View Full Version : Comp is Fucked - Please Help

12-07-2007, 05:34 PM
So my computer is pretty new and has never had any kind of problem.

Today while just idling with the screen saver on, it started making a really weird noise. Kind of a humming you would hear if it was burning a dvd but louder. When I scrolled through my computer it ran fine, no lag or problems besides the noise. Power off, wait 10 minutes power on, and the noise comes back after a few minutes. Power it off again, wait longer and turn it back on, and I'm using it fine, but just as I begin to type this its humming again.

I'm guessing its the fan but who knows? If anyone has any suggestions it would be great as I have finals in less than a week and I need this comp for my study notes. I bought it from MemExpress but I'm in Lethbridge right now and cant come back to Calgary til after finals. Any suggestions of where to take it or what to do? I'm guessing ignoring it because the computer still runs fine isnt the smartest thing to do.

adam c
12-07-2007, 05:35 PM
if its humming its most likely one of the fans inside

either the powersupply or depending on the computer the fan on the heatsync for the processor(s)

12-07-2007, 05:39 PM
thats what I thought, but what I dont get, is if a fan blew out, wouldnt it make noise all the time.

the noise goes away after I restart and it comes back after 10-15 minutes of the computer idling.

adam c
12-07-2007, 05:40 PM
doesnt mean it blew, it could be broken and when it spins causes the noise

or the motor could be screwed.. its easier to actually look at the fan so if ur tech inclined it wouldn't take more then 10-15 minutes to do this

12-07-2007, 05:41 PM
5hift: Turn off your computer, open up your case, and try this:
Take your vacuum cleaner, take the hose from the "input" air, and attach it to the "exhaust" air. This should cause your vacuum to blow out air instead of suck in through the long hose. Now (WITH YOUR COMPUTER OFF) blow the shit out of all the fans. Make sure you do your power supply as well, as that one usually gets the most dirt in it. Then, make sure all the screws for your fans are tight, because those things are spinning, and if they start to vibrate...well there is your culprit.

EDIT: Lastly, make sure no wires are in the way of any of your fans. If any wires are near the fans and the fans are touching them, it will make a similar noise.

If that doesn't fix the problem, turn on your computer, (with the door still open) and listen to find out which fan it is that is making the noise. It most likely has a broken bearing and you will need to replace it.

EDIT2: When you are blowing your fans, make sure you don't spin them too fast with the vacuum cleaner, as that could fuck them up too. Just angle the vacuum cleaner at a mild angle to let the blades of the fans catch the air and spin a bit, but not too fast.

12-07-2007, 06:18 PM
It's probably a fan... usually the small ones. Do you have any chipset fans? Those are terrible and are usually the main culprits for making noise. The 2nd most likely culprit is the GPU fan. 3rd is probably CPU fan. 4th is likely the system fan. And last is the PSU fan.

BTW I think vacuums are not enough for blowing dust out of your system. Not even compressed air in a can is usually good enough. You need a real compressor to really get dust out (and do this outside :rofl: )

12-07-2007, 06:52 PM
so obviously I know nothing about how the hardware compents of a computer work and I really need this for upcoming finals.

if I was in calgary I would just take it to mem express, any suggestions for Lethbridge? I'm guessing Futureshop isnt the greatest idea and I dont know what I'm looking for myself.

12-07-2007, 08:20 PM
Originally posted by clem24

BTW I think vacuums are not enough for blowing dust out of your system. Not even compressed air in a can is usually good enough. You need a real compressor to really get dust out (and do this outside :rofl: )

Haha depending in how long of an interval you leave between cleanings, you could be right.

Edit: 5hift...just open up your computer, anything you see that looks like a fan blow some air at...nothing really technically inclined.

Here is what a fan typically looks like. You may have a smaller one on your Graphics card which is where your MONITOR plugs into. Another one in your Power Supply unit, which is where you plug the power wire for your computer into the tower...you won't see this fan but you will see a big metal box where all of the power wires for all of the components of your computer, it will be on the top left of your computer if you are looking at it sideways.


Power Supply:

12-07-2007, 08:24 PM
Originally posted by arian_ma

Haha depending in how long of an interval you leave between cleanings, you could be right.

A vacuum is alright to use on computer internals??

12-07-2007, 08:27 PM
Originally posted by BrknFngrs

A vacuum is alright to use on computer internals??

I don't see why not.

12-07-2007, 08:30 PM
Originally posted by arian_ma

I don't see why not. Just don't touch any components with conductive parts of a vacuum cleaner. They tend to create some wicked static.

12-07-2007, 08:57 PM
^Just what I was about to say, a vacuum cleaner can generate some really bad ESD and can cause damage to the components in your computer.

12-07-2007, 09:48 PM
Originally posted by Quiet10
^Just what I was about to say, a vacuum cleaner can generate some really bad ESD and can cause damage to the components in your computer.

Haha yeah the tip of mine is plastic, but you'd assume it's common sense to not touch the components regardless of what your planning on touching it with.

12-08-2007, 11:21 AM
Don't use vacume on a computer, bad idea

This is what i usually do, open her up when its making a noise and touch the fan centre with a finger to slow the fan down or stop it, if the noice goes away, then you found the busted fan

12-08-2007, 11:26 AM
so to add to my challenge, my computer tower has a lock on it, and having just moved, I cannot find the key. Its a pretty shitty lock, but I dont really want to break open my tower.

Edit: After being on for abot a hour this morning, the noise came back. Its a loud whirring sound, that gets faster/higher pitched the longer it takes me to turn off my computer. This is great how it happens days before finals so I dont even have time to get it repaired.

If I use the computer until the noise comes on, then I shut it off to cool down, will that wreck the computer? I'm not sure what else to do, between the weekend and the fact service takes at least a few days I'm pretty much fucked unless I go buy another computer.

12-08-2007, 02:28 PM
Originally posted by 5hift
so to add to my challenge, my computer tower has a lock on it, and having just moved, I cannot find the key. Its a pretty shitty lock, but I dont really want to break open my tower.

Edit: After being on for abot a hour this morning, the noise came back. Its a loud whirring sound, that gets faster/higher pitched the longer it takes me to turn off my computer. This is great how it happens days before finals so I dont even have time to get it repaired.

If I use the computer until the noise comes on, then I shut it off to cool down, will that wreck the computer? I'm not sure what else to do, between the weekend and the fact service takes at least a few days I'm pretty much fucked unless I go buy another computer.

Man, that just sounds like a busted fan forsure. Your computer has overheating protection all over the place so even if you are overheating your CPU it will automatically shut itself down. I think you are worrying way too much over a very miniscule issue. Use your computer like you would normally, ignore the sound, get it fixed after finals. Your computer will be fine.

12-08-2007, 03:13 PM
use a can of compressed air, short bursts

GTS Jeff
12-08-2007, 03:22 PM
If you don't have compressed air on hand, you can take a vacuum cleaner to the computer using the smallest attachment you have. Just be careful to not to touch anything or to vacuum off any caps...