View Full Version : exhaust smoke

12-09-2007, 01:08 AM
Hey everyone, I've been reading up on a few of these on here, and I just wanted to make sure I'm on the same page.

My brother's winter car is starting to smoke every once in a while. There doesnt seem to be any coolant leaking (it's pretty much at a consistant level), and the dipstick seems pretty clean (there's no foaminess).

It pretty much has a little bit of exhaust smoke (I mean, pretty typical for your 10+ year old car). But every once in a while, during acceleration, you'd see a plume of white smoke (it's enough that you could see peek above your trunk while looking through the rearview) that lasts until you take your foot off the gas, it probably doesnt show up again, or eventually dissapears.. The car would sometimes idle just a tiny bit every now and then.

The most common situation I've seen is having the car smoke once (maybe 10 minutes into a trip) and then it doesnt happen again.... perhaps the valves need replacing.

I have a feeling the spark plugs might need to get changed for the idling, and perhaps lack of startup power (but I dont think this causes smoke?). Could this be the start of a failing headgasket? I mean, the car does burn a little bit of oil for it's age, but I just hope it's not too late, and there could be something that could be done so the engine lasts for at least another year perhaps until he gets a new car.

I hope all you car wizards can help me out! Thanks in advance! :)

12-09-2007, 01:20 AM
Sounds like valve seals.

Just keep adding oil, replacing them, or even piston rings isn't worth it on any car under 5000$.

12-09-2007, 11:59 AM
Any smoke is bad news, but white smoke is probably the worst because it is likely a bad HG. I don't know of any tricks that would keep the engine lasting longer.

If it's a worthless beater, just drive it until it dies and hope to God it doesn't die on a day when it's -30C.

12-09-2007, 12:15 PM
white smoke in winter could be normal.. water vapor coming out of the engine's combustion system

12-09-2007, 04:39 PM
could be valve seals, but usually you get smoke at start up, and it's not white smoke. Only smoke that is white, is coolant(or just normal condensation like already stated). You can test to see if it's a head gasket or not..what kinda car is this?