View Full Version : if they delievered to the wrong house/person.. can i do anything?

07-12-2003, 12:30 PM
i recently won something on ebay.. but havent recieve the item in over 5 weeks, i emailed the seller, and he said the post office ( USPS) told him they might've or probably did delievery to the wrong house/person.

is there anything i can do about that?

07-12-2003, 12:54 PM
Wouldnt it have been Canada Post that ended up delivering it to the wrong house?

I doubt USPS or Canada Post could actually keep track of where they delivered a package to (unless its a courier type package?)

Sounds more like the seller is lying to you and never sent your stuff...

07-12-2003, 01:15 PM
the seller said he wil refund the money if the item really is lost.. so i doubt he's just trying to pull a fast one on me. but i woudl rather have the item than the money.. hard to find another deal this good

07-12-2003, 01:41 PM
that happened to me a few months ago...i ordered a necklace from T&Co in Toronto...i had already paid for it and it was supposed to be delivered by Fedex in two days..well it never came...it turns out the salesperson wrote down to wrong postal code so someone else got it!! i was fuming mad!! but i eventually got my necklace and a refund..so all was good again...but boy was i scared for about two weeks while they tried to track it down!

07-12-2003, 08:27 PM
Get the tracking number from the seller. No matter where they delivered it, they can find it because they have to sign for a delivery, so the tracking number will be signed and have an address. All the reason why they have tracking numbers. If he the seller can't give you a tracking number... you got chumped out.