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11-07-2007, 09:53 PM
does anyone have any tips on getting parents to agree with buying a rhd car kinda got my mom on my side just workin on the old man and tips like if it cost more for insurance and stuff like that


11-07-2007, 09:56 PM
Tell them it's mad tyte JDM.

11-07-2007, 09:58 PM
your retarded, just buy a good used car here in canada

11-07-2007, 09:58 PM
Tell them they get better gas mileage beacause youre closer to the apex on right hand turns.

And you can change your name Takashi or something.

11-07-2007, 09:58 PM
i dont think it would cost more to insure

ie: skylines dont have insurance records here since they never
did come to north america insurance ftw for them but ftl when it comes to condition
hard to find a nice and clean rhd imo

11-07-2007, 09:58 PM
I am siding with your Dad on this one. Why not rice another civic, it would have the same Cacado effect.

11-07-2007, 09:59 PM
instead of having your parents buy your vehicles, get a job, save up your paychecks and buy your own then they cant tell you what to buy and what not to buy.

11-07-2007, 09:59 PM
how about get a REAL first car, like everyone else. Start with an 82 chevette and work up. Might i suggest an 87 tercel? I would not advise any parents to buy their kid a 300hp rhd-rocket.

I would suggest starting with a car that you can pay for with 1 cheque from work. This may be my jealously talking because i was the brokest ass high school kid around. My first car had a rubberize floor mat to cover a hole in floor, if i hit a puddle, passenger got spashed.

11-07-2007, 09:59 PM
just tell them when you roll up beside your friends, you can give them high fives

11-07-2007, 10:00 PM
its is here in canada lol and i know the risk and other stuff just wanna see if anyone else had this problem or just went behind the parents back and bought one

it isnt my first car i had a 90 civic but got stolen
now have a cav z24
want nissan pulsar its stock but parent dont know that its fast
mom is happy its awd cause calgary weather can chane hourly lol

11-07-2007, 10:13 PM
Save your own money and then do whatever the hell you want with it.

11-07-2007, 10:18 PM
Like everyone else is saying, get a job and buy it yourself.

Then you can get whatever little riceburner is gonna make you feel the coolest for the two weeks before it blows up cause some guy(s) bagged the shit out of it for fifteen years before it gets sold to some chump on the other side of the world.

O, and i just thought id let you know your sig doesnt make sense.
"LET THEM HATE AS SO LONG AS THEY FEAR" lose the first 'as' or 'so'. I know nobody checks their posts for spelling/grammar, but is it too much to ask you to apply a little bit of third grade knowledge to your sig thats gonna show up everytime you post?

11-07-2007, 10:19 PM
Fail. You are everything wrong with JDM.

11-07-2007, 10:24 PM
Originally posted by Toms-SC
Fail. You are everything wrong with JDM.

You just leave Jesus Dominic Martinez out of this conversation, it's not his fault. This kid is everything that's wrong with Catholic policies on contraception and the whole "pro-life" thing.

11-07-2007, 10:25 PM
Go up to daddy and say the following:

"Buy me the RHD car I wanted by next week, or Kiss My As!"


11-07-2007, 10:36 PM
Originally posted by Pee_Sack
instead of having your parents buy your vehicles, get a job, save up your paychecks and buy your own then they cant tell you what to buy and what not to buy.

yes whats up with this generation of lazy "kids"
expecting their parents to get them everything

11-07-2007, 10:37 PM
If you were my kid, I would buy a nice condition Skyline GT-R..............................................for myself. I am sure you would not mind another J body haha

11-07-2007, 10:40 PM
how do you know that his "dad" is paying for it?

11-07-2007, 10:40 PM
well, i just bought a 1992 nissan silvia. my parents really could care less, they know im a good driver on eaither side of the road and it was my insurance money from my civic.

also about the insurance thing, shoaib @ jdmsource has told me, he hasnt seen one jdm car he imported be more expensive for insurance.

my car right now is about 200$/month less for full coverage than my civic was. but for jdm vehicles, TD meloche monnex seems to be the only one who offers full coverage on them.

11-07-2007, 10:43 PM
I think he's asking more on the lines of he needs his parents agreeing to it.

I know i have a problem with my parents even if i'm buying it myself.

of course you could tell them to fuck off cuz it's your money
but where's the respect?

let's get some comments about how you can convince them.

Britain has both RHD and LHD vehicles on the road
they're not less safe

Insurance in Britain does not distingish between RHD or LHD vehicles

11-07-2007, 10:44 PM
cause i got money from gramdparents dying and i have paid for all my cars before and he bought my sisters car

ps the sig is imports so if u wanna talk shit keep doing it i dont give a fuck

11-07-2007, 10:46 PM
Originally posted by civicluva
how do you know that his "dad" is paying for it?

1. May 16, 1990

2. 92 caviler z24 V6

3. [email protected]

Need any more proof?

11-07-2007, 10:48 PM
babytazz you need to take a chill pill!

11-07-2007, 10:52 PM
I saved and paid for my own first car and still had to have my parents approval (being 16 at the time).

I wanted a silvia so effing bad but they were absolutely against rhd. So, I bought the next closest thing: 240sx coupe with an sr.

If I had to buy another s13, it would be lhd. After driving both I just prefer lhd now. Why not just settle for something similar here?

11-07-2007, 10:54 PM
jdm ftl

11-07-2007, 10:59 PM
Originally posted by T-Dubbs
jdm ftl

:werd: Even his parents know it.

11-07-2007, 11:03 PM
Originally posted by OCFORTY

ps the sig is imports so if u wanna talk shit keep doing it i dont give a fuck


11-07-2007, 11:04 PM
^^ ahahahaahahaha thats awesome :rofl:

11-07-2007, 11:08 PM
Tell your parents that having a RHD vehicle makes passing on a single lane highway very fun and unpredictable.

11-08-2007, 08:40 AM
If you have to still convince your mommy and daddy as to which car you can own you are probably a little too young to be driving a RHD car.

Even so. RHD cars are 98% crap with terrible resale potential since people would rather buy a newly imported car than a piece of crap that some 16 year old previously owned and bagged.

11-08-2007, 09:17 AM
Originally posted by dam_guy
just tell them when you roll up beside your friends, you can give them high fives

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

11-08-2007, 09:21 AM
Originally posted by OCFORTY
does anyone have any tips on getting parents to agree with buying a rhd car kinda got my mom on my side just workin on the old man and tips like if it cost more for insurance and stuff like that


Tip #1: Don't

Even if your paying for it, the money for the constant repairs and upkeep isn't worth it. JDM cars are high maintenance *normally* from what i've seen. You need to know what your doing, or need lots of money to hire someone who does. Reliability would be another issue for me. I would love to own an FD3S, jdm or otherwise, but it's impractical. I have a friend who has a pulsar. It's bleeding him dry, he has to replace the brakes (which you cannot find locally), the clutch line, as well as other stuff. It's brutal in the long run. Buy a USDM car, and enjoy it. JDM cars should be weekend toys only, not a daily driver for a 16/17 year old.

11-08-2007, 09:23 AM
Move out and do what you want. :dunno:

11-08-2007, 09:36 AM
Originally posted by LilDrunkenSmurf

Tip #1: Don't

Even if your paying for it, the money for the constant repairs and upkeep isn't worth it. JDM cars are high maintenance *normally* from what i've seen. You need to know what your doing, or need lots of money to hire someone who does. Reliability would be another issue for me. I would love to own an FD3S, jdm or otherwise, but it's impractical. I have a friend who has a pulsar. It's bleeding him dry, he has to replace the brakes (which you cannot find locally), the clutch line, as well as other stuff. It's brutal in the long run. Buy a USDM car, and enjoy it. JDM cars should be weekend toys only, not a daily driver for a 16/17 year old.

11-08-2007, 09:56 AM
Originally posted by LilDrunkenSmurf

Tip #1: Don't

Even if your paying for it, the money for the constant repairs and upkeep isn't worth it. JDM cars are high maintenance *normally* from what i've seen. You need to know what your doing, or need lots of money to hire someone who does. Reliability would be another issue for me. I would love to own an FD3S, jdm or otherwise, but it's impractical. I have a friend who has a pulsar. It's bleeding him dry, he has to replace the brakes (which you cannot find locally), the clutch line, as well as other stuff. It's brutal in the long run. Buy a USDM car, and enjoy it. JDM cars should be weekend toys only, not a daily driver for a 16/17 year old.

good way of putting it. and i agree. i had a JDM MR2 that was a summer car only, i think i drove it in the rain once. these cars arent daily drivers and they need to be maintained. the kid i sold it to is 17 and im still suprised that his dad bought it, because it takes getting use to a car that fast not to mention on the right side. i agree with these guys, if its a summer car maybe, but not all year round, youll just get yourself in shit. trust me.

11-08-2007, 10:01 AM
Originally posted by KuruptEX
i dont think it would cost more to insure

ie: skylines dont have insurance records here since they never
did come to north america insurance ftw for them but ftl when it comes to condition
hard to find a nice and clean rhd imo

And a lot of insurance companies wont insure straight JDM vehicles like some toyota models, skylines etc - parts that they would need to order over seas... mostly cause when kids get into accidents in these cars they have a shit fit with then appraiser offers them 70% of what they actually paid for the car... cause who is foolish enough to spend 20k on a 17 year old car...

11-08-2007, 10:02 AM
buy it yourself issue solved. what ever happened to kids buying their own cars....i know i bought my own and drove it like it was gold....instead people's parents buy them skylines and sylvias and they drive like little douchebags with popped collars thinking they are cool....

again buy it yourself you'll appreciate it more

11-08-2007, 10:30 AM
Originally posted by LilDrunkenSmurf

Tip #1: Don't

Even if your paying for it, the money for the constant repairs and upkeep isn't worth it. JDM cars are high maintenance *normally* from what i've seen. You need to know what your doing, or need lots of money to hire someone who does. Reliability would be another issue for me. I would love to own an FD3S, jdm or otherwise, but it's impractical. I have a friend who has a pulsar. It's bleeding him dry, he has to replace the brakes (which you cannot find locally), the clutch line, as well as other stuff. It's brutal in the long run. Buy a USDM car, and enjoy it. JDM cars should be weekend toys only, not a daily driver for a 16/17 year old.
well said:thumbsup:

11-08-2007, 10:33 AM
tell them that u want a jdm car cause u want to crash into other people when ur doing left turns.

if ur a first time driver i would not recommend a jdm car until u know how to drive first.

11-08-2007, 10:38 AM
He already stated this will be his 3rd car. But thanks for coming out.

11-08-2007, 11:05 AM
he sounds like a 16 year old whos spoilt and gets a new car every week

11-08-2007, 12:00 PM
tell them it is so much cheaper to buy .. and u can get big discount ..

parents only care about price and discount .. :rofl:
( If they are asian .. )

11-08-2007, 12:06 PM
Originally posted by dam_guy
just tell them when you roll up beside your friends, you can give them high fives


11-08-2007, 12:43 PM
Originally posted by CivicTunr
my car right now is about 200$/month less for full coverage than my civic was. but for jdm vehicles, TD meloche monnex seems to be the only one who offers full coverage on them.

:banghead: How often have you crashed your car? How can you afford to even drive a car if your insurance used to be 200$/month higher? Kids these day must be made of gold or something... :guns:

11-08-2007, 01:08 PM
RHD is for fags. You should get one for sure.

11-08-2007, 01:11 PM
Your gonna get a JDM its gonna have problems your gonna go crazy cuz you dont know how to fix it then you'll sell it. end of story

11-08-2007, 01:19 PM
efven if his dad is paying for it, it NONE OF YOUR BUISINESS. some parents like to spoil their kids. don't shit on him if his parents do alott for him.

further more.....RHD is dumb IMO, its like wannabe importing cause you can't import a rolls

11-08-2007, 01:24 PM
"further more.....RHD is dumb IMO, its like wannabe importing cause you can't import a rolls"

^^^ hahaha that makes no sense. its a pretty much a retarded remark. he doesnt and most people on this forum arent importing rolls, they import SPORTS CARS wtf does a rolls have to do with this?

11-08-2007, 01:37 PM
Originally posted by cts
efven if his dad is paying for it, it NONE OF YOUR BUISINESS. some parents like to spoil their kids. don't shit on him if his parents do alott for him.

further more.....RHD is dumb IMO, its like wannabe importing cause you can't import a rolls

Anyone else wanna give me odds that this is the original poster and just signed up so that someone would take his side?

You should buy the RHD and go crash into something.

11-08-2007, 01:49 PM
i don't get the deal with high school kids these days going nuts over imported "jdm" cars.

too much tv or something?

it's nice to have as an occasional ride that u dump tons of money into to make it perform well and look decent. but all year round daily driver? uhh... i dunno. i guess if u have the money to maintain every part on it.

11-08-2007, 01:56 PM
Try hitting them.

11-08-2007, 02:04 PM
Originally posted by cts
efven if his dad is paying for it, it NONE OF YOUR BUISINESS. some parents like to spoil their kids. don't shit on him if his parents do alott for him.

further more.....RHD is dumb IMO, its like wannabe importing cause you can't import a rolls

This is probably the stupidest post I've read in a while
:nut: :nut: :rofl:

If you are REALLY that keen on buying a RHD vehicle, you're best getting something that has a USDM counterpart over here (ex. Fairlady --> 300zx ; Gt-Four --> Celica Alltrac)

Then getting parts after it breaks wont be such a big deal.

If you really want AWD turbo for the winter, come down to Medicine Hat, I'll sell you my Gt-four. :dunno:

11-08-2007, 02:04 PM
Tell them you're pregnant.

11-08-2007, 02:08 PM
On another note. Think about the expenses that ARENT mentioned when buying a JDM vehicle.

OOP inpsection + whatever it will need to pass inspection
DRL's (cheap but its still a cost)
Every single fluid flushed + replaced
Tires (Most JDM vehicles come with summer tires, if you plan on driving it in the winter, better be ready to buy some winter tires)

The fluids will cost yah the most. I know when the previous owner of my GT-Four purchased it, he spent near $600 getting every single fluid replaced.

11-08-2007, 02:11 PM
dude i had the same problem with my rents when i wanted to buy my 180. They were super sketch but then i took my dad with me to jdm source and shoaib talked to him about it. then he saw the RHD cars and realised they werent so bad... also my insurance is the same price as on my honda accord so that shouldnt really be an issue.

11-08-2007, 02:23 PM
Originally posted by SR240SX
Your gonna get a JDM its gonna have problems your gonna go crazy cuz you dont know how to fix it then you'll sell it. end of story

In all seriousness, if it wasn't for the fact that I've been working on cars forever, I would have been broke with the repairs I needed to do to it. I mean, I've rebuilt the motor 3 times this year. A JDM car is not as cheap as it seems. If you REALLY want one, learn to wrench on it.

11-08-2007, 02:45 PM
Yea its not cheap..and if your trying to convince your parents to let you buy one or buy it for you..get ready for them to bitch and bitch because the car will be a headache. I can do just about everything on my car myself and its still burning a huge hole in my pocket which is why im selling!:werd: :goflames:

11-08-2007, 02:48 PM
Originally posted by em2ab
Try hitting them.

like an uppercut?

.... as a reaction.

11-08-2007, 02:56 PM
Originally posted by TE4MFaint
On another note. Think about the expenses that ARENT mentioned when buying a JDM vehicle.

OOP inpsection + whatever it will need to pass inspection
DRL's (cheap but its still a cost)
Every single fluid flushed + replaced
Tires (Most JDM vehicles come with summer tires, if you plan on driving it in the winter, better be ready to buy some winter tires)

The fluids will cost yah the most. I know when the previous owner of my GT-Four purchased it, he spent near $600 getting every single fluid replaced.

not entirely true... if he buys one locally all of the problems above solved

11-08-2007, 03:22 PM
Try to set up a deal and if you accomplish it then the incentive will be they'll help you pay for the car or something like that. Its not gonna come for free.

11-08-2007, 03:34 PM
Originally posted by Pee_Sack
instead of having your parents buy your vehicles, get a job, save up your paychecks and buy your own then they cant tell you what to buy and what not to buy.
I'm only 16 and thats what I did plus my parents would never get me a car (thats why I dirve a civic)
if they are azn just say you want to drive the way they did back home!
BTW my Mom thinks JDM cars are cool!

11-08-2007, 03:40 PM
no common seriously agreed that wuz dumb, effect achieved.

but if his parents want to buy him a car so be it. What is it to you?

11-08-2007, 03:48 PM
This thread makes me laugh.


11-08-2007, 04:04 PM
Originally posted by cts
no common seriously agreed that wuz dumb, effect achieved.


11-08-2007, 04:10 PM
When I bought my skyline my parents were a little nervous but I told them how my friends were able to drive them just fine and in japan and parts of the uk there are lhd AND rhd cars driving togeather without any more problems we have over here with mostly all lhd cars. They knew I was going to buy it anyways to so I guess they kind of gave up arguing. Make sure you don't cheap out though, sure there are alot of jdm junk cars but people don't relize there are just as many nice condition jdm cars, alot of people are just to cheap to spend a bit more money on them.

What car are you looking at getting?

11-08-2007, 04:11 PM
Originally posted by Sorath

not entirely true... if he buys one locally all of the problems above solved

Also not entirely true.
I know JDM source will put in DRL's and do their OOP. But they do not change the fluids, as I have asked about this already.

If he purchases one that someone has for sale locally and has owned the car for a while, then yes, they may have been changed.

11-08-2007, 04:33 PM
thats what i meant fool....

11-08-2007, 05:34 PM
ugh, just when i thought j-body owners stopped making retarded threads

11-08-2007, 06:20 PM
Don't bother wasting money on that shit at you're age, do it when you're older and have a job to pay for the repair bills.

11-08-2007, 06:37 PM
Walk up to you dad, get him to slap you across the face and kick you down the stairs for wanting to buy a JDM. Then maybe ask your mom why the hell she gave birth to another JDM fanboy.

You do not have the funds for it, so don't. I love JDM's, as in looks. I think some of them are great machines that can produce a lot of power and look nice usually. Would I buy one? Not in a fucking million years.

11-08-2007, 07:43 PM
i was looking a getting a 92 nissan pulsar from jdm source and went with my dad and just wants to check if the insurance will go up but other than that why do people have to be rude so what wronge with my parents liking to spoil me and i have a job and get paid enough to fix its problems if it has them and the money to fix it up he just wants to be fair bought my sister a 12,000 car and now want to make it fair

11-08-2007, 07:49 PM
I have a problem with your lack of grammar and inability to put a coherent sentance together.

They are your parents you should know them better than anyone on Beyond.

11-08-2007, 07:51 PM
just tell your dad you'll get more pussy. he should understand that.

but reallr RHD, LHD, it shouldn't really matter to them, if you are going to spend X $ on a car say you have 7000 to spend it shouldn't matter if it is RHD or LHD.

it is they are spending up to this amount, and you should be able to get what you want for that price range.

11-08-2007, 08:02 PM
Originally posted by dam_guy
just tell them when you roll up beside your friends, you can give them high fives

I just laughed my ass off, good one!

RHD is such a lame fad, And to prove it if you pay attention to these MaD TyTe skylines/silvias, you'll notice the same car get's sold every 3 months, to some band wagoner then 3 months later he realizes how unpractical/lame the thing is and sells it to another kid. :rofl:

11-08-2007, 09:14 PM
The JDM vehicle lifecycle: :)

Originally posted by Mazstyle
the same car get's sold every 3 months, to some band wagoner then 3 months later he realizes how unpractical/lame the thing is and sells it to another kid. :rofl:

GTS Jeff
11-08-2007, 09:38 PM
Originally posted by OCFORTY
what wronge with my parents liking to spoil me What's wrong with spoiled milk for that matter?

11-08-2007, 09:47 PM
OP, gather a couple thousand and buy a cheap RWD V8 for a little bit and learn to drive correctly. When I was 16 I bought an '82 mustang Cobra T-top, Brilliant car back then!

11-08-2007, 11:35 PM
Originally posted by cts
no common seriously agreed that wuz dumb, effect achieved.

Dude, it took me 4 mins to read this, and I'm still not sure what you said.

Stop posting, Beyond.ca is not a substitute for ESL.
(assuming you can read this)

11-09-2007, 12:08 AM
Hey here's an idea.

Don't buy a pulsar or a skyline or anything like that. Tell your dad to buy you a Civic SIR or some shit like that. Then rice the balls out of it.

Once you have over 1000whp you can pull next to Ferraris and say catchy lines like "nice car, what's the retail on one of those" You might have to to a motor swap. I bet a few SR20's would pull a premium a week before racewars. Might need to get two... Bimoto FTW.

After you convince your daddy to buy you a JDM car, leave beyond. I'm sure you'll just be on here whoring around like that rollinv4l guy. Only when you crash, and you will crash, come back, let us know who you were and post pics of your retarded JDM car that you thought was so tyte and would get you MAD respect.

You are what's wrong with JDM. Kids with rich parents that ruin the coolness of a once rare vehicle.

11-09-2007, 12:09 AM
Originally posted by Sorath
he sounds like a 16 year old whos spoilt and gets a new car every week

I bet you're wishing he was a she. Sorath be all over that like......... Sorath on little girls.

11-09-2007, 02:46 AM
Originally posted by boredengineer

:banghead: How often have you crashed your car? How can you afford to even drive a car if your insurance used to be 200$/month higher? Kids these day must be made of gold or something... :guns:

Im paying 268 a month with full coverage through ING I believe on my first car... Its a 92 prelude that only cost me $2200 bucks.. Big deal I have no other bills to pay cuz my parents are down like that.. I think ima go back to school so yah.. Insurance is so high for us newbies!

PS: Dont bother buying a RHD vehicle.. I thought I wanted one before but crap whats the point.... Might as well get something for cheap that runs and you know what may go wrong with it rather than getting JDM vehicles that have been sitting around in a yard for way to much money...(They break down quick)...

11-09-2007, 10:11 AM
Originally posted by kerry

I bet you're wishing he was a she. Sorath be all over that like......... Sorath on little girls. :rofl: :rofl: The only two forums I frequent on this site, and they are basically littered with Sorath jokes. oh man!

11-09-2007, 10:58 AM
Originally posted by narou

Im paying 268 a month with full coverage through ING I believe on my first car... Its a 92 prelude that only cost me $2200 bucks.. Big deal I have no other bills to pay cuz my parents are down like that.. I think ima go back to school so yah.. Insurance is so high for us newbies!

PS: Dont bother buying a RHD vehicle.. I thought I wanted one before but crap whats the point.... Might as well get something for cheap that runs and you know what may go wrong with it rather than getting JDM vehicles that have been sitting around in a yard for way to much money...(They break down quick)...

Why would you put full coverage on a old POS? JDM sucks end of story, the only car I'd bring is an older BMW or Benz and it's gotta be LHD. My 16 year old relative asked me to buy a Skyline, I slapped him across the face for it

11-09-2007, 11:06 AM
My cars not jdm.. I only got full coverage because my car is worth more than I payed for it.. So if I had to write it off w.e.. But mainly because I want full coverage later on at a lower rate so why not... Rather pay full on a POS than wreck it and nt be covered for whats going into it...

11-09-2007, 11:09 AM
Originally posted by narou
My cars not jdm.. I only got full coverage because my car is worth more than I payed for it.. So if I had to write it off w.e.. But mainly because I want full coverage later on at a lower rate so why not... Rather pay full on a POS than wreck it and nt be covered for whats going into it...

Thats true, also if somebody did a hit and run on your car and totalled it, without collision you'd be SOL

11-09-2007, 12:27 PM
thats exactly what the broker told me. So I was like might as well have full coverage because Im not a risky driver so I dont think I should be paying insurance and then not benefiting from it at all.. Other than the fact thats its illegal not to have your car insured..

11-09-2007, 01:36 PM
Why are people saying "his rich parents buying him this-that blah blah blah" he just said he bought it with his own money. He just needs tips on how to convince his dad that its ok to drive a rhd.


11-09-2007, 03:16 PM
Originally posted by InLoveWitRSX
Why are people saying &quot;his rich parents buying him this-that blah blah blah&quot; he just said he bought it with his own money. He just needs tips on how to convince his dad that its ok to drive a rhd.


No you idiot, he said just a few post's ago, "What is it wrong if my parents spoil me?" Hinting he is not buying it, his parents are. Why the hell would he have to convince his parents into buying it if it was his own money.

Now the the OP. What's wrong if your parents buy it? It won't be your money. You won't have the satisfaction of using your own hard earned cash to buy something, therefore you will treat it like shit. Everyone does it. They get their parents car and drive the shit out of it cause they don't care. Also you will always have a nice car for your whole life. You will never learn to love and respect a newer car when you get one. I drove a 91 Grand Marquis for all of highschool. It had a spun bearing and was running off of two cylinders. Yes it was a total shit box and wasn't the coolest car, but even now that I got just a tad bit nicer of a car that looks a little better, and I love it. I take care of it, everything. Once I get a brand new car I will respect it even more.

My parents are rich, they could afford me a nice BMW or Mercedes or something, but you know what? THEY DON'T BUY ME IT! You know why? Because it teaches me responsibility with money, and the true value behind money. It teaches me that not everything is free in life. Spoiled kids are little shits. When I have kids, I am buying them nothing that expensive. They work, they save up their money, and then THEY buy it.

11-09-2007, 03:32 PM
So true about the driving it to shit... This grl I worked with her parents bought here a brand new VW Beetle..(Standard Transmission) This girl drove this thing like a fricken retard.. She has no respect for her car and even says so to people when they ask.. Driving up to 60km/h in parking lots..

I made the mistake of letting her drive my lude when I got it... First thing she did is try and rip it out of the lot next to some fricken gas pumps in first gear bouncing of the red in (my poor beat up h23)... Luckily enough she actually stoped at the stop sign. So I pulled the e-brake before she started going turned the car off and tugged the wheel over to lock it up... Shes like wtf its not going anywere.. Then I continued to open the door and force here out.. Stupid bitch...

But anyways it would make more sense to get an affordable car that runs(lhd) for a first car. Rather than be like oh if I break it my parents wont care ill just have to buy the next one..

11-09-2007, 06:21 PM
Originally posted by narou
Luckily enough she actually stoped at the stop sign. So I pulled the e-brake before she started going turned the car off and tugged the wheel over to lock it up... Shes like wtf its not going anywere.. Then I continued to open the door and force her out.. Stupid bitch...

LOL! dumb broad!

I had a 92 Corolla 4dr that I beat the crap out of in HS. And it always came back for more. Went through my brother's HS years too. When it came time to buy my 1st car (S14) at 19, I borrowed some of the money from my parents, and had them paid back within a year. (I didn't even change the stock stereo, so I had a cassette deck for a year) I already felt like a big mooch for just having to borrow money alone. And my parents have money....

I have no problem with people spoiling their kids, but if it's going to endanger others like this moron is going to when he crashes (and he will) then it is all of our problems.

11-09-2007, 06:41 PM
Originally posted by Spoons

No you idiot, he said just a few post's ago, &quot;What is it wrong if my parents spoil me?&quot; Hinting he is not buying it, his parents are. Why the hell would he have to convince his parents into buying it if it was his own money.

Now the the OP. What's wrong if your parents buy it? It won't be your money. You won't have the satisfaction of using your own hard earned cash to buy something, therefore you will treat it like shit. Everyone does it. They get their parents car and drive the shit out of it cause they don't care. Also you will always have a nice car for your whole life. You will never learn to love and respect a newer car when you get one. I drove a 91 Grand Marquis for all of highschool. It had a spun bearing and was running off of two cylinders. Yes it was a total shit box and wasn't the coolest car, but even now that I got just a tad bit nicer of a car that looks a little better, and I love it. I take care of it, everything. Once I get a brand new car I will respect it even more.

My parents are rich, they could afford me a nice BMW or Mercedes or something, but you know what? THEY DON'T BUY ME IT! You know why? Because it teaches me responsibility with money, and the true value behind money. It teaches me that not everything is free in life. Spoiled kids are little shits. When I have kids, I am buying them nothing that expensive. They work, they save up their money, and then THEY buy it.

Russ, I'm so, so sorry, but that was the biggest load of shit ever. :rofl:
Oh, and for clarification, I don't mean your car.

Hit Em Up
11-09-2007, 06:49 PM
Originally posted by bobby_lu
Tell them they get better gas mileage beacause youre closer to the apex on right hand turns.

And you can change your name Takashi or something.

+1 :thumbsup:

11-09-2007, 07:35 PM
Originally posted by Toms-SC


they e-thug the same way on the web as they do IRL.

i miss the 90's, where nothing from japan was worth importing, my car was newer, and people fought with fists and not phones.

11-13-2007, 02:17 PM
Originally posted by Weapon_R

1. May 16, 1990

2. 92 caviler z24 V6

3. [email protected]

Need any more proof?

lollerskates :rofl:

11-13-2007, 04:06 PM
Originally posted by infected

Russ, I'm so, so sorry, but that was the biggest load of shit ever. :rofl:
Oh, and for clarification, I don't mean your car.

Ok fine Terence since I know you're parents bought you're car, and you respect the shit out of it.

But it does happen sometimes, I mean fuck when my mom let me drive her G6 I didn't really drive it nicely, but I was young and dumb then. :banghead:

11-14-2007, 01:45 PM
This is stupid. If I could by my kid a car I would too.

11-14-2007, 02:01 PM
Originally posted by em2ab
This is stupid. If I could by my kid a car I would too.

You would? Wow way to teach your kid how tough life is! :rolleyes: My parents agree'd to front whatever i put down for a car, so if i put down 2500, theyd put down 2500 too. And believe me, making $6-8/hr back in high school it took quite some time to be able to buy a decent car. Kids are lucky now, 90-93 integras and early 90's civics dont cost much at all, when i was in high school people wanted 8,000-10,000 for a 93 integra

11-14-2007, 02:10 PM
take it from a guy who drives a rhd... if u can stick with a lhd .. its just safer here in North america

whats with all the hate tho >.<

11-14-2007, 02:12 PM
Originally posted by sh0ko
take it from a guy who drives a rhd... if u can stick with a lhd .. its just safer here in North america

whats with all the hate tho &gt;.&lt;

Like you said, saftey. Too many inexperienced drivers are buying JDM to be mad tyte yo

11-14-2007, 02:19 PM
ill agree with that ^^^ =)