View Full Version : Salvia...

09-10-2007, 04:35 PM
Has anyone tried this stuff? It's pretty crazy, some friends of mine were doing it on the weekend. I was going to hit it up but after seeing what happened to them... :eek:

For those of you who don't know what it is, it's a legal herb available in hemp shops/online. It's a hallucinogen, but it only lasts a few minutes. It comes from a plant in the sage/mint family.

09-10-2007, 04:38 PM
It's fun if u like to forget about everything. And I mean you forget everything. Don't panic when your doing it, just relax. Also, have a buddy not doing it to make sure you don't go crazy.

09-10-2007, 04:40 PM
Im never touching that shit ever again.

09-10-2007, 04:41 PM
my friends have done it. make sure there are people to keep an eye on you. depending on where you buy it they give you a big speech. and ya i heard you dont remeber anything you just blck out for how ever long.

09-10-2007, 04:42 PM
Originally posted by st184
Im never touching that shit ever again.

Haven't done it but I hear you just go retarded. Most likely not good for you and not something I would want to try.

09-10-2007, 04:43 PM
Yea I still may try it, but it seems most people have a negative experience on it. And yea very forgetful, my one buddy kept asking me where he was and what just happened, he thought we played some prank on him!?

09-10-2007, 04:45 PM
Some lady at starbucks had a packet that looked like a sugar packet but it said "Salvia" on it and had a picture of a salvia plant and asked them to put it in her latte :confused:

09-10-2007, 05:19 PM
Originally posted by st184
Im never touching that shit ever again.


09-10-2007, 05:38 PM
There some stuff about salvia in this thread


09-10-2007, 06:37 PM
I've done it a few times.
It fucks you up pretty bad for like 10 or 15 minutes, then your pretty much completely back to normal in like half an hour. But for that 10 or 15 minutes, it was pretty intense. It fucks you up way more than mush.

09-10-2007, 08:57 PM
That shit sounds scary hahha

09-10-2007, 09:00 PM
I think it all depends on what 'x' you get. because i smoked some shit but the high only lasted for like 10min and it just felt like i smoked a joint.:dunno:

09-10-2007, 09:08 PM
Fuck, get the 30X and smoke it, and you will know what its like. rock'd my fucking world.

09-10-2007, 09:32 PM
Did it a couple times, I thought it was super fun, I've never tried mush or anything of the likes before.
Everyone handles things differently, but most people I know have had pretty good experiences on it.
Worst case, you're high for like 20 min tops, just make sure you stay in a group. :dunno:

09-10-2007, 09:36 PM
it may only last 10-20mins but it can feel like a lifetime...its fucked

09-10-2007, 09:41 PM
buddies dad smoked it and said it was like he was traped in a bubble and he couldnt get out of it, and he tryed to rip it open but it kept streaching.

09-10-2007, 09:48 PM
my friend loves that stuff
got him drooling for the whole high..... in my car :guns:
i personal think its worth expermenting
P.s: this is the same some indians use to smoke to go on vision quest, so if you see bears,crows,rabbit,birds. or anthing else its normal, cause if u smoke enough you see many many things

09-10-2007, 09:51 PM
I don't see the point in doing it if you don't remember what happens in that 10-15 mins:dunno:
Some of my friends love that shit.

09-10-2007, 09:53 PM
most of the ppl i know that smoked it rem their trips. one girl i know thought she was a big brick wall once

09-10-2007, 09:54 PM
Originally posted by st184
Im never touching that shit ever again.


Way to crazy for something that can be bought at a bong shop. I tried the 25x and went nuts for about 10min and it took about an hour to figure out what happened. Very vivid hallucinations and loss of control.

09-10-2007, 11:46 PM
you definitely remember what happens in that 10-15 minutes, you just have no clue what's going on while its happening. The first time I did it I thought I was getting sucked into a hole in the ground that was behind my chair, and one of my friends thought he was a rubber duck on an assembly line.

09-11-2007, 12:02 AM
same here, done Acid, 2cb, 2ce, countless ammounts of shrooms and then salvia....salvia is the only one that scared me. total lack of control albeit it does only last 5 mins or so. but yeah. I watched a friend of mine "re-assemble" his face because when he would put his nose back on his eye would fall out then he'd put the eye back to only have his ears fall off. watched my living room turn into a giant paint by number. on another occasion my fingers were reaching the ceiling. crazy shit i refuse to do it again. the last time i tried it my cat jumped on me and i watched and felt him melt into my chest. this shit should be illegal....but yeah for those who want a crazy ass 5 minutes do it up....

I did it more times than i can count but the last time tripped me out way too much.

09-11-2007, 12:03 AM
Originally posted by buh_buh
you definitely remember what happens in that 10-15 minutes, you just have no clue what's going on while its happening. The first time I did it I thought I was getting sucked into a hole in the ground that was behind my chair, and one of my friends thought he was a rubber duck on an assembly line.

that getting sucked into a hole thing is quite common with salvia and kinda creepy and fun all at the same time. i felt like i was sinking into my couch once. and when my friends tried it outside on a bench they thought the bench was on quicksand hehe.

09-11-2007, 06:09 AM
If you take Salvia you are going to die, well it will feel like it.

Imagine your most intense mushroom trip, multiply that by 10 times, now you will peak and crash in about 3 minutes, thats SALVIA!

You really have to inhale it and keep it in your lungs for as long as you can to get the full effect. The high will last 2-3 minutes and then it'll take your mind/body about 10 minutes to get back to normal.

09-11-2007, 04:15 PM
Since people are saying their trips, my buddy's went like this, keep in mind the whole time we were just chilling around a campfire and there were tarps set up for the rain.

After he smoked it he said, we were all rolling around in the tarps, and it was bright and sunny day and we were all singing the happiest song he'd ever heard. Then all of sudden all of our skin started melting off into the tarps and becoming one.

And then when he came around he thought we played a joke on him, and he actually asked another guy how long it took to set that up....

09-11-2007, 04:24 PM
Why the hell would you want to do that? Sounds dumb as hell.

09-11-2007, 08:32 PM
Wow, alot of you guys had farrrrr more intense trips than I did, it was pretty low level for me. I just started walking backwards and didn't notice and ran around trying to pick up cars :rofl:

09-11-2007, 10:06 PM
Fun drug, I liked mush more.

I don't know about not remembering anything, cause I remembered my trip pretty good. I was sitting in my buddies car and everything turned into lego and then I started punching a lego alligator. It was fun.

I like mush because you kinda hallucinate but not nearly as intense. It is more mellow and I had a lot more fun.

12-06-2007, 07:41 PM
sorry to bump this old thread, but was wondering if anyone can recommend a place in calgarty where i can get quality salvia for reasonable price. I know I can get it on the internet, but would like to be able to just go somewhere and pick it up.

what can I expect to pay for it?


12-06-2007, 07:56 PM
Originally posted by nonlinear
sorry to bump this old thread, but was wondering if anyone can recommend a place in calgarty where i can get quality salvia for reasonable price. I know I can get it on the internet, but would like to be able to just go somewhere and pick it up.

what can I expect to pay for it?


The next level in bowness sell salvia they sell a 10X bag for like $23.00 and i'm not sure the price of the 20X they sell only 10 & 20X depending were in the city your are there is a next level in forestlawn aswell. Thats the only place i'v bought salvia from i know alot fo the hemp shops sell it but i don't have any experiance with any other place. good luck!

12-06-2007, 08:02 PM
i was fucked on it man i tryed to fight my friends evry one started to melt and i got pissed off and i forgot what happend after my body felt fucked and everythiong turned to puzzle

12-06-2007, 08:12 PM
It can be fun.
but i consider it blue caller crack.. more expensive then cocaine and lasts half as long.
One of my buddys smoked a bunch mixed with hash and he was completely fucked up haha. We were downstairs playing around on a beatpad and a keyboard and he was upstairs pretending to play the song on an air keyboard:rofl:

12-07-2007, 11:29 AM
I like to trick people by sneaking a bowls worth of Salvia into a weed session, man it FUCKS with people. I know im an ass but i love to laugh at people all messed up on Salvia. Me, i wont touch that shit ever again, but i buy it to see others loose all self control. Everybody allways think oh it wont fuck me up that bad, and they are the ones crying because they dont know whats going on. :poosie:

12-07-2007, 11:35 AM

12-07-2007, 11:35 AM
How the hell is this stuff legal?

12-07-2007, 11:41 AM
never tried it, but it sounds pretty crazy. i'll stick to mary jane.

12-07-2007, 11:45 AM
Originally posted by richardchan2002
How the hell is this stuff legal?

Yeah serious? Its crazy to think this stuff is legal but pot isent?
Pot is the only thing i will touch. Losing controll and tripping out that bad scares the crap out of me. Hearing what people go through in that short period of time its nuts! Id like to watch some one on it though lol.

12-07-2007, 11:46 AM
Originally posted by ashee
Some lady at starbucks had a packet that looked like a sugar packet but it said "Salvia" on it and had a picture of a salvia plant and asked them to put it in her latte :confused:

Uh, try Stevia. It's a sweetener. Reading > you.


12-07-2007, 12:21 PM
Originally posted by 01RedDX
^ Wow you're an asshole! Don't fuck with people's weed man, that's just wrong.

I just do it to good buddy's as a gag. I wouldnt pull this shit with people i dont know. :D

12-07-2007, 04:02 PM
how about a salvia inspired painting


what are the prices like for 30x?

12-07-2007, 04:07 PM
Originally posted by 3g4u
I like to trick people by sneaking a bowls worth of Salvia into a weed session, man it FUCKS with people. I know im an ass but i love to laugh at people all messed up on Salvia. Me, i wont touch that shit ever again, but i buy it to see others loose all self control. Everybody allways think oh it wont fuck me up that bad, and they are the ones crying because they dont know whats going on. :poosie:

Originally posted by 3g4u
I just do it to good buddy's as a gag. I wouldnt pull this shit with people i dont know. :D
If I was your friend and you did that to me, I would probably stab you to death. Nobody fucks with my weed.

12-07-2007, 04:44 PM
Originally posted by 3g4u
I like to trick people by sneaking a bowls worth of Salvia into a weed session, man it FUCKS with people. I know im an ass but i love to laugh at people all messed up on Salvia. Me, i wont touch that shit ever again, but i buy it to see others loose all self control. Everybody allways think oh it wont fuck me up that bad, and they are the ones crying because they dont know whats going on. :poosie:

ohh man. If you did that to me you would be in a wheelchair.
you = prick:thumbsdow
Thats something billy would do.. fuck.

12-07-2007, 05:12 PM
I love this website:

really in depth info on numerous drugs, including personal user experiences

12-07-2007, 05:22 PM

12-07-2007, 05:50 PM
So i guess im not invited over for the old Beyond 4:20 session then hey. :poosie: :D

12-07-2007, 06:02 PM
Originally posted by DALLEN

The next level in bowness sell salvia they sell a 10X bag for like $23.00 and i'm not sure the price of the 20X they sell only 10 & 20X depending were in the city your are there is a next level in forestlawn aswell. Thats the only place i'v bought salvia from i know alot fo the hemp shops sell it but i don't have any experiance with any other place. good luck!

Tropicana downtown you can get 30x. My buddy got some 40x once, i cant remember if it was from there or not. Anyways, i think 30x is like 30 or 35 bucks and it fucks you up huge.

You gotta be careful mixing it with anything, a while ago one of my friends decided itd be a good idea to drink big bear and smoke salvia, so since he bought it all, we did. After downing a bb we all went and smoked and as soon as i was done i ran inside, grabbed another bottle, and proceded to sit under the table and finish it in about 3 or 4 min, the whole while, swinging a pool cue at the legs of anyone who came too close to me. when i had finished that 40 i decided it was safe to get out form under the table, i took about three steps and saw a chessboard where i then pretty much had an 'alice in wonderland' trip. I remember the chessmen chasing me around. A friend who kindly videotaped the whole thing later showed me the video where i was standing and staring at the chessboard for about 5 min and i just kept saying "the pawn is fucked. i am the pawn"

When i levelled out later i went back and looked and saw that i had arranged the whole board so that one pawn was in a place to get killed by about ten other guys within one move.

Ive also had the usuals, falling off the earth, into a hole, and a delightful trip to candyland.:D

Anyways... watch out for it...

DJ Lazy
12-07-2007, 07:39 PM
Originally posted by ashee
Some lady at starbucks had a packet that looked like a sugar packet but it said "Salvia" on it and had a picture of a salvia plant and asked them to put it in her latte :confused:

It has a different effect when in a tea (or latte in her case). Much milder (depending on dose).

12-08-2007, 03:24 AM
Originally posted by blueripper6

Thats something billy would do.. fuck.

Hahahahahahahhahahahaa better than dried cum.

Anyways, ya to be honest I'm afraid to try this stuff. Imagine if you got so scared it was like being in hell on earth. It can change you for life man.

12-08-2007, 10:58 AM
yeah but if your in a good mindset it can be amazingly fun. although i had bad trips on it i also had good ones. It is fun when controlled

12-08-2007, 01:19 PM
Originally posted by TVG

Hahahahahahahhahahahaa better than dried cum.

Anyways, ya to be honest I'm afraid to try this stuff. Imagine if you got so scared it was like being in hell on earth. It can change you for life man.


12-10-2007, 01:03 PM




They look so cool!!! hahahahaha

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

12-10-2007, 01:20 PM
Originally posted by ScottysZ

Ive also had the usuals, falling off the earth, into a hole, and a delightful trip to candyland.:D


was it something like Homer's dream? :rofl:

12-10-2007, 01:33 PM
blueripper6: Are you nuts? Salvia is cheap cheap cheap. Cheaper than weed, and BY FAR cheaper than coke.

How it isn't government controlled, I don't know.

I actually recently bought some dried leaves, but it had no effect. Now I'm stuck with an ounce of the stuff. Any takers? :)

12-10-2007, 03:37 PM
Originally posted by Splooge

was it something like Homer's dream? :rofl:
Actually more like just a trip into a board game. :D

Originally posted by Kloubek
blueripper6: Are you nuts? Salvia is cheap cheap cheap. Cheaper than weed, and BY FAR cheaper than coke.

How it isn't government controlled, I don't know.

I actually recently bought some dried leaves, but it had no effect. Now I'm stuck with an ounce of the stuff. Any takers? :)
The leaves dont do shit, you have to get the extract. Leaves are stupid cheap, but thats cause theyre useless. A buddy of mine smoked 8 bowls and all that happened is he saw some weird colors. The extract (which is what you need) is like ~20-40 bucks a gram or so, depending on potency, and one hit will fuck you right up.
As for it being legal, its SUPPOSED to be a meditation drug, youre supposed to burn it like incense, the package says do not consume. So id guess in that respect its like anything else that you could get high off of by using it for any reason other than its intended purpose.:dunno: Still kinda surprising anyways though...

12-10-2007, 04:52 PM
100X is in existence as I had ordered some back in New Brunswick. It was called elephant killer and we mixed it with some 40X to kinda dim it down a bit so as to not take a whole bowl full of 100x. It was the most intense scary and exciting thing at the same time. but watching my cat melt into my torso was extremely terrifying.

12-11-2007, 12:29 AM

How about this. If you're too much of a pussy to try real weed or other drugs then don't waste your time with the "legal" stuff.

What ever happened to people doing coke with strippers?

12-11-2007, 12:23 PM
Originally posted by kerry

How about this. If you're too much of a pussy to try real weed or other drugs then don't waste your time with the "legal" stuff.

What ever happened to people doing coke with strippers?

Salvia is more intense than any "real" drug ive ever done... then again, ive never done coke with strippers...

12-11-2007, 12:52 PM
Yea.. my friend was telling me about this stuff. He smoked God knows how much; was higher than a kite yet he decided it was ok to drive. He said he would never ever do it again... :)

12-11-2007, 04:25 PM
Originally posted by Palmiros
Yea.. my friend was telling me about this stuff. He smoked God knows how much; was higher than a kite yet he decided it was ok to drive. He said he would never ever do it again... :)

no matter how much he smoked he should of been alright to drive in no more than half an hour after. high is 5 minutes aprox. and you feel funny about half an hour.

and to those who think this drug is a joke it's not. Not to sound like a douche and i'm not proud of my past but I was addicted to meth and coke for 4 years and did all the other drugs you can think of, such as acid, 2cb, shrooms, dxm, pcp, mescaline and some others and still salvia is the one I have the least control on. It's a complete mind fuck you have zero control until the high wears off and it comes on like a fuckin locomotive at top speed. one second your fine and the next your falling down the rabbit hole.

I seriously would say to anyone wanting to try it, have a sitter there with you that will not talk to you other than to try to calm you down, don't have any sharp or dangerous objects near by and only do it if your in a completely happy and relaxed mind set.

And never around a shit load of drunk people ever since people will try to fuck with you and this is not one of those drugs where you are still in touch with reality.

a social dsease
12-11-2007, 08:40 PM
I smoked about 0.25 grams (close to a whole bowl) of 30x in a triple bong with weed under it in one hoot, most intense trip ever. We did it outside, on a giant hillside, which was a bad idea because Salvia fucks with your perception of gravity. I remember holding onto the bench with all my might to avoid being dragged down the hill. I felt like I was in outer space and I was a liquid being poured off the edge of the universe, and some other fucked up shit. Oh and it definitely last over an hour, and I wasn't fully sober for a couple hours.
Done small amounts before and it was like how everyone else described it, and about 15 mins, but this was something else. I would do it again, but not that big of a hoot.

12-11-2007, 08:46 PM
lol its pretty funny to watch people talk when there tripping on it.