View Full Version : "Smart Dress Code" - What does this mean?

12-31-2007, 01:16 AM
As the title states, what's the definition of a "Smart Dress Code"?

12-31-2007, 01:18 AM
What event is this for?

12-31-2007, 01:19 AM
Khakis and a Cardigan over a collared shirt. haha.

12-31-2007, 01:27 AM
it means if they don't like you, they can deny you access based on the way you are dressed

12-31-2007, 01:30 AM
You gotta arrive in a BMW

12-31-2007, 01:33 AM
^^ with your windsheild tinted

12-31-2007, 01:36 AM
Originally posted by KRyn
What event is this for?

It's for Whiskey.

"DRESS CODE: Smart Dress Code In Effect"

12-31-2007, 01:40 AM
Don't dress like a thug hoodlum and you will be fine.
But as mentioned above this allows them to pick and choose who will be getting into the bar.

I am going to Snatch for new years and plan on wearing a pair of jeans, tshirt and a blazer. With all the supporting mods..

12-31-2007, 10:24 AM
Need a phone in your shoe? :P

12-31-2007, 10:27 AM
Originally posted by megavolt
Need a phone in your shoe? :P

A lot of beyonders are too young to remember talking in the dome of silence.

Mr. Burns
12-31-2007, 10:39 AM
cone of silence


12-31-2007, 03:17 PM
Originally posted by icecreamvan

A lot of beyonders are too young to remember talking in the dome of silence.

they better not, not with the re-make coming out :thumbsup:

Fucking classic show though!

12-31-2007, 04:31 PM
Originally posted by koopkoop2

It's for Whiskey.

"DRESS CODE: Smart Dress Code In Effect"

If your 25 and over... Black shoes , no baggy shirts/jeans.

Under 25... Dress to impress. black shoes , nice pants , nice shirt... Dont smoke in the god damn line and be nice lol. Say Hey before you give your ID :thumbsup:... Arive around 9:30-10... Dont come in a massive group of guys. ummm thats bout it...

12-31-2007, 04:45 PM
Originally posted by JAYMEZ

If your 25 and over... Black shoes , no baggy shirts/jeans.

Under 25... Dress to impress. black shoes , nice pants , nice shirt... Dont smoke in the god damn line and be nice lol. Say Hey before you give your ID :thumbsup:... Arive around 9:30-10... Dont come in a massive group of guys. ummm thats bout it...

Omg, lol are you working the door tonight?

12-31-2007, 05:15 PM
I hate how they have this '25' rule. What a joke. I'm sure there are a lot of 21-22 year old guys that are more mature then some of those 25+ d-bags.

They should judge on the person, not how old they are.

12-31-2007, 05:17 PM
how would they judge the person? issue personality tests to the people waiting in line?

12-31-2007, 05:19 PM
Originally posted by Canmorite

They should judge on the person, not how old they are.

they do that all the time, i have not once had a problem getting into a bar that is 21 or 25+ ever since i was 18 just have to have money, and look like you have it itoo and oh going with girls also helps

12-31-2007, 05:21 PM
Originally posted by ercchry

they do that all the time, i have not once had a problem getting into a bar that is 21 or 25+ ever since i was 18 just have to have money, and look like you have it itoo and oh going with girls also helps

Since I was 18 I never got rejected from roadhouse either, on sats just come early...

Only been to the whiskey a couple times, but I never got rejected either from there

12-31-2007, 05:23 PM
Originally posted by 5hift
how would they judge the person?

Racial profiling of course! lol

Seriously though, don't dress like trash, don't start shit in line and be respectful to the bouncers, you shouldn't have a problem.

12-31-2007, 05:42 PM
Originally posted by JAYMEZ

If your 25 and over... Black shoes , no baggy shirts/jeans.

Under 25... Dress to impress. black shoes , nice pants , nice shirt... Dont smoke in the god damn line and be nice lol. Say Hey before you give your ID :thumbsup:... Arive around 9:30-10... Dont come in a massive group of guys. ummm thats bout it...

Your New Year's Eve Package Includes

Guaranteed access to Calgary's biggest NYE party before 11pm
Party favours
Champagne toast at midnight

haha so what your saying is there is no guaranteed access before 11pm?

12-31-2007, 07:38 PM
Originally posted by lexIS300

Your New Year's Eve Package Includes

Guaranteed access to Calgary's biggest NYE party before 11pm
Party favours
Champagne toast at midnight

haha so what your saying is there is no guaranteed access before 11pm?

I dont remember saying that at all ? If you dont have a ticket , dress smart... Why the hell would someone go to a NYE party dressed like a peice of shit? And some people will be rejected because 1. They look dangerous 2. Theyve been kicked out before 3. The police tell us not to let them in.

12-31-2007, 07:42 PM
i didnt say you said that. its on the clubzone website.

haha i wasnt implying that they were gonna dress like a piece of shit to new years. it just seems you were saying if your under 25 and go with a group of guys you wont be let in if your not there by 930-10

GTS Jeff
12-31-2007, 09:19 PM
IMO, the only people who ever bitch about getting into bars are ugly people. Ugly can mean several things...nasty face, fatness, racially, shitty looking clothes, scrubby, ugly friends, etc.

01-01-2008, 04:04 AM
just got back from Tantras new years party... iv never been denied from a club except once (i just turned 18 and went in with a huge group of guys).

i usually just wear a nice pair of jeans and a nice button-up shirt... the big no-no's are sweats... t-shirts and hoodies im guessing... Jamez would know more than me being a bouncer and all.

it was different tonight though, the dress code at Tantra was technically "No Denim"(or so i was told and i did not want to chance it (the tickets were expensive)) so i wore the dress pants from my black suit. no problem getting in at around 10...

im 18 almost 19 and on my tickets it says "21+ only" and i went with a girl who just turned 18... make yourself look presentable, and act mature, and try and go with some girls and youll never have any trouble in my experience.

dont create trouble and im sure they wont give you any... i bet Jamez can attest to how annoying it is when people beg to get in after they are rejected...

01-01-2008, 07:50 PM
Jaymez forgot to mention if you're under 25 be prepared to put a folded up $20.00 bill underneath your I.D.! hahahahahaha. It's just what I hear..

D'z Nutz
01-01-2008, 07:58 PM
Originally posted by icecreamvan

A lot of beyonders are too young to remember talking in the dome of silence.

Haha, they missed the reference by that much


01-01-2008, 08:56 PM
When youre 18, you think the 21+ clubs are BS.

When youre 21, you think the 25+ rule is BS.

When youre 25, you love the fact that certain clubs that keep the crowd mid-20s and older.

Look at it this way... why do you want to go to the club that has the 25+ rule? Why dont you want to go to the 18 yearold bar? If the 25+ crowd let everyone in, then the current crowd would leave. Then it would be another 18 yr old bar.

Originally posted by Canmorite
I hate how they have this '25' rule. What a joke. I'm sure there are a lot of 21-22 year old guys that are more mature then some of those 25+ d-bags.

They should judge on the person, not how old they are.

01-01-2008, 09:24 PM
Originally posted by urban.one
When youre 18, you think the 21+ clubs are BS.

When youre 21, you think the 25+ rule is BS.

When youre 25, you love the fact that certain clubs that keep the crowd mid-20s and older.

Look at it this way... why do you want to go to the club that has the 25+ rule? Why dont you want to go to the 18 yearold bar? If the 25+ crowd let everyone in, then the current crowd would leave. Then it would be another 18 yr old bar.

Ahh The Whiskey...

That rule IS BS no matter how you look at it because this so called 25+ Whiskey bar has patrons that are in fact NOT all 25+, you'd be surprised how many 18 year olds are at these "older crowd" bars.

Girls will get in whatever age they are, guys won't.

I knew a girl that was still 17 and she got in (no different than ranchmans, tequila or coyotes huh).

If you slip the douche bags at the front doors $20 you will get in no matter who or how old you are. What a great opportunity for these door knobs to abuse this 25+ "rule".

Last but not least if i were 25 you can bet your ass i won't be hanging out at that shit hole called The Whiskey.

I'm not mad because i don't get into the whiskey in fact i've gotten in every friday night, i'm just pissed cause my friends that would come meet up with us later will get this 25+ or $20 under your ID BS while i got in with no problems.

Anyways for those who haven't been there, you're not missing out anything its nothing special and definitely NOT worth $27 just to get into that place. For those who love that place good for you and don't forget to tip the doorman's they make minimum wage.

01-01-2008, 10:28 PM
Originally posted by urban.one
When youre 18, you think the 21+ clubs are BS.

When youre 21, you think the 25+ rule is BS.

When youre 25, you love the fact that certain clubs that keep the crowd mid-20s and older.

Look at it this way... why do you want to go to the club that has the 25+ rule? Why dont you want to go to the 18 yearold bar? If the 25+ crowd let everyone in, then the current crowd would leave. Then it would be another 18 yr old bar.

or, when you're 25 you fully realize how much better pubs are in calgary.

01-01-2008, 11:16 PM
Originally posted by urban.one
When youre 18, you think the 21+ clubs are BS.

When youre 21, you think the 25+ rule is BS.

When youre 25, you love the fact that certain clubs that keep the crowd mid-20s and older.

Look at it this way... why do you want to go to the club that has the 25+ rule? Why dont you want to go to the 18 yearold bar? If the 25+ crowd let everyone in, then the current crowd would leave. Then it would be another 18 yr old bar.

Because the 18 year old bars (Ie. Coyotes) is full of 16 year old girls and chauchy douchebags. I see your point, though.

01-02-2008, 12:11 AM
Originally posted by TegLover

Last but not least if i were 25 you can bet your ass i won't be hanging out at that shit hole called The Whiskey.

I'm not mad because i don't get into the whiskey in fact i've gotten in every friday night, i'm just pissed cause my friends that would come meet up with us later will get this 25+ or $20 under your ID BS while i got in with no problems.

Anyways for those who haven't been there, you're not missing out anything its nothing special and definitely NOT worth $27 just to get into that place. For those who love that place good for you and don't forget to tip the doorman's they make minimum wage.

You call the Whiskey a shit hole , but you still go? I know a few 18-19 year olds that get in for free easily.. They are cool kids and never start problems , so there is nothing wrong with getting them in. If your going to go into the club with an all godly attitude and a hate towards the front doormen , then i dont blame them for charging extra... everyones got to work and make money.

And on fridays we are the one of the best clubs to go to , we are packed. So maybe its your own opionion that it sucks , but not everyone elses... I know quite a few beyonders go there all the time and love it.

And doormen dont make min wage , they actually make 18/hr... And sometimes i think some of the douches that come in should have to tip the doormen.... 1. they drug deal in the club 2. put people in danger 3. get in fights with other patrons and we have to take the dumbass' out and try and not get fucking stabbed or shot... You would be suprised how many fuck tards have knifes on them... I mean only a few months ago 3 doormen got stabbed.

At the moment we are working with the new Police club unit and we are being pretty god damn strict on the douches we let in. and 90 percent of the time when people get rejected , THEY are the ones offereing the bribe , not the other way. If I was outside the front more often , you can gaurentee i wouldnt let in people for $20 , i dont need the extra money , i just work cuz i need to work!

p.s Maybe those "douche bags" at the front should just not let you little kids in anymore?

01-02-2008, 01:29 AM
I know its getting a little heated, but I just wanted to say that I resent the windshield comment. thank you.

01-02-2008, 01:35 AM
Originally posted by JAYMEZ

You call the Whiskey a shit hole , but you still go? I know a few 18-19 year olds that get in for free easily.. They are cool kids and never start problems , so there is nothing wrong with getting them in. If your going to go into the club with an all godly attitude and a hate towards the front doormen , then i dont blame them for charging extra... everyones got to work and make money.

I call your place of employment a shit hole because i don't go near there anymore due to all the BS at the front doors with my friends. Some days they would have no problems but that's a rare occurrence.

Originally posted by JAYMEZ

And on fridays we are the one of the best clubs to go to , we are packed. So maybe its your own opionion that it sucks , but not everyone elses... I know quite a few beyonders go there all the time and love it.

Friday night's were fun, i've had my fun times there on friday nights before but it is honestly not worth the $27 just to get in and buy overpriced beer on top of that. If you are planning to meet people there then pick another place right now because if you are under 25 after 10pm the doormen will be guaranteed to expect you to pay an extra $20 or more just to get in.

Originally posted by JAYMEZ

And doormen dont make min wage , they actually make 18/hr... And sometimes i think some of the douches that come in should have to tip the doormen.... 1. they drug deal in the club 2. put people in danger 3. get in fights with other patrons and we have to take the dumbass' out and try and not get fucking stabbed or shot... You would be suprised how many fuck tards have knifes on them... I mean only a few months ago 3 doormen got stabbed.

That's the problem right there, you guys pass judgment based solely on how the person looks. That is also why that 25+ rule is such BS, just because you are over 25 doesn't mean you don't deal drugs, get into fights and put others in danger. If i was over 25 and dressed nicely and obeyed all rules that is set out at the door and basically be fake to you acting all nice then i'd get let in regardless of the fact that i was there to deal drugs or to fuck someone up. You see the flaw?

Originally posted by JAYMEZ

At the moment we are working with the new Police club unit and we are being pretty god damn strict on the douches we let in. and 90 percent of the time when people get rejected , THEY are the ones offereing the bribe , not the other way. If I was outside the front more often , you can gaurentee i wouldnt let in people for $20 , i dont need the extra money , i just work cuz i need to work!

p.s Maybe those "douche bags" at the front should just not let you little kids in anymore?

me and my friends are at least 21 years of age, not your typical 18 y/o's but it doesn't really matter because it all comes down to taking that bribe and abusing the "rule".

My point here is it's not worth it to go to the whiskey with all that BS that you will encounter. Don't be mistaken that because it is a 25+ bar it will be safe, all doorman at the front needs is some cash under your ID and you will be in right away. They think that rule will filter out the people they think deal drugs, get into fights, and cause a hazard to others, yet theres just as many fights that break out there than any other clubs, then they turn around and abuse it by taking bribes. I'm done with that place for good anyways and definitely won't see me there when i'm 25.

01-02-2008, 01:39 AM
Originally posted by scat19
I know its getting a little heated, but I just wanted to say that I resent the windshield comment. thank you.
Oh my God.

01-02-2008, 01:39 AM
Originally posted by defekt1
Jaymez forgot to mention if you're under 25 be prepared to put a folded up $20.00 bill underneath your I.D.! hahahahahaha. It's just what I hear..

01-02-2008, 02:20 AM
Originally posted by TegLover

I call your place of employment a shit hole because i don't go near there anymore due to all the BS at the front doors with my friends. Some days they would have no problems but that's a rare occurrence.

id like to think that the doormen arent as stupid as you think... there is obviously a reason that they arent letting you in.

clubs are built on their image... have a bunch of bums in there and nobody with money, or glamor, will want to go. essentially the doormen are trying to protect the clubs image.

i know its illegal... but i would rather have my younger brother, or younger friends getting fakes and going to clubs than going to house parties... the doormen keep out the shit-heads who put other people in danger and keep the customers safe... at a house party for instance you dont have any of that security... and people potentially get hurt or killed.

EDIT: case and point http://forums.beyond.ca/st/202662/first-homicide-of-the-year/

(this is an extension of my previous post)

if the doormen arent going to let you in there is a reason they arent letting you in. even if i was rejected i would try to respect the bouncers decision... dont make any trouble, look respectable, go with friends who do the same, and you shouldnt have any trouble. am i right Jamez?

01-02-2008, 03:28 AM
Originally posted by Destinova403

id like to think that the doormen arent as stupid as you think... there is obviously a reason that they arent letting you in.

clubs are built on their image... have a bunch of bums in there and nobody with money, or glamor, will want to go. essentially the doormen are trying to protect the clubs image.

i know its illegal... but i would rather have my younger brother, or younger friends getting fakes and going to clubs than going to house parties... the doormen keep out the shit-heads who put other people in danger and keep the customers safe... at a house party for instance you dont have any of that security... and people potentially get hurt or killed.

EDIT: case and point http://forums.beyond.ca/st/202662/first-homicide-of-the-year/

(this is an extension of my previous post)

if the doormen arent going to let you in there is a reason they arent letting you in. even if i was rejected i would try to respect the bouncers decision... dont make any trouble, look respectable, go with friends who do the same, and you shouldnt have any trouble. am i right Jamez?

I see what you are trying to get at here, i use to actually agree with what you said but i have a different opinion about this now, especially towards the whiskey.

I know the bouncers/doormen are trying to protect the club's image by filtering people out but why are they accepting or even asking for bribes then? We all know they do it and if you don't believe me try it out this friday night. Better yet bring a 16 or 17 year old with you and have a few extra 20's under his/her ID, you'd be surprised how many teeny boppers you can sneak in there this way.

I can safely say they are just abusing that rule now, its not so much that my friends look like the type that will start shit, but its more like "hey these guys look like they want to get in, why not rip these guys off and tell them 25+ or $20 under the ID". Yes, they actually ask for the bribe i heard and seen it first hand.

Don't for a second mistaken The Whiskey to be safe cause these bouncer guys are around and that they are a 25+ club. They have no metal detectors and they do not search you so you can just as easily bring a knife or a gun with you inside like a house party. Coyotes has a metal detector and they do a search, all of a sudden The Whiskey isn't so high up and appealing is it?

01-02-2008, 03:29 AM
The clubs in Calgary suck. End of story.

01-02-2008, 03:57 AM
Originally posted by TegLover

I see what you are trying to get at here, i use to actually agree with what you said but i have a different opinion about this now, especially towards the whiskey.

I know the bouncers/doormen are trying to protect the club's image by filtering people out but why are they accepting or even asking for bribes then? We all know they do it and if you don't believe me try it out this friday night. Better yet bring a 16 or 17 year old with you and have a few extra 20's under his/her ID, you'd be surprised how many teeny boppers you can sneak in there this way.

I can safely say they are just abusing that rule now, its not so much that my friends look like the type that will start shit, but its more like "hey these guys look like they want to get in, why not rip these guys off and tell them 25+ or $20 under the ID". Yes, they actually ask for the bribe i heard and seen it first hand.

Don't for a second mistaken The Whiskey to be safe cause these bouncer guys are around and that they are a 25+ club. They have no metal detectors and they do not search you so you can just as easily bring a knife or a gun with you inside like a house party. Coyotes has a metal detector and they do a search, all of a sudden The Whiskey isn't so high up and appealing is it?

i still trust the security guys to protect people when the shit starts to fly. regardless, my club of choice is Tantra. The whiskey will get more security, its just a matter of time. my point still stands

as far as their aleged corruption. id rather not get involved in this... if i get turned down i will walk down the street and go somewhere else. Theres so many different places to go and with a group of friends there isnt a whole ton of difference between them (the alley and ranchmans excluded)

if anything the back alley goes against what i am saying most. They have the least protective security, and the lowest standards as far as dress and appearance. I cant think of a better way to judge someone than that if im honest. Your right its not right to judge a persons personality based on what they are wearing... but if you can think of a better method of:

A) preventing fights and shit
B) maintaining the image of the club
C) maintaining the exclusivity of the club

than i am more than willing to eat my words. but since there is no such thing as a "personality detector" they will need to judge based on your appearance and the appearance of the company you keep.

if nobody bribed the bouncers than they wouldnt be asking for bribes... its so easy to blame them when you over-look the obvious.

not to mention... as Jamez said a lot of the people who he sees getting rejected are in fact the people trying to do the bribing.

01-02-2008, 04:00 AM
Originally posted by TegLover

I see what you are trying to get at here, i use to actually agree with what you said but i have a different opinion about this now, especially towards the whiskey.

I know the bouncers/doormen are trying to protect the club's image by filtering people out but why are they accepting or even asking for bribes then? We all know they do it and if you don't believe me try it out this friday night. Better yet bring a 16 or 17 year old with you and have a few extra 20's under his/her ID, you'd be surprised how many teeny boppers you can sneak in there this way.

I can safely say they are just abusing that rule now, its not so much that my friends look like the type that will start shit, but its more like "hey these guys look like they want to get in, why not rip these guys off and tell them 25+ or $20 under the ID". Yes, they actually ask for the bribe i heard and seen it first hand.

Don't for a second mistaken The Whiskey to be safe cause these bouncer guys are around and that they are a 25+ club. They have no metal detectors and they do not search you so you can just as easily bring a knife or a gun with you inside like a house party. Coyotes has a metal detector and they do a search, all of a sudden The Whiskey isn't so high up and appealing is it?

For the amount of years I have been clubbing myself , EVERY club takes bribes from people.. Why would you expect any less at a different nightclub?

The metal detectors are a joke at coyotes , i have friends that work there , and they said most the time they dont even look or care what it does....

If someone wants to bring something in , they can just put it in there shoe , its pretty easy to do...

And with almost 99 percent of the fights in there , its drunk moron related which you get at every club... The only real bad problems we have had in a long time is about 40 asians from Vancouver got in and caused ALOT of problems... and that was months ago..

As of current alot of the front doormen have changed jobs and new people are in place , its alot better now. Anyways this has got off topic , your not going to change your opionion and I sure as hell am not going to change mine. If you want to see more corrupt doormen , just go to Roadhouse with some colored friends and see what happens.....

Back to topic.. Thats what smart dress code means. End of story.

01-02-2008, 08:16 AM
Originally posted by urban.one
When youre 18, you think the 21+ clubs are BS.

When youre 21, you think the 25+ rule is BS.

When youre 25, you love the fact that certain clubs that keep the crowd mid-20s and older.

Look at it this way... why do you want to go to the club that has the 25+ rule? Why dont you want to go to the 18 yearold bar? If the 25+ crowd let everyone in, then the current crowd would leave. Then it would be another 18 yr old bar.

Its more like this...

When youre 18, you think the 21+ clubs are BS.

When youre 21, you think the 25+ rule is BS.

When youre 25, you realize that only douchebags your age still go out "clubbing" and the rest of the people your age are at the pub watching the game.

01-02-2008, 08:47 AM
haha. Yeah, Jaymez is right it's not just Whiskey that pulls the age/race thing but every major club does it in Calgary. It's kind of shitty to go party in a place like SoCal (any club, just pick one) and the only thing they care about is whether or not your packing heat. Other than that, they'll let in anybody so long as you don't look like a huge douchebag. In this city, the action of a few speaks for the majority. People like to think they don't stereotype but they do. I'm sure it's not up to Jaymez or any doorman as to who they let in as I am sure there are people above their heads that speak down to them and give them instructions.

It does however imply that shannigans like bribes do happen regardless of whether YOU personally would take it or not. I always dress nice when I goto Whiskey or any of those stereotypical bars that people frequent. I don't got long blonde bangs or piercings or any of that sort. Yet, everytime I go (just with my girlfriend) I still get the same garbage.

One time at Whiskey (this also happened at RoadHouse and Tantra), the doorman asked me for 5 pieces of government issued I.D. -- seriously brother, just say it to my face that I can't get in, don't talk to me like I am stupid cause I doubt anybody going to a night club carries more than 1 at most 2 pieces of government issued I.D.

Then this one time I decided hey, maybe I should stick a 20 underneath my I.D. -- you always get in with that, like always hahaha. If not Jaymez accepting it the doorman beside him will -- cause hey everybody loves money.

Back to the original topic though -- I was at Snatch for NYE and reading about Smart Dress Code there. They say if you look mega attractive and are wearing attractive clothing (style, both guys and girls) you will probably get in first before those who dress mediocre.

So if you want to get in the club first just dress like it's your prom night all over again everytime you go out haha.

01-02-2008, 12:30 PM
I don't know but if someone told me to dress "smart", to me that would mean it would be SMART to wear a suite or at least a suite jacket and collared shirt with dress pants and shoes..

01-02-2008, 02:11 PM
No doubt that Whiskey is a fun place to party but I agree that the 25+is complete BS. About half a year ago..i never had any problems getting into Whiskey every Friday night. I was only 20 at the time. I am 21 now and every Friday or Saturday I go, i get this 25+ crap and have to slip a 20 to get in. I haven't done anything different, in fact I try to dress nicer when I go now. I've been told that management has changed..not sure if it's true. To me, I just see it as a way for the bouncers to make money..not to keep the douchebags/trouble makers out. True, everyone has to make money but $20 a head seems abit excessive. As someone said up there, just because you're 25, doesn't mean you're not going to start trouble.

As for the doormen being stabbed few months ago, reason probably being because of the 25+ BS. I know of someone who actually shot at the fat brown doorman few months ago but missed just because of the stupid rule. Seems like doormen would rather risk their lives for a few extra $$.

01-02-2008, 05:19 PM
Originally posted by Speed_69

As for the doormen being stabbed few months ago, reason probably being because of the 25+ BS. I know of someone who actually shot at the fat brown doorman few months ago but missed just because of the stupid rule. Seems like doormen would rather risk their lives for a few extra $$.

No thats not why it happened at all , the doormen stuck up for calgarian asians that the vancouver ones came to fight. And I dont know if its smart to say you know the person who shot at my work.. If someone shot at me , it would be a very big mistake.

01-02-2008, 05:38 PM

01-02-2008, 05:40 PM

01-02-2008, 05:43 PM
Originally posted by 01RedDX

So you're saying he's a bad shot because he's not 25? :confused:

no sorry i worded it wrong.

The brown bouncer told the guy the 25+ rule..basically pissed him off so he went back later and shot at him but missed. I don't know the guy personally..just a friend told me someone he knows did that.

01-02-2008, 05:50 PM

01-02-2008, 05:57 PM
Originally posted by Speed_69

no sorry i worded it wrong.

The brown bouncer told the guy the 25+ rule..basically pissed him off so he went back later and shot at him but missed. I don't know the guy personally..just a friend told me someone he knows did that.

Good job to the bouncer for turning away the ass bag then. If his response to getting turned away is to try and shoot someone I'd rather not have to deal with him when I'm out having a good time.

01-02-2008, 05:58 PM
Originally posted by 01RedDX
^ So you are saying that it was the bouncer's fault he got shot at?
Shooting at anyone is inexcusable, even at some dick bouncer.

No what he is saying is the bouncer did his job and kept a loser out of the club lol

01-02-2008, 06:14 PM
It seems like this "smart dress code" and 25+ rule is causing more problems than ever. You guys who work at the front door of the Whiskey should really be careful who you turn down for no appearant reason now a days, people have been killed over less than that before. It is pretty obvious the doorman's are corrupt and all they want is extra dough from you, who are they trying to kid here. I wonder if the owner of the club condones these activities going on? the guys at the door do hide the $20's pretty quickly. :thumbsdow

01-02-2008, 06:31 PM
Jaymez, there is no point in arguing.

Id like to see all the douche bags in this thread stand beside any doorman one night and you would see what kinda bs they gotta deal with. You might all think its a joke but trust me, its not fun at all.

Its easy to blab about something that you have no idea about.

01-02-2008, 06:36 PM
Originally posted by TegLover
It seems like this "smart dress code" and 25+ rule is causing more problems than ever. You guys who work at the front door of the Whiskey should really be careful who you turn down for no appearant reason now a days, people have been killed over less than that before. It is pretty obvious the doorman's are corrupt and all they want is extra dough from you, who are they trying to kid here. I wonder if the owner of the club condones these activities going on? the guys at the door do hide the $20's pretty quickly. :thumbsdow

what a stupid post...

01-02-2008, 09:40 PM
I'm 25 now, been going for what seem like years since before I was 25... never any problem getting in, I go almost every week.

Like others have said, I like it that they keep the troublemakers out.

And yes, I'm asian, and no I don't bribe the bouncers or know any of them.

01-02-2008, 09:53 PM
Originally posted by JAYMEZ

If you want to see more corrupt doormen , just go to Roadhouse with some colored friends and see what happens.....

Most of my friends are coloured, when I go to roadhouse with a group of them we go VIP line, no cover. It's pretty sweet. :rofl:

01-03-2008, 10:49 AM
ZorroAMG's Clubbing Rules:

1. If you dress like a douchebag, you ARE a douchebag and you should not get in. That includes those UGLY hoodies, flat brimmed gay rapper hats and sneakers. Oh and pull your effing pants up, homos.

2. If you are the kind of person that goes to clubs and knows NONE of the staff, that's your own problem. It's so easy to befriend the meatheads at the door so that they think they know you even if they don't. Waiting in line = you being a douchebag. (see rule #1)

3. If you complain about age limits, you are a douchebag. I know I hate to party around teeny bopper dudes. (your girls, well, they love me. You should stay home) Wait your turn, you'll be old enough soon - that is, unless you are a bouncer shooter, then, well....you won't. YOU would have to refer rule #1 again

4. If you get denied at the door and AREN'T an example of a #1 rule, DB, well, you need to suck it up and go somewhere else. That or stop making poopy faces when you are dealing with the bouncers. They don't care that your haircut is straight outta dragon balls Zeeee, or that you've caught on to 2005's blazer with t-shirt and jeans trend. That's almost becoming rule #1 fare....

5. Rinse and repeat.