View Full Version : Thanks for breaking into my car.. even though the jeep beside me had no doors

09-19-2007, 06:04 PM
So this is just my rant to get it all out... i go to hockey last night and come out to my car and go to get in to find Shit every where in my car and mud/dirt.. i look and my wallet/phone is gone but yet they leave my $600 radar detector?? i normally never keep wallet or phone in the car but at hockey stuff gets stolen out of the dressing rooms all the time so thats the only reason it was in there... and why my car? looking in it there is nothing laying out.. i have a facotry deck and every thing.. and yet there was a Jeep beside me with no doors and he still had all his stuff in it??

And lastly...So i get home just pissed of and right away call my cell phone, and this kid picks up and naturally i went off on him for a min or two... then when i stoped to take a breath he says

"it wasnt me, i dont know whats going on... this phone was ringing in my house so i picked it up.. my buddies just got here and are in the garage working on my mustang, ill go ask them whos phone this is then call me back in 2 min..." then hung up

so i try to call back and obviously they turned it off and so just had it cancled... but the dumb fuck used my visa to get gas as a Esso and went to 7/11 so the cops are getting his plate number from the video tape once i confirm with visa the time it was used i really didnt loose out much on this as i got every thing replaced i would how ever love to laugh in his face if he gets caught... maybe some money for the damages tooo? i dought the money part but any way im done my rant... and for any dumb punks out who do this shit... get a reall job and stop fucking ruining other peoples shit just cuz your going no were in life and plan to be a Ggggg-unit for life..

oh and he says he lives in Panorama?? could be fake i dont know.. ahah but if you know of some one who you think seems to be the kind to break into cars and lives in panorama and has a mustang let me know ahah i know long long long shot but hey you never know

09-19-2007, 06:07 PM
I feel for you man, in July at hockey my car got broken into as well. This didnt happen to be at the arena in erin woods was it?

09-19-2007, 06:12 PM
Originally posted by MilanoRedTeg
I feel for you man, in July at hockey my car got broken into as well. This didnt happen to be at the arena in erin woods was it?

nope this was Henry Viney.. just of 16th ave and down from Peters Drive in... the cops that came to my house though said it sounds like some one who new of me or my car... and the funny thing is just like 3 days ago my next door neightbour had her integra stolen and there was evidence they attempted to steal mine but never did... and now this... 3 days later? also it was the same 2 cops who came when my neighbours car was stolen

09-19-2007, 07:01 PM
shiet sorry to hear freeborn.

just heard of this from katelyn at school.

hopefully they catch these bitches.

09-19-2007, 07:02 PM
Originally posted by GQBalla
shiet sorry to hear freeborn.
just heard of this from katelyn at school.
hopefully they catch these bitches.

yea same here.. and the cops said they might get me to look at the security tape to see if i know them or any thing.. so i will definatly be remembering the licence plate for my own knowledge later on :P

09-19-2007, 10:26 PM
shit dude sorrry to hearr!! :guns:

09-20-2007, 01:04 AM
Welcome to this weeks version of the "We got fucked over by lowlifes" club. See my thread to understand.....

09-20-2007, 02:41 PM
I feel for you man. Idiots tried to exploit the lock vulnerability on my Mazda3 yesterday. Left a nice big dent on my door even though there's the sticker from the dealership indicating the counter measure was installed. I guess the idiot is illiterate, but then again Mazda could have made more official looking stickers. Anyways, I hope he shat his pants and got a lot of dirty looks when both my alarms were blaring at him. Pisses me off how these lowlife can't make anything of themselves and have to resort to taking from people who work to get what they have.

09-20-2007, 02:48 PM
I hope for your sake and mine they catch these guys!
My car was broken into a few days ago at Market Mall and they jacked a lot of stuff, including my brand new laptop and other electronic goodies. Another car at Market was broken into as well.

Cops told us there has been a lot of breakins lately in the NW and they think its the same people. Our drivers side window was smashed and they jsut grabbed what they could out of the back. Is that how they broke into your car?

When you called them and they picked up, can't the cops trace the signal to where it came from?

09-20-2007, 03:00 PM
Originally posted by anarchy
When you called them and they picked up, can't the cops trace the signal to where it came from?

Maybe if your cop was named Jack and his best friend back at headquarters was named Chloe... and, of course, if there was an open socket on the network.

What can you do though... there will always be skids out there. Just be happy you're going home to a warm bed and (hopefully) he's going home to a drunk dad who will beat the living shit out of him before finishing up on the rest of the white/brown/asian/native trash family.

09-20-2007, 05:24 PM
Sucks dude, i remember when I was playing hockey all our shit would get thrown around the dressing room and our wallets would get taken, you can probably catch these kids easily I mean there was a jeep with no doors next to it.

09-20-2007, 06:19 PM
Originally posted by anarchy
I hope for your sake and mine they catch these guys!
My car was broken into a few days ago at Market Mall and they jacked a lot of stuff, including my brand new laptop and other electronic goodies. Another car at Market was broken into as well.
Cops told us there has been a lot of breakins lately in the NW and they think its the same people. Our drivers side window was smashed and they jsut grabbed what they could out of the back. Is that how they broke into your car?
When you called them and they picked up, can't the cops trace the signal to where it came from?

i was lucky and they didnt break windows they just went threw the key hole with what looks to be a flat blade... only damge is the key hole is screwed and the door is bent a bit from it...
and yea i forgot to ask the cops about that if they can trace it... im sure they can.. and i was on the phone with him for a good 3-4minutes too.. ill ask the cops on saturday.. these cops were really good to.. but then i know them as they were at my place 3 days either from my neighbours car (which they found) and they are by my place pretty well every other night for stolen/broken into cars

Originally posted by mark4091
Sucks dude, i remember when I was playing hockey all our shit would get thrown around the dressing room and our wallets would get taken, you can probably catch these kids easily I mean there was a jeep with no doors next to it.

yea thats the thing that sucks about hockey is your stuff isnt safe any where... but yea cops said chances are really good they will get him as they were stupid enough to use my visa at a Esso gas station at the pumps which always have a camera pointed at the back of the car for the plate...

09-21-2007, 09:43 AM
this is why I don't go to the NE :thumbsdow

09-21-2007, 12:42 PM
Ok now why leave everything in site? This just invites them. Hell I dont even lock the doors on my 60,000 dollar truck. If they wanna open er up and look around go for it. Lock the dressing room door at hockey, they all have locks.

09-21-2007, 12:49 PM
Originally posted by anarchy
I hope for your sake and mine they catch these guys!
My car was broken into a few days ago at Market Mall and they jacked a lot of stuff, including my brand new laptop and other electronic goodies. Another car at Market was broken into as well.

Cops told us there has been a lot of breakins lately in the NW and they think its the same people. Our drivers side window was smashed and they jsut grabbed what they could out of the back. Is that how they broke into your car?

When you called them and they picked up, can't the cops trace the signal to where it came from?

fucking nw

09-22-2007, 11:11 AM
Originally posted by SJW
Ok now why leave everything in site? This just invites them. Hell I dont even lock the doors on my 60,000 dollar truck. If they wanna open er up and look around go for it. Lock the dressing room door at hockey, they all have locks.

i had nothing visable... i litterly dont have any thing in my car even in the glove box normally not even CD's my car is empty... but just happend that i kept the phone and wallet in that night as its try outs and guys are in and out of the rooms all night coming on and off the ice so no doors are normally locked and i have had LOTS of stuff taken from the rooms so its like a loose loose situation there

09-22-2007, 11:57 AM
Originally posted by Freebs
its like a loose loose situation there

:rofl: :rofl:

09-22-2007, 06:20 PM
Originally posted by dimi

:rofl: :rofl:

bahahahah i didnt even see that i put it as loose ahaha

oh well im keeping it like that..

09-22-2007, 06:49 PM
Looks like it's time for the old razorblade deterrent trick again...
Asses of the world ruining other peoples shit.
I love that he answered the phone though, that is classic MIT material there...:rofl: :rofl: :guns:

09-22-2007, 06:51 PM
Originally posted by Revhard
Looks like it's time for the old razorblade deterrent trick again...
Asses of the world ruining other peoples shit.
I love that he answered the phone though, that is classic MIT material there...:rofl: :rofl: :guns:

ahah oh the razor under the handle trick? yea trust me i have thought about it lol im not worried about it being take as with me security set up its physically impossible but the razor under the handle would be nice :P

ahah yea and the answer i got when he picked up was "it wasnt me"