View Full Version : Aftermarket warranties for new cars...

11-06-2007, 11:17 AM
I'm not a fan of aftermarket warranties, I've known several people to get ripped off by them, but I'm curious if anyone has looked into getting one for a new car that they bring up from the U.S., from manufacturers that won't honor cross border warranties.

It would be a lot harder for a aftermarket warranty company to deny a claim if you've had it since new, and have kept up all the maintenance as per the manufacturer.

11-06-2007, 11:24 AM
Depending on the make/model of the vehicle I'd be tempted to just take a chance on not buying anything like that.

When you consider the cost to purchase the warranty, plus still having to follow the money-grubbing cash cow of "RECOMMENDED maintenance schedules" so they hopefully don't find a reason to deny coverage, plus the deductible (if applicable) whenever you use it I can't see it being worth the money. Perhaps I'm misinformed on how they work though, someone can correct me if needed.

11-06-2007, 11:34 AM
Also, expect to pay alot of money for a fully comprehensive aftermarket warranty, further dimishing the value of importing the car, in addition to the hassle in the first place.

Some may only only work done in the states as well.

11-06-2007, 03:57 PM
My mother has an aftermarket warranty on her 2004 Ford SportTrak. The valves went last May and the warranty covered it, so I'm all for them :)