View Full Version : Please Help!!! Fake Buyer?????

10-20-2007, 06:15 AM
I got an e-mail the other day from someone supposedly interested in buying my Talon. This is how the email went.

Hello ,
Thanks for the informations about the (Car) and am okay with the said price you want to sell it for me $ $5000.00. I want you to understand that my mode of payment is by cheque.My client in the state will issue out the cheque of $8,750.00 to you and after you have banked the cheque cleared into your account then you will kindly deduct the cost price for the (Car) and send the remaning cash to the shipper who will come and pick up the (Car) to my destination asap.I want you to send me this requested informations where the cheque will sent to such as follow:

Your Full name
Full contact address
Your Mobile phone number

As soon as this details is provided to me you will surely recieve the payment for the (Car) ontime cos i need it very urgent.Do get back to me asap.

This is bogus, right? I know you guys have probably dealt with this before, and while i've heard of stuff like this happening (the cheque clearing, but later being rejected, stuff like that), i've never had it happen to me personally.

So, is this buyer fake? Out to make an easy $3,750 off a sucker? It looks like a template e-mail to me. If I give him my contact information, is there any way i can use his cheque to report him?

I'm grateful for any help you guys can give me on this (and as soon as possible).

Thank you,


10-20-2007, 06:42 AM
Totally fake. Seen it happen before too. The cheque will probably be a fake in the first place

Stay clear buddy

10-20-2007, 06:47 AM
Ditto, this is complete BS. I wouldn't even get involved enough to get sent the check, even if it's to try to report the guy.

10-20-2007, 07:10 AM

Still... I'd love to catch the f*cker trying to get away with this, or somehow turn it around in his face...

It's also worth mentioning that his email address was different the first time he e-mailed me.

10-20-2007, 04:11 PM
I don't understand really how he could scam you though... He stated that you won't be shipping the car until the cheque clears? :dunno:

Or I am just stupid and over looking something... either or.

10-20-2007, 05:16 PM
Originally posted by Spoons
I don't understand really how he could scam you though... He stated that you won't be shipping the car until the cheque clears? :dunno:

Or I am just stupid and over looking something... either or.

May be he's a noob scammer.

10-20-2007, 05:23 PM
Sometimes, they'll get another unsuspecting idiot to send you the cheque directly. So some honest guy sends you 8750, you cash it and it clears, and send this guy the car + 3750. A couple weeks later the cops knock on your door asking where the idiots 8750 is.

10-20-2007, 05:25 PM
the idea is there but all backwards.. i mean if you wait for the cheque to clear and it doesnt.. then its not really your deal... and the cheque is gonna have a name on it.. if not a company. a cheque that big cant be cashed anywayz.

i dunno why people would think this would work. maybe if you faked a cert. cheque from the bank ran off with the car.. it would work.. but who would try and scam someone if its gonna have to wait 5 days to have it cashed.. it doesnt go through.. you still have your car, minus like 20 bucks for a cheque that didnt clear.

maybe the guy is serious and never had an intention to scam. some people are weird.. i know when ever i buy something i always send a cheque from the bank.

but who knows its a twisted world were in.

10-20-2007, 05:55 PM
From what I've heard, it could be a matter where the cheque will initially clear the bank, giving me enough time to withdraw the money i'm supposed to send back to him, but later has some problem and bounces. I'm out his change ($3750) and a car, plus probably the $5000 that ended up bouncing.

If i get him to send the cheque (not that it would be my first choice that he knew my address), will the authorities do anything about it?


10-20-2007, 07:30 PM
He won't pickup the car, hes in it for the 3750. The "shipping" company is actually him. You'll be sending him the money thinking its actually the shipper when it is not.

He will ask you to western union it so that its untraceable.

10-21-2007, 07:34 AM
Could be fraud in that like you said, you deposit, then a week later get a NSF notice from the bank meanwhile you account is -8750.00. The cheque could also be good however in cashing it and sending funds on to someone else you could also be unknowingly laundering money for the "buyer". He buys you car with dirty money, sends you too much dirty money, you cash dirty cheque and return 3750.00 in clean funds and he re-sells your car to someone and gets back his funds eventually.

Fraud and money laundering are the only two reasons buyers or renters ever want to send you too much money.

10-21-2007, 09:52 AM
I think I saw this kind of scam on CTV a few months back

10-22-2007, 07:49 AM

Info on all sorts of scams! This is one of them!:thumbsdow

10-22-2007, 08:52 AM
The thing is that it takes a long time for International cheques, even US to clear Canadian banks. It can take 30 days, sometimes even longer. So some people might deposit it and then wait the 5 days or week or whatever and assume everything is good. Then they send the scammer the money, the check bounces, and there out the cash. 99% of the ppl they try to scam probably see right through it. The gullible 1% are what keep them in business.

10-22-2007, 09:02 AM
E-mail him back-tell him to send the cheque to the shipper-have the shipper pay you the cash and you will hand over the car to the shipper.

10-22-2007, 05:13 PM
That was the plan of action. Cops can't confiscate dirty cash, can they?

10-22-2007, 08:45 PM
Just got another one!!!

10-23-2007, 12:40 AM
make him send you the check so that he spends money on postage then when you get it, throw it out.

10-23-2007, 12:59 AM
lol, i am always up at ridiculously early times and nothing else is on but court room dramas and i see shit like this go down all the time. Everytime of which is a scam.

Dont get involved.
Youll screw yourself over