View Full Version : Question about another dog attacking my dog.

12-02-2007, 03:46 PM
Hey guys i dont know where i would find an answer to this so ill ask here, if anyone has had an experience like this i would really value your input.
My step dad took my dog for a walk this afternoon and just up the path from me is a house with a large Akita dog, and a sign on the fence that says beware of dog. My dog, like most other dogs, likes to run along fences and sniff around them, she was not on her leash at the time because the path behind our house is an off leash area. Anyways, as she went to sniff this fence she found a hole underneath where she could put her nose in, as she did the Akita attacked her and my dog was quite badly injured, theres blood all over my back yard, and the vet is going to charge us about 800-900 all together.

Am i in the right being really pissed off at the owners of the Akita? i mean if you are going to have a large dog that likes to bite the shit out of anything, shouldnt you be obligated to make SURE that your fence has no spots where another dog or small child can come into contact with it? i know there is a sign on the fence, but for some reason my dog cant quite grasp reading english, she didnt know any better.
What would you guys do in my situation? or can i do anything?

12-02-2007, 03:47 PM
it was ur dog who did it, not your dogs fault but rather your step fathers..

its not like that dog jumped over the fence or anything, it was your dog going into its yard.

Masked Bandit
12-02-2007, 03:55 PM
From an insurance perspective:

If the area adjacent to the property is an off leash area then the owner of the home is obligated to ensure that there is no way for other dogs / pets / kids to get in. The owner of the Akita would be liable for your expenses. Ask the owner to pay for it and if they don't, call the police.

Putting a "beware of dog" sign up does not mean that the owner is not liable, it actually makes it worse for them. It acknowledges that their dog is dangerous.

12-02-2007, 04:13 PM
take it from me as i am experienced with something similar as last year my dog and myself were attacked by a pitbull, the owner of the akita is 100% liable for any damages to you or your dog. Also does the akita have a dog license?
It doesn't matter where the attack occurs, on their land or yours or public... the owner of the dog that attacks and causes damage is 100% liable for any damages. You shoulda called animal services, they will get a hefty fine for their dog attacking yours, plus a fine if their dog isn't licensed and you can also ask for the court to have them pay your vet bill, in 99% of the cases they will have to pay it especially if they are fined for attacking your dog and pay it, thus they plead guilty to what happened. If they choose to go to court and not pay their fines they will still lose and you can still get your vet bill paid...

here's what the pitbull did to my dog, not to mention it almost shredded my arm...

12-02-2007, 04:19 PM
also as said by Masked Bandit, having the beware of dog sign does NOT protect the owner in anyway, the only sign that you can buy and not be liable for attacks is if you buy a "guard dog on duty" sign. Also if they are charged by animal services it can be very well likely they will have to label their dog a vicious animal if the court or animal services so feels the need to charge them with this, if their dog has previously history of attacking other animals or people and/or if the owners admit to their dog being aggressive towards other animals.
The cost of licensing a vicious dog is much higher and they have to purchase a kennel, muzzel, vicious dog warning signs and will have strict rules of where the animal can be taken.

Hope this helps, pm me if you have any more questions.

12-02-2007, 04:23 PM
So fucking stupid, I feel sorry for you and your dog, but your dog put its nose onto another person's property and got bit?

The hole was only big enough for her nose? What do you want, their yard to be air tight?

Shit happens. Unless the hole is big enough for the dog to actually get in the yard, I think you're just being a prick.

12-02-2007, 04:24 PM
^^ learn to spell.

And what if it was a toddler sticking its hand under that fence. Grab a brain.

12-02-2007, 04:29 PM
Originally posted by BoostMonkey
^^ learn to spell.

And what if it was a toddler sticking its hand under that fence. Grab a brain.

What kind of dumb ass parent lets their kid crawl under someone elses fence?

I put a w where one doesn't belong after 3 weeks of sleeping no more than 5 hours a night. Look through my entire post history and find 1 other spelling mistake and I'll give you $200.


12-02-2007, 04:32 PM
BoostMonkey, what is that protruding out of the wounds on your dogs chest?

Also, it's muzzle, not muzzel... :)

12-02-2007, 04:35 PM
Originally posted by Hakkola

I put a w where one doesn't belong after 3 weeks of sleeping no more than 5 hours a night. Look through my entire post history and find 1 other spelling mistake and I'll give you $200.


Found one:


It's helicopter, not helicoptor, $200 please :D

12-02-2007, 04:38 PM
Originally posted by badatusrnames
BoostMonkey, what is that protruding out of the wounds on your dogs chest?

Also, it's muzzle, not muzzel... :)

those are drainage tubes. Her jugular was hanging out so they have to do emergency surgery and those tube just drain all the excess blood and fluids so it doesn't swell up and get infected.

and thankyou for the correction. I'm french so some of my words may be spelt different, it's fun going to university and getting docked marks for spelling some things with 're' instead of 'er' haha :)

Best of luck to ya Datsun-Fever!

12-02-2007, 04:39 PM
Originally posted by Hakkola

What kind of dumb ass parent lets their kid crawl under someone elses fence?

I put a w where one doesn't belong after 3 weeks of sleeping no more than 5 hours a night. Look through my entire post history and find 1 other spelling mistake and I'll give you $200.


:rofl: -200.00$

12-02-2007, 04:42 PM
^^^ LOL:rofl: :rofl:

12-02-2007, 04:42 PM
Phone The city and give them the address of where it happenend .

When my neighbors dog went after mine they were on scene in 15 min. They treated it very seriously.

12-02-2007, 04:44 PM
Bullshit that an owner whose dog is fenced and within his own yard is liable for injuries sustained to dogs that force their way into the property.

12-02-2007, 04:46 PM
Originally posted by Weapon_R
Bullshit that an owner whose dog is fenced and within his own yard is liable for injuries sustained to dogs that force their way into the property.
LOL No shit! Keep an eye on your own fucking dog!!

12-02-2007, 04:47 PM
Originally posted by Weapon_R
Bullshit that an owner whose dog is fenced and within his own yard is liable for injuries sustained to dogs that force their way into the property.

I assure you its not "bullshit". Check Calgary's laws and bylaws. I went to court for a similar incident and I can give valid advice that its the Akita owners liabilty.
If you have a problem with this law then I suggest taking it up with the city of calgary otherwise just be a responsible pet owner as you are a responsible car driver and make sure there's no liabilities for yourself or pet to cause damage to another person/animal.

12-02-2007, 04:53 PM
Originally posted by BoostMonkey

I assure you its not "bullshit". Check Calgary's laws and bylaws. I went to court for a similar incident and I can give valid advice that its the Akita owners liabilty.
If you have a problem with this law then I suggest taking it up with the city of calgary otherwise just be a responsible pet owner as you are a responsible car driver and make sure there's no liabilities for yourself or pet to cause damage to another person/animal.

Do you know the bylaw?

12-02-2007, 04:53 PM
Originally posted by badatusrnames

Found one:


It's helicopter, not helicoptor, $200 please :D

Holy shit, amazing! To be fair I had been drinking though. :rofl: That is retarded, good thing I only provided boostmonkey with the offer. :rofl:

Originally posted by max_boost

LOL No shit! Keep an eye on your own fucking dog!!

:werd: What happened to people taking responsibility for their own problems? They always have to blame someone else. :thumbsdow

Like I said, I feel sorry for his dog, but there is always a way for a pet to get into a yard. What if it was a chinchilla, or a pet mouse? Where do you draw the line? We're going to have to start putting sealed bubbles around our property if this shit keeps up.

12-02-2007, 05:00 PM
Originally posted by Hakkola
So fucking stupid, I feel sorry for you and your dog, but your dog put its nose onto another person's property and got bit?

The hole was only big enough for her nose? What do you want, their yard to be air tight?

Shit happens. Unless the hole is big enough for the dog to actually get in the yard, I think you're just being a prick.

Originally posted by Weapon_R
Bullshit that an owner whose dog is fenced and within his own yard is liable for injuries sustained to dogs that force their way into the property.

Originally posted by BoostMonkey

I assure you its not "bullshit". Check Calgary's laws and bylaws. I went to court for a similar incident and I can give valid advice that its the Akita owners liabilty.
If you have a problem with this law then I suggest taking it up with the city of calgary otherwise just be a responsible pet owner as you are a responsible car driver and make sure there's no liabilities for yourself or pet to cause damage to another person/animal.

Sorry man, me being a responsible driver, if a dog ran in front of me in the middle of the road and I smoke it, the dogs owner would be liable for my damages even if the dog dies because of it, unless I was driving my car through a field that allowed animals to run around unleashed.

Eventhough I'm on the akita owners side, the laws the law I guess.

12-02-2007, 05:05 PM
Originally posted by Weapon_R

Do you know the bylaw?
not been designated as an off Leash area by the Director, Parks, or
(ii) an Animal or Animals which are under the control of a person responsible by means of a Leash and which cause damage to persons, property or other Animals;

(w) “Severe Injury” means any physical injury that results in broken bones or disfiguring lacerations requiring multiple sutures or cosmetic surgery;

(y) “Vicious Animal” means any Animal, whatever its age, whether on public or private property, which has
(i) chased, injured or bitten any other Animal or human,
(ii) damaged or destroyed any public or private property, or
(iii) threatened or created the reasonable apprehension of a threat to a human, and
which, in the opinion of a Justice, presents a threat of serious harm to other Animals or humans, or
(iv) been previously determined to be a Vicious Animal under Bylaw 23M89 or this Bylaw.

17. The Owner of an Animal shall ensure that such Animal shall not be left unattended while tethered or tied on premises where the public has access, whether the access is express or implied.

25. The Owner of an Animal shall ensure that such Animal shall not:
(1) Bite, bark at, or chase stock, Animals, bicycles, automobiles, or other vehicles;
(2) Chase or otherwise threaten a person or persons, whether on the property of the Owner or not, unless the person chased or threatened is a trespasser on the property of the Owner;
(3) Cause damage to property or other Animals, whether on the property of the Owner or not;
(4) Do any act that injures a person or persons whether on the property of the Owner or not;
(5) Bite a person or persons, whether on the property of the Owner or not;
(6) Attack a person or persons, whether on the property of the Owner or not;
(7) Attack a person or persons, whether on the property of the Owner or not, causing severe physical injury; or
(8) Cause death to another Animal.

12-02-2007, 05:07 PM
After looking at the bylaws, it states that any animal in an off-leash area should be under the visual or audible control of the owner at all times.

12-02-2007, 05:07 PM
and here is the fine for the Akita owner...

Cause damage to property or other Animal
$ 100.00 Min
$ 250.00 Specified

Supa Dexta
12-02-2007, 05:09 PM
HAHA.. that dog shall not bark!


and its not allowed to attack even on its own property.. seems to be pushing their weight around.. If I want to have an attack dog on my own property and under control, why the hell can't I..

12-02-2007, 05:09 PM
Originally posted by Weapon_R
After looking at the bylaws, it states that any animal in an off-leash area should be under the visual or audible control of the owner at all times.

yes it does, but it also states that if a dog causes damage to another dog on their property or not they are liable. I'm sorry to say no matter what the situation the Akita owner is still going to be the one at fault. I'm not trying to take sides or anything I'm just trying to clearify and give advice to Datsun... laws are laws and i don't agree with all of them, but what can you do.

12-02-2007, 05:11 PM
sorry your dog got hurt, but he shouldnt have stuck his nose in the fence, your father in law or whatever should have been restraining him better. Even tho the bylaw is supporting your side, i agree with everybody else...how about you/your father inlaw watch the dog a little better and things like this wont happen. Nobody wants to take responsibility for their own actions anymore.:thumbsdow

12-02-2007, 05:11 PM
Datsun may be liable if his dog is not licensed to pay a fine also can be charged a fine if his father was not paying close enough attention, but either way either one person will be fined or both will. Just the way it works.

12-02-2007, 05:14 PM
i think my pet fly flew into the yard and was killed by that dog too? i had so much sentimental investment in that pet fly... how do i sue him?

12-02-2007, 05:21 PM
what happened in my case...

My mother and i were walking up my uncles driveway with my mothers 2 dogs on leash. The pitbull/american bull dog, which was tied to the side of its owners house while she was out getting a haircut, came across its driveway onto my uncles and grab my mothers dog which i was walking by its throat and started shaking it to death. As soon as the dogs seperated the pitbull/american bull dog turned on myself and grabbed my arm and started shaking it. The owner was not even home to help seperate the animals or take control of her dog. When the police came he had to pull his gun and tazer on the dog as it was going to latch on to him. The owners of the dog were real stubborn and ended up being taken to court by animal services where I had to testify as to what happened.

12-02-2007, 05:26 PM
Originally posted by BoostMonkey
what happened in my case...

My mother and i were walking up my uncles driveway with my mothers 2 dogs on leash. The pitbull/american bull dog, which was tied to the side of its owners house while she was out getting a haircut, came across its driveway onto my uncles and grab my mothers dog which i was walking by its throat and started shaking it to death. As soon as the dogs seperated the pitbull/american bull dog turned on myself and grabbed my arm and started shaking it. The owner was not even home to help seperate the animals or take control of her dog. When the police came he had to pull his gun and tazer on the dog as it was going to latch on to him. The owners of the dog were real stubborn and ended up being taken to court by animal services where I had to testify as to what happened.

yah, yours is a different situation. The dog left its property, and came onto your property to maul you/ your dog.....different story. In this case, this guy's dog went onto another dog's territory....so sorry to say...but its not Akita owners fault, its datsun-fever's dog's fault for sticking its nose where it didnt belong.Im sorry but if you are going to be owner of a dog, you better be ready to pay the vet bill when it does something stupid, or gets sick. what are you going to do if your dog sticks its face near a porcupine, which is quite common. Who's fault is it then?

12-02-2007, 05:29 PM
Originally posted by ca18det240sx

yah, yours is a different situation. The dog left its property, and came onto your property to maul you/ your dog.....different story. In this case, this guy's dog went onto another dog's territory....so sorry to say...but its not Akita owners fault, its datsun-fever's dog's fault for sticking its nose where it didnt belong.

Fortunately or unfortunately, the law does not agree with you. As such, the owners of any pet should be well aware of the relevant laws concerning pet ownership. That they didn't know it was a law or don't agree with it won't hold up in court.

12-02-2007, 05:33 PM
Originally posted by BerserkerCatSplat

Fortunately or unfortunately, the law does not agree with you. As such, the owners of any pet should be well aware of the relevant laws concerning pet ownership. That they didn't know it was a law or don't agree with it won't hold up in court.

^^^ yah unfortunately some laws have absolutely no common sense in them, and i know that the owners of the Akita will be responsible. It reminds me of another story, where a lady went onto somebody's property, slipped on a piece of dog shit, and sued them for 70,000$ successfully. Bullshit:thumbsdow

12-02-2007, 05:35 PM
Originally posted by BerserkerCatSplat

Fortunately or unfortunately, the law does not agree with you. As such, the owners of any pet should be well aware of the relevant laws concerning pet ownership. That they didn't know it was a law or don't agree with it won't hold up in court.

The law is hardly black or white, nor do I think that sentence of a city bylaw is the definitive statement regarding owner liability regarding animal bites.

12-02-2007, 05:44 PM
Originally posted by Weapon_R

The law is hardly black or white, nor do I think that sentence of a city bylaw is the definitive statement regarding owner liability regarding animal bites.

Not black and white? It clearly states that the owner is liable if the animal causes harm, regardless of location.

The idea behind the law is that if you have an animal that may attack another animal, you must take EVERY precaution that there is no way it will inadvertently come into contact with, and therefore harm, another animal. Therefore, having a proper fence that an animal cannot stick its nose through is part of that responsibility.

I'm not saying the law is fair, but it is the law.

12-02-2007, 05:48 PM
Originally posted by BerserkerCatSplat

Not black and white? It clearly states that the owner is liable if the animal causes harm, regardless of location.

The idea behind the law is that if you have an animal that may attack another animal, you must take EVERY precaution that there is no way it will inadvertently come into contact with, and therefore harm, another animal. Therefore, having a proper fence that an animal cannot stick its nose through is part of that responsibility.

I'm not saying the law is fair, but it is the law.

haha rly? Just because a law states something, it's fact and cannot be challenged?

12-02-2007, 05:52 PM
Originally posted by Weapon_R

haha rly? Just because a law states something, it's fact and cannot be challenged?

Well then, lead on, Crusader.

12-02-2007, 06:10 PM
Originally posted by BoostMonkey
attacked by a pitbull

christ almightly, they need to round up all those damn dogs and kill them. also stick those owners into a mental program for purchasing such a terrible bread of dog. trashy pitbull dog = trashy owner.


12-02-2007, 06:18 PM
Originally posted by BoostMonkey
[B]what happened in my case...

My mother and i were walking up my uncles driveway with my mothers 2 dogs on leash. The pitbull/american bulldog...

Sorry to hear that, that sucks. Completely different situation though, IMO.

I don't care if the bylaws support Datsun's side, but in my opinion they should just leave it be and take responsibility themselves.

12-02-2007, 06:18 PM
where the fence should be able to keep a barrier between the area and private property it was no neglagence or anything especaily if the hole was small.

I think you should talk to them about helping out with the expenses to save police, charges ect... if they become ass holes, then go all out agaisnt them

12-02-2007, 06:28 PM

It appears there is indeed laws in place to punish those who would allow their animal to injure other brings - regardless of whether it is on their own property or not. I must admit that it appears the law is on your side.

However, if this was my own situation, I don't think I could morally go after the owners for this one. I mean - was it or was it not your dog who entered the other dog's property? I totally understand how you would want retribution of some sort for this unfortunate incident, but honestly - it was your own dog's fault. And if owners are to be punished for the actions of their dog, I personally believe your step father should be to blame.

The Akita was only defending it's property - which is as natural an action as your own dog being "unable to grasp English".

If you do plan to take legal action on this, maybe it would be prudent to come to some sort of civil arrangement with the owners first. Maybe split the bill 50/50, and come armed with information that shows the law is on your side. And if they give you too much flak instead of being apologetic, then use the law to your favor? I just don't think it would be right to be nailing the owners to the wall (so to speak) for something that wasn't *truly* fault of their dog. At the very least, not exclusively.

12-02-2007, 06:30 PM
I'd like to take the time to point out that Datsun-Fever hasn't posted back in this thread since his original post, likely because it turned into a grammar nazi/I'm right you're wrong bullshit pissing match.

12-02-2007, 06:57 PM
I appreciate all the input, my parents do not have any interest in going after my neighbors.
Im just angry that it happened to my dog, as anyone would be. Anyways, dogs like to run around and explore shit, they rip around pretty fast too so its hard to stop them from doing something like my dog did.

12-02-2007, 07:05 PM
At the very least, let animal control know, so that if any more cases come up like this in the future against the dog, they are aware that the dog has a questionable history.

Suck to be the mail man who has to deliver to the house with the Akita... Or to the delivery guy who goes in the yard to deliver pizza.

What happens when an irresponsible child owner forgets to watch their kid and the kid looks in, goes "Oooh puppy! Pet the puppy!" and gets mauled..

I'm way more afraid of an Akita than a Pitbull.

12-02-2007, 07:06 PM
Originally posted by Datsun-Fever
I appreciate all the input, my parents do not have any interest in going after my neighbors.
Im just angry that it happened to my dog, as anyone would be. Anyways, dogs like to run around and explore shit, they rip around pretty fast too so its hard to stop them from doing something like my dog did.

^^^well im glad you have some decency......unfortunately most people these days are after anything they can get their grubby hands on...so good job.

12-02-2007, 07:07 PM
Originally posted by ielle
At the very least, let animal control know, so that if any more cases come up like this in the future against the dog, they are aware that the dog has a questionable history.

Suck to be the mail man who has to deliver to the house with the Akita... Or to the delivery guy who goes in the yard to deliver pizza.

What happens when an irresponsible child owner forgets to watch their kid and the kid looks in, goes "Oooh puppy! Pet the puppy!" and gets mauled..

I'm way more afraid of an Akita than a Pitbull.

sometimes dogs are different to humans than they would be other dogs....dogs get territorial with eachother, not necissarily the humans around them. Not saying it wouldnt happen, but its a possibility this accident happened because it was another dog.

12-02-2007, 07:11 PM
Originally posted by ielle
At the very least, let animal control know, so that if any more cases come up like this in the future against the dog, they are aware that the dog has a questionable history.

Suck to be the mail man who has to deliver to the house with the Akita... Or to the delivery guy who goes in the yard to deliver pizza.

What happens when an irresponsible child owner forgets to watch their kid and the kid looks in, goes "Oooh puppy! Pet the puppy!" and gets mauled..

I'm way more afraid of an Akita than a Pitbull.

Haha, im quite certain that dog has the gas meter guy shitting bricks.

12-02-2007, 08:13 PM
Originally posted by Datsun-Fever
I appreciate all the input, my parents do not have any interest in going after my neighbors.
Im just angry that it happened to my dog, as anyone would be. Anyways, dogs like to run around and explore shit, they rip around pretty fast too so its hard to stop them from doing something like my dog did.

Fair enough. I'm happy to hear your parents are not going after the neighbours though. :thumbsup:

Hope your dog gets healed nice and quick.

12-02-2007, 08:15 PM
wait, so if my dog jumps into someone elses fenced in yard and gets bitten by the owners dog, it's their fault? somehow I don't think that's very reasonable.

12-02-2007, 08:51 PM

12-02-2007, 09:25 PM
Originally posted by rmk

christ almightly, they need to round up all those damn dogs and kill them. also stick those owners into a mental program for purchasing such a terrible bread of dog. trashy pitbull dog = trashy owner.


Interesting concidering Saint Bernards and Chow Chows are responsible for more fatal attacks than 'pitbulls' (which is an evelope term to cover multiple breeds of dogs)

12-02-2007, 11:24 PM
Originally posted by BerserkerCatSplat

Well then, lead on, Crusader.

I actually laughed out loud here.

12-03-2007, 01:41 AM
Originally posted by 01RedDX
The Akita owner is not only liable, but should be fined for having a vicious animal roam their yard unattended. Large dogs attack instinctively and it's the owners responsibility to suppress this instinct with proper training. Animal bylaws exist because people don't act responsibly by creating a menace to other animals and humans in the area. You should at least notify them, because the next victim may not be as lucky. :werd:

12-03-2007, 01:56 AM
Originally posted by 01RedDX
The Akita owner is not only liable, but should be fined for having a vicious animal roam their yard unattended. Large dogs attack instinctively and it's the owners responsibility to suppress this instinct with proper training. Animal bylaws exist because people don't act responsibly by creating a menace to other animals and humans in the area. You should at least notify them, because the next victim may not be as lucky.

Ahh, the pussification of society, here it is in all its glory.

Next time you leave your house, don't forget to put on your helmet and safety vest.

GTS Jeff
12-03-2007, 03:01 AM
Originally posted by Datsun-Fever
I appreciate all the input, my parents do not have any interest in going after my neighbors. It's good to know there are still decent people in this world. :thumbsup:

12-03-2007, 03:37 AM
good to see you are not doing anything and being responsible for your dogs actions. you can always let the owner know about it and he/she may help out

12-03-2007, 04:00 AM
good for your parents for not going after the owner. But they should still approach them about the incident and hopefully they can do more to prevent something like this to ever happen again. (bigger signs, better fence etc)

12-03-2007, 04:03 AM

12-03-2007, 04:23 AM
to lighten the mood, this situation would have no value i nCHina. they would just eat the evidence

joke aside, Akita ? is that a Japanese breed ?

12-03-2007, 11:41 AM
Originally posted by 01RedDX


It's called a law, if you don't like it, go change it, when you cry about it and don't do anything, that's pussification.

I'm not the one who said they should be fined for having their dog roam THEIR yard. Are there any bylaws against this? If so, that is further evidence of the pussification of society. Either way, my comment is still valid. ;)

Originally posted by 01RedDX
Large dogs attack instinctively and it's the owners responsibility to suppress this instinct with proper training.

Why should this instinct to protect it's territory be suppressed? That is one of the main reasons to own an Akita. If you think it is dangerous, stay off his property. :thumbsup:

Originally posted by Daan
to lighten the mood, this situation would have no value i nCHina. they would just eat the evidence

joke aside, Akita ? is that a Japanese breed ?

It sure is, and its a very intelligent dog, they're awesome. When I get a dog it will be either an Akita or a Shiba Inu.

12-03-2007, 01:06 PM

12-03-2007, 01:33 PM
Good on your parents for not going after the owners. As ca18det240sx and GTS Jeff said, it's nice to see some people aren't out there just to make a buck, or to blame someone else for their own lack of care. (Although you're right - it's hard to keep a little energetic dog from sticking his/her nose everywhere possible!)

As with some others, I would still suggest approaching the owners though. It's not like their dog didn't have *any* responsibility in the incident, and they should be made aware. I am not sure about calling animal control... would that possibly be a precurser to them doing more than just a fine? Ie: Putting the dog down? I guess that seems a bit extreme, but sometimes the authorities CAN be overly extreme. If it happened to a human, that would be a *very* concerning possibility.

12-03-2007, 01:35 PM
I never said the OP was being a pussy. I said that people should take responsibility for their own problems. The dog went into someone else’s fenced in property and was hurt. Going after someone when they took what anybody would consider reasonable precautions in keeping people out of their yard with a fence is crazy. Blaming someone for a small hole with room for a nose to fit under a fence is ridiculous. If you could prove that the owners knew about the hole and didn't fix it because dogs were sniffing around and they wanted those dogs hurt, I would be upset, but I'm sure this is not the case. There is no evidence of negligence, so going after the owner is absolutely ridiculous. The stepfather walking the dog was the negligent one, he didn't restrain the dog from going onto someone else’s property. Why would you blame the property owner?

If there is a law against a dog protecting its fenced in territory that is due to the pussification of society. If you go after someone for something that is your own fault, that is due to the pussification of society.

I had a friend do over a grand in damage to my parked car, I won't go into details, but it was due in part to my own stupidity, so I didn't ask him for any help fixing the damage. I took responsibility and paid for it myself. So no, if it was my dog, I wouldn’t go after the owner in this case. If the dog was running around in public, it would be a different story.

I could understand if the OP didn't have the money and asked nicely for the owners to pay part of the bill, but calling animal services or expecting them to pay the full bill is extreme.

12-03-2007, 02:09 PM
You should petition the government to distribute shock collars to kids so they don't run onto the highway. You know, because it's their responsibility.

12-03-2007, 03:19 PM
Originally posted by BoostMonkey
what happened in my case...

My mother and i were walking up my uncles driveway with my mothers 2 dogs on leash. The pitbull/american bull dog, which was tied to the side of its owners house while she was out getting a haircut, came across its driveway onto my uncles and grab my mothers dog which i was walking by its throat and started shaking it to death. As soon as the dogs seperated the pitbull/american bull dog turned on myself and grabbed my arm and started shaking it. The owner was not even home to help seperate the animals or take control of her dog. When the police came he had to pull his gun and tazer on the dog as it was going to latch on to him. The owners of the dog were real stubborn and ended up being taken to court by animal services where I had to testify as to what happened.

There is a pretty big differnece between Pit bulls and American Bulldogs, and posts like this add to the ignorance of small breed owners against large breed dogs. Google American Bulldog attacks and see how many you find, as compared to ANY other large breed dog. I found WAY more articles on golden retriever attacks than American Bulldogs.

Here are pictures of the 2 just so you know next time and not help steriotype breeds.
American Bulldog.

Originally posted by rmk

christ almightly, they need to round up all those damn dogs and kill them. also stick those owners into a mental program for purchasing such a terrible bread of dog. trashy pitbull dog = trashy owner.


Most ignorant post ever. Just because you couldnt handle anything besides a weiner dog dosent mean that everybody else is such a pussy. Pitbulls and Bully type breeds are the most loyal, and loving breeds around.

And to the op. lesson learned, dont allow your dog to TRESSPASS on others property and this wont happen. In my opinion you are at fault by a long shot. When i let my dog in the backyard i assume that other dog owners have the common sence to not let their dogs into my yard as i have a big sign, much like the one your uncle ignored stating that there is a dog in my yard.

12-04-2007, 01:56 PM
Originally posted by 3g4u

Google American Bulldog attacks and see how many you find, as compared to ANY other large breed dog. I found WAY more articles on golden retriever attacks than American Bulldogs.

Try researching based on per capita.

12-05-2007, 10:16 AM
No i think that googleing would be sufficient enough thanks. American Bulldogs are not known for attacking, and i was trying to help break the bullshit steriotype people like you put on these sweet loving dogs.

12-05-2007, 12:47 PM
Originally posted by 3g4u
No i think that googleing would be sufficient enough thanks. American Bulldogs are not known for attacking, and i was trying to help break the bullshit steriotype people like you put on these sweet loving dogs.

I know the difference you half wit!!! The dog was a mix breed!!!!! hence why i put both names.

Telling me that I wouldnt know the difference between the 2 dogs is like telling me i wouldnt know the difference between air and water.

12-05-2007, 12:55 PM
this is the exact dog that attacked us.


It has the size of an american bulldog but the stance and face of a pitbull.

12-05-2007, 01:01 PM
Originally posted by Hakkola

Why should this instinct to protect it's territory be suppressed? That is one of the main reasons to own an Akita. If you think it is dangerous, stay off his property. :thumbsup:

No kidding! These kids probably had it coming too hey?


The instinct doesn't need to be supressed, it needs to be controlled. If you cannot train your dog to only attack on command, you should not own the dog.

Pussification of society is someone owning a dog like an Akita and is too scared / lazy / ignorant to actually train the dog and become its Alpha leader.

12-05-2007, 01:25 PM
Also take into consideration, the Akita may be put down if you do complain as it may be viewed as a threat... just something to consider.

Morally, i wouldnt do it, if i was walking my min pin and she got chewed on for going on another dogs property... well, lets just say she wouldnt go on another dogs property because I would be responsible enough to make sure she doesnt.

edit: I'll also add, people are forgetting, dogs are EXTREMELY Territorial... moreso than Texans ;)

I used to visit my neighbors dog and play with it at least once a week when i was growing up. I accidently tossed a ball over the fence and went around to get it when my neighbor wasnt home. When i went around to the back i saw their dog and smiled and tried to call it over like i normally do but instead it growled at me, obviously it was just defending its territory - it NEVER acted that way towards me after 2 years until that time, and i totally understood why, i didnt freak out cry or complain - its just what they do. Chances are the Akita isnt a bad dog, its just territorial

12-05-2007, 01:34 PM

12-05-2007, 01:48 PM
Originally posted by 01RedDX

I agree about not going to the authorities, but I would make sure to tell the owners about it.

Thats true, i would just let them know that there is a hole under their fence that they might need to keep an eye on. but NEVER play the blame game - dont point the finger at them and say "Because that hole is there, my dog got bit! ITS YOUR FAULT" - either way you say it to them they are going to get defensive, but just try and be tactful.

Also pitbulls arent bad dogs at all, you just need to give them the love and attention they require. I think they are amazing dogs, hell youtube min pin vs a pitbull, probably the cutest vid haha

12-05-2007, 02:07 PM
Bylaw or not, I think it's your dogs fault (or step dads). Obviously the fence is safe for their dog and it's not their responsibility to keep your dog out. I'm sure you could get money from them if you went to court or something, but why would you try? If your dog isn't smart enough to stay away from big scary dogs then maybe it should be on a leash.

the other dog was fenced up and there is a sign that says "beware of dog", whether that sign means anything legally is beside the point because when a person sees a sign like that, they should be intellegent enough to stay away from the dog.

12-05-2007, 02:34 PM
Bad dogs come from bad owners, case n' point....

12-05-2007, 03:11 PM
Originally posted by BoostMonkey

I know the difference you half wit!!! The dog was a mix breed!!!!! hence why i put both names.

Telling me that I wouldnt know the difference between the 2 dogs is like telling me i wouldnt know the difference between air and water.

Oh ya like im supposed to read your mind, how the fuck am i supposed to know that "pitbull/american bulldog" Is supposed to mean it is a cross breed. Wouldnt it have been a little more clear if you wrote pitbull american bulldog cross or pittbull-american bulldog as opposed to pittbull/american bulldog? Do you know what / means? If not ill help you out it is a slash meaning (and or)and if i was talking to you in person "pitbull/american bulldog" would meen pitbull or american bulldog, now if you wrote pittbull-american bulldog that would make sence you half witt!!! Does name calling make you feel like a big girl? Cause it only makes you look stupid IMO. Usually i dont attack the poster but attack the situation but you blatently posted a hatefull degrading post to me so...:guns: :whocares:

12-05-2007, 03:14 PM
I think a few of you need to change your Vag pads...

12-05-2007, 07:30 PM
Originally posted by rmk

christ almightly, they need to round up all those damn dogs and kill them. also stick those owners into a mental program for purchasing such a terrible bread of dog. trashy pitbull dog = trashy owner.

You're right, the poor lil guy didnt stand a chance in this video...


... :rolleyes:

12-19-2007, 06:29 AM
Originally posted by 403Gemini
Also take into consideration, the Akita may be put down if you do complain as it may be viewed as a threat... just something to consider.

Morally, i wouldnt do it, if i was walking my min pin and she got chewed on for going on another dogs property... well, lets just say she wouldnt go on another dogs property because I would be responsible enough to make sure she doesnt.

Sorry for bringing back a dead post, but i have a question about your reply. Are you saying that it was my step dads fault that my dog was attacked? its just sounds like you are saying "I Am responsible and have complete control over my dog, where as you should keep better control over your dog"

12-19-2007, 11:48 AM
Originally posted by Datsun-Fever

Sorry for bringing back a dead post, but i have a question about your reply. Are you saying that it was my step dads fault that my dog was attacked? its just sounds like you are saying "I Am responsible and have complete control over my dog, where as you should keep better control over your dog"

That's what it reads to me. I also agree with an above post, bad owners = bad dogs. I disagree with the post about pitbulls or bull breeds being "born bad", as it's a media induced misconception propagated by ignorant people who don't have the desire to educate themselves on the topic.

I am sorry your dog had to suffer injuries, but your dog had to learn as well not to stick its nose where it shouldn't, as well as your step father as a owner to keep better control of your dog.

I certainly wouldn't go after my parents when their garage cat beat the snot out of my dog when she was a puppy. I wasn't watching my puppy, and Gracie learned the hard way that cats have pointy bits. Now, Gracie outweighs Katie (the cat) by about 75lbs, but she just follows Katie around and lays down whenever Katie looks back at her. (It's really funny to watch btw, a 8lb cat leading an 83lb dog around the acerage)

12-19-2007, 12:45 PM
ahh you see, i dont think you guys understand how this happened completely, and i dont understand how you think someone can keep complete control over a medium sized dog thats fast as hell in an off leash area... it took just a couple seconds for my dog to run over to the fence and stick her nose under it to get a few sniffs in... its really hard to stop her from doing that when she is like 50 feet away from you...
Aaanyways, heres some pictures of my dogs nose now
its healed up pretty well and as you can see my dog is scared shitless of cameras

12-19-2007, 01:15 PM
Originally posted by Datsun-Fever
[B]...i dont think you guys understand how this happened completely, and i dont understand how you think someone can keep complete control over a medium sized dog thats fast as hell in an off leash area... it took just a couple seconds for my dog to run over to the fence and stick her nose under it to get a few sniffs in... its really hard to stop her from doing that when she is like 50 feet away from you...

Cute doggy. Glad the nose is all healed.

Many years ago I used to think the same way you do. My dogs a dog. I can't stop her. She's going to run and dart off from me in an off leash area. As it's been said before, this is where the responsible pet owner comes into play. Dog training. It takes a ton of time and effort to train a dog.

Below is what the Animal & Bylaw Services officer told me after an incident.

For owners to have their dog in an city off leash park, you have to 100% control of your dog at all times. A lot of owners don't. A lot of owner do. 100% recall of your dog. If your dog runs off in 0.5 seconds to another dog, another area where it shouldn't be in or around, maybe even across a busy street, you need to have 100% recall. The dog needs to be trained to "off the distraction" and come back to you. Or go into a sit or down command.

If you don't have 100% recall, walk it on leash until you are satisfied you are in an environment where your dog can't get harmed, cause a problem with another dog or a human, and it doesn't matter to you if your dog recalls quickly or is distracted.

My previous dog would recall in quiet environments, but in off leash parks she would get distracted and sometimes wouldn't listen. I'd have to always have her within 10 feet or less so I could react if she was off leash.

12-19-2007, 01:23 PM
Originally posted by mrbojangles

For owners to have their dog in an city off leash park, you have to 100% control of your dog at all times. A lot of owners don't. A lot of owner do. 100% recall of your dog. If your dog runs off in 0.5 seconds to another dog, another area where it shouldn't be in or around, maybe even across a busy street, you need to have 100% recall. The dog needs to be trained to "off the distraction" and come back to you. Or go into a sit or down command.

This is why we walk our pooch on a leash, in off leash parks. As hard as we've tried to train him, he will NOT recall if he's distracted by anything living (ie rabbits, other dogs, etc.). So he at least gets the enjoyment of interacting with other dogs, but he will always be in our control.