View Full Version : Amsterdam Rhino

09-16-2007, 01:45 AM
So I'm curious, I goto a shit hole dirty bar with no service tonight called the "Amsterdam Rhino". It's a square bar with barely any seats. The music is terrible, it's full of people who think they are better than you. The part that makes me sick to my stomach is people actually wait hours to get into this "square".

So the 2 question are..
Are they on drugs or is this a gang bar?
How do I take a square and make millions of dollars a year?

Anyways if you are a normal person do not go there!

09-16-2007, 02:23 AM
:werd: went there tonight....saw the line and left.

what a waste of space

09-16-2007, 02:49 AM
hahaha i was supposed to go tonight...good thing i didnt.

09-16-2007, 03:16 AM
hahah same here man, i guess i'll never go there now

Originally posted by soupey
hahaha i was supposed to go tonight...good thing i didnt.

09-16-2007, 11:35 AM
To make money, you take a barn, place it in downtown near alot of parking spaces, offer cheap cheap drink specials and watch the money flow.

Cowboys was the shittiest club ever but everyone went to it cause you could wear flip flops(no im not gay) and get drunk for 10 bux.

09-16-2007, 11:42 AM
Last time i went Rhino had great music. Old school hip hop and funk is great imo. Only thing that sucks about the place is that its not very well ventilated. It was very hot and it was like i was chillin in a sauna the whole night.

And maybe you think that everyone thinks that they are better than you cause i didnt have a problem when i went.

09-16-2007, 12:02 PM
go to Broken City instead! It's right next door to rhino and it's waaaaaay funner!

09-16-2007, 12:07 PM
I went there once and I must agree..i got f'in ridiculous serice from the bartenders. I thought it was just that I was asian:dunno: ...considering that almost everyone in there was white.

09-16-2007, 02:26 PM
Was there last night and a buddy of mine got kicked out for puking. Not on the floor.. in the bathroom.

Pretty weird, never heard of someone getting kicked out for that.
So he pays off the bouncer at the back door to get in again, and then he got kicked out again 5 mins later by the first bouncer that kicked him out in the first place. Hahah.

But yeah, it's hot as hell in there.

I miss the Palace.

09-16-2007, 02:40 PM
You always are asked to leave a night club if you are puking. No matter where you are doing it. Just a fact. I went there once. Downstairs was all techno and up stairs who knows, terrible music. Service was aweful and honestly i thought it was a gay bar because i saw zero girls and almost every guy that walked past me gave me creepy looks. i only spent a whole 20 minutes there, so My opinion is a little hazed. But it was not a place i will ever go back to.

Not to mention being a bouncer there would be solid. Since they collect all of the "cover" money!

09-16-2007, 02:40 PM
Any place will kick you out for puking no matter where it ends up, toilet or floor.

The reason why its so hot in there and many other clubs is that they turn on the heating(yes heating) so that people get all hot and purchase drinks to cool them down.

***You didnt hear that from me***

09-16-2007, 02:45 PM
gotta love that smelly ass basement there..

09-16-2007, 02:50 PM
man am I out of the loop.. from the title I thought this was another thread about weed.

09-16-2007, 02:58 PM
the downstairs smells like a sweatshop, fken sick there, i've only been once and probably wouldn't go back unless it's a special occasion.

i think there is 2 different nights on the weekends(for alot of other bars too, like whiskey),

one is teenie boppers/just turned 18ish

and +35 night, where the guys stand in one corner and the girls are in a circle on the dance floor, elementary school all over again.

lol (http://youtube.com/watch?v=7rwS0K8oxgo)

need more diversity in clubs in this city.

09-16-2007, 03:54 PM
I dunno then...Maybe I just don't party enough.
I remember back in the old Palace I puked up right in front of a bouncer once, and he let me go as long as I promised to have water in my hand every time he saw me for the rest of the night. Hahah.

09-16-2007, 05:26 PM
Originally posted by svtlight
So I'm curious, I goto a shit hole dirty bar with no service tonight called the "Amsterdam Rhino". It's a square bar with barely any seats. The music is terrible, it's full of people who think they are better than you. The part that makes me sick to my stomach is people actually wait hours to get into this "square".

So the 2 question are..
Are they on drugs or is this a gang bar?
How do I take a square and make millions of dollars a year?

Anyways if you are a normal person do not go there!

Amsterdam Rhino's has always been good everytime I have been there on a Saturday. Yeah the line-ups are long but hey if you want to party late then you've got to wait :rofl: ..besides the music there is awesome on Saturday's..always old school hip hop and that's the best music there is in this city.. unless you're part of the crowd that belongs to Crack Alley then yeah..this place is obviously not for you and service?? Walk up to the bar and grab your drink.. why wait for it? And man..I always get good vibes when I'm there.. maybe it's because you're not a gangster :rolleyes:

09-16-2007, 05:50 PM
Originally posted by defekt1

Amsterdam Rhino's has always been good everytime I have been there on a Saturday. Yeah the line-ups are long but hey if you want to party late then you've got to wait :rofl: ..besides the music there is awesome on Saturday's..always old school hip hop and that's the best music there is in this city.. unless you're part of the crowd that belongs to Crack Alley then yeah..this place is obviously not for you and service?? Walk up to the bar and grab your drink.. why wait for it? And man..I always get good vibes when I'm there.. maybe it's because you're not a gangster :rolleyes:

heh ya...i've always had a blast there...i use to go there every saturday for a couple months straight...the only thing i couldnt stand about that place is how hot it gets.

never had a problem with the service there, always great beats bumpin' ya. i always went early to, to avoid that chaotic line up they have.

09-16-2007, 06:02 PM
Yeah, I have a good time there usually. I go early, get a stamp and then go to lounges and come back when it is busier and skip the line.

09-16-2007, 06:13 PM
Originally posted by svtlight
So I'm curious, I goto a shit hole dirty bar with no service tonight called the "Amsterdam Rhino". It's a square bar with barely any seats. The music is terrible, it's full of people who think they are better than you. The part that makes me sick to my stomach is people actually wait hours to get into this "square".

So the 2 question are..
Are they on drugs or is this a gang bar?
How do I take a square and make millions of dollars a year?

Anyways if you are a normal person do not go there!

were these the guys?



09-16-2007, 07:11 PM
service is good here, it just takes forever to get a drink here, the downstairs did smell like total shit but they fixed it the last time I went there, I like the music here, decent place not the best but not the worst.

Went to Broken City, one of the gayest experiences ever, I kept getting hit on by some guy and there was this chick in spandex with backne on the dance floor.

09-16-2007, 07:15 PM
So I'm curious, I goto a shit hole dirty bar with no service tonight called the "Amsterdam Rhino". It's a square bar with barely any seats. The music is terrible, it's full of people who think they are better than you. The part that makes me sick to my stomach is people actually wait hours to get into this "square".

Someone got DE-NYED!!! its a good place with great music, its too bad you got a bad rep from it. Go there Friday nights it has greeat music. and a not TOOO bad croud although some of the ladies are full of themselves.

09-16-2007, 08:26 PM
Originally posted by jdm_eg6

Someone got DE-NYED!!! its a good place with great music, its too bad you got a bad rep from it. Go there Friday nights it has greeat music. and a not TOOO bad croud although some of the ladies are full of themselves.

Yeah I always have a blast down there. The basement is a little rough sometimes BUT on Saturday the music in the basement is awesome. I would have to agree with the stuck up ladies... a lot of them think they are all that and shit.

09-16-2007, 09:51 PM
I dig the basement at the rhino. Upstairs is good too, i like the "patio" area.

09-16-2007, 10:10 PM
I don't mind Amsterdam Rhino.
I've never not had a good time there.

DJ Lazy
09-17-2007, 06:46 AM
Originally posted by Primer_Drift
man am I out of the loop.. from the title I thought this was another thread about weed.


09-17-2007, 06:55 AM
Originally posted by MintRacer
gotta love that smelly ass basement there..

:werd: Smells like dirty feet, fuggin sick.

I went there once and don't have any desire to go back, total POS

EK 2.0
09-17-2007, 07:09 AM
Originally posted by IntegraG2
Last time i went Rhino had great music. Old school hip hop and funk is great imo. Only thing that sucks about the place is that its not very well ventilated. It was very hot and it was like i was chillin in a sauna the whole night.

And maybe you think that everyone thinks that they are better than you cause i didnt have a problem when i went.

I have the same experiences as Les. I think the Rhino is great, you can wear sneakers and hoodies. It's a blast every time I go. I just hate the Sauna feeling as well.

And they have this one waitress/server chick...whoooooo....:love:

09-17-2007, 06:02 PM
Been there a few times, the music is really good but...

Originally posted by svtlight
it's full of people who think they are better than you.
and it takes 20 min to get a drink at the bar. Fuuuuuuuck that.
I usually end up leaving and going to bottlescrew bills :thumbsup:

09-17-2007, 08:34 PM
To the OP...you think it's bad now? You definitely would have not liked it when it was called The Fox. Oh the memories at the Fox downtown...

Anywho...the Amsterdam Rhino is so much fun on Saturdays when I went back in winter. Don't like the line? Show up early. The hip-hop upstairs is fantastic! It's too bad the OP got a bad experience from the place.

09-17-2007, 08:56 PM
Originally posted by thrasher22
Been there a few times, the music is really good but...

and it takes 20 min to get a drink at the bar. Fuuuuuuuck that.
I usually end up leaving and going to bottlescrew bills :thumbsup:

It probably takes you 20 min to get a drink at the bar either because:

A) You're a shitty tipper and the tenders won't serve you.
B) You don't know how to order a drink at a bar.
C) You're ugly as sin and shouldn't be in there? :dunno: J/K

Or any combination of the three. When I go it takes me 2 minutes at most to get a drink, but I also tip well. They will serve guys that are going to tip them for their service and not the cheap fucks that take their drink and peace. Although it is a little faster there for me as the bartenders there pretty well got me memorized cause its the same drink combo every time. Two Jagger Bombs and a bottle of Kokanee! :D

I REALLY agree with EK on the one that it is slack. They say there is a dress code but half the time I'm in my skate shoes and a hoodie. It does get pretty hot in there, but where is it not?

09-17-2007, 09:30 PM
my friends wanted to check this place out a week ago, glad we didn't go by these reviews.

09-17-2007, 10:06 PM
Originally posted by buh_buh
I don't mind Amsterdam Rhino.
I've never not had a good time there.


the last month has been long ass lineups though. disoriental plays wicked music.

09-17-2007, 10:14 PM
Originally posted by Spoons

It probably takes you 20 min to get a drink at the bar either because:

A) You're a shitty tipper and the tenders won't serve you.
B) You don't know how to order a drink at a bar.
C) You're ugly as sin and shouldn't be in there? :dunno: J/K

Or any combination of the three. When I go it takes me 2 minutes at most to get a drink, but I also tip well. They will serve guys that are going to tip them for their service and not the cheap fucks that take their drink and peace. Although it is a little faster there for me as the bartenders there pretty well got me memorized cause its the same drink combo every time. Two Jagger Bombs and a bottle of Kokanee! :D

I REALLY agree with EK on the one that it is slack. They say there is a dress code but half the time I'm in my skate shoes and a hoodie. It does get pretty hot in there, but where is it not?

Actually the majority of the time I've been there I've had the same problem, sometimes I can get drinks in 3 minute and sometimes I have to wait 10 or even 15.

And I'm also not a cheapass who doesn't tip, I usually tip 50%, last time I was there I was being served by this asian bartender who shaked my hand after I gave him 60 on a 40 dollar bill. Later on he got taken off the bar cuz he was too drunk lol.

09-17-2007, 10:19 PM
honestly though a main topic in this discussion is their line up...if you dont like the line, dont go or go early. i know if its 1130 on saturday and im wanting to go there...ill either a) not go or b) wait it out till 1 and go somewhere else in the meantime.

ya if i go at 1 thats only like 1.5hr of partying in there, but its like $5 cover. not a big deal.

and same here i've never had a problem with ordering drinks. squeeze your way up to the front slowly. i usually have a $20 bill in my hand, wave a bartender down and get my drinks within minutes.

and honestly ive never had a problem with the smell there (downstairs) ... im usually really drunk though and everything just smells like alcohol to me.

09-17-2007, 10:21 PM
the smell downstairs actually used to be fucked up it smelt like puke and sweat, this was the first two times I was there, the last two times I went there the smell was fixed.

09-17-2007, 10:24 PM
Originally posted by l/l/rX
i usually have a $20 bill in my hand, wave a bartender down and get my drinks within minutes.

And that's how you do it. So many people think you just wave... They will serve you a lot faster if you wave cash in their faces!

09-17-2007, 10:45 PM
ive always had a good time there on fridays get there early for free cover get stamped. then go chill other places and come back to some
Dirty Electro not bad if you ask me

and as forr the service, yea a few of the bartenders are total dicks but ive never had a problem waiting more then 2 3 min to get a drink there

09-17-2007, 10:49 PM
For all the people bad-mouthing the rhino and music. I would like to know what your typical pub/club/bar selection is. It's possible the "scene" at the rhino just isn't for you...

I know I walked in there a few Saturdays ago and it was about 75% chiquita's... I left because the music sucked... hahah just kiddin' geeze, what do you think I did.....

09-17-2007, 10:51 PM
Plus this isnt a club to go to to dance with girls or "grind" with them. At least not on fridays, its more just to go rock out on the dance floor by yur self

09-17-2007, 11:25 PM
amsterdam rhino is alright place.

its not as bad as some people think gets pretty fun, although i like to go to fuel more.

09-17-2007, 11:34 PM
does waving a $50 or $100 get you more attention than a $20? i'm no wannabe but i just get ignored all the time!! lol

09-18-2007, 12:52 AM
i hate that place!
music is horrible!
first time i went was the last time im going there!!:banghead:

09-18-2007, 09:41 AM
This place BLOWS. the first and last time i went i was with 5 buddys and we waited like an hour to get in, which i could understand being busy and all, so i get in and start waiting for a drink at the bar, so after watching the bartender get drunk with some whore waitress for about 30min while knowing i was there i finally decide to ask if i could get a drink, so i guess the bartender didnt like my attitude, decides to be a tough guy (all drunk) and comes running around the bar and gets right up in my face yelling at me to leave. My friends didnt like that and it pretty much escalated to a fight, all becasue i asked for a drink. Stay away form this bullshit bar. Funny thing is i allways used to bring clients and fellow workers to their restaurant (red door bistro) and spend countless $ there. I went in the next monday for lunch and explained that nobody i know will be comming into this restaurant and that my buddys business will be chaning their corporate x-mas party elswhere. I know its not much of a threat but i gurantee you they lost at least 20 regulars at their restarurant.

09-18-2007, 10:11 AM
^ I'm sure there is more to that story than you're posting...

Always had a good time at A.D., but would rather go next door to Broken City :clap:

09-18-2007, 10:49 AM
Nope no more to that story at all. Hence why i wont go anymore.

09-18-2007, 02:03 PM
was the bartender a asian guy?

09-18-2007, 02:29 PM
my buddies and i used to go there every saturday and eventually got vip cuz we spent a lot and tipped well. i dont mind the music, except when you go every weekend, the music gets old (no pun intended since it was old skool hip hop). after some time it seemed like he only had 1 set as i heard the same songs week after week. a little exageration but ye

09-18-2007, 02:54 PM
Originally posted by MintRacer
gotta love that smelly ass basement there..

werd the downstairs area smells like ass...

but there was this HOT ass coat check lady once

09-18-2007, 04:27 PM
Originally posted by gatorade
was the bartender a asian guy?

The asian bartender serves me the fastest (and no it's not cause I'm asian too, I'm white). People don't realize it is not going to be fast service. Normally I do get fast service, but maybe I'm just lucky? There is a bar downstairs too, and its usually not busy at all. Go down there, get a drink, and go back upstairs if you want.

09-18-2007, 05:33 PM
asian guy serves me the best too, he even shook my hand after I tipped, but he was soo wasted he forgot my drinks and then when he gave me them he gave me the wrong drinks lol

09-19-2007, 09:15 AM
No the bartender was white. I wouldnt mess with no asians.:D

09-19-2007, 12:11 PM
I'm going this Friday to Rhino for the first time, does anyone know what music do they play on Fridays and is it possible to bboy there?

09-19-2007, 01:23 PM
its house music...bboy wont be happening unless if you can bboy to house

09-19-2007, 03:49 PM
I have no clue how well you could Bboy in there anyways though? :dunno: Not a lot of space for that shit.

09-19-2007, 05:32 PM
I don't mind breaking in a tight space, it's not like I'm gonna huck some crazy at the club while i'm tipsy...it's the tunes that matter to me. I just thought it was cool that someone mentioned to me they saw people breaking there, so I assumed there would be somewhat of a space to bust.

If it's true they play house music on Fridays, I think it's gonna be another night at the Cherry. Oh well.

09-19-2007, 05:34 PM
you sometimes get lil circles forming dead smack in the middle of the dance floor where you get some breakers n hip hop dancers showing off their stuff which is pretty cool to see/ watch.

09-20-2007, 10:27 AM
if you wanna bboy, go on saturdays. for a while (dont know if it's still in effect, but i've never been stopped) they would break up circles and then kick you out if you kept breaking. from what i heard, someone got kicked in the face or something. so ye, drunk + power moves = bad idea lol

09-20-2007, 05:22 PM
^you break? My buddy was saying he got kicked in the face at Rhino when someone was bboying, so maybe that was him. I'll go one of these Saturdays to check it out.

09-20-2007, 06:36 PM
fridays is more dirty electro.
pretty sweet shit.

what is the broken city like.? wut music they play?

09-28-2007, 01:16 PM
Originally posted by bonnieclyde240
^you break? My buddy was saying he got kicked in the face at Rhino when someone was bboying, so maybe that was him. I'll go one of these Saturdays to check it out. no i dont really anymore, i used to years ago. i still find dancing as a passion and would like to get back into it, just not fit enough for it anymore lol. but some stuff, you just never forget. but ye, might be going to amsterdam this saturday in the longest time.

09-28-2007, 08:04 PM
I don't know why you would go to a club to break though. Too crowded and if I got kicked in the face I would be fucking pissed.

But I'm headed there tonight :D

09-28-2007, 11:03 PM

09-30-2007, 01:42 AM
Originally posted by 01RedDX

All kinds of live music I think.

Well on Friday they play some electronic upstairs... not really sure what to call it. It definably isn't my favorite. Saturdays is easily the best day cause they play old school hip hop and funk. It's pretty tight.

11-12-2007, 04:09 PM
Originally posted by elesdee
go to Broken City instead! It's right next door to rhino and it's waaaaaay funner!

haha stood in line for that place once... never seen so many emo's in my life. a girl standing in line behind me tried to steal my wallet too... so after i gave her a peice of my mind i left.

11-12-2007, 07:28 PM
was at this place on saturday and the music was horrible, sounded like the same beat all night long with diffrent words