View Full Version : ATTN Musicians! Q about Long & Macquede.

10-04-2007, 07:58 PM
Just a quick question. I live out of town, so I'd like it to be confirmed before I make the trip up on Saturday to purchase some new gear. I will be calling tomorow anyways, however if someone can respond now, that would be rad.

I am in the need of new bass gear. Head & cab to be exact.
I have been looking at Gallein and Krueger

Does Long & Mac carry this brand?
Seems to blow Ampeg out of the water.

Been looking at the "Artists" series.

The 700RB-II head
410RBH cabinet.

Not sure on what the prices is for these.
But if anyone has info, that would be great.

Looking to spend about ~$1500 for a set up. As well as picking up a Korg stack tuner (forget the model series, but its available at Axe Music for $200)

Anyone care to help?

10-04-2007, 08:02 PM
I guess even the Neo 1001/212 combo series from "Artist" series.

Anyone mind helpin out? :D

10-04-2007, 09:00 PM
I know next to nothing about bass gear except that Ampeg is supposed to be the shit.
L&M carries G&K but I've never seen any of their stuff on the floor, and I don't think it is very reasonable to want to get a decent bass setup for $1500. If you could get something that could compete with one of my amps in volume for less then I spend on just the head, I would be super jealous :D

10-04-2007, 10:30 PM
Friend just purchased his 4x10 G&K Cab for $700. Along with his Ampeg head which cost him $800.

All of our shows are mic'd anyways, no need to spend a gross amount of money. Besides, the 8x10 ampeg (which every bass player usually uses) only costs $1100. The head that matches it is $1000.
Thats a grand total of $2100 on a set up to last you the rest of your lifetime, if Ampeg is what you choose.

Hell I could take my 2x12 practice amp on stage if I wanted to and it could fill the sound of the Saddledome, I just want something a little more..legit haha.