View Full Version : Well I feel like a jackass...

12-12-2007, 12:52 PM
My first final today was at 8AM - I definitely woke up at 9:34.

This is what you get for studying until 4 in the morning, I am surprised I have never done this before. So the question most people are probably having are, what happened,

was it the Snooze? No not the snooze
The AM/PM? not the AM/PM, most people think it was the AM/PM

It was the volume, yes the volume, my alarm has a different volume for the radio vs. the alarm.

Anyone done this before?

12-12-2007, 12:56 PM
yes this has happened to me.

for my alarm clock the radio is SOOO Much louder than the alarm itself.

except when it happened to me i was late for work not school.

ahahh but i didn't care cause my work is stupid ]

did you get to write your mid term?

12-12-2007, 12:56 PM
Mid term or final?

Cause i know for some midterms, they let you defer the weight of the test to the final.

Sux to hear man, i'd talk to your prof.

12-12-2007, 01:04 PM
Sorry, I ment Final, I guess I have to get a doctors note. It shouldn't be a big deal, but I was ready to write this thing!

12-12-2007, 01:06 PM
If you are in SAIT, I think they make require you to have more than a doctors note to write a final exam

12-12-2007, 01:06 PM
did it and got a doctors note and defered the exam! GL

12-12-2007, 01:07 PM
That was my biggest fear in University, good thing it actually didn't happen to me. But I've heard it happen to quite a few people so don't feel so bad. And I heard this from one person that you kinda get one "freebie" ie. not waking up in time, and they will let you defer it. But I would get a doctor's note just in case. Shitty thing about deferred exams is that they are way harder than the original I hear haha.

12-12-2007, 01:08 PM
I did this on my Thermodynamics final. Although i didn't miss it. Final was at 9AM, woke up at 9:14AM, and was at school writing it at 9:31AM.

Originally posted by V6-BoI
That was my biggest fear in University, good thing it actually didn't happen to me. But I've heard it happen to quite a few people so don't feel so bad. And I heard this from one person that you kinda get one "freebie" ie. not waking up in time, and they will let you defer it. But I would get a doctor's note just in case. Shitty thing about deferred exams is that they are way harder than the original I hear haha.

I think it depends on the school. All the idiots that deferred here seem to get amazingly easy exams.

12-12-2007, 01:10 PM
Sucks to hear.... I sleep through my alarm ALL the time... doesn't matter if the volume is cranked up...

12-12-2007, 01:10 PM
Originally posted by Neil4Speed
My first final today was at 8AM - I definitely woke up at 9:34.

This is what you get for studying until 4 in the morning, I am surprised I have never done this before. So the question most people are probably having are, what happened,

was it the Snooze? No not the snooze
The AM/PM? not the AM/PM, most people think it was the AM/PM

It was the volume, yes the volume, my alarm has a different volume for the radio vs. the alarm.

Anyone done this before?

hahahahahahahahahahahaha, that sucks dude, thats like my worse nightmare, are you going to be able to get it deffered? what class?did you talk to the prof? I've done the am/pm thing for a lab this year, i guess thats what you get when you're drunk the night before

12-12-2007, 01:17 PM
OMG! This is one of my biggest fears as well.

I intentionally set as many alarms as I can. My clock radio alarm is cranked, and set across the room so I actually have to get out of bed to hit snooze. Hubby's got his alarm set as well, and I set the alarm on my cell phone as well. Glad I am not the only paranoid one ;)

GL, hope you get to defer.

12-12-2007, 01:18 PM
Huge Seinfeld Jean-Paul moment you got going on there...haha.

Most people TINK it was the snooze but it wasnt the snooze :rofl:

12-12-2007, 01:21 PM
Originally posted by bobby_lu
Huge Seinfeld Jean-Paul moment you got going on there...haha.

Most people TINK it was the snooze but it wasnt the snooze :rofl:

Haha, yes, that was what I was going for, but it was actually the volume.

Most people TINK hahah. One of the best episodes ever.

Thanks for all the advice, off to the doctors I go... It was an easy exam, and I would have done well, now I have to think about this shit all break!

12-12-2007, 01:25 PM
That sucks, I used to fear that as well, so I'd set up my alarm clock, watch, cell phone, even had some friends call each other to make sure none of us would sleep in.

12-12-2007, 01:32 PM
I've had a few of those.

First one was in first year. Calculus midterm. Power outage, woke up to see the glorious flashing zeros. Checked my cell and the time was 8:15, exam started at 8. Fortunately I was living in rez so I just threw some pants on and ran my ass down there. My vision hadn't even cleared up by the time I had the exam infront of me.

next was in second year. machine design midterm. I lived an hours drive from school, woke up 10 minutes after the exam started and managed to get there at exactly 9 (started at 8). The teacher was cool with it though, he marked the time on my paper and then after everyone was gone he let me finish.

Then it was the machine design final. Major wind storm the night before. A tree fell down in my alley, blocking my exit from the garage so I had to 'borrow' the brother's car. Half an hour late, no extra time this time.

12-12-2007, 01:53 PM
yeah i dont wake up a an alarm my wife dose then she wakes me up, if it wernt for her id be fucked lol....

12-12-2007, 01:56 PM
yea i'm always afraid that I'd miss exams too. For early morning exams, i usually set 2 alarm clocks and the alarm on my cellphone (which is almost as loud as my alarm clocks). Abit overkill yes, but at least it wakes me up for sure :thumbsup:

12-12-2007, 02:00 PM
once i was late by a whole 24 hours, sitting in the class didnt recognize anybody-then when i figured out i was at the right place wrong day a rushed to my profs office and he was marking the finals!!!!

he let me write it right there in his office, i think he could tell i wasnt pulling any tricks and i had been an active part of class so he was cool. wow was i shitting my pants on the way to his office.

12-12-2007, 02:04 PM
I need 2 alarms to get out bed most days, and made sure for my final today that the second alarm was well across my room so I actually had to get my ass out of bed to his snooze lol.

12-12-2007, 02:13 PM
what test did you miss today? I pulled an all nighter, because by 4 am i was afraid i'd sleep through my alarm clock and miss the test

12-12-2007, 02:31 PM
I always set 2 or so alarms when i have finals as i am phobic about missing them after one time somehow setting my clock ahead while sleeping then waking up thinking i was an hour late then rushing out the door as fast as possible only to check the time in the car and see that it was not 8:30 but instead 5:30.

12-12-2007, 02:35 PM
i know at uofa if you fail a final and its worth 50% or more and it causes you to fail the course... you are allowed 1 rewrite.

12-12-2007, 05:12 PM
Originally posted by littledan
i know at uofa if you fail a final and its worth 50% or more and it causes you to fail the course... you are allowed 1 rewrite.

Are you sure it's a rewrite and not just challenging a course on the final? If it is just a rewrite in practically any condition (as long as it's worth 50% or more) and the F doesn't stick then that's a pretty shady.

12-12-2007, 05:37 PM
I've also missed one and got a doctors note. Actually a note doesn't work, you need specific forms filled out.

Once the doctor came into the room and saw me with a textbook in my hand and the forms, he asked for the forms, signed them, and made me pay 15 bucks, what a scam!

12-12-2007, 05:52 PM
Thats what I fear to, thank god all my exams are in the afternoon this year :D
I usually set my cellphone to super loud n same as my ring tone. So when I do hear it I usually wake up and pick it up to see whose calling. Its just instinct while with my alarm its slam the massive snooze button haha. It gets to such a habit that sometimes I dont even remembering doing it :(

Best of luck to getting it deferred :)

12-12-2007, 06:49 PM
Ouch bro. sorry to hear that. make sure you go to a fob doc, and tell him the situation...he might be understanding...if you get my drift. ;)

best of luck on getting it fixed!
btw, out of curiousity what course was it?

something like this almost happened to me also, but last year....thank god my dad was home that morning! i didn't even brush my teeth, i put my pants and tshirt on, and bolted it to the bus stop. missed like 25 mins of the exam, but the prof gave me an extra 12.5 minutes. nice of him.

12-12-2007, 07:22 PM
Yeah I had the radio alarm going this morning, with the cellphone alarm across the room, and a call from a friend. :D :nut:

12-12-2007, 07:35 PM
I always set my alarm for hours and hours before the test. My exam today was at 9am, and I set my alarm for 5am. Couldn't get out of bed until 6am, but I still had lots of time.

12-12-2007, 07:58 PM
Sorry to hear that.

what exams are these that take soo long to write? I usually get there on time, write my exam in 15-20 min and bolt outta there

12-12-2007, 08:06 PM
Originally posted by G-ZUS
Sorry to hear that.

what exams are these that take soo long to write? I usually get there on time, write my exam in 15-20 min and bolt outta there

Finals... at university or college. What kind of exam are you writing that only takes 15-20 minutes?

Junior high? lol

12-12-2007, 08:07 PM
I am super-paranoid about missing early exams as well, I set two alarms and usually check them half a dozen times before I go to sleep :nut:

12-12-2007, 08:27 PM
Originally posted by G-ZUS
Sorry to hear that.

what exams are these that take soo long to write? I usually get there on time, write my exam in 15-20 min and bolt outta there

LOL sure u do buddy

12-12-2007, 08:31 PM
Originally posted by G-ZUS
Sorry to hear that.

what exams are these that take soo long to write? I usually get there on time, write my exam in 15-20 min and bolt outta there

hahhahaahhaa lets be serious here.

12-12-2007, 08:32 PM
Originally posted by AyuRo
Finals... at university or college. What kind of exam are you writing that only takes 15-20 minutes?

Junior high? lol

Obviously not U of C with their 30 min rule and all. I remember taking a test beside an archaeology class. We were like 15% and they were the other 85% of the gym. As soon as the clock hit 30 mins past the start, pretty much all of them got up to leave. What a joke of an exam that must have been.

On the flip side, when I was back in high school my brother used to make fun of the CET program at SAIT, saying the exams were ridiculously easy sometimes and he could get out of there in under half an hour.

12-12-2007, 08:42 PM
i showed up about an hour late once, pretty sure i still passed though :D

12-12-2007, 10:24 PM

12-12-2007, 10:27 PM
Originally posted by Perceptionist
How do you guys go about getting the doctor's note?
Do you go to the family doctor and tell the truth? or do you go into the clinic and fake something?
Unfortunately truth = fail if you actually missed the entire exam, so a BS doctors note is the way to go, unless you luck out like some of the guys here.

12-12-2007, 10:37 PM
Originally posted by G-ZUS
Sorry to hear that.

what exams are these that take soo long to write? I usually get there on time, write my exam in 15-20 min and bolt outta there

no kidding! what kind of exams are these? or are you bolting out because you know you failed miserably?

12-12-2007, 10:48 PM
Originally posted by suen_boi

no kidding! what kind of exams are these? or are you bolting out because you know you failed miserably?

Bolting maybe cuz he/she had to take a massive dump, and they don't let you go the washroom? That was also a big fear of mine during school. I was so paranoid about eating greesy fast food before a test fearing the runs would pwn my ass

12-12-2007, 11:08 PM
If I study till 4AM the day of the exam and my exam is at 8AM...I just stay up. I end up feeling a lot groggier if i go to bed for only those few hours.

12-12-2007, 11:15 PM
I did that for a midterm one day emailed my prof and he said come in ASAP and let me write it.
Most of them are pretty understanding I think...

12-12-2007, 11:30 PM
Happened once. Monday had to major projects due and stayed up most of the weekend to get them done. Tuesday 2 midterms on 2 of my hardest courses that semester. Brutal schedule.

I studied after the projects were in until about 4:30am where I just conked out on my desk. Woke up at 11:15am 15minutes after my second midterm started.

Went and got a doctors note and got both deferred. 1 later that same day and the other the next day.


12-13-2007, 12:05 AM
Originally posted by V6-BoI
That was my biggest fear in University, good thing it actually didn't happen to me. But I've heard it happen to quite a few people so don't feel so bad. And I heard this from one person that you kinda get one "freebie" ie. not waking up in time, and they will let you defer it. But I would get a doctor's note just in case. Shitty thing about deferred exams is that they are way harder than the original I hear haha.

not necessarily. i took a special deferred exam (for a SPRING course, which I ended up taking sometime near the end of September), and it was the exam same test, afaik. The questions that my classmates explained were on the test were pretty much on the deferred final.

anyways, good luck with it. as long as you have a doctor's note you'll be fine.

12-13-2007, 12:53 AM
u dont generally get a "freebie" deferral, and usually the profs give u the same exact final (except for the ones who really want to make ur life miserable)

12-13-2007, 05:09 AM
Depends on the prof. One prof I had vowed to write an extremely hard exam if anyone made him write a deferral. The lazier profs will just give you something easy to make. I had one deferral that was exactly the same as a previous years final. And it was open book, and I had the previous final with me! It felt dirty.
And no way would I count on getting "one freebie"...

12-13-2007, 10:19 AM
Originally posted by szw
Depends on the prof. One prof I had vowed to write an extremely hard exam if anyone made him write a deferral. The lazier profs will just give you something easy to make. I had one deferral that was exactly the same as a previous years final. And it was open book, and I had the previous final with me! It felt dirty.
And no way would I count on getting "one freebie"...

lol that happened with one of my Finals as well but not a deferral. I looked up when we got it and half the class that had brought in the old exams had big smiles on their faces