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View Full Version : Airsoft: Ammo

07-29-2002, 12:50 AM
Anyone need a bit of ammo? I have a few 400rd containers kicking around from my airsoft days...what are they worth to ya?

07-29-2002, 01:30 AM
I will buy that one gun Benny... for real... the one that's not taped up! :D


07-29-2002, 01:45 AM
I have a few Airsoft guns, which shoot little plastic bb's...the taped up one is my RWS Beretta92 .177 Pellet gun, which i was an ass and broke the sight off camping, but the replacement is on order...

07-29-2002, 01:48 AM

07-29-2002, 08:36 AM
Is there BBs inside? 3000 rds cost around 25-30 bucks. so you can estimate a price from that.

07-29-2002, 02:58 PM
Do they hurt people? :thumbsup:

07-29-2002, 03:05 PM
if not held / store / use responsabily anything can hurt ppl heh.

Try shooting one at someone's lip/ear. New meaning to pain.

Audi Kid
07-29-2002, 03:10 PM

07-29-2002, 03:17 PM
I got shot all the time when I was younger. My neighbour would hide behind cars and shoot me when I was just outside playing. He also shot my sister's friend in the head (Almost near the temple). He is lucky.

07-29-2002, 05:47 PM
Yeah, I got shot in the lip and it left a blood blister for 3 weeks...Damn Gas Guns at 8 feet

07-29-2002, 07:57 PM
What kinda hookups do you guys have for parts and stuff? :) I need a slide for an old WA :|

07-29-2002, 08:02 PM
How much are the guns? Is there any Co2 compression?

07-29-2002, 08:19 PM
Depends on how much you wanna spend :D Goes from ~$50 for spring action pistols, to ~600 for fully automatic electric rifles.
Then there's upgrades, accessories and stuff... :p
Most guns these days don't run on CO2 (some rifles used to, but they're very rare, and very expensive if you find one.) Pistols are generally run on HFC134a, which is really just the stuff in those computer duster cans (really, :) tetraflouroethane = HFC134a), and most SMGs and rifles are electric.
Check out http://www.911-toys.com/airsoft.php for a local source, if you're interested, and http://www.ucalgary.ca/~airsoft/UCAC_New/aboutAirsoft.html for some more detailed info :)

07-29-2002, 08:46 PM
Thanks :)

They look so real.

My buddy had a CO2 gun and it was crazy. Desert Eagle. So nice.