View Full Version : Weight Gainers??

07-15-2003, 10:39 PM
1) Does anybody have any experience with these things ??(the drink mixes from places like GNC)

2) Do they really work??


Thanks in advance

07-15-2003, 10:45 PM
just drink beer its more fun lol. j/k but seriously i took it back in highschool for football.

it works as long as you eat other things as well. it just makes you bigger, not more muscular.

07-15-2003, 10:51 PM
i use to love the muscel tech stuff
"samson (health food store)" use to run to the state every month and get the US version which has a the good stuff in it (carsenigenic) like cromium procolinate
GNC is dumb store
i have to goto a store where u see a big guy in it

WHEY is a good weight gainer
and also basicaly anything with alot of protein will again mass
try cans of tuna 20-29grams of protein per can
it easier then drink that shit

07-15-2003, 10:53 PM
Originally posted by ecstasy_civic
just drink beer its more fun lol. j/k but seriously i took it back in highschool for football.

it works as long as you eat other things as well. it just makes you bigger, not more muscular.

1) sorry i don't drink haha

and yeah, i want it to get bigger, im small lol (121 lbs) and im also working out so it should help in both ways..right??:dunno:

07-15-2003, 10:56 PM
yeah it should i know alot of people that use it and they say it helps alot

07-15-2003, 10:57 PM
work out = less reps and high weights = mass
2 different muscle group a day under 45 min work out
sleep lots= key to growth take days off dont work out everyday
goto the gyn dont do it at home, u wont have enough motivation
dont do cardio, u can do that after u are big use just to cut the fat out,it not hard to get cut after u have the muscle mass under neather it
dont eat veg its just ruffage waste of space
try alot of white meat
eggs are good

07-15-2003, 11:04 PM
What do you guys recommend for someone who has an extremely high metabolism. I drink 2 cups of whey every day but it doesn't do anything - and I eat a lot of fast foods but still nothing.

07-15-2003, 11:13 PM
I would recommend taking an amino acid suppliment as well otherwise your body won't be able to use up all of the protein to build muscle tissue as it will then turn to fat. Amino acid goes hand in hand with the protein to build new muscle tissue.

07-15-2003, 11:17 PM
Originally posted by Mx6GtTurbo
1) Does anybody have any experience with these things ??(the drink mixes from places like GNC)

2) Do they really work??


Thanks in advance

1) Yes

2) And, oh yes.

07-15-2003, 11:20 PM
Originally posted by VWbloke

1) Yes

2) And, oh yes.


Chris you fat bastard!!!!

07-15-2003, 11:50 PM
why dont you go to mexico and get some over the counter anibolics...LOL..that or find some androstiene

07-15-2003, 11:58 PM
yeah they work

07-15-2003, 11:59 PM
a friend well call him "druggy dougie" makes runs down to mexico every few months to pick up a few things, if you really want to get big, let me know lol.

*I do not sell steroids*

07-16-2003, 12:01 AM
Originally posted by ecstasy_civic
a friend well call him "druggy dougie" makes runs down to mexico every few months to pick up a few things, if you really want to get big, let me know lol.

*I do not sell steroids*

You dont need to go south to get juice.......

07-16-2003, 12:05 AM
im sure you dont, but he says its cheaper and safer for him to go there. i think he lies to us but every 2 months hes got a trunk full lol.

07-16-2003, 12:09 AM
Originally posted by ecstasy_civic
im sure you dont, but he says its cheaper and safer for him to go there. i think he lies to us but every 2 months hes got a trunk full lol.

If you trust messicans with something to put into your blood, power to you, but I know I dont!

07-16-2003, 12:10 AM
no they dont work.. if you have a fast metabolism like me.. they dotn work at all.. i eat tons of protein drink the shake everyday for 2 months.. and didnt gain shit!! so i stopped.. and im still at the same weight without any of those supplaments.. so your call

07-16-2003, 12:11 AM
Originally posted by jdmakkord

If you trust messicans with something to put into your blood, power to you, but I know I dont!

i dont touch the stuff, never have and probably never will but the stuff guys buy, they get big real fast.

07-16-2003, 12:12 AM
hey i trust the mexicans with my tacos, why not my anibolics??

07-16-2003, 12:14 AM
Originally posted by vsmSIR
hey i trust the mexicans with my tacos, why not my anibolics??

Do a bit of research first Jordan. I've done the shit, and had tons of books on it too. Nothing like shooting mexican armorall into your blood stream hoping to gain size:rolleyes:

07-16-2003, 12:15 AM
was a joke dood, and what have you done, your 130 pounds, you do clembuterall??...hahhaa jokes

07-16-2003, 12:18 AM
Originally posted by vsmSIR
was a joke dood, and what have you done, your 130 pounds, you do clembuterall??...hahhaa jokes

Coming from your skinny ass! haha I went from 145 to 172lb in 3 months at 9% body fat. This was back in 1999 though. Now Im a steady 155lb, with tons of guinness on my belt.

07-16-2003, 12:18 AM
Originally posted by Weapon_R
What do you guys recommend for someone who has an extremely high metabolism. I drink 2 cups of whey every day but it doesn't do anything - and I eat a lot of fast foods but still nothing.

same thing here man!

and no ecxtacy_civic i don't want no steroids.. My body is clean, well except for the Nicotine!:bigpimp:

07-16-2003, 12:35 AM
hahahah nav dood, you gotta chill....iam joking man.....you having a roid rage on me now hahah, or is that a guiness rage!!

and my skinny ass still has 25 pounds on yeah

07-16-2003, 12:39 AM
Originally posted by vsmSIR
hahahah nav dood, you gotta chill....iam joking man.....you having a roid rage on me now hahah, or is that a guiness rage!!

and my skinny ass still has 25 pounds on yeah

And half of that is hair and piercings! haha j/k

07-16-2003, 12:42 AM
hahahahah touchet my freind, touchet..hahhahaha

07-16-2003, 08:50 AM
I don't know if we're allowed to do this or not... if I'm not supposed to... a mod can edit this post.

*mod edit*
yeah, unfortunatly we dont allow that kind of advertising but we appreciate the fact you asked first. :)

07-16-2003, 05:58 PM
seriously i think you ppl just dont sleep enough to grow anything, probably spend most of the night on beyond

if you want to gain mass in water take cretiain crap, add alot of dextros(pharmautical grade sugar)

about the other guy that said amino acid shit i think he mean fatty acid (the orange stuff / oil shit very hard to drink) it doenst make u fat but has the ensential shit u need, potien not used get pissed out and cooked protein is usesles (even though its the building block)

07-16-2003, 11:33 PM
Originally posted by jennyanniemary
seriously i think you ppl just dont sleep enough to grow anything, probably spend most of the night on beyond

if you want to gain mass in water take cretiain crap, add alot of dextros(pharmautical grade sugar)

about the other guy that said amino acid shit i think he mean fatty acid (the orange stuff / oil shit very hard to drink) it doenst make u fat but has the ensential shit u need, potien not used get pissed out and cooked protein is usesles (even though its the building block)

No I didn't mean fatty acid....lol You buy amino acid suppliments in pill form, they're large however so if you have a problem swallowing big pills then you will have to break them up....:barf: tastes awefull but whatever works.

For the skinny guys who have taken protein powder and not gained anything....did you workout 3-4 times per week hardcore while taking at least 3 big ass glasses of the stuff? Also remembering to eat good foods in fairly large quantities as well? :D

07-16-2003, 11:35 PM
Originally posted by surfertech
no they dont work.. if you have a fast metabolism like me.. they dotn work at all.. i eat tons of protein drink the shake everyday for 2 months.. and didnt gain shit!! so i stopped.. and im still at the same weight without any of those supplaments.. so your call

Eat McD's before you go to sleep. A lot of McDs.. I can't think of anyone that could stay thin after hittin a few Big Macs before bed.

07-16-2003, 11:40 PM
Noooooo....lol Eat lean meats.....chicken breasts, fish etc. He doesn't want to get fat just more muscular. :)

07-17-2003, 12:33 AM
Originally posted by Moonracer
Noooooo....lol Eat lean meats.....chicken breasts, fish etc. He doesn't want to get fat just more muscular. :)

fat turns into muscle :)

07-17-2003, 12:39 AM
you need to take a protien drink 2-3 times a day mixed with a weight gainer. And eat lots during the day. If you want some more help go to GNC and get tribulus, Bulgarian terrrestis and NO2. I put 10 pounds of lean muscle mass on in a month.

07-17-2003, 07:02 AM
Originally posted by lammer

fat turns into muscle :)

Tell me you're kidding....lol

07-17-2003, 07:13 PM
all the supliments u buy are just to make it easier for u to get more then enough stuff in you, if u can eat just as much then u dont have to waste money on supliments, try to sleep moer then once per day that help too
it doesnt hurt to have a lil fat
u can shed it easily, pro builder can loose like 10 lbs in like 1 week
but then when they compete they are like to weak u can pretty much push them over
as long as u have enoufg mucle mass under neath it
that why so hard for girls to loose weight
they dont have the muscle mass

07-17-2003, 08:08 PM
I have been working out for 3 years, tried weight gainers, proteins, some pills that were a waste of money - they were suppose to help you gain weight but did jack... I have eaten 3-4 meals a day while drinking 1 or 2 glasses of protein or weight gainer and I have seen very minimal gains, like 7-10 lbs... anything else you guys can recommend, besides the juice??

07-17-2003, 08:33 PM
Originally posted by RCBVtec
anything else you guys can recommend, besides the juice??

SQUATS :thumbsup:

07-17-2003, 08:38 PM
:rofl: I frickin hate doing legs, but it is an area I should focus on a bit more

07-17-2003, 10:06 PM
Originally posted by mwmhong

SQUATS :thumbsup:

HAHAHAHAHA those are the worst!!!

07-17-2003, 10:20 PM
Oh man I love squats and leg presses...:clap:
I guess if you are eating good, working out hard and resting a ton and still not gaining muscle mass then you are STILL not doing it right....duh but that is the hard part trial and error, finding out what works and what doesn't but keep trying.

07-17-2003, 10:38 PM
just go to mcdonalds everyday.. i'm sure it works. ask rage :rofl:

07-17-2003, 10:57 PM
Originally posted by [GaGe]
just go to mcdonalds everyday.. i'm sure it works. ask rage :rofl:

lol, not exactly the weight I am looking to put on, but thanks!

Moonracer, good call, just gotta find what works. My metabolism is just so high, it's a pain in the ass!

07-17-2003, 11:13 PM
Originally posted by RCBVtec

lol, not exactly the weight I am looking to put on, but thanks!

Moonracer, good call, just gotta find what works. My metabolism is just so high, it's a pain in the ass!

Consider yourself lucky, you get to "eat your ass off" so to speak.... or rather eat your ass on :rofl:

07-17-2003, 11:16 PM
here is a motivation
whatever excercise u do have a girl underneath u
u dont need to do legs, who cares about being proportioned
there is roids and there is GH, i think GH can be safely used but cost alot, if admister correctly

07-18-2003, 10:38 AM
Originally posted by Moonracer

Consider yourself lucky, you get to "eat your ass off" so to speak.... or rather eat your ass on :rofl:

:rofl: never looked at it that way, very true. I guess the plus side is I never have to worry about getting fat (for know anyway) I'll worry about that when I am in my 30s/40s.

07-18-2003, 11:56 AM
Originally posted by RCBVtec

:rofl: never looked at it that way, very true. I guess the plus side is I never have to worry about getting fat (for know anyway) I'll worry about that when I am in my 30s/40s.

I am in my 30's but I'm not to worried about it yet...he he he

07-18-2003, 12:01 PM
as long as you are working out and eating decently I wouldn't be either...

07-18-2003, 12:11 PM

07-18-2003, 12:22 PM
Originally posted by jennyanniemary
here is a motivation
whatever excercise u do have a girl underneath u
u dont need to do legs, who cares about being proportioned
there is roids and there is GH, i think GH can be safely used but cost alot, if admister correctly

whats GH?

07-18-2003, 12:30 PM
How much r roids goin for ?

07-18-2003, 07:48 PM
gh = growth hormone
roids= like the animal shit or what one u refering to

07-19-2003, 02:29 AM
u ppl dont know shit about juice or getting big. jennyanniemary
u seem to know some stuff... where did u learn it all from?

07-19-2003, 08:25 AM
Originally posted by jennyanniemary
u dont need to do legs, who cares about being proportioned

The largest muscles (quads, glutes) are on the lower body, not the upper body.
If the guy wants to put on weight, working the lower body is a MUST.

If Upperbody>Lowerbody=Top-Heavy=Blown off your feet 90% of the time=:thumbsdow

This thread is becoming a little bit too pharmaceutical :nut:

07-20-2003, 02:34 AM
back in the day my friend use to work out like for real
and he was so into the suppliment scene and he use to let me take the drugs for fun, that why i know

or ya u dont need to work legs becasue u walk on them eveyday, and i dont think most of us walk on our arms, like maybe get upper body first them do legs

Originally posted by trendkill
u ppl dont know shit about juice or getting big. jennyanniemary
u seem to know some stuff... where did u learn it all from?

07-20-2003, 02:40 AM
yes but you have more major muscles on your legs than your arms and to gain more wieght you would like to pack on muscle to your lower half instead of your upper half.. doin chest, bis, tris, forearms and shoulders dont give you much weight. but doin legs will give you so much more.. just becuase we walk everyday doesnt mean we are working them out. we write everyday and lift up somethin.. but were not working out

07-20-2003, 02:41 AM
just one question jennyanniemary.. why do u have a avator with a toyota shirt when you drive a honda? just a question please dont take offense to it

07-20-2003, 02:47 AM
what are we talking about? gaining weight or getting big? why would any one want to gain weight, u either want to get big(gents) or slim down(ladies) and doesnt necessarly have to gain weight to get and look big nor do u have to be loose weight to be slim, like with the % of body fat test machines % of water thing...

the avatar is cute thats why and i do have a toyota
i dont drive a honda, what are u trying to say? i dont get it

Originally posted by surfertech
yes but you have more major muscles on your legs than your arms and to gain more wieght you would like to pack on muscle to your lower half instead of your upper half.. doin chest, bis, tris, forearms and shoulders dont give you much weight. but doin legs will give you so much more.. just becuase we walk everyday doesnt mean we are working them out. we write everyday and lift up somethin.. but were not working out

07-20-2003, 11:46 AM
yesterday night it said u drove a accord wagon.. and now it says toyota van.. and trust me i wasnt seeing things.. these guys wanted to gain weight.. not get big.. they want to gain weight cuz some of them only weigh about 120 lbs.. and for someone who is like 20ish (dont know there age) that is kinda light