View Full Version : Consequences for no insurance/ registration?...

12-21-2007, 01:39 AM
Alright... So I was involved in an accident today in which someone cut me off as I was uproaching an intersection and proceeded to slam on his brakes just after cutting me off.

Now, he then handed me his insurance card and license, the insurance card showing the car listed as a Kia, and he was clearly driving a mazda 3. He claimed he was on his way to register the vehicle and had no registration. The police then were notified by me and arrived soon after. They filled out their reports, and so did I... and the police ended up issuing the other driver a ticket for unsafe lane change, and let me go as I had to get to the airport.

The police notified me that they contacted his insurance company and he had no insurance at all on that vehicle (not even temporary). So, they had no insurance info to fill in on the police accident report.

They told me to make sure my insurance company knows this, and I have already done so when I spoke to them this afternoon. Now they tell me I need to take him to small claims court as I do not have collision insurance on my vehicle, and he has no insurance.

I don't know if he was allowed to leave the scene afterwards, but should he have been able to? I always thought that no insurance = your car towed and a big fat fine for you... ?

The thing that really pisses me off too, is that because of having to deal with the accident stuff for 1.5hrs I missed the check-in for my flight, and couldn't get another one till the weekend, and with school and everything, the last thing I have time for is a court case.

Coles Notes:
-Was in an accident
-Other person at fault
-Other driver has no insurance and unregistered vehicle
-my car is toast!
-missed flight due to accident procedures

Any advice on what I should do? I will most likely be in contact with a family friend who is a lawyer tommorow too.

12-21-2007, 01:41 AM
Got no advice, but that sucks.

12-21-2007, 01:44 AM
Lawyer up.

12-21-2007, 01:59 AM
So did the police give him a ticket for having no insurance? Having no insurance is a pretty big fine, I think just under $2,000 if I remember. Having no registration as well is another ticket but that's like $200-$300.

I think the best bet in your situation is the small claims coart and get all your losses including your missed flight due to this accident. Having a lawyer friend really helps right now though, you might have to get him to do some paper work to seize all the other guys property if he doesn't have any other way of paying your stuff.

I thought since it's the other guy's fault that the insurance should cover you anyways because the other guy is liable. That's what you pay them every month for, make them work for that.

12-21-2007, 02:05 AM
^^^ Well I don't have collision insurance on my car... i don't know why lol, car isn't worth a lot anyways, but I do have full PLPD, accident benifits, fire/theft and whatnot. They'll cover me for any injuries from this accident, but won't cover the repairs to my vehicle.

As I said before, I was allowed to leave the scene before the police had finished with the other guy and they didnt tell me of any tickets or other fines he might be receiving so I don't know yet.

12-21-2007, 02:06 AM
Originally posted by JordanAndrew
I thought since it's the other guy's fault that the insurance should cover you anyways because the other guy is liable. That's what you pay them every month for, make them work for that.

If the OP had collision insurance, they probably would have done the court work for him, but since he didn't, it sounds like his insurance company is kinda haning him out to dry to get money in small claims court.

12-21-2007, 02:10 AM
If the OP had collision insurance, they probably would have done the court work for him, but since he didn't, it sounds like his insurance company is kinda haning him out to dry to get money in small claims court.

yes... exactly.

note to self: get collision insurance.

12-21-2007, 02:19 AM
Some insurance companies have an added benefit just for this situation...When involved in an accident with a driver with no insurance they pay. If you do not have this, hire a lawyer. You may be out of small claims territory quickly if you decide to sue for lawyer fees, missed flight, loss of time, and damage.

12-21-2007, 02:27 AM
No insurance= Should have been a big fine + TOW

He is not allowed to be on the road if he has no insurance. How the hell did the cops just let him leave, that does not make sense.

Example, on saturday night, a friend went through a checkstop with no insurance and got ticketed and towed, should have been the same case here.

On another note, when the other person has no insurance, and its their fault, isnt this the same kind of situation as a hit and run? Even if you dont have collision on your vehicle and get hit and run, doesn't your insurance cover that?

12-21-2007, 02:44 AM
i would go talk to your insurance company one more time... i'm pretty sure they can help you in some way shape or form... even if you have to talk to someone higher up... it helps if you've been a customer for a long time and also if you have a clean record...

I did notice that with insurance companies tho... if you don't have collision they just don't care... Even when an accident isn't your fault and the other guy has insurance... they just leave you to deal with the other insurance company on your own. BS if you ask me...

I remember a few years back when someone hit my car, i didn't have collision at the time and when i called my insurance company they filed the claim, but they didn't do nothing after that.. I had to argue with the other insurance company... i did all the work... when everything was finished i called my insurance company and bitched... and the guy told me, it's because you don't have collision.... and gave me some lame excuse.

Just be proactive and call around, call your insurance company tell them your situation, and see if you can get some help... it's worth a shot

12-21-2007, 03:05 AM
I'm pretty sure you can sue for your money back seeing as you didn't have any collision insurance and he didnt even have any insurance to begin with.

If the other guy is at fault, it makes them responsible for all the expenses and loss wages for the accident. You're just SOL with the process of trying to get this money back from the guy. This is why there's such a huge fine for having no insurance to try and get people to stop driving without insurance.

Long story short, get a lawyer to help you out with your claim.

12-21-2007, 03:32 AM
not a lot you can do i think... call a lawyer... you have the upper hand in every aspect of this case

he had no insurance
the accident was HIS fault
you missed your flight
lawyer = money
lost time
possable health problems...

you could probably get a nice chunk of change out of him... that said, just be thankful that nobody got hurt first and foremost.

12-21-2007, 03:39 AM
^^^ You gotta remember, this isn't the USA where you can probably sue a guy millions of dollars for this accident. ;)

Just don't think that you're going to make money out of this, the best you can get out of this would probably be getting your money back. Not only will this be a pain in the ass to do, but you will also get shafted with all the time you will waste after everything is done and over with. Canada FTL!

12-21-2007, 04:17 AM
i dealt with ING with same problem ... no insurance available, hit from behind, (fender bender), cops did not issue a ticket to him for no insurance

I end up paying the 500 deductible and taking the car to A1 Autobody to get a new bumper and have it painted.

! Sidenote : after 8 weeks the paint is flaking off from the rear bumper.. DO NOT go to A1 AUTOBODY

12-21-2007, 06:12 AM
Originally posted by Daan
i dealt with ING with same problem ... no insurance available, hit from behind, (fender bender), cops did not issue a ticket to him for no insurance

I end up paying the 500 deductible and taking the car to A1 Autobody to get a new bumper and have it painted.

! Sidenote : after 8 weeks the paint is flaking off from the rear bumper.. DO NOT go to A1 AUTOBODY

if u paid deductible that means you have collision where the OP doesnt/

shitty situation for you, call a lawyer and work out a deal with them, fuck the guy.

btw: was his car newly purchased? there was an argurment here that said theres 14 days to transfer your insurance, perhaps his old insurance might cover this

12-21-2007, 07:10 AM
No insurance ticket=2875$ i think, the last time i was in court i saw a guy get told the details of his no insurance ticket.

12-21-2007, 10:09 AM
You shouldnt need a lawyer.
Get an estimate for the repairs. Get the police report detailing the accident and that he got a ticket for unsafe lanechange.
Go to small claims court.
It might be tough to collect - ie you might have to have his wages garnished.

Is it poosible that the other driver can sue the OP? Say he fights the lane change ticket and then blame the Op for rearending him? This is a stretch but strange things happen.

12-21-2007, 10:21 AM
All good info. There is no way that guy was allowed to drive home. I would also assume that because of the one sided nature of the claim, your legal fee's should be covered.

12-21-2007, 11:11 AM
Originally posted by Daan

! Sidenote : after 8 weeks the paint is flaking off from the rear bumper.. DO NOT go to A1 AUTOBODY

You should have known if you did a seach on these boards for A1 Autobody LOL. They don't do any prep work. I have no idea how that place stays so busy when their work is so poor.

12-21-2007, 11:17 AM
Originally posted by heavyD

You should have known if you did a seach on these boards for A1 Autobody LOL. They don't do any prep work. I have no idea how that place stays so busy when their work is so poor.

They have lifetime warranty just bring the car in.

12-21-2007, 11:50 AM
Just don't think that you're going to make money out of this, the best you can get out of this would probably be getting your money back. Not only will this be a pain in the ass to do, but you will also get shafted with all the time you will waste after everything is done and over with. Canada FTL!

Yea, this is my biggest problem... I lack the time to really deal with all this BS.

Off to the police station today to get a copy of the police report and get back in touch with my insurance company. They said now that if I get them the policy number and such which was on the card he gave me for the Kia, that they will contact the other insurance company with a letter of demand or something like that.