View Full Version : Food Poisoning

10-10-2007, 10:15 PM
Is it true that you have a higher chance of getting food poisoning from cooked meat than raw fish?

10-11-2007, 02:49 AM
Google your question and you will get a bunch of scientific articles which will talk about the issue. Basically the issue is the types of bacteria present on normal meat vs fish and the associated procedures that the fish/meat go through in terms of processing/packaging/storage/preperation etc.

For example, with raw fish there is a definite risk of being exposed to round worms and such while with other types of meat you can be exposed to things like E Coli/salmonella etc. There are obviously risks associated with eating meat AND fish but in the case of raw fish you are just looking at a different group of risk factors.

I'd explain it in detail but its like 5am right now and I hate microbiology with a passion after having to write possibly one of the hardest final exams I have ever seen on it last semester.

Again, Google brought up a lot of interesting articles on the risks associated with eating raw fish vs eating meat.

10-11-2007, 06:39 PM

10-12-2007, 11:44 AM
Originally posted by urban.one
The other issue is that for the average person raw fish thats gone bad is easier to identify than bad meat thats been cooked.

If your sushi stinks or looks funny colors or texture then you may have a hint its bad.

Ha guys, sounds logical, but I just got poisoned last week (and so did 3 other diners at my table) at a prominent Calgary sushi place, and the fish did not stink at all. :barf:

But sushi is so yummy that that hasn't stopped me from eating sushi again (but haven't gone back there.. yet). :nut: