View Full Version : FS: Credit at Spence Diamonds

10-26-2007, 09:19 AM
I have a credit at Spence Diamonds that I would like to use; only problem there is they have nothing I want.

I put money down on an engagement ring, but unfortunately we have split and it’s past the 90 days. So they won't give me my money, but suggested if I knew someone who was in the market, I could give them the in-store credit and they could pay me the money.

So, if you or someone you know is buying a ring (or any jewelry) for that special someone, lets talk.

I have the receipt for the money, and I will go with you to Spence to transfer the money in your name.

The credit is for $730


10-26-2007, 10:30 AM
Are you looking for the full $730?

10-26-2007, 12:42 PM
That would be affirmative.

You would be still spending the same amount of money in the store, this is just a way for me to get my money back out of them.

I would have spent it there, but they have NOTHING for men. Well... some rings, but nothing I liked. No necklaces for men and no watches.

And truefully I didn't like my service there to begin with, the saleslady wasn't very professional IMO.

So I would just rather get the dough back, do something really usefull with it, rather then waste it on some ungrateful.... err nevermind!

10-26-2007, 01:15 PM
good luck with that

10-26-2007, 01:49 PM
hey, not to be rude, but you probably won't get your full $730 out of it. why would someone be willing to go through the hassle of meeting up with you, to pay the same price. if you would be willing to give someone a reason to do it, you would probably sell it a lot faster. just my 0.02 :dunno:

10-26-2007, 01:53 PM
Uh... lets see, meet you at Spence since your goin there anyway?

10-26-2007, 02:16 PM
I'll give you $100 for it.:rofl:

10-26-2007, 02:17 PM
Like these guys already mentioned, I highly doubt you'll be able to recuperate the full amount back, at least not from beyond.

What benefit would it be to anyone on here to purchase your credit, when they can go to Spence themselves to spend the same amount, and not have to pay cash. This would only benefit you.

The only way you'll be able to sell this is if you give them an incentive, (ie. $100 off), otherwise I don't see this sale going through.

Sorry to burst your bubble.
Let us know if you change the asking price.

10-26-2007, 02:30 PM
This isn't like something I purchased, didn't like, didn't use, got as a gift and don't want.

This is money for money, so your saying that I can buy $20 bucks from you for $10? Sure, sounds like a deal, most likely not going to happen. This is a cash for cash transaction.

Maybe if I was an American we could be having this conversation.

Obviously your not in the market to be buying jewelry, so why do you care? This would only apply to someone that is planning on goin down there and making a purchase in the very near future.

10-26-2007, 02:35 PM
Originally posted by infamous
why would someone be willing to go through the hassle of meeting up with you, to pay the same price.

Maybe if they were going to be buying jewelry there anyways, and wanted to help out a fellow beyond-er? :dunno:

Electricbull - when does this expire? Is it possible for you to hang on to it for when the right special someone comes along, or maybe even do all of your female Christmas shopping there?

Sorry to hear of the split, but on the bright side you could be stuck with an actual ring instead of just store credit :thumbsup:

10-26-2007, 02:43 PM
I'm not sure how you can assume I'm not in the market to purchase jewlery, simply because I think your asking price is illogical. I wouldn't have asked how much you were selling it for if I wasn't looking.

But I think you're missing the point here. I'm fully aware that this is a credit, not some used product. From your point of view, you're thinking "It's worth $730, so I should get $730."

But why would anyone want to give you $730 for something worth $730, when they can go straight to Spence and purchase something directly from them and cutting out the middleman (you). :dunno:

That's like you saying hey if you're thinking of going to Futureshop to buy something, I have a $100 bill. Come see me with 5 $20 bills, and you can have my $100 bill. The catch is, you can't use my $100 bill anywhere else, only at Futureshop. You can't go to Best Buy, or A&B Sound, nor can you use your credit card to rack up reward points. So please, come give me something that I will give back to you in equal value with restrictions.

Anyways, I apologize for spamming your thread, I hope someone does help you out. I just wanted to bring to your attention why you might not get much interest and if you do change your mind and change your price, I'd be interested.

Good luck :thumbsup:

Ps. Sorry about the split as well. Don't mean to be a dick to you during tough times.

Akagi Redsuns
10-26-2007, 02:47 PM
Originally posted by Electricbull
This is money for money, so your saying that I can buy $20 bucks from you for $10? Sure, sounds like a deal, most likely not going to happen. This is a cash for cash transaction.


If this was cash for cash, you wouldn't be asking cash for a piece of paper with a dollar amount on it.

There has been numerous threads with people exchanging credit for cash and 99% of the time, there was incentive (aka, money off) to take the store credit.

10-26-2007, 02:49 PM
Originally posted by eina15

Maybe if they were going to be buying jewelry there anyways, and wanted to help out a fellow beyond-er? :dunno:

I am an only child, and I only think of myself :thumbsup:

Electricbull - when does this expire? Is it possible for you to hang on to it for when the right special someone comes along, or maybe even do all of your female Christmas shopping there?

Like I mentioned above, I could use the funds for a more useful purpose, like pay some bills since the recipient of said ring couldn't contribute. :drama:

Sorry to hear of the split, but on the bright side you could be stuck with an actual ring instead of just store credit :thumbsup:

No worries... over it now. Yes, that would be the silver lining to this dark cloud.:thumbsup:

10-26-2007, 02:57 PM
Originally posted by Akagi Redsuns

If this was cash for cash, you wouldn't be asking cash for a piece of paper with a dollar amount on it.

Who said anything about selling a piece of paper?? I am talking about someone who has already done their homework and is going to be making a purchase. Not someone like me who went in there, got suckered into building a ring with said dept. and 90 days later can't get their money back cause the relationship went south!:banghead:

There has been numerous threads with people exchanging credit for cash and 99% of the time, there was incentive (aka, money off) to take the store credit.


Akagi Redsuns
10-26-2007, 02:57 PM
Originally posted by Electricbull


You are right....not me anymore.

Good luck with your "sale".

10-26-2007, 03:11 PM
Originally posted by anarchy
I'm not sure how you can assume I'm not in the market to purchase jewlery, simply because I think your asking price is illogical. I wouldn't have asked how much you were selling it for if I wasn't looking.

My bad, should have never assumed

But I think you're missing the point here. I'm fully aware that this is a credit, not some used product. From your point of view, you're thinking "It's worth $730, so I should get $730."

Uh ya, thats exactly what I am thinking

But why would anyone want to give you $730 for something worth $730, when they can go straight to Spence and purchase something directly from them and cutting out the middleman (you). :dunno:

It was a suggestion made by the store manager, obviously something that has worked in the past.

That's like you saying hey if you're thinking of going to Futureshop to buy something, I have a $100 bill. Come see me with 5 $20 bills, and you can have my $100 bill. The catch is, you can't use my $100 bill anywhere else, only at Futureshop. You can't go to Best Buy, or A&B Sound, nor can you use your credit card to rack up reward points. So please, come give me something that I will give back to you in equal value with restrictions.

No, because we are all fully aware that the purchase is to be made at Spence, and that whoever is looking to relieve me of my headache has come to the conclusion that they are indeed buying at said location.

Anyways, I apologize for spamming your thread, I hope someone does help you out. I just wanted to bring to your attention why you might not get much interest and if you do change your mind and change your price, I'd be interested.

No worries. Maybe someone will help out, maybe they won't. Just posted to gain interest. Worst comes to worst, I have a $730 store credit at a place that I don't want to do business with. If I didn't hate (I hate it cause of the situation, and cause it reminds me of the ex) the place, I wouldn't try so hard to rid myself of them.

Good luck :thumbsup:

Ps. Sorry about the split as well. Don't mean to be a dick to you during tough times.

All I wanted was something I could enjoy as a result of the misery, they don't have nothing I want. Hopefully someone will be in a far better position walking in there then I was.

But I am still not trading $730 for $630.

10-26-2007, 03:13 PM
you are never going to be able to get the full amount for it..


even if I was in store, looking to buy a $730 item, I wouldn't.

look at all of the other "credit for sale" threads on beyond, one guy was selling $1000 at westjet for like $900 (and it probably sold fairly quickly - that's $100 a flight for somebody)


10-26-2007, 03:15 PM
Originally posted by Akagi Redsuns

You are right....not me anymore.

Did you to begin with, or you just bored at work trying to kill the last few minutes and figured you would lay your spam down?:drama:

Good luck with your "sale".

Sorry, maybe instead of FS, I should have put FT?:dunno:

10-26-2007, 03:35 PM
Simply put....

Individuals like you and me do not shop the classified section whether it be on-line or in the paper to pay retail or MSRP

None the less, I do wish you luck with your sale sir.

Akagi Redsuns
10-26-2007, 03:42 PM
Originally posted by Electricbull
Did you to begin with, or you just bored at work trying to kill the last few minutes and figured you would lay your spam down?:drama:

I entered this thread didn't I? So that would mean I have some interest don't you think?

But since you have an attitude in regards to what store credit is, I thought I would feel it out.

Since you gave the :whocares: to my comment about other credit for cash threads, my limited interest at the topic at hand is now at 0.

10-26-2007, 03:48 PM
Hay guys, I have a $800 credit that I'm selling for $850. You have to come pick it up in Vancouver though.

10-26-2007, 05:25 PM
this deal will never happen, even if i did want to buy a ring from spence diamonds, why would i get a gift card from you, then buy the ring

and what if the total is less than 730$ or w.e, then i would be left with a giftcard, EVERYONE here would be much happier with cash left over

10-26-2007, 05:38 PM
I'd rather get the rebate on my credit card - $14 on $700 purchase :banghead:

10-27-2007, 12:09 AM
Dude, sorry, but you have no clue...

10-27-2007, 12:12 AM
wow..I wonder why she left you if this is your logic for this scenario...

10-27-2007, 12:12 AM
Originally posted by gcycheun
I'd rather get the rebate on my credit card - $14 on $700 purchase :banghead:

True ! or get like points..instead of paying someone cash

10-27-2007, 12:16 AM
Originally posted by Dren

True ! or get like points..instead of paying someone cash
Bingo, and why spend the extra time aka hastle getting them to switch the credit over without any incentive

10-27-2007, 12:27 AM
Originally posted by 2002civic
wow..I wonder why she left you if this is your logic for this scenario...

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

10-27-2007, 12:30 AM
Here's a productive solution instead of the OP wasting his time and the rest of us laughing at this sorry loser, why not sell the gift certificate for $700, or $710, or heck, even $720. Maybe then, this whole transaction would have already happened.

And for the record, as someone already mentioned, they wouldn't have come in this thread if they weren't interested in your (OP) credit at Spence Diamonds (ie. I'm only posting in here 'cause I thought I could save myself some money for something I might be interested in). How about instead of ridiculing them for ridiculing your ridiculous idea, you take their suggestions so that party a can help party b.


10-27-2007, 12:32 AM
Who is going to:

Go to the bank, take out 730 dollars. (especially with bank hours)

Arrange a meeting time with you, at the store, that fits with both your scheduales.

Do the paperwork to change the card over.

To buy they're special someone, or themselves jewlery with your gift card.

They could just go in, use a credit card (no bank), purchase the item. Unfortunatly, people wont do all that for kindness. It's wishful thinking, but hey, It wont happen.

10-27-2007, 12:47 AM
lol this is beyond. you want your full $730 back? take a day off from work and stand in front of spence diamonds with a sign. better yet, go in their store and ask every customer that's about to make a purchase to buy your credit from you. maybe someone will feel bad and help you out. otherwise since the current offer is $100 i'll offer $200 :goflames:

10-27-2007, 12:55 AM
lol... this is hilarious. sorry, but you're not giving anyone any incentive whatsoever to go ahead with this transaction. you don't save them anything. instead, you cost someone's time as it is a hassle so it's actually a disincentive. so even if you're gonna do a FT... why would anyone trade you when the result is that they're now worse off after the trade?

10-27-2007, 01:16 AM
Originally posted by vietdood
[snip]you want your full $730 back? take a day off from work and stand in front of spence diamonds with a sign. better yet, go in their store and ask every customer that's about to make a purchase to buy your credit from you. maybe someone will feel bad and help you out.[snip]

yep, just what I was thinking reading this thread.

10-27-2007, 01:50 AM
Well as everyone else said Electricbull is being ridiculous trying to get the same price. Theres no incentive i would rather go to the store and buy it with debt.

Rather then having to:

1. Pm you.
2. Get your phone #
3. Call you.
4. Goto the bank and take out cash.
5. Be carrying $730 cash .
4. Meet with you at a certain time.
5. Check with an Employie that in fact there is $730 on the card
6. Do a cash transaction in spence diamonds then procede to buy whatever it was i was going to buy.

It seems to me you have absolutely no sence and really are quite stubborn not being willing to move on the price there is really no logic to your pricing.:banghead:

10-27-2007, 09:31 AM
Maybe I'm the only one here that may have helped him out...if I didn't just buy an engagement ring online instead. You losers in this thread are amazing:rolleyes:

10-27-2007, 09:57 AM
Originally posted by Akagi Redsuns

I entered this thread didn't I? So that would mean I have some interest don't you think?

But since you have an attitude in regards to what store credit is, I thought I would feel it out.

Since you gave the :whocares: to my comment about other credit for cash threads, my limited interest at the topic at hand is now at 0.

Thank god

10-27-2007, 09:58 AM
This really could have been a win-win situation...

If you were to have slightly lowered your price (I mean, just bite the bullet, and call it a day)... you would have sold your credit relatively fast.. and at LEAST recooperated some of your monies.. and the purchaser would have saved a little himself. You need to make the deal sweeter for someone that's going to go through all that trouble.. by buying the credit from you, they are tied to the store now.

10-27-2007, 09:59 AM
Originally posted by gcycheun
I'd rather get the rebate on my credit card - $14 on $700 purchase :banghead:

Umm, what?

10-27-2007, 10:12 AM
So if someone bought this from you, wouldn't that prevent them from being able to return the ring they buy with in the 90 days for refund and insted they too would be in the same situation and have to get a store credit.

If not then I see no reason you can't buy a differnet ring, return it right way and get you cash back.

10-27-2007, 10:31 AM
LoL nice welcoming to beyond everyone. I think the point of this post was that if someone was going to spence anyway you could do him a favour and use the credit if you had a ring picked out there anyway. The poster was under the idea that this was a community as well. If you guys were actually interested in this item you would have PM'd him with an offer. 90 % of beyonders that post replies to threads aren't interested in the item. They just want everyone else to see their big almighty words of wisdom or else they just would have PM'd him with their words of wisdom instead.

2002civic "wow..I wonder why she left you if this is your logic for this scenario..."

Takes a real man to say personal shit like that on the internet....especially when he has already been through a tonne of shit. You wouldn't get 100 yards from this guys shadow in a dark ally way with out running like a school girl, so keep your personal attacks to yourself cause they stink like pussy.


10-27-2007, 10:45 AM
i will give u $600 for the giftcard... pm if you want to sell...

10-27-2007, 11:04 AM
Originally posted by 2002civic
wow..I wonder why she left you if this is your logic for this scenario...

I agree with you 2002civic +1

Mistah maybe you should take your own advice (everyone else to see their big almighty words of wisdom or else they just would have PM'd him with their words of wisdom instead.)

10-27-2007, 11:24 AM
Originally posted by Importz
i will give u $600 for the giftcard... pm if you want to sell...

I suggest taking that offer :thumbsup:

you can...

a. keep this card untill you want to buy somethign there
b. get $600 of the $730 back and be over with the headache

better then getting 0$ back untill you get engaged again in a year, or 2 or 5

10-27-2007, 11:26 AM
ill give you $630.oo pm me if interested will pick up today

10-27-2007, 01:29 PM
Thanks for proving my point Turbo.

K folks seriuosly...he's realized to get this sold here he will need to give a discount and he's already offering 50.00 off OBO. You can lay off the personal attacks. This is like a bad seen out of a shitty car movie AKA Fast and the F*&'n furious. Keep your soap opera's in your jr highschool or save it for the track.


10-27-2007, 01:32 PM
Sometimes, we get threads that are so ridiculously optimistic that its useless to moderate, like this one. The fact is that cash is always better than a restrictive merchandise credit, which can only be used at one store.

Now that the original poster has decided to offer a reasonable discount, he should post it again. Rather than moderate this entire thread, we will closely watch the new thread and moderate any posts that go off topic. Thanks :)