View Full Version : Wanna learn martial arts? martial arts tutor here!

11-08-2007, 01:22 AM
Im planning on making money from teaching kids martial arts in my own home, the thing is i wanna make some money while im doin something i like. I have been teaching people on random times at a minor cost, now im planning on making a lil more money.

I have been training in kungfu for 10 years, and 3 years of Tae Kwon Do, while training, i also teach alot of of new students

Right now im hoping to teach kids around 5-16 years old. If you have kids, brothers/sisters, friends who are planning on joining a martial arts school, think about the advantages with me first.

Advantages :
- Instead of teaching 30 kids at once, it will be 1 or 2 kids at a time
- Cheaper then most martial arts schools (20 bucks an hour) compared to the 300-400 a month, while learning with 20 other kids
- i have good effort in teaching martial arts and will do my best to try to make your potentials grow
- i will be teaching styles, and/or logical self defense, depending on what your interests are, i can teach you what you wish, this includes weapons

i am not sure how much replies il get or how many bad comments il get for being a fool...but i think this is a first, cuase ive heard of piano tutor, math tutor, etc...but never a "martial arts" tutor

I do not hope to get flamed in this thread, so please leave bad comments to yourself, and anymore questions please PM me

20 bucks an hour, and 15 bucks for a trial lesson.

*please leave a comment if u think this type of tutor is successfull or a failure* please say it nicely if ur ganna say failure :P

11-08-2007, 01:42 AM
I'm not sure this will work out as there's really no precedent set for it.

That aside, you may be good in martial arts... but grammar and proper spelling seem to elude you.

I'd be interested to see where this business opportunity goes.

11-08-2007, 01:44 AM
me too... im just testing waters kinda... and dont mind my grammar, im to lazy to even bother checking it over...just got off work and im damn tired

please spread the word! i wanna know if its possible to start a new type of "tutoring" :bigpimp:

11-08-2007, 01:52 AM

if you are going to teach it, at lease spell it correctly.

Who did you learn taekwondo from? What belt are you? Are you certified to teach both martial arts styles??

11-08-2007, 02:07 AM
In my kungfu there were no such thing as belts (belts are a way to make money off people...for those who havent already known)

I ended taekwondo at blue, cause i just wanted to get the feel for bruce lees 2 combination (wing chun and taekwondo)

i dont kno what you mean by certified to teach...im not opening a school, im more of teaching like tutor...hence the reason why i started a "martial arts tutor" more of a training program if u like to call it that

again...dont mind my SPELLING or GRAMMAR i rushed thru that and im really tired right now, and plus im not here to teach english for christ sakes :drama:

11-08-2007, 02:07 AM
could you give me classes on how to kill people with my bare hands?

11-08-2007, 02:37 AM
Originally posted by LegendRacer

i dont kno what you mean by certified to teach...im not opening a school, im more of teaching like tutor...hence the reason why i started a "martial arts tutor" more of a training program if u like to call it that

again...dont mind my SPELLING or GRAMMAR i rushed thru that and im really tired right now, and plus im not here to teach english for christ sakes :drama:

So I still don't understand. What's the difference between your marital arts "tutoring" and a person who teaches martial arts?

As for certification. I am asking you if you have received permission from your teachers to go out and "tutor" others in these arts that you have learned from them? Do you have experience tutoring others? You have not answered my question either regarding who you learned these 2 styles from.

Spelling and grammar do matter because it tells me what kind of teacher you will be or are. It shows me if you pay attention to details or if you cut corners.

11-08-2007, 02:49 AM
I like your points, but as of now i have stopped taking martial arts, but i have been training on my own. My master passed away a while ago, and i have been teaching people while i was learning. If you are interested you may come for a trial lesson or you may come and talk to me and i explain in better detail then online.

Regardless of "permission" to teach outside of my school, my master always wanted us to spread his arts. And right now he is no longer with us, i believe teaching others is a good way to keep his dreams living. I will be focusing on teaching kungfu, becuase i believe its more practice then taekwondo.

Depending on what you want to learn, I can teach in a flexible way. I can teach direct contact, forms, or practice self defense. I am not here to teach people how to "kill" or "hurt" people, martial arts is a way to keep healthy and for proctection, i hope people do not abuse the use of martial arts.

11-08-2007, 02:52 AM
Cool way to start something "different"

I have a couple siblings who are getting fattt, and i guess a good way is exercise.


11-08-2007, 02:56 AM
May I ask where you learned your two martial arts from (ie. school names), and/or the Sifu/Master you learned your styles from? May be interested...

11-08-2007, 08:30 AM
Which martial arts schools are $300-400/month???

Most are around $100-120... which would be 6 hours with you. When I was in Hap Ki Do I was going 3 times a week for 2 hours a night and paying $95/month.

11-08-2007, 08:40 AM
I'm not sending any kids down to your basement to "make their potentials grow". :rofl:

please say it nicely if ur ganna say failure :P

Strong on the outside...weak on the inside? A true warrior has strength in both.:rofl:

Can you show me how to defend myself against chalk in the eye attacks?

11-08-2007, 09:15 AM
Originally posted by sputnik
Which martial arts schools are $300-400/month???

Most are around $100-120... which would be 6 hours with you. When I was in Hap Ki Do I was going 3 times a week for 2 hours a night and paying $95/month.
:werd: back when I was taking lesson 2 times a week it was only 40 a month.

It was a really good deal, but I think $20 a lesson is way to high of a starting price.

11-08-2007, 09:25 AM
if you're going to teach them nothing but katas...

there's a reason why martial arts are taught in classes... so you can practice your techniques on other people of various body types.

my club charges $55/month and that's two ~2 hour classes a week.

11-08-2007, 09:28 AM
I don't think $20/lesson is unreasonable (but then again, I charge $25 for 1/2hour music lessons) and I had a friend of mine showing me some stuff privately, sort of tutor style like you're mentioning. I thought it worked pretty well but one thing that you might want to consider is liability; what happens if someone gets hurt? I know that's not supposed to happen but I think that when you're practising fighting styles, it's a real possibility.

Also, it seems like the schools are a sort of tradition for teaching martial arts. Is there a reason behind this?

11-08-2007, 11:43 AM
Let me lay it out for you: We get all sorts of people on here trying to make quick money without any qualifications, and many times it in fact turns out that the person is either a scam artist, or just incompetent. Now, I'm not going to say that you are, but you show all the characteristics of these types of people that we see:

-saying "well I could tell you on this message board, but why don't you come to my place instead?"
-poor spelling. It's bad enough in normal posts, but when you are trying to sell yourself it's just downright bad to look dumb simply because you are "lazy" which also looks bad

If you are an honest person, I'd suggest you stop evading the questions, or you're going to get flamed pretty badly

11-08-2007, 11:49 AM
^Yeah. He doesn't sound very legit. If you are going to teach, I want the person teaching me or anyone else to be honest. The fact that you aren't even telling us who you learned from is rather disconcerting. To top it off, your business plan wasn't very well thought out and has many holes in it. Liability being one of them. Where are you going to teach? In your basement? How can I trust you enough (without credentials) to send my kid into your basement in a "small personal class"?

11-08-2007, 11:53 AM

11-08-2007, 11:57 AM
I think this is a great idea and a 1 on 1 instruction is far superior to anything you gain form a McDojo. If i had kids i would totally support this endeavor of yours over an accredited school with huge class sizes.

Good luck! Try and spread this through word of mouth and start out small and grow from there.

IMO I would pay more money for something like this if you kept your student base small as to give individual students more attention and get to know them on a personal basis.

11-08-2007, 01:44 PM
Originally posted by BigMass
I think this is a great idea and a 1 on 1 instruction is far superior to anything you gain form a McDojo. If i had kids i would totally support this endeavor of yours over an accredited school with huge class sizes.

Good luck! Try and spread this through word of mouth and start out small and grow from there.

IMO I would pay more money for something like this if you kept your student base small as to give individual students more attention and get to know them on a personal basis.
McDojo? I went to the wing chun academy for a year and a half, and I have to say, that I never once felt like I was in an assembly line dojo. The ONLY reason I stopped was time constraints. The price was also pretty reasonable, for $100ish we had access to unlimited classes. Everyday, twice a day.. whatever you wanted.

11-08-2007, 02:03 PM
I have yet to experience a McDojo. Class sizes at the schools I have attended have never been an issue. :dunno: If anything I found that having others around me helped me excel even faster through competition.

11-08-2007, 02:12 PM
$20/hr sounds awfully expensive.

I take my GF's little girl to Judo, the classes are 1.5hrs long, 3 days per week. They charge $825/year and its done in a professional environment with real Judo matts and tons of room for practice.

The teachers are all high level black belts at Olympic level.

11-08-2007, 02:14 PM
most trial classes are free. We pay 80/child per month they got 2 - 3 times per week for one hour.

However we do pay $55.00 for private lessons for one hour

do you own your own equipment?

Where in your home? I would be allowed to watch these lessons? You might want to consider a background check on yourself so at the very minimum you can tell parents that.

My kids do Hap ki do mix, the class is about 30 - 40 kids but they are divided up into belts. So the ratio is about 5 kids to one instructor.

11-08-2007, 02:29 PM
lol at the retards here

11-08-2007, 03:58 PM
89coupe: where are these lessons?


11-08-2007, 04:00 PM
Originally posted by Horatio
89coupe: where are these lessons?


Ishi Yama Judo Club - Calgary AB

11-08-2007, 10:43 PM
Originally posted by sputnik
Which martial arts schools are $300-400/month???

Holy shit no doubt LOL

I know private lessons can get up there, but still.

Good luck if it works, I hate training in classes, one on one or with a buddy is the only way to go.