View Full Version : aryan morons

10-14-2007, 03:58 PM
There was another one of these white power protests outside city hall today. I've never laughed as much in ages. When is someone gonna turn up and just smack these idiots. These aryan guard people are some of the dumbest, most pathetic losers I've ever seen or heard. You hear these guys try and speak and they are so stupid they don't know what they believe in or why they're even there. You can't help but feel kind of sorry for them. They're just a small group of fuck-ups who need eachother to feel some sense of belonging or something. I pray the next time they're out some gang-bangers drive past and decide to do something nasty to them...all ten of them! These guys are laughable. Anyone else see them?

10-14-2007, 04:19 PM
I hear small penis syndrome is one of their biggest problems, that and below average iq.

10-14-2007, 04:26 PM
SPS is probably the biggest factor.


10-14-2007, 04:29 PM
Originally posted by GREENBOY
There was another one of these white power protests outside city hall today. I've never laughed as much in ages. When is someone gonna turn up and just smack these idiots. These aryan guard people are some of the dumbest, most pathetic losers I've ever seen or heard. You hear these guys try and speak and they are so stupid they don't know what they believe in or why they're even there. You can't help but feel kind of sorry for them. They're just a small group of fuck-ups who need eachother to feel some sense of belonging or something. I pray the next time they're out some gang-bangers drive past and decide to do something nasty to them...all ten of them! These guys are laughable. Anyone else see them?

Regardless, who are you to judge? It sounds like your resentment must come from a personal matter, please share it so we can see what these people did to you.

10-14-2007, 05:02 PM
i seen them and the sign i seen didn't make any sense.

it said Achtung Racism...

they looked like a bunch of morons, if you are going to have a protest at least send out the ones that people might be inclined to listen to... oh wait a second there usually isn't anyone worth listening to ina group like this.

also i should say the reason the sign didn't make sense it appeared to be more of a racism awareness sign rather then a "pride" sign.

10-14-2007, 05:07 PM
What are they trying to do by protesting? To show that there are white supremacists in this city/province? Or are they actually trying to convince the government to make this city/province/country white only?

10-14-2007, 05:14 PM
honestly i don't even think they know the question to that.

probably right now however they are complaining about the upcoming election possibly.

10-14-2007, 05:16 PM
What doesn't make sense is why didn't they do the protest on a weekday when there's actually more than 3/4 of the people in City Hall. Why do it on a Sunday when there's likely no one there to listen? Unless I'm missing something here and they were just near City Hall and caused commotion and traffic along the streets.

10-14-2007, 05:21 PM
Was doing a call at this guy's house once, this skinhead dude with SS bolts on his neck and a swastika on the back of his head. Went down to the basement and he has swastika flags draped everywhere, uniforms, helmets, rifles, pistols, photos, documents... Remembering my grandpa's war stories, and having seen Auschwitz etc I wasn't very comfortable there...

10-14-2007, 05:22 PM
Originally posted by mo_money2supe
What doesn't make sense is why didn't they do the protest on a weekday when there's actually more than 3/4 of the people in City Hall. Why do it on a Sunday when there's likely no one there to listen? Unless I'm missing something here and they were just near City Hall and caused commotion and traffic along the streets.

I heard that there was a protest in regards to voting/turbins today, and the White Pride folks were making their voices known.... Not sure if that is true, but I would also suspect if there was weekday people traffic down there, they would be in some serious shit.

Don't be blinded by the fact that they are white, racism exists in all cultures and it sucks. Doesn't matter who is preaching it, White, black, brown, etc.

10-14-2007, 05:58 PM
Originally posted by Darkane

Regardless, who are you to judge? It sounds like your resentment must come from a personal matter, please share it so we can see what these people did to you.

I've got nothing to resent them for personally and don't know them at all. I simply resent them for being so fucking stupid. I don't generally judge, but it's kind of hard not judge overtly racist dudes with views like theirs. I challenge anyone to defend their right to...anything. There were about 60 anti-racism protesters turned up too so they were totally outnumbered anyways. It's just annoying that these guys are allowed to do this sort of shit...I know, free speech etc. But even still...just makes me mad to see these dicks in public.

10-14-2007, 06:02 PM
Originally posted by MrSector9
i seen them and the sign i seen didn't make any sense.

it said Achtung Racism...


10-14-2007, 06:03 PM
They just showed the protests on tv. The Aryan Guard members wouldn't show their faces and hid behind masks. Pussies.

10-14-2007, 06:13 PM
^^ agreed... if they are protesting against non-white people voting then they should really check to see what era they live in, especially in a city that's so multicultural...

I don't think many people posting have any personal matters with these people, i think it's more the fact that what they stand for is insulting especially for a minority living in the city.

I was subject to a lot of racism growing up, especially when my brothers and I were the only asian people in our elementary...

Anything and everything they stand for is offensive if you ask me, especially when they are clearly racist and against any other race other than their own... So i say fuck "white power" and fuck white supremacy... and bring on the "yellow power" baby!!!!!! :poosie:

10-14-2007, 06:18 PM
They all look pretty young which is sad

Pics (http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Aryan_Guard)

10-14-2007, 06:26 PM
Is it just me or does the white pride group look more like white trash than anything?

10-14-2007, 06:27 PM
Originally posted by mo_money2supe
Is it just me or does the white pride group look more like white trash than anything?

nope me too... trailer park trash, probably products of insest

10-14-2007, 06:29 PM
Originally posted by turbotrip
They all look pretty young which is sad

Pics (http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Aryan_Guard)

some1 should photoshop some funny shit with these pics... just a suggestion

10-14-2007, 06:39 PM
So then why do we have a day/week for blacks? Why is their muslim awarness week? Should we ban them too?

I dont agree with their view as I am of color, but at the same time, I can hardly say its alright for every other race under the sun to stake a day and a time for their "pride" and have only one race denied of their own. When is white pride say?

There is a thing called tact; clearly the aryan gaurd has not much of it.
Their view isn't racist perse... its that they want canada/us to be as white (european) as japan is japanese, as china is chinese.
Basically go back to where you come from.

Or atleast that is what the "leader" had proclaimed to me when they walked through the U of C a few weeks ago.

I dont like this, but I will defend to my death the right for these people to say it. Becuase if I dont, who is going to stand up for my right to say anything?

10-14-2007, 07:00 PM
Originally posted by Darkane

Regardless, who are you to judge? It sounds like your resentment must come from a personal matter, please share it so we can see what these people did to you.

Well if they're gonna judge people on their race/color then I think its fair for anyone to make judgements on them.

10-14-2007, 07:09 PM
i don't understand it when these white supremacists here and in this whole continent for that matter, say 'stay out of our country, or keep America white' when really they don't own the country, in fact neither do we, we just 'claimed' it, it was like sneezing on the last piece of cake and saying"well shit, that must be mine then"

IMO, it's stupid to 'stand up' for your country(US and CAN) by saying 'white power! keep immigrants out!' because North America was stolen from the Native Americans in a brutal and dishonest manner, all of us including the first white people who ever settled in Canada/USA are IMMIGRANTS ourselves.

But i guess to each their own beliefs, just make sure you really understand wtf you're standing for.

10-14-2007, 09:46 PM
^^ very well said

10-14-2007, 09:57 PM
Sigh.. Hitler still lives eh?

10-14-2007, 09:58 PM
dumb trailer trash, I really hate when kids walk around with iron crosses and swastika's and really don't understand what they're doing.

10-14-2007, 10:04 PM
Originally posted by doublepostwhore
So then why do we have a day/week for blacks? Why is their muslim awarness week? Should we ban them too?

I dont agree with their view as I am of color, but at the same time, I can hardly say its alright for every other race under the sun to stake a day and a time for their "pride" and have only one race denied of their own. When is white pride say?

There is a thing called tact; clearly the aryan gaurd has not much of it.
Their view isn't racist perse... its that they want canada/us to be as white (european) as japan is japanese, as china is chinese.
Basically go back to where you come from.

Or atleast that is what the "leader" had proclaimed to me when they walked through the U of C a few weeks ago.

I dont like this, but I will defend to my death the right for these people to say it. Becuase if I dont, who is going to stand up for my right to say anything?

shouldn't then they be fighting to go back to europe and for canada to be as "aboriginal" as it should be?

I do understand that there is racism in all groups but from most of what i have seen the most retarded comments and arguments come from white folks.

10-14-2007, 10:12 PM

j.k im white,black and chinese =/

i wish i could belong in somthing ....

stevo 27
10-14-2007, 10:20 PM
those fuckers piss me off it's because off them

(i have a shaved head and always wear constrution boots)

i swear whenever i walk by a group of colored people i get the
look of death :thumbsdow

10-14-2007, 10:21 PM
Originally posted by GREENBOY

I've got nothing to resent them for personally and don't know them at all. I simply resent them for being so fucking stupid. I don't generally judge, but it's kind of hard not judge overtly racist dudes with views like theirs. I challenge anyone to defend their right to...anything. There were about 60 anti-racism protesters turned up too so they were totally outnumbered anyways. It's just annoying that these guys are allowed to do this sort of shit...I know, free speech etc. But even still...just makes me mad to see these dicks in public.

:werd: :werd: :werd:

Abusing the system for the wrong reasons.

10-14-2007, 10:32 PM
Originally posted by stevo 27
those fuckers piss me off it's because off them

(i have a shaved head and always wear constrution boots)

i swear whenever i walk by a group of colored people i get the
look of death :thumbsdow

you dont call them colored people do you?


stevo 27
10-14-2007, 10:47 PM
no hahaha

just derogetory racial terms haha totaly kiding

nah just walk by and get that look (oh nazi let's kill him lol)
so i use my defense mecanism (flail arms wildly in the air)
then they just think im retarded :rofl:

10-14-2007, 11:24 PM
^:rofl: :rofl:

10-14-2007, 11:49 PM
White power advocates=people who are too dumb to solve their own problems, so they blame someone else.

10-14-2007, 11:54 PM
Originally posted by doublepostwhore
So then why do we have a day/week for blacks? Why is their muslim awarness week? Should we ban them too?

I dont agree with their view as I am of color, but at the same time, I can hardly say its alright for every other race under the sun to stake a day and a time for their "pride" and have only one race denied of their own. When is white pride say?

There is a thing called tact; clearly the aryan gaurd has not much of it.
Their view isn't racist perse... its that they want canada/us to be as white (european) as japan is japanese, as china is chinese.
Basically go back to where you come from.

Or atleast that is what the "leader" had proclaimed to me when they walked through the U of C a few weeks ago.

I dont like this, but I will defend to my death the right for these people to say it. Becuase if I dont, who is going to stand up for my right to say anything?


10-15-2007, 12:36 AM
Originally posted by stevo 27
those fuckers piss me off it's because off them

(i have a shaved head and always wear constrution boots)

i swear whenever i walk by a group of colored people i get the
look of death :thumbsdow

hmmm...that's really weird when I hear this though...I'm mostly Chinese....born in Calgary, raised in Vancouver, lived in Calgary for the past 2 years...I have NEVER suspected a bald white guy to be a racist....I'm usually more weary of old fat hairy biker looking white guys...but white guys my own age....no...its all in ur head man

10-15-2007, 01:06 AM
Originally posted by doublepostwhore

There is a thing called tact; clearly the aryan gaurd has not much of it.
Their view isn't racist perse... its that they want canada/us to be as white (european) as japan is japanese, as china is chinese.
Basically go back to where you come from.

Then as your quote mentioned all white people should go back to Europe. How far do you go back to say a particular group has rights to a particular area? Wars have been fought and are continued to be fought over one groups claim to land over another (Israel being one of the worst)

I did not see today's protest but have seen people like that in front of city hall before yelling out the same things about immigrants going back to where they came from and how non whites are taking their rightful jobs.

They may have the right to say it but those kind of people piss me off. I have worked very hard to get where I am today and for them to say to stand there and say non whites took there job is insulting. Maybe if they worked harder and don't expect things to be handed to them they would have the jobs they are looking for instead of wasting their time sounding like idiots in front of city hall

10-15-2007, 01:21 AM
LMAO at these people and those that even mildly defend them. FUCK YOU White supremacists and you closet ones defending them.

10-15-2007, 01:24 AM
Holy fawk, that tatoo on his leg is pretty hard core!


10-15-2007, 07:59 AM
Originally posted by 95EagleAWD
Holy fawk, that tatoo on his leg is pretty hard core!

You know what's funny about that photograph? If you look at the label on their shirts it probably says Made in China. hahahahaha.

More pictures and such from the day:

10-15-2007, 08:01 AM
^and the back of his hand.

10-15-2007, 08:09 AM
The irony as I see it...

The Aryan Guard are protesting against the right for Muslim women to be unidentifiable when voting.

The opposing group starts a scuffle by pulling the bandana from the AG's face thus identifying him against his will.

Shouldn't the opposing group allow the AG's to cover their faces in the same way that Muslim women wish to remain covered?

As a staunch Libertarian you will NEVER see me wish to limit ANYONES freedom of speech and basic liberties.

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin

10-15-2007, 08:25 AM
I agree -- I don't know the history behind the muslim women having their faces covered or whatever but I can see the point that they are getting across. However, I think this whole Aryan Guard business is even bigger than just that issue, you know?

These kids are probably all drop-outs anyway, I mean, I'm sure if they didn't wear masks and they did goto school they'd get their asses kicked at school for sure.

These neo-Nazi's are just as bad as emo kids haha.

10-15-2007, 09:02 AM
Originally posted by defekt1
These kids are probably all drop-outs anyway, I mean, I'm sure if they didn't wear masks and they did goto school they'd get their asses kicked at school for sure.

Nice stereotype.

You win the irony prize.

10-15-2007, 09:31 AM
What's ridiculous is that they are complaining about how Muslim woman can be "covered" when they go to vote, but during their own protest on this "issue"... they themselves get all angry when their bandannas get pulled off?


And after reading it in the morning herald, one of their members said something like "I'm wearing the mask because these people are violent, you don't know"...haha that made me laugh, nice excuse buddy...if your gonna fight against wearing "covering", don't show up to the protest wearing a fuucking bandanna.


10-15-2007, 09:50 AM
Originally posted by toyboy88
What's ridiculous is that they are complaining about how Muslim woman can be "covered" when they go to vote, but during their own protest on this "issue"... they themselves get all angry when their bandannas get pulled off?


And after reading it in the morning herald, one of their members said something like "I'm wearing the mask because these people are violent, you don't know"...haha that made me laugh, nice excuse buddy...if your gonna fight against wearing "covering", don't show up to the protest wearing a fuucking bandanna.


Of the many legitimate reasons as there are to laugh at these guys, this is not one of them. There is a difference between wanting to protect your identity from the general public when there is no need to be identified and keeping you identity hidden during voting, when being identified is of crucial importance. I'm not trying to tell you not to laugh at these douchebags, just don't give them fodder to refute your claims by being wrong.

This is what really bugs me about this, is that these retards are taking away from the validity of the issue that there needs to be some way to identify women that are wearing burkas. Now people that have no concept of reality are able to go "you agree with the aryan guard if you think there should be a change". Stupid skinheads. This in no way should be a racial issue, but of course it's being made into one by both sides.

10-15-2007, 10:45 AM
Originally posted by Antonito
This in no way should be a racial issue, but of course it's being made into one by both sides.


Everyone go vote today while wearing a Halloween mask!

10-15-2007, 10:52 AM
I agree,
when you have topics (that should be addressed) covered by any type of radical group, not only does the group get bad media but the topic itself does as well. As stated i dont want to look like some Nazi POS for bringing up topics that SHOULD be addressed. EX: Why do certain canadian citizens get no helmet laws in BC for motorcycles? :rolleyes:

10-15-2007, 11:17 AM
I think it's pretty safe to assume that Alnoor ain't get a vote from these guys

10-15-2007, 12:20 PM
^assuming they drop mein kampf and actually do vote.

10-15-2007, 02:03 PM
Originally posted by $lick_rYz
I think it's pretty safe to assume that Alnoor ain't get a vote from these guys


10-15-2007, 02:14 PM
Originally posted by doublepostwhore
So then why do we have a day/week for blacks? Why is their muslim awarness week? Should we ban them too?

I dont agree with their view as I am of color, but at the same time, I can hardly say its alright for every other race under the sun to stake a day and a time for their "pride" and have only one race denied of their own. When is white pride say?

There is a thing called tact; clearly the aryan gaurd has not much of it.
Their view isn't racist perse... its that they want canada/us to be as white (european) as japan is japanese, as china is chinese.
Basically go back to where you come from.

Or atleast that is what the "leader" had proclaimed to me when they walked through the U of C a few weeks ago.

I dont like this, but I will defend to my death the right for these people to say it. Becuase if I dont, who is going to stand up for my right to say anything?


10-15-2007, 02:31 PM
Originally posted by doublepostwhore
So then why do we have a day/week for blacks? Why is their muslim awarness week? Should we ban them too?

I dont agree with their view as I am of color, but at the same time, I can hardly say its alright for every other race under the sun to stake a day and a time for their "pride" and have only one race denied of their own. When is white pride say?

There is a thing called tact; clearly the aryan gaurd has not much of it.
Their view isn't racist perse... its that they want canada/us to be as white (european) as japan is japanese, as china is chinese.
Basically go back to where you come from.

Or atleast that is what the "leader" had proclaimed to me when they walked through the U of C a few weeks ago.

I dont like this, but I will defend to my death the right for these people to say it. Becuase if I dont, who is going to stand up for my right to say anything?

You win the correct.

10-15-2007, 03:07 PM
doublepostwhore my thoughts exactly.

Why can't "white people" be proud of being white? Why is it automatically racisim? I cannot fathom this concept.

Everyone has the right to be proud of who they are, its just that these aryan mofos are to stupid to understand that aryans are not only white.

10-15-2007, 03:13 PM
Originally posted by punj_abi
doublepostwhore my thoughts exactly.

Why can't "white people" be proud of being white? Why is it automatically racisim? I cannot fathom this concept.

Everyone has the right to be proud of who they are, its just that these aryan mofos are to stupid to understand that aryans are not only white.

Nobody has ever been able to have a White Pride group without eventually adding in "and fuck all the darkies".

And there probably never will be, because the majority of white people that don't have the alterior motive of hating others don't really give a crap about being white.

10-15-2007, 03:25 PM
Originally posted by Antonito

Nobody has ever been able to have a White Pride group without eventually adding in "and fuck all the darkies".

And there probably never will be, because the majority of white people that don't have the alterior motive of hating others don't really give a crap about being white.

Wow nice generalization, so can please be one of the few whites that dosent have an alterior motive and still be proud of my background/race?

10-15-2007, 03:34 PM
Originally posted by 3g4u

Wow nice generalization, so can please be one of the few whites that dosent have an alterior motive and still be proud of my background/race?

I don't know, when was the last white pride group event you went to?

I'm not saying white people are ashamed or not proud, I'm just saying I've yet to meet one that cares enough to actually start a group about it, or even mention it unless the subject comes up.

10-15-2007, 03:52 PM
There is Nothing Wrong with White Power. It is what they represent.

They represent the actions of Hitler, and Nazi's this is the problem. It is like Muslims having signs of Osama praising the bombing in the US. Or Blacks praising dictators in Africa involved in mass murders of there country or Chinese people honoring Mao for the persecution of thousand of Students.

Africans, Asians, Indian, Mexicans have there days and groups to honor there cultures , religions, and Identity.

If you are white and are proud....be proud , but not of Hitler.

www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VYfb86clXI (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VYfb86clXI)

10-15-2007, 03:58 PM
Originally posted by Antonito

I don't know, when was the last white pride group event you went to?

I'm not saying white people are ashamed or not proud, I'm just saying I've yet to meet one that cares enough to actually start a group about it, or even mention it unless the subject comes up.

Because if you do you are automatically called a racist. Most likely becasue of these types of groups,(nazi, socialist hurtbags) but what i dont get is every culture has there extreamists yet for some reason its o.k. to steriotype whites only as of lately. It seems that the only people watching to be politicaly correct and not offend anybody are your majority of whites. Just a thought.

10-15-2007, 04:15 PM
Originally posted by 3g4u

Because if you do you are automatically called a racist. Most likely becasue of these types of groups,(nazi, socialist hurtbags) but what i dont get is every culture has there extreamists yet for some reason its o.k. to steriotype whites only as of lately. It seems that the only people watching to be politicaly correct and not offend anybody are your majority of whites. Just a thought.

In case you missed it, extremists of all races are being hated on by everyone. For examples of this, see the War on Terror.

Also, just because non-whites are being ignorant and/or racist (or "not PC") doesn't mean that white people get a free pass to be ignorant. It just means there are a lot of jerks out there.

And really think about it, what would a "white pride" rally look like if done without racism? What music would they play? Rock music. What food would they eat? Steak and vegetables. What language would they speak? English. If you really want a white pride rally, go to a restaurant, and shake your friends' hands and go "good job". There, done.

Pride marches and groups only matter if they are contrasted against the status quo and are different. No point making a big deal about something that is already dominant.

10-16-2007, 09:06 AM
what happens if someone decides to get a "WET" or white entertainment channel? all hell breaks lose!

why cause BET supporters like to claim that all other channels are WET.

FUCK just venting.

i'm not even white.

10-16-2007, 09:18 AM
They can keep the BET, if there was a channel as damaging to white people as BET is to black people, I'd be pretty pissed off.

10-16-2007, 09:39 AM
confused as to what your saying?

My point is just that reverse racisim is just as bad as racisim, since it is racisim.

10-16-2007, 09:52 AM
I think that pride in your race/heritage is a false pride. If you want to take pride in something, take pride in your own actions.

The color of skin, or where your ancestors came from is nothing but smoke in the wind. Nobody alive is better than anyone else because of where they happened to be born, or what color their skin is, or who populated the land that their parents came from. The only thing that really matters is what YOU do with YOUR life now.

It has absolutely no bearing on the value of what you do with your life now. Just like the little german kid is not responsible for hitler did to the jews, you don't gain any value because (insert particular national achievment here) was done by your (insert national origin here). You weren't there, you didn't do it, what gives you the right to take credit from it?

The only reason that I can think of for any of this stupid shit is that the people who are obsessed with the past are simply unable to do anything of value with the present themselves, so they need to get some form of self worth from something.

10-16-2007, 04:21 PM
^ very well put.

but you can't avoid what you can't avoid.

10-16-2007, 04:34 PM
Originally posted by codetrap
I think that pride in your race/heritage is a false pride. If you want to take pride in something, take pride in your own actions.

The color of skin, or where your ancestors came from is nothing but smoke in the wind. Nobody alive is better than anyone else because of where they happened to be born, or what color their skin is, or who populated the land that their parents came from. The only thing that really matters is what YOU do with YOUR life now.

It has absolutely no bearing on the value of what you do with your life now. Just like the little german kid is not responsible for hitler did to the jews, you don't gain any value because <insert particular national achievment here> was done by your <insert national origin here>. You weren't there, you didn't do it, what gives you the right to take credit from it?

The only reason that I can think of for any of this stupid shit is that the people who are obsessed with the past are simply unable to do anything of value with the present themselves, so they need to get some form of self worth from something.


Anyone can say pointless crap like "Irish Pride", "Asian Pride" or whatever but it doesn't make a difference if you and those you associate with are douchebags.

10-17-2007, 04:06 PM
Originally posted by punj_abi
doublepostwhore my thoughts exactly.

Why can't "white people" be proud of being white? Why is it automatically racisim? I cannot fathom this concept.

There is a difference between pride and hatred. As soon as these guys started tatooing swastikas on their bodies and following hate spewing Nazi Ideology they crossed the line into hatred.

Word to what codetrap said. Yes i'm brown, am I proud of it? Not really; am I ashamed of it? Nope. I just think it is silly to judge others based on such superficial characteristics such as skin colour.

10-17-2007, 04:50 PM
Originally posted by codetrap
I think that pride in your race/heritage is a false pride. If you want to take pride in something, take pride in your own actions.

The color of skin, or where your ancestors came from is nothing but smoke in the wind. Nobody alive is better than anyone else because of where they happened to be born, or what color their skin is, or who populated the land that their parents came from. The only thing that really matters is what YOU do with YOUR life now.

It has absolutely no bearing on the value of what you do with your life now. Just like the little german kid is not responsible for hitler did to the jews, you don't gain any value because <insert particular national achievment here> was done by your <insert national origin here>. You weren't there, you didn't do it, what gives you the right to take credit from it?

The only reason that I can think of for any of this stupid shit is that the people who are obsessed with the past are simply unable to do anything of value with the present themselves, so they need to get some form of self worth from something.

The only problem I see in what you've written is that it goes against much of what most people consider to be culture or heritage. If what you're saying were true then everyone would be the same and share no common bond with their kinsmen.

Applying what you have said would render such things as St Patricks Day, Octoberfest, Day of the Dead, <insert cultural celebration>, irrelevant. If you haven't noticed most people enjoy family history and celebrating common historical ties.

Perhaps I've misunderstood your point.

10-17-2007, 08:23 PM
Just like others here have said, once you start to preached hate towards other races than that to me is racism. It doesn't matter if you are proud to be white, black or latino, if you send hate message towards others like this nazi's do, than you deserved to be hated back, hell even those who are saying they have the right of free speech I do agree, but there is a limit to what they can say.:whipped:

10-17-2007, 08:59 PM
Originally posted by FatalError

Applying what you have said would render such things as St Patricks Day, Octoberfest, Day of the Dead, &lt;insert cultural celebration&gt;, irrelevant. If you haven't noticed most people enjoy family history and celebrating common historical ties.

Perhaps I've misunderstood your point.

I think that any event that serves to bring people together in celebration, all people, is fine. Don't have a problem with it at all. My scope is limited to the personal level, where someone is saying that they take pride in being Irish, as if that somehow imbues them with the qualities of St Patrick himself, and they'll be able to drive the snakes out of Ireland themselves.

But then again, in Argentina once of the biggest celebrations is Hitler's birthday.


10-17-2007, 09:05 PM
Originally posted by stevo 27
those fuckers piss me off it's because off them

(i have a shaved head and always wear constrution boots)

i swear whenever i walk by a group of colored people i get the
look of death :thumbsdow

Perhaps you should stop winking at them Steve.:dunno:

10-17-2007, 10:14 PM
Originally posted by codetrap

I think that any event that serves to bring people together in celebration, all people, is fine. Don't have a problem with it at all. My scope is limited to the personal level, where someone is saying that they take pride in being Irish, as if that somehow imbues them with the qualities of St Patrick himself, and they'll be able to drive the snakes out of Ireland themselves.

But then again, in Argentina once of the biggest celebrations is Hitler's birthday.

Just so I so we're clear, as an example, would a born and raised Canadian of East Indian descent who makes a pilgrimage to India in celebration of the historical ties fit your criteria of false pride?

10-18-2007, 09:30 AM
Originally posted by codetrap

I think that any event that serves to bring people together in celebration, all people, is fine. Don't have a problem with it at all. My scope is limited to the personal level, where someone is saying that they take pride in being Irish, as if that somehow imbues them with the qualities of St Patrick himself, and they'll be able to drive the snakes out of Ireland themselves.

What's the difference between a collective celebration of race or culture or an individual celebration of race or culture? By what your saying, it seems okay for a group of people to be proud to be Irish, but not for an individual of that group to be proud to be Irish on St. Patrick's Day.

10-18-2007, 02:15 PM
I guess I'm not doing the concept justice by trying to pin it down to a specific celebration.

I will say that I think celebrating such days as St Paddy's day, or Oktoberfest, or "day of the dead" is fine. They're celebrations that bring people together in common cause.

The point where it becomes false pride is when the Irish go around and say "I'm Irish, you're not. You suck."

Keep in mind here, there is no line in the sand to cross really. It's not a black or white thing,or brown for that matter. Unfortunately, it is just human nature that when they start to take pride in stuff they start to feel superior to everyone else.

Personally for myself, I take pride in my actions. How I treat other people, how I treat my dog, wife, kid... etc.. Basically what I do, not what I am.

I'm probably not getting the point across very well here, but those who get it, will, and those who don't, won't.

Have a great day!

10-18-2007, 02:41 PM
Originally posted by Mr_John

Well if they're gonna judge people on their race/color then I think its fair for anyone to make judgements on them.

Very Valid. I was just commenting on the gang's driving by doing harm thing.