've never gotten(or expected) good customer service at a FS before but never expect to get teamed up on by a couple of morons. At this point that vein in my forehead was ready to pop so i demanded he give me any information I had already given them then walked out the door went home bought the phone online for the price it should be with contract no hassles in less than 10 minutes. Will never shop at a FS again ever.

Its a sad state of affairs I can get better service from a impersonal machine than real people now. I know labour shortage blah blah blah but it can't be that difficult to train new employees to not be complete pricks. Seriously how hard is to to teach "the customer is always right." God I hate stupid people.

oh and just so noone else needs to add it to the thread :whocares:

Chris Ng
08-26-2007, 10:28 PM
Actually, the sales people at futureshop were right and you were wrong.. the 3 year aquisition price on a phone is for *new* activations only .. not for renewals .. since you are already an exisiting customer with an exisiting account, you do not qualify as a *new* customer if you wanted to keep your same phone number .. in order to qualify for the 3 year pricing discount on the phone you would have to create a new account ie: new phone number...
If you wanted a new phone at the aquisition priceing, you should have either called up *611 and spoke to telus c/s or L&R dept or gone to a telus corp store and asked them as for what type of discout you qualified for on a new phone if you agreed to sign for another 3 years...

Obviously you did not research this enough..

08-26-2007, 10:41 PM
its not fs or bestbuys fault, basically the phone companies view u as a secured resource and dont think ur worth giving a deal too because ur not a new customer. with the current market its actually better for you to jump companies every time ur contract is up and use ur old contract as leverage and ask for them to match ur plan. sometimes if u go into a bell or rogers place they can help u out that way.

08-26-2007, 10:51 PM
Originally posted by Chris Ng
Actually, the sales people at futureshop were right and you were wrong.. the 3 year aquisition price on a phone is for *new* activations only .. not for renewals .. since you are already an exisiting customer with an exisiting account, you do not qualify as a *new* customer if you wanted to keep your same phone number .. in order to qualify for the 3 year pricing discount on the phone you would have to create a new account ie: new phone number...
If you wanted a new phone at the aquisition priceing, you should have either called up *611 and spoke to telus c/s or L&R dept or gone to a telus corp store and asked them as for what type of discout you qualified for on a new phone if you agreed to sign for another 3 years...

Obviously you did not research this enough..

umm no I was able to sign up for the new 3 year contract keep my number and get the phone no problem directly from the provider. I was also told I can do this by a customer service rep of the carrier just a couple days before. They said any retailer would give a contract renewal deal same as new customers.

08-26-2007, 11:01 PM
I know with telus you can sign another 3 year contract and get a phone for cheaper, you don't have to be a "new" customer.

08-26-2007, 11:01 PM
Well then maybe you just can't on this specific phone you want?

08-26-2007, 11:05 PM
Well then maybe you just can't on this specific phone you want?
You're not wrong on this I have seen certain phones that they say you can't(usually on the free phones) but not in my case.

Got the phone I wanted plan I wanted everything, this also isn't the first time i've renewed contract and gotten a new phone a the same time. i'm pleased with the purchase just not the way I was treated.

08-26-2007, 11:21 PM
oh there's a lot of things about this one!

for starters just so everyone knows, the cell phone providers cannot hold the number anymore, if you decide to change providers, ie telus to rogers etc, you can carry your number with you.

in going to futureshop and best buy, those places are usually meant for the new activations, or if you are willing to buy out the phone. what you are looking at is a hardware upgrade. you're best bet is to call them and ask them. it'll save you a whole lot of hassle.

my sister had a huge beef with rogers in changing her phone. they wouldn't give her any deals even since she has been with them for years. so it all boiled down to how much money rogers were making off of her. since her plan was an old corporate plan.. really good plan for us, but they don't make a lot of money off of her, they weren't willing to subsidize a new phone for her. it's pure BS.

08-27-2007, 01:40 AM
I wouldn't got o FS to buy a phone. I would head right to the provider's store.

That seems kind of silly that they wouldn't give you a new contract deal when renewing. I would suggest that if it means that much to you, go to a new provier, sign a new contract, and keep your old number.

08-27-2007, 02:07 AM
"the customer is always right"?

You wish bud.:banghead:

08-27-2007, 08:46 AM
Rogers is a business not a charity.

Originally posted by zoik

since her plan was an old corporate plan.. really good plan for us, but they don't make a lot of money off of her, they weren't willing to subsidize a new phone for her. it's pure BS.

08-27-2007, 08:52 AM
Originally posted by urban.one
Rogers is a business not a charity.

true, but as a customer it's not something that would hold you to them. especially when you sign a new contract you get all these perks, but as a renewal, you can't get anything for it.

Supa Dexta
08-27-2007, 09:05 AM
I was just in calgary for a couple of days, and I have to say we were impressed.. Every wheres we went we had great service, much better then we're seeing in edmonton.. We only left calgary in january, and at that time would have probably complained as well, but it was great to get back, and be impressed with the service...

So add that to my list, thats gotta be reason number 874 to gtfo of edmonton as soon as I can...


08-28-2007, 02:41 PM
best thing to do is to call your provider directly. i remember hwen i was with telus they called me within days after my 3yr contract was over and offered me to renew my contract and get a brand new phone for alot cheaper cuase i was already a member. i declinded and went to rogers. with rogers aswell i called *611 after my 2year contract was over to say that i was thinking about switching providers, they instantly offered me my plan back and also throw in a new phone. gotta call and ask i guess

08-28-2007, 03:24 PM
I'm not at all surprised that the FS guys didn't tell you that you could call the provider directly and renew with the plan. If they had gotten you to sign a new contract then they'd get the commision.

I was at FS a few months ago to pick up an HD-PVR machine. All the salesmen were with other people and I have no idea where they are. I see one salesman on his cellphone and I approach him and stand there waiting. He gives me the 'one second' gesture and continues on with his call which was obviously with his buddy.

After half a minute of waiting I finally say fuck it, I'll go and hunt it down myself. I find where they're stacked a few minutes later, grab one, and start heading towards the door. This same douchebag who was on the phone sees me walking out with a $700 piece of machinery and jogs up to me and asks "Is there anything I can help you with?

What does it look like, genius? I tell him 'No thanks, I found what I was looking for.'

FS Guy: Oh ok, and is there anything else you need?
Me: No... unless this isn't the 160GB version.
FS: It sure is! I'm glad you found it OK. Sir would you mind if I just marked it up really quickly and the people at the checkout can help you?
Me: Mark it up with what? No, I'm in a rush. Thanks anyway though.
FS: Ok sir but it would only take a second.

He's trying to get the commission on the sale, the same guy who wouldn't get off his cell phone while he was ON HIS SHIFT to help me... and there's no way I'm going to let that happen.

I find some DVD-Rs and I'm off to the check out. The guy at the till scans it, and then pulls out a scrap of paper with a number on it and enters it in. I ask him what was on the scrap of paper and it turns out this piece of shit went to the one guy at checkout and told him 'when that PVR comes through put my code on it.'

Unbelievable! I told the guy that if the salesman's number is on the receipt in any way that I will not be buying it, made him cancel the transaction, and then re-scan it without entering anything in.

Fucking vultures.

08-28-2007, 03:39 PM
Vultures? Buddy the guy is trying to make a living give him a break. What futureshops are you guys referring to..and do you remember any of the associates names lol? Just curious.

08-28-2007, 03:46 PM
Originally posted by toomuchb00st
Vultures? Buddy the guy is trying to make a living give him a break. What futureshops are you guys referring to..and do you remember any of the associates names lol? Just curious.

He didn't seem to be trying to make a living while yaking on his phone. If he couldn't get off the phone he doesn't deserve commision.

08-28-2007, 03:49 PM
Originally posted by toomuchb00st
Vultures? Buddy the guy is trying to make a living give him a break. What futureshops are you guys referring to..and do you remember any of the associates names lol? Just curious.

Trying to make a living??? Fuck where do I sign up for this job. I get to bullshit with my buddies all day while making commission.

08-28-2007, 03:54 PM
I believe the benefit of going to FS or BB for cell phone service is that they have an agreement with the provider that they will provide OTC exchange for any warranty issues during the first year for the phone. Whereas if you sign up directly by the service provider, you'll have to go through their repair service which for the most part is very long and not very friendly.

08-28-2007, 03:54 PM
he can try to make a living by actually helping people then! They need to remove restrictions and allow american proivders to come up. This would make all the consumers much happier. Rogers is an oligopoly, not a competitive business like it should be. Consumers get screwed, they rake in the cash.

08-28-2007, 03:55 PM
^hahah nice work.

08-28-2007, 03:56 PM
come see me at visions.

08-28-2007, 04:01 PM
ew visions. are they not on the verge of bankruptcy?

08-28-2007, 04:15 PM
Originally posted by toomuchb00st
Vultures? Buddy the guy is trying to make a living give him a break. What futureshops are you guys referring to..and do you remember any of the associates names lol? Just curious.

This was at the Northland location, and I never bothered looking at his nametag.

All I needed was to know where they were. If he had so much as pointed in the general direction then, sure... why not, I would have no problems with him getting commission. Sometimes a job throws you a freebie, and who can complain about that. But what pisses me off is that he tried 10x harder to get the commission than he did trying to help.

08-28-2007, 04:34 PM
Originally posted by toomuchb00st
ew visions. are they not on the verge of bankruptcy?

your funny.

28 stores across western canada. i dont think so pal.

but i would like to know where you heard that

08-28-2007, 04:36 PM
Originally posted by Super_Geo
But what pisses me off is that he tried 10x harder to get the commission than he did trying to help.

He didn't deserve a penny from you. Props on making them rescan that shit. It's unbelievable that these guys can just make personal phone calls while ON SHIFT.

As for the cell phone deal, I find the story strange. I've always had no problem getting a discounted price on a phone when signing a new contract. While technically you're not a *new* customer, you are reupping your contract and it would blow me away if they didn't jump at the chance to lock you in for a longer term. I mean, it's not the hardware they make money off of, it's the plan and services that they charge you for.

08-28-2007, 05:13 PM
Originally posted by 2006lancer

your funny.

28 stores across western canada. i dont think so pal.

but i would like to know where you heard that

Remember Eatons? They had probably 100+ stores across Canada when they went bankrupt.

08-28-2007, 05:18 PM
Originally posted by Super_Geo
Unbelievable! I told the guy that if the salesman's number is on the receipt in any way that I will not be buying it, made him cancel the transaction, and then re-scan it without entering anything in.

And the moment you walked out the door, the sales guy goes on the computer, and flips the sale back to his name.

When I worked at FS I did this all the time to customers that wanted to make sure no one makes any commission :rofl:

08-28-2007, 06:21 PM
Originally posted by kenny

And the moment you walked out the door, the sales guy goes on the computer, and flips the sale back to his name.

When I worked at FS I did this all the time to customers that wanted to make sure no one makes any commission :rofl:

That's...disappointing, in a way. Not to diss you man, but when I worked at FS, not one of my customers ever wanted to make sure that no one made commission, especially me.

Super_Geo, I back you 100%. That's garbage service and he didn't deserve to get anything from that sale. I've had that happen to me before too, with a friend at a FS. We were looking around for a DVD player for awhile and, maybe because we were younger looking guys, nobody bothered to help us. When my friend said "fuck it" and picked one up and started walking with it, he got ran down by some douche. Really pissed us off.

Also, kenny is right about Eaton's. Having stores doesn't mean you're pulling in cash, and the way Vision's deals with people, I'm surprised that it hasn't gone under yet. People are super shady over there...and their advertising is garbage. 42" Plasma TV - Was $4000, now $2000! $4000? When, in 2004? Fuck off.

08-28-2007, 07:00 PM
Hmm that seems like a bit of a rip to me...then again I don't know FS or BB policies...

I just renewed my contract with Rogers...I kept my phone number and got my new phone at the same price that new 3 year activations pay for it. 2 days later the phone went down $20 so they gave that back to me too which was nice. To boot, Rogers is offering a $50 credit to anyone who upgrades their phone and gets a new contract.

I know that if I brought a cell phone company $1000 of revenue over the last few years and then they pulled this new activation shit on me I'd be pretty pissed to say the least.

GTS Jeff
08-28-2007, 07:05 PM
Having worked at FS before, I am now careful about where the commission goes too. One time, I walked in and no one helped me for quite awhile. So I found my shit, grabbed one of the moveable staircases, climbed up, carried the box back down myself, and as I was walking to the till carrying a $1500 receiver, some douche came up to me and started asking me, "if I found everything," and tried a 10 second extended warranty spiel. He went with me to the cashier and tried to give his number to the cashier, but I interruped and told the cashier the guy didn't do shit and didn't deserve a cent of commission from the sale. Douchebag was pretty choked.

08-28-2007, 08:02 PM
I believe the benefit of going to FS or BB for cell phone service is that they have an agreement with the provider that they will provide OTC exchange for any warranty issues during the first year for the phone. Whereas if you sign up directly by the service provider, you'll have to go through their repair service which for the most part is very long and not very friendly.

I agree... Having bought my past 2 cell phones from Telus stores and having shit luck with them and having to deal with their crappy repair times, and shitty warranties... I bought my new phone at Best Buy... And I am glad I did as I am having issues already and will be getting a new phone this week.

over the counter exchange on cell phones is a big plus IMO.

08-29-2007, 03:44 PM
Originally posted by HyperZell
That's...disappointing, in a way. Not to diss you man, but when I worked at FS, not one of my customers ever wanted to make sure that no one made commission, especially me.

You must've been in a quieter store then. When our store was busy it was quite common to see customers finding monster cables themselves and picking up shaw pvrs and walking up to the front with them.

08-29-2007, 03:47 PM
Originally posted by kenny

You must've been in a quieter store then. When our store was busy it was quite common to see customers finding monster cables themselves and picking up shaw pvrs and walking up to the front with them.

Yes actually, it was a smaller store, so that might've been part of why. But a customer insisting that nobody get commission? That's still shocking to me.