View Full Version : space heaters

12-03-2007, 01:14 PM
I have a walkout basement that I like to add some heat.
I was thinking of buying the baseboard type (2000 watts) and hang it along the ceiling as I have a toddler who's a bit curious.

You guys have any ideas for ecnomy and safety? The size of the area is about 700sqft wide open. Just like a big rumpus room.

12-04-2007, 11:14 AM
just mount it up about 5 feet off the wall using some hooks and cable. That way it'll be out of reach for the tottler and you wont cook your roof. Either that or put it on a small (lamp) table.
Just dont go with a quartz one that heats up like the sun and doesn't blow the air, you can melt shit really easily with those. Instead there are these oscillatiing heaters that blow the heat around, so you dont have to worry about hot spots as much.
(hope that helps)

EDIT: Oh yeah, and look for a heater that has a shut off switch if its ever knocked over. Those are priceless in your situation. Lots of the ones on the market dont have that feature.

12-04-2007, 09:23 PM
Get one of these and place it on a table. No fan so it runs silently.


12-04-2007, 10:32 PM
^ i think of costco when i see that picture..

they always have them on display and its always so friggen warm infront of them:thumbsup:

12-04-2007, 10:56 PM
they work very well, My grandma had a bunch when she owned a motel and they kick ass

12-04-2007, 11:14 PM
Most baseboard heaters would be very innefficient near a ceiling since they are usually convection based. It's designed to be near the base of a wall, where the rising heat will starting a circulating air movement which in turn heats the whole room. If the heater is already near the top, the rising heat won't get momentum and you will have a warm top with colder floor (where the kid will be).

A radiant heater would be best.