View Full Version : No more nine lives...

07-17-2003, 10:16 PM
I was driving the Focus along Country Hills last night ,east of Cowtown. It was around 11:30 pm .A cat ran out in front of me . There was a car about 60 feet behind , and a truck coming at me. I had nowhere to go .I didn't even have time to hid the brakes.The cat ran out of some tall grass about 30 feet in front . I was outside of the city limits ,doing 100 km/h (the legal limit). I tried to jink down the centre line for a few seconds,but I caught the cat just inside the right tire.Another foot and I would have missed,but I didn't want to put myself in the way of the oncoming truck or spin out and have the car behind me crash. The worse part was it bounced around under the car for about 15 seconds. I'm sure the first hit on the bumper killed it , but still...it wasn't pleasant. Later when I slowed at Barlow,I heard some more banging underneath as the carcass came loose and fell to the road. It was only a cat,but I didn't sleep very well last night..


07-17-2003, 10:20 PM
:guns: stupid animals

07-17-2003, 10:20 PM
harsh man! I wouldn't be able to sleep well either.

07-17-2003, 10:21 PM
I nearly ran over one last weekend. It came running across the street out of nowhere. This was like 5am, sure woke me up though. Stupid cats!

07-17-2003, 10:24 PM
im allergic to cats.... so i dont feel much for them. go dogs!

07-17-2003, 10:29 PM
Originally posted by Zephyr
im allergic to cats.... so i dont feel much for them. go dogs!
hey me too.

07-17-2003, 10:59 PM
I have 2 cats

thats a sad story :(

07-17-2003, 11:02 PM
I crashed my mom's Tempo 2 months after I started driving because a cat ran onto the road. I swerved to avoid it and nailed a parked car. A parked rental car. A parked luxury rental car.

As if that's not shitty luck. I'm really allergic to cats too.

07-17-2003, 11:07 PM
Sucks for the cat... Had a friend once who ran over a dead deer who's carcass was lying on the road. That was nasty.

07-17-2003, 11:09 PM
that suks man, but really what are cats good for??

07-17-2003, 11:15 PM
I hate cats and the dirty white chicks that own them:thumbsdow

07-17-2003, 11:33 PM
Originally posted by CRXguy
I nearly ran over one last weekend. It came running across the street out of nowhere. This was like 5am, sure woke me up though. Stupid cats!

:D last time you almost ran over a fucking SKUNK on 52nd shit :barf:

07-17-2003, 11:40 PM
what do dirty white chicks have to do with cats man??....

07-17-2003, 11:47 PM
Originally posted by vsmSIR
what do dirty white chicks have to do with cats man??....
Every white skank Ive ever know has owned a cat, after theyve been pounded inside and out all night the only thing they have left to come home to is their cat. My trashy ex had one as did her slutty cousin

07-18-2003, 12:04 AM
Someones pet wont be at the front door in the morning, thats whats sad :(

07-18-2003, 12:12 AM
i almsot hit one going along 68th at 3 in the morning after coming home from stampede, boy. stupid piece of shit sure pissed me off. haha

07-18-2003, 12:40 AM
Originally posted by Redlyne_mr2
I hate cats and the dirty white chicks that own them:thumbsdow

Originally posted by Redlyne_mr2

Every white skank Ive ever know has owned a cat, after theyve been pounded inside and out all night the only thing they have left to come home to is their cat. My trashy ex had one as did her slutty cousin

Hey Ryan, maybe you will feel my pain then dude.
One of my ex's had 7 cats living in her ghetto house. The whole place reaked of cat piss, cat vomit and litter.

So if you think one or two cats is bad.... Put yourself in my shoes....
- dave

07-18-2003, 12:51 AM
i dunno man, i kinda take offense to that, if i made that same comment about asain gurls, id be torn apart on here, dumb comment

07-18-2003, 12:57 AM
Originally posted by vsmSIR
i dunno man, i kinda take offense to that, if i made that same comment about asain gurls, id be torn apart on here, dumb comment
I would disagree.
It depends what you say. I am white, and I dont take offense to that comment (but partially because I understand what Ryan has said).
If you were to come on here and say GTS Jeff's asian gf (if he had one :rofl: ) is a _______ ________ ________ . Then I could see some flames. Or if it was just a low blow.

Whereas this comment doesnt really focus on the fact that the girl in question is white, but rather the cat.

Fuck I need sleep, sorry for going off on you, and I will give a j/k to Jeff as well.

GTS Jeff
07-18-2003, 01:14 AM
Originally posted by TurboDSM

I would disagree.
It depends what you say. I am white, and I dont take offense to that comment (but partially because I understand what Ryan has said).
If you were to come on here and say GTS Jeff's asian gf (if he had one :rofl: ) is a _______ ________ ________ . Then I could see some flames. Or if it was just a low blow.

Whereas this comment doesnt really focus on the fact that the girl in question is white, but rather the cat.

Fuck I need sleep, sorry for going off on you, and I will give a j/k to Jeff as well. actually, my girlfriend is white and her family has 2 dogs, a donkey, a horse, and 3 cats. she isnt a skank, shes a beautiful and sweet girl, and im glad that we are a part of each others lives.

so im not exactly happy to read this thread.

07-18-2003, 01:16 AM
Yes, I can vouch that Jeff does have a GF and she is white and :hitit:


07-18-2003, 01:18 AM
see now can someone admit what a fucking dumb comment that was?????

07-18-2003, 01:53 AM
what a fucking dumb commet that was. :D

07-18-2003, 01:59 AM
Commets? Where? In the sky? lol

Ok... back on topic...

I feel bad for both you fast95 and the cat --- hope you sleep better this evening. I understand what you are going through. :(


07-18-2003, 02:00 AM
Fast95pony, Shitty deal about the cat, but you did the right thing, im not being cruel here at all, i myself have 2 Cats( wasnt aloud to have a Dog :tongue: )...but if you had swerved to not hit the Cat, it could have been much worse, and the Cat still probably would have Died in the Wreckage!

Originally posted by Ben
Yes, I can vouch that Jeff does have a GF and she is white and :hitit:


:werd: :hitit:

5.9 R/T
07-18-2003, 02:06 AM
Originally posted by fast95pony
I was driving the Focus along Country Hills last night ,east of Cowtown. It was around 11:30 pm .A cat ran out in front of me . There was a car about 60 feet behind , and a truck coming at me. I had nowhere to go .I didn't even have time to hid the brakes.The cat ran out of some tall grass about 30 feet in front . I was outside of the city limits ,doing 100 km/h (the legal limit). I tried to jink down the centre line for a few seconds,but I caught the cat just inside the right tire.Another foot and I would have missed,but I didn't want to put myself in the way of the oncoming truck or spin out and have the car behind me crash. The worse part was it bounced around under the car for about 15 seconds. I'm sure the first hit on the bumper killed it , but still...it wasn't pleasant. Later when I slowed at Barlow,I heard some more banging underneath as the carcass came loose and fell to the road. It was only a cat,but I didn't sleep very well last night..


I know how it feels. I hit one dead square on the front right tire with the R/T a few years back, and with 9 inch wide tires there wasn't really much left of the cat. Weirdest and sickest feeling was it going under the tire. I don't even want to describe it. At least I know it died on impact.

I'm not a cat fan either, but I sure don't take enjoyment in their death.

07-18-2003, 02:16 AM
Everyone here who says "cats are useless" or "every skank I've ever met has a cat", does this mean you're perfectly fine with running cats over? I personally like cats, as much as dogs. I hate hamsters and stuff like that, but if I ran one over, I wouldn't be happy because "every asshole I've ever met had a hamster".

If I ran over a cat, dog, whatever, I'd feel bad. It's still a living thing, even if I didn't personally like it's species.

Anyone who is happy about this cat being run over, I'll use Peter's phrase he used earlier on the last page of this thread, "go eat shit".

07-18-2003, 02:17 AM
Originally posted by Abom

Anyone who is happy about this car being run over, I'll use Peter's phrase he used earlier on the last page of this thread, "go eat shit".

damned those monster trucks to hell!!

07-18-2003, 02:18 AM
Originally posted by lammer
damned those monster trucks to hell!!

haha, damn typo. I fixed it! :poosie:

07-18-2003, 03:08 AM
Originally posted by vsmSIR
see now can someone admit what a fucking dumb comment that was?????
Dude you of all people shoudl know that was a joke. I didnt mean to imply that if your a white chick and you own a cat youre a skank. For christ sakes Im white haha, I just have a huge hatred for my ex, her cousin and their damn cats. Godamn things stunk all to hell, wrecked one of my suits, and crapped all over the place. Im a huge animal lover but I just dont like cats
On another note I remember ready a study that showed that cat owners were in fact secretive, tricky, unfaithful and even dishonest, while dog owners were easy going, had a tendency to be more honorable and truthful as well as faithful. My ex definitely proved that study to be correct

07-18-2003, 03:19 AM
Originally posted by Redlyne_mr2

On another note I remember ready a study that showed that cat owners were in fact secretive, tricky, unfaithful and even dishonest, while dog owners were easy going, had a tendency to be more honorable and truthful as well as faithful. My ex definitely proved that study to be correct

:rofl:..is that what your doing out in Ontario, reading up on Bull-shit Studies!....j/k.....that just sounds like a really lame one. how truthfull that is, is beyond me....but Im a Cat owner, Im "Tricky":rolleyes: ;)

07-18-2003, 08:20 AM
Originally posted by fast95pony
I was driving the Focus along Country Hills last night ,east of Cowtown. It was around 11:30 pm .A cat ran out in front of me . There was a car about 60 feet behind , and a truck coming at me. I had nowhere to go .I didn't even have time to hid the brakes.The cat ran out of some tall grass about 30 feet in front . I was outside of the city limits ,doing 100 km/h (the legal limit). I tried to jink down the centre line for a few seconds,but I caught the cat just inside the right tire.Another foot and I would have missed,but I didn't want to put myself in the way of the oncoming truck or spin out and have the car behind me crash. The worse part was it bounced around under the car for about 15 seconds. I'm sure the first hit on the bumper killed it , but still...it wasn't pleasant. Later when I slowed at Barlow,I heard some more banging underneath as the carcass came loose and fell to the road. It was only a cat,but I didn't sleep very well last night..


Same thing happened to a buddy of mine, except his was on a BC highway, he ran over the cat and it got tangled up under his truck, a few clicks down the road, it finally became dislodged and flew out from under his truck into the guy driving behind him! He said the look on the guy's face behind him was priceless!:rofl:

07-18-2003, 08:02 PM
meh! don't worry! I am a perfect example of a roud animal killer so far I killed 2 rackoons one cat, 2 snakes, and 1 deer :D I am not proud of it but it hapens, I had a bad acident when I hit the fucking deer, the thing was a live for the first 5 min, then it took the rouad to heven, damn you should of sceen my front! it looked like I smashed into a wall!!! cost me $1500 in repair only f#%$# deer!!! :(

07-19-2003, 08:34 AM
Originally posted by Zephyr
im allergic to cats.... so i dont feel much for them. go dogs!

Yeah, go dogs! :thumbsup: :confused::rofl:

07-19-2003, 08:53 AM
Holy crap !! I almost hit a kid last night..or he almost hit me ! I was driving down my street ,very slowly ,because there's always a lot of children around. About 150 feet in front of me I see a 5-6 year old on a bike , peddling like crazy , staring at his front spokes. I think there was mod ;) there . He's coming right down the centre of the street,straight at me,still staring at his front wheel !! So I stop and hit the horn . He finally looks up ,veers off between some parked cars and hits the curb in a crotch-grabbing crunch !! It was almost funny ,but after the cat incident , it didn't help my nerves much !!

07-19-2003, 09:14 AM
Originally posted by fast95pony
Holy crap !! I almost hit a kid last night..or he almost hit me ! I was driving down my street ,very slowly ,because there's always a lot of children around. About 150 feet in front of me I see a 5-6 year old on a bike , peddling like crazy , staring at his front spokes. I think there was mod ;) there . He's coming right down the centre of the street,straight at me,still staring at his front wheel !! So I stop and hit the horn . He finally looks up ,veers off between some parked cars and hits the curb in a crotch-grabbing crunch !! It was almost funny ,but after the cat incident , it didn't help my nerves much !!

Stupid kid!

Natural Selection man, I'm tellin ya!