View Full Version : Help!!! Car Break In

12-14-2007, 11:51 PM
To all beyond users,

I am not a very vocal or active user but today I am here calling out for help. This afternoon my car was broken in by a couple of deutches in the chinook centre parking lot. They jimmyed the door and took my deck, and my cd's. To add on to all of this they popped the trunk and stole my soccer team jerseys along with my soccer bag and soccer team equipment. If you think that's bad the jerseys were DIRTY!!!!!! They dumped the pylons and pinnies that's right they stole pylons and pinnies that were also in a seperate bag.

All of this took place in the underground parking lot between the hours of 3:50 pm and 6:30pm on friday dec.14th, 2007.

You may know the people who were involved in the incident or have any information that may help me in the this situation. If so please contact me by private message. This may happen alot and I may not be the only one this happened to but I know beyond members help each other and I am willing to offer a reward to anyone that can help me get my stolen merchandise back.

The deck is a jvc deck the jerseys are the 2002 Portugal Away Jerseys. They are white with a blue trim. They have a collar on them and they are all numbered. They are Nike brand and there are 17 jerseys in total. As well there are 17 pairs of blue shorts. The shorts are umbro shorts with a portugal decal in the corner. They theives seem stupid so they might even try to sell the socks. 17 pairs of white soccer socks. The jerseys came in a blue kappa bag and my soccer bag is a black puma bag with white nike outdoor cleats and white indoor sambas.

If ANYONE has any information I would really appreciate it. Good deeds never go unnoticed please help me if you can. I dont really care to much for the deck. If the theif is reading this keep the deck keep the cds but please give back the soccer equipment. Leave it for the chinook security or the cops I dont care. If your that lazy to work to buy a deck and if your that big of a deutche that you steal things from people during the christmas season keep the stupid deck and the cds just give me the soccer equipment. Karma will sort you out later you clown!

Thanks in Advance Members

12-14-2007, 11:56 PM
sorry to hear man, people have no sense of decency anymore it seems, I hope all goes well for you

12-15-2007, 12:02 AM
Sorry to hear about this. I had my car broken into once, and I was damn right pissed about it. But you gotta let the anger go I noticed, since the chances of figuring out who it was isn't high.

On the unlikely event the person who did this reads your message, I do hope you get your stuff back. At least the soccer stuff you really need... I don't get why someone would steal that!

12-15-2007, 12:23 AM
Here are some pics of what they look like. They are not really easy to see but there the best I could find.



12-15-2007, 12:24 AM
Yep what kind of clown steals dirty jerseys!

12-15-2007, 12:26 AM
Seems like a lot of thefts lately around athletic wear. Will keep an eye out if anything.

12-15-2007, 12:33 AM
that sucks man!

12-15-2007, 01:37 AM
that really bites!! what part of the underground parking were you parked at?? i was shopping at that time too :S!! Good luck!

12-15-2007, 07:24 AM
the upper level by the stairs and the elevator

12-15-2007, 07:30 AM
if you call the police about theft, will they come to lift prints ?

are there cameras in the parking lot ? if yes, will security release them?

12-15-2007, 07:57 AM
i probably covered most of the prints but i will find out today thanks

12-15-2007, 03:17 PM
This isnt CSI they never print cars. This is why shows like CSI should NOT exist they make people think that the police have unlimited resources and get pissed when they dont solve crime like they do on tv.

For fuck sakes it takes 6 weeks to make a print match and they send it to edmonton, calgary doesnt have any of that equipment. We JUST got a dna sequencer, and that takes 8 weeks to make a positive ID. Even dna is only reliable to a 75-80% chance, so alot of criminals get off in the details of mishandling of the sample. It sucks yes, is it life? yes. Do you know how much it cost to have a guy come out to print a car? thousands, thats right THOUSANDS. do you think they really give a fuck? They dont even do prints for home invasions... that shit is left for rape/murder/serial theft.

sorry to say, but you have a better chance of being struck by lightning then getting your stuff back. Better luck next time.

Good thing you believe in karma right?

12-15-2007, 03:25 PM
Sorry for you loss. But I must say I laughed when the notion of lifting prints off your car was mentioned. Do you think police would put that kind of effort for your car being broken into? This kind of things happens way to often for them to go around lifting prints and chasing these crooks (who are probably not on file anyways). Car break-ins are even more common at mall during Christmas time...Did your deck have a detachable faceplate? Was it removed? Was all the other stuff in view or hidden?

12-15-2007, 09:05 PM
he wasnt the one who mentioned lifting prints it was another member, he didnt think at any point that the police would put effort into lifting prints hence why he is on here hoping to get some help with his misfortune caus by lowlifes- so... by trying to be a smartass with you questions you have only proven how dumb you really are eboi quit wasting your time with pointless posts he didnt start this thread to get flamed by a moron like you

12-15-2007, 09:21 PM
Originally posted by doublepostwhore
This isnt CSI they never print cars. This is why shows like CSI should NOT exist they make people think that the police have unlimited resources and get pissed when they dont solve crime like they do on tv.

For fuck sakes it takes 6 weeks to make a print match and they send it to edmonton, calgary doesnt have any of that equipment. We JUST got a dna sequencer, and that takes 8 weeks to make a positive ID. Even dna is only reliable to a 75-80% chance, so alot of criminals get off in the details of mishandling of the sample. It sucks yes, is it life? yes. Do you know how much it cost to have a guy come out to print a car? thousands, thats right THOUSANDS. do you think they really give a fuck? They dont even do prints for home invasions... that shit is left for rape/murder/serial theft.

sorry to say, but you have a better chance of being struck by lightning then getting your stuff back. Better luck next time.

Good thing you believe in karma right?

OP, sorry for the loss, hope karma gets them. Also, be on a look out on craigslist or bargainfinder or something. (for someone trying to sell them)

Doublepost: Good points on the po po not giving a shit. Yea shows like CSI's should only be watch as entertainment (like you said, unfortuntely it gives the general public a false sense of real police work; catching speeders and tint tickets)...

12-15-2007, 09:39 PM
Holy shiat! So much theft going on these days. Mine was broken into last year leaving me with a broken window, broken door lock and ripped dash so I know the feeling.

Since then I invested in a two way long range alarm but with all this talk of theft again I don't feel safe parking my car anywhere.

Did you have any alarm on the car?

12-16-2007, 12:46 AM
Originally posted by 2006lancer
he wasnt the one who mentioned lifting prints it was another member, he didnt think at any point that the police would put effort into lifting prints hence why he is on here hoping to get some help with his misfortune caus by lowlifes- so... by trying to be a smartass with you questions you have only proven how dumb you really are eboi quit wasting your time with pointless posts he didnt start this thread to get flamed by a moron like you

My finger printing questions were directed towards the person who mentioned it. But asking if he made his vehicle more of a target then the cars around him are smart ass questions?

12-16-2007, 01:32 AM
i wouldn't see leaving couple jerseys/socks in the car in plain view as being not careful

sorry to hear man

12-16-2007, 05:02 AM
Originally posted by Brunzdawg
Yep what kind of clown steals dirty jerseys!

They were after your deck and CDs. The jerseys were just a bonus. Check on eBay for your stuff.

12-16-2007, 09:11 AM

12-16-2007, 11:08 AM
when my car was broken into a couple of weeks ago finger printers did comes and try to find any but they told me 9 times out of 10 they dont find anything.. i appreciated their help anyways

12-16-2007, 05:55 PM
Originally posted by doublepostwhore

For fuck sakes it takes 6 weeks to make a print match and they send it to edmonton, calgary doesnt have any of that equipment.

Ummm....12 years ago when my 1986 Camaro was stolen, YES 1986 CAMARO...Police did take finger prints on the car and had them analyzed in less than 1 week as they called me to ask if I knew the 2 names they pulled off the door.

My car was worth maybe $4000 grand at the time, the damage of the theft was less than $1500 and I do thank CPS very much for doing everything possible to catch the guys. This tells me it didn't cost them thousands...and that they did give a shit for the little guy.

Goodluck hunting these ass clowns down.

12-17-2007, 06:28 AM
thanks im still on the hunt

12-17-2007, 07:17 AM
Originally posted by IRL

Ummm....12 years ago when my 1986 Camaro was stolen, YES 1986 CAMARO...Police did take finger prints on the car and had them analyzed in less than 1 week as they called me to ask if I knew the 2 names they pulled off the door.

My car was worth maybe $4000 grand at the time, the damage of the theft was less than $1500 and I do thank CPS very much for doing everything possible to catch the guys. This tells me it didn't cost them thousands...and that they did give a shit for the little guy.

yea doublepostwhore obviously doesnt know what hes talking about. I got the fingerprint results within 2 days, it doesnt cost thousands, and yes they do fingerprint for home invasions

12-17-2007, 09:02 AM
sucks to hear, man. they broke into your car during the afternoon with probably a lot of people walking around, too. crazy...sorry to hear, dude!

12-17-2007, 02:49 PM
Sorry to hear about your loss buddy, my car was broken into a couple of times in the past but nothing as valuable as your soccer equipment was stolen from me but still it was frustrating as hell ...Fucking low life thiefs, probably some drunks or crackheads running low on their supply

to the thiefs <--Karma is a bitch bitches:whipped:

12-17-2007, 09:57 PM
I have to disagree with alot of this post. My friends house was broken into, noone was home. A basic Break and enter. The cops closed it off, wouldn't even let them back into their house. When they were finally allowed back in the entire house was black with fingerprint dust. They did the ENTIRE house and garage.

Of course nothing really turned up of great value, but the fact is that sometimes they will fingerprint anything.