View Full Version : What did you do for someone ELSE over the holidays?

01-01-2008, 08:51 PM
Now that January 1st comes to a close, it is officially the end of the holiday season. We are all back at work or getting ready to go back to school and we enjoyed some great time with our family and friends. We also all enjoyed receiving some great things from those closest to us, from clothes and parts to a new fiancee:thumbsup: and a child:thumbsup: here on Beyond.

So, now that the holidays are over, what did you do for someone ELSE? Not what did you give your girlfriend for Christmas:rolleyes: : I hope many of you took this great opportunity to reach out to other people, whether you knew them or not. Personally, I wrote a $400 check to the National Kidney Foundation to support research for people on dialysis or with other kidney problems and to prevent new people from falling in to these problems.

01-01-2008, 10:03 PM
I spent months collecting and furnishing an apt for my BIL that is on AISH. He had his VCR and DVD player stolen by a former roommate so we bought him new ones, and delivered a bed for him Christmas day so he was no longer on the floor. We bought groceries for several people we know on AISH that don't get anything from the hamper programs and took them to dinner.

Our 2 children donated all the change they saved for a year and we the parents matched that it was about 250.00 for the Food Bank.

I personally made and donated about 40 collar and leash sets to a rescue.

01-01-2008, 10:14 PM
Originally posted by Kritafo
He had his VCR and DVD player stolen by a former roommate so we bought him new ones, and delivered a bed for him Christmas day so he was no longer on the floor. We bought groceries for several people we know on AISH that don't get anything from the hamper programs and took them to dinner.

Our 2 children donated all the change they saved for a year and we the parents matched that it was about 250.00 for the Food Bank.

I personally made and donated about 40 collar and leash sets to a rescue.

01-01-2008, 10:27 PM
Originally posted by iceburns288
Now that January 1st comes to a close, it is officially the end of the holiday season. We are all back at work or getting ready to go back to school and we enjoyed some great time with our family and friends. We also all enjoyed receiving some great things from those closest to us, from clothes and parts to a new fiancee:thumbsup: and a child:thumbsup: here on Beyond.

So, now that the holidays are over, what did you do for someone ELSE? Not what did you give your girlfriend for Christmas:rolleyes: : I hope many of you took this great opportunity to reach out to other people, whether you knew them or not. Personally, I wrote a $400 check to the National Kidney Foundation to support research for people on dialysis or with other kidney problems and to prevent new people from falling in to these problems.

good for you man. this guy must be grumpy.
just ignore the immature kids who have nothing better to do.

Originally posted by doublepostwhore
Do you want a fucking cookie? carfanman/boy > you. I miss that guy, because atleast he didnt try to cram his family/personal wealth and lack of knowledge down our throats.

You know what I did for someone else this christmas? Fuck all. Thats right. Fuck all. Am I self fish? Maybe. Who cares? Prolly not one of the other 30K members here.

You have never been OG, and you NEVER will be. You arent fooling anyone.

01-01-2008, 11:47 PM
I gave a good dose of reality to many small children by beating the crap out of every mall santa I could find. ;)

01-02-2008, 12:02 AM
You know it isn't a selfless act if you brag about it.

Consider the last truly unselfish thing you did. It is pretty difficult if you consider donating to charity makes you feel good and if you choose to brag about (original poster) even that is selfish.

There are good people and there are people out there helping, and some doing much more, why can’t you just be content that you did whatever you did instead of making sure it is more than others?

Both you of get off your high horses and just let this thread die.

01-02-2008, 03:28 AM
I gave the gift of me to my friends and family. :angel:

GTS Jeff
01-02-2008, 04:44 AM
Doublepostwhore is right. He comes off as an ass, but he's right. If iceburns' donation to the kidney foundation was purely selfless, then why does he need to beg for the e-props on beyond? Shouldn't the satisfaction of the act itself be enough? This thread makes it look like he only made the donation so that he could brag about it later. :thumbsdow

This reminds me of a quote, "character is doing the right thing when no one is looking." It seems like iceburns is lacking in character and is only a decent person if people congratulate him for it.

01-02-2008, 07:56 AM
I say good for him on donating money ! Im not sure if it needs to be posted online , but whats the problem with being happy about doing some right in this world? Maybe its slightly bragging , but at least he feels good about himself because he can help someone..

I made a different type of donation this year.. My brother in law and some people from his work are raising funds for HIV and Aids in Southern Africa by climbing Mt Kilimanjaro..

Heres his Facebook group if anyone is interested


I think it makes our cruel earth a little bit better if someone helps out another in need. So good on yah!

01-02-2008, 09:19 AM
Well, a friend and I also did something pretty nice for someone but that's about all I'll say about that.

01-02-2008, 12:07 PM
Originally posted by BerserkerCatSplat

the more people hear about ways to help others, the more likely they are to do so themselves. If even one person reads a thread about helping others and thinks, "hey, I could do that too!" then I say it's worth it.

Well said...

01-02-2008, 12:08 PM


01-02-2008, 12:42 PM
Wow people just read the first two post and thats it?

Time to clean this thread up.. I wouldnt mind hearing what people did for others this XMAS!

Edit: Sorry BerserkerCatSplat , didnt mean to delete your post with the rest of the junk lol.

01-02-2008, 12:51 PM
Originally posted by JAYMEZ
Wow people just read the first two post and thats it?

Time to clean this thread up.. I wouldnt mind hearing what people did for others this XMAS!
I wrapped all of the christmas gifts my dad was giving to everyone because he was busy tying up loose ends at work so he could spend the whole holiday with us. Not much, but it's something. I also kept smiling the whole season, even while dealing with crowds to pick up last minute gifts on the 22nd and 23rd. That's a lot more than I can say for 80% of the people out there who were frowning, snarling, honking, cutting people off and generally just being mean. Haha a happy smile and a cheerful "Merry Christmas!" after paying for something often seemed to shock a lot of the sales people helping me out lol. Poor them, I remember working christmas time in retail, it sucked a lot.

01-02-2008, 01:06 PM
by sharing with others sometimes it inspires others to do the same.

Christmas is such a time of greed, and it's very hard not to get caught up in it including myself. I go out of my way to make sure my kids are happy.

We always want to have a perfect Christmas, and the meaning of Christmas is different for all of us.

01-02-2008, 01:06 PM
Originally posted by JAYMEZ

Edit: Sorry BerserkerCatSplat , didnt mean to delete your post with the rest of the junk lol.

Haha, way to go! :rofl:

01-02-2008, 01:17 PM
Nice work on the cleanup :)

So what i did was, the company i work at, every year we sponsor a family and donate to them gifts, supplies and cash. I bought the single mother of two and each one of her kids a winter and spring jacket, gloves, hats, scarves and boots for this year along with presents for both the kids. Barbie and Lego. i also donated a couple cases of KD and canned soup to that family.

01-02-2008, 01:17 PM
Originally posted by GTS Jeff
Doublepostwhore is right. He comes off as an ass, but he's right. If iceburns' donation to the kidney foundation was purely selfless, then why does he need to beg for the e-props on beyond? Shouldn't the satisfaction of the act itself be enough? This thread makes it look like he only made the donation so that he could brag about it later. :thumbsdow

This reminds me of a quote, "character is doing the right thing when no one is looking." It seems like iceburns is lacking in character and is only a decent person if people congratulate him for it.


01-02-2008, 01:28 PM
DD for a couple of Christmas parties
Donated to Salvation Army
Shopped in Canada =)

01-02-2008, 01:50 PM
Originally posted by JAYMEZ
Time to clean this thread up..

Edit: Sorry BerserkerCatSplat , didnt mean to delete your post with the rest of the junk lol.


01-02-2008, 05:21 PM
Originally posted by Canmorite


lol , umm constructive junk?? :rofl:

01-02-2008, 05:51 PM
Originally posted by ashee
Shopped in Canada =)
Here here! It might not sound like a big deal, but props to keeping business in Canada :)

01-02-2008, 05:55 PM

01-02-2008, 06:13 PM
Originally posted by GTS Jeff
Doublepostwhore is right. He comes off as an ass, but he's right. If iceburns' donation to the kidney foundation was purely selfless, then why does he need to beg for the e-props on beyond? Shouldn't the satisfaction of the act itself be enough? This thread makes it look like he only made the donation so that he could brag about it later. :thumbsdow

This reminds me of a quote, "character is doing the right thing when no one is looking." It seems like iceburns is lacking in character and is only a decent person if people congratulate him for it.


For me, I drove my mom to her work and home all week cause her car broke down, she offered to take the bus, but I said hell na I'm a good son :angel:

01-02-2008, 06:46 PM
I dont find a need to do good things merely during the X-mas season, I see much more good in doing awesome things for & with people throughout the year.

I lent my fairly new Silverado to my buddy to use over the fall/winter/spring as he only has a sportbike, which isn't too good on the ice I figure. :rofl:
Later I'll be giving it my brother as he could use a more fuel effecient vehicle, rather then his 4x4 gas guzzler hes currently driving.
Probably spent a good $3k on stuff for friends and family over the holidays......
Was it worth it? absolutely. The dollar amount I didn't spend to impress myself.... it was kind of the end product at really wanting to make my friends and family feel loved and appreciated.

I'm sure I could have done so with spending a lot less... but it always makes my heart glow when I can show my friends and family that someone earnestly loves them. :dunno:
Hopefully they'll do the same for somebody else someday, if not, oh well.... :)

But yeah... I'm not one to talk about this publicly, I just thought I'd throw it up here regardless

01-02-2008, 09:35 PM
I satisfied someone else's woman. It was a favour I was glad to do.

stevo 27
01-02-2008, 09:47 PM
Originally posted by Graham_A_M
I dont find a need to do good things merely during the X-mas season, I see much more good in doing awesome things for & with people throughout the year.

I lent my fairly new Silverado to my buddy to use over the fall/winter/spring as he only has a sportbike, which isn't too good on the ice I figure. :rofl:
Later I'll be giving it my brother as he could use a more fuel effecient vehicle, rather then his 4x4 gas guzzler hes currently driving.
Probably spent a good $3k on stuff for friends and family over the holidays......
Was it worth it? absolutely. The dollar amount I didn't spend to impress myself.... it was kind of the end product at really wanting to make my friends and family feel loved and appreciated.

I'm sure I could have done so with spending a lot less... but it always makes my heart glow when I can show my friends and family that someone earnestly loves them. :dunno:
Hopefully they'll do the same for somebody else someday, if not, oh well.... :)

But yeah... I'm not one to talk about this publicly, I just thought I'd throw it up here regardless

umm were's the lender truck for your beloved neighbor hmmm
ive been freezing my ass off on the bus

i bet youd feel all good inside if you bought me a $4,000 clutch ;) :angel:

01-03-2008, 12:15 AM
^ hahaha. I'd lend you the black car but its not too good in the snow!
.... or even the rain..... I've had some pretty creepy instances where I hit the gas (just a little) in the rain, and the ass end would fish tail until I was "seeing where I was going" by looking out my side windows. :rofl: Dont get me wrong, I'm all about the drifting too.... but fuck that was creepy when your not expecting it. I spilt pop all over my lap when that happened on an on-ramp approaching the #2 highway. :dunno: I guess its better then dropping an Oh Henry in my pants :rofl: :rofl: :clap:
So up in Airdrie it sits.
^ I just can't believe your spending that much for a frickin' clutch man...... man your hardcore :rofl:

your car is going to be a fucking monster when your done


01-03-2008, 12:51 AM
Gave a car to someone who needed it. Used, nothing fancy.

01-03-2008, 03:46 AM
Originally posted by GTS Jeff
Doublepostwhore is right. He comes off as an ass, but he's right. If iceburns' donation to the kidney foundation was purely selfless, then why does he need to beg for the e-props on beyond? Shouldn't the satisfaction of the act itself be enough? This thread makes it look like he only made the donation so that he could brag about it later. :thumbsdow

This reminds me of a quote, "character is doing the right thing when no one is looking." It seems like iceburns is lacking in character and is only a decent person if people congratulate him for it.


the person who i helped knows what i did... and he knows i didnt do it for my own self gain.

01-03-2008, 04:05 AM
lol I'm sorry but donating $$$ is nice.. but what would be appreciated more is if you spent the day cooking a christmas dinner for the homeless. All anyone cares about is money these days.. It doesn't matter how much it just matters if you did something to help someone. This society makes me sick.

01-03-2008, 04:20 AM
Originally posted by svtlight
lol I'm sorry but donating $$$ is nice.. but what would be appreciated more is if you spent the day cooking a christmas dinner for the homeless. All anyone cares about is money these days.. It doesn't matter how much it just matters if you did something to help someone. This society makes me sick.


You know cooking for the homeless and then just talking with them after not only helps others, it helps you get to know yourself better. There are a lot of things you can learn from those people downtown or wherever. They're people just like me and you, who just came across some unfortunate events that landed them there.

01-03-2008, 05:01 AM
Originally posted by GTS Jeff
Doublepostwhore is right. He comes off as an ass, but he's right. If iceburns' donation to the kidney foundation was purely selfless, then why does he need to beg for the e-props on beyond? Shouldn't the satisfaction of the act itself be enough? This thread makes it look like he only made the donation so that he could brag about it later. :thumbsdow

This reminds me of a quote, "character is doing the right thing when no one is looking." It seems like iceburns is lacking in character and is only a decent person if people congratulate him for it.

01-03-2008, 08:20 AM
Originally posted by adidas

Originally posted by dj_rice

Originally posted by svtlight
lol I'm sorry but donating $$$ is nice.. but what would be appreciated more is if you spent the day cooking a christmas dinner for the homeless. All anyone cares about is money these days.. It doesn't matter how much it just matters if you did something to help someone. This society makes me sick.

Originally posted by gpomp
Y'all missed all the deleted posts, we already had this argument:drama:

GTS Jeff
01-03-2008, 01:51 PM
Originally posted by iceburns288

Y'all missed all the deleted posts, we already had this argument:drama: It's not an argument. It's me calling you out on being vane and shallow.

But that's not my real problem, my real problem is the accusatory tone of your posts. "Well what did YOU do??" as if you're somehow better than everyone else because you bragged about your donation. :rolleyes:

01-03-2008, 01:58 PM
Originally posted by GTS Jeff


01-03-2008, 01:58 PM
Originally posted by GTS Jeff
It's not an argument. It's me calling you out on being vane and shallow.

But that's not my real problem, my real problem is the accusatory tone of your posts. "Well what did YOU do??" as if you're somehow better than everyone else because you bragged about your donation. :rolleyes:

:rofl: :rofl:

There's so much insecurity going on in this thread it makes Woody Allen look normal

01-03-2008, 06:19 PM
Originally posted by GTS Jeff
It's not an argument. It's me calling you out on being vane and shallow.

But that's not my real problem, my real problem is the accusatory tone of your posts. "Well what did YOU do??" as if you're somehow better than everyone else because you bragged about your donation. :rolleyes:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Once again, iceburns gets shot down by Jeff :love: :love:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Its okay Ice...first you made that Armageddon thread and now this....just /cut wrists now...

01-03-2008, 06:28 PM
Originally posted by BerserkerCatSplat



stevo 27
01-03-2008, 09:56 PM
Originally posted by Graham_A_M
^ hahaha. I'd lend you the black car but its not too good in the snow!
.... or even the rain..... I've had some pretty creepy instances where I hit the gas (just a little) in the rain, and the ass end would fish tail until I was "seeing where I was going" by looking out my side windows. :rofl: Dont get me wrong, I'm all about the drifting too.... but fuck that was creepy when your not expecting it. I spilt pop all over my lap when that happened on an on-ramp approaching the #2 highway. :dunno: I guess its better then dropping an Oh Henry in my pants :rofl: :rofl: :clap:
So up in Airdrie it sits.
^ I just can't believe your spending that much for a frickin' clutch man...... man your hardcore :rofl:

your car is going to be a fucking monster when your done


yea i had to park my bmx cause of the same problem ass end kept swinging out plus my work is downtown and i dont wanna freeze to death(kinda wish i didnt sell my cr250 lol) soo back to the bus i went THEY raised the god damn prices too 2.50 to rid the bus PFFT hahah :rofl:

i can't believe im spending that much for a clutch either
theres not an abundence of clutchs that will hold what im going for better be a fucking monster for how much ive spent :bigpimp:


Originally posted by BerserkerCatSplat

http://www.dallasartsrevue.com/JRsCollection/weather-vane.jpg ahahahaha awsome :rofl:

Originally posted by GTS Jeff
Well what did YOU do??" as if you're somehow better than everyone else because you bragged about your donation. :rolleyes:

come on jeff it was "What did you do for someone ELSE"

capatlized else not you lol :devil:

962 kid
01-03-2008, 10:02 PM
Originally posted by GTS Jeff
It's not an argument. It's me calling you out on being vane and shallow.

But that's not my real problem, my real problem is the accusatory tone of your posts. "Well what did YOU do??" as if you're somehow better than everyone else because you bragged about your donation. :rolleyes:

You know, it'll be nice when a mod finally decides to quit putting up with your shit. You haven't contributed anything worthwhile in ages, and you're not even funny anymore. Hell, your little bitchfest with HeavyD was probably the lamest thing I've ever actually read through. Being a bitch to someone for donating their time and money and encouraging others to do the same though is ridiculous, and I hope you get the same treatment as doublepostwhore.

GTS Jeff
01-03-2008, 10:41 PM
Originally posted by 962 kid

You know, it'll be nice when a mod finally decides to quit putting up with your shit. You haven't contributed anything worthwhile in ages, and you're not even funny anymore. Hell, your little bitchfest with HeavyD was probably the lamest thing I've ever actually read through. Being a bitch to someone for donating their time and money and encouraging others to do the same though is ridiculous, and I hope you get the same treatment as doublepostwhore. If I post about the next old lady I help cross the street, will you start patting my back too? :rolleyes:

01-03-2008, 10:55 PM
Originally posted by GTS Jeff
If I post about the next old lady I help cross the street, will you start patting my back too? :rolleyes:
Haha oh come on Jeff, you remember posting all of your bum care packages for us to read about lol. Wasn't that a cock measuring contest that just like this? :rofl: Next time I see you, I owe you a cookie :)

Originally posted by 962 kid

You know, it'll be nice when a mod finally decides to quit putting up with your shit. You haven't contributed anything worthwhile in ages, and you're not even funny anymore. Hell, your little bitchfest with HeavyD was probably the lamest thing I've ever actually read through. Being a bitch to someone for donating their time and money and encouraging others to do the same though is ridiculous, and I hope you get the same treatment as doublepostwhore.
I love these posts. The entire GTS Jeff online persona is a true testament to how a person can take things on the internet far too seriously. Jeff is actually a nice guy in person (though you may not believe me). Haha and if he hasn't convinced any of the mods otherwise in the last 5 or 6 years of being around, I doubt he's going anywhere anytime soon lol. Just take a deep breath, remember it's just the internet and add him to your ignore list if his posts bother you so much.

01-03-2008, 11:24 PM
I'm amazed at how many arguements Jeff gets into, I'm NOT saying that thats a bad thing, but its pretty noticable.
I think he brings up a lot of points though, even though those points in question definately rub people the wrong way. :dunno:

I think it adds a different element to Beyond.... hate it as some people may:nut:

stevo 27
01-03-2008, 11:28 PM
jeff says what alot of people think but wont say because they dont wanna stir the pot (one thing jeff is very good at haha)

01-04-2008, 12:19 AM
Originally posted by 962 kid

You know, it'll be nice when a mod finally decides to quit putting up with your shit. You haven't contributed anything worthwhile in ages, and you're not even funny anymore. Hell, your little bitchfest with HeavyD was probably the lamest thing I've ever actually read through. Being a bitch to someone for donating their time and money and encouraging others to do the same though is ridiculous, and I hope you get the same treatment as doublepostwhore.
Ha, I love how you just called him out.

Personally, I think Jeff is way overreacting to the OP, but that's neither here nor there.

962 kid
01-04-2008, 12:19 AM
Originally posted by Melinda
I love these posts. The entire GTS Jeff online persona is a true testament to how a person can take things on the internet far too seriously. Jeff is actually a nice guy in person (though you may not believe me). Haha and if he hasn't convinced any of the mods otherwise in the last 5 or 6 years of being around, I doubt he's going anywhere anytime soon lol. Just take a deep breath, remember it's just the internet and add him to your ignore list if his posts bother you so much.

I've met him in real life, and I know he's a nice guy. It's too bad he's turned into just another unfunny e-thug that takes more away from the forums than he adds. Also, in case you forgot, he's been banned before. I'm also perfectly calm and just like you know Jeff is a douchebag only on beyond, I know that iceburns isn't the type that likes to show off. Maybe everyone who took offense to the first post should stop crying that his donations are not of "pure intent" or some other bs, and realize that he's not showing off to anyone.

Originally posted by A790

Ha, I love how you just called him out.

Personally, I think Jeff is way overreacting to the OP, but that's neither here nor there.

I noticed you didn't mention your noble deed in this thread ;)

01-04-2008, 12:24 AM
Originally posted by 962 kid

I've met him in real life, and I know he's a nice guy. It's too bad he's turned into just another unfunny e-thug that takes more away from the forums than he adds. Also, in case you forgot, he's been banned before. I'm also perfectly calm and just like you know Jeff is a douchebag only on beyond, I know that iceburns isn't the type that likes to show off. Maybe everyone who took offense to the first post should stop crying that his donations are not of "pure intent" or some other bs, and realize that he's not showing off to anyone.

I noticed you didn't mention your noble deed in this thread ;)
In my post that was deleted (for whatever reason) I essentially said that people are seeing the OP's post for much more than what it is. He was simply stating that many people forget that Christmas is about goodwill, sharing, and peace among men and he wanted to know what you did for someone else.

If anything, it causes a bit of personal inflection. I don't see how he was bragging at all.

Originally posted by 962 kid
I noticed you didn't mention your noble deed in this thread ;)

LOL Which one? Are you referring to the 50 loonies I donated to the heart and stroke foundation?

This year was actually one where I did quite a lot for charity/friends & family.

01-04-2008, 12:27 AM
Originally posted by JRSC00LUDE
Well, a friend and I also did something pretty nice for someone but that's about all I'll say about that.


962 kid
01-04-2008, 12:28 AM
Originally posted by A790

In my post that was deleted (for whatever reason) I essentially said that people are seeing the OP's post for much more than what it is. He was simply stating that many people forget that Christmas is about goodwill, sharing, and peace among men and he wanted to know what you did for someone else.

If anything, it causes a bit of personal inflection. I don't see how he was bragging at all.

:werd: maybe next round of deletions will get rid of Jeff's post too, so it doesn't come up again haha

LOL Which one?

This year was actually one where I did quite a lot for charity/friends & family.

Check the mythbusters thread haha.

01-04-2008, 12:33 AM
Originally posted by 962 kid

:werd: maybe next round of deletions will get rid of Jeff's post too, so it doesn't come up again haha

Check the mythbusters thread haha.
Ha yea I edited my original post a few mins later. I suppose that donation could be considered doing something for someone else, though in reality a lost bet prompted me to donate.

I did donate quite a bit to various charities this year and I am in the process of setting up a memorial website for war veterans because I am absolutely disgusted by how many people forget to acknowledge their veterans. I'm hoping that come Remembrance Day I may be able to remind some people about the sacrifices that were made by those that have long since passed.

GTS Jeff
01-04-2008, 02:35 AM
Originally posted by 962 kid

I've met him in real life, and I know he's a nice guy. It's too bad he's turned into just another unfunny e-thug that takes more away from the forums than he adds. Also, in case you forgot, he's been banned before. I'm also perfectly calm and just like you know Jeff is a douchebag only on beyond, I know that iceburns isn't the type that likes to show off. Maybe everyone who took offense to the first post should stop crying that his donations are not of "pure intent" or some other bs, and realize that he's not showing off to anyone.

Aww that's not fair. I'm contributing lots to Beyond! Think of it this way...if Beyond were one big stinky pile of shit (which it is)...then every time I post, it's like I'm taking a really huge deuce on top of the shit pile. So following that analogy, guess what that makes the moderators??? Janitors...:rofl:

So with that said, please click here to: Add GTS Jeff to Your Ignore List (http://forums.beyond.ca/member2.php?s=&action=addlist&userlist=ignore&userid=31) and continue to wallow in the aforementioned pile of smelly poop. :thumbsup:

01-04-2008, 07:55 AM
Originally posted by GTS Jeff
So following that analogy, guess what that makes the moderators??? Janitors...:rofl:
I believe the politically correct term is "facility operator".

01-04-2008, 10:47 AM
You're all too sensitive, it's cute really.

01-04-2008, 10:53 AM
Originally posted by A790

I believe the politically correct term is "facility operator".

Custodian, dick.

01-04-2008, 10:55 AM
Originally posted by stevo 27
jeff says what alot of people think but wont say because they dont wanna get banned


As much as his posts amuse me, if anyone else did what he does on here, they'd be banned several times in the last year.

stevo 27
01-04-2008, 12:40 PM
Originally posted by Tik-Tok


As much as his posts amuse me, if anyone else did what he does on here, they'd be banned several times in the last year.

yet another valid point haha

01-04-2008, 03:10 PM
Awwww guys cut Icey some slack...he's still very young and to donate money to a cause regardless of his financial situation at his age is pretty cool. So he bragged about it, perhaps it was the first time he's done something like this and is proud. Nothing wrong with that. As he gets older, he will do more and talk less. I support that.

Double post whore...well that dude is just full of self loathing and insecurity and needs to go sit in a corner.

As for gtsJeff, hell my first e-fights were with him and we became friends at some point. I laugh my ass off at most of his stuff, realizing that it's for comic relief most of the time. He's not malicious for the most part and he does say what's on his mind. That's a good thing for the rest of you sheep to try. If he thinks Icey is bragging, he's allowed to think it and say it.

Stop trying to censor people, STFU and go do things for others like Icey and Jeff both do.

01-04-2008, 03:40 PM
Originally posted by FiveFreshFish


Well why dont you quit fucking bragging about it? Is the only reason you saved that dudes life so you could come on beyond and brag about it? :rofl: (but seriously though, props, i hope in the same situation I would/could do the same).

This thread is RIDICULOUS. Someone donates $400 bones and then gets attacked for it? So what if it makes him feel good, that's a big reason why people DONATE...if it didn't make you feel good a lot less people would donate shit.

If i want go to out and donate 1000 dollars to charity just so i can come on beyond and brag about it, damn rights i should be able to do that without getting attacked. No matter how much it helps me, it still helps the people i donate it to a whole lot more.

End result = people who need help get it.

As for me, hmmm, I should probably do something for charity. Nice things for my friends/family are kind of a regular thing throughout the year...as far as charity....i dunno, i dont feel too bad, im only a 21 year old student, i got plenty of time left to "pay it forward" (maybe a shitty attitude, maybe ill get attacked for it, who knows)......:rofl:

01-04-2008, 06:27 PM
Originally posted by GTS Jeff
It's not an argument. It's me calling you out on being vane and shallow.

But that's not my real problem, my real problem is the accusatory tone of your posts. "Well what did YOU do??" as if you're somehow better than everyone else because you bragged about your donation. :rolleyes:

Lemme post that again, to remind you of why, if I wanted attention, I'd go somewhere other than Beyond. I'm gonna try to steer the thread away from this (a second time) so if you still think I'm a jerk, PM me ;).

01-04-2008, 07:21 PM
Well for what it's worth, I think iceburns' intent was more altruistic than not.

I didn't really take it for bragging, more like "What have the fine people of beyond done to try and help others this year?" He just gave an example of what he did to get the ball rolling. If he would have just asked what people did without leading off you can bet some asshole like me would be asking "Well what did you do you fucking hypocrite?".

It's the intent that counts and I'm sure his intentions here were good. I thought the underlying message in this thread was - "Have you done anything to help others? If so, put it out there and it may encourage someone else to do something as well."

There are a lot of people in this world who would never do a thing to help another soul if someone didn't make them see it was worth it. When kept positive, things like this can snowball and end up doing lots of good.

You didn't have to give a dollar amount, but it doesn't really bother me either. That being said, I'll always be far more impressed with a 5 year old that puts a buck out of his allowance into a charity box than I'll ever be with someone who gave money so they could get a hospital wing named after themself.


01-04-2008, 07:30 PM
Originally posted by JRSC00LUDE
than I'll ever be with someone who gave money so they could get a hospital wing named after themself.


Don't forget to get tax write-offs

01-04-2008, 08:21 PM
Too bad you only get 15% back for charitable donations. Now if you donate to a political party, you get 50%. How's THAT for charity?

01-04-2008, 09:10 PM
How about anonymously donating 600 million, from hidden offshore accounts to avoid disclosure, realizing NO tax benefits, and never telling a soul?

And only keeping 5 million for yourself!


While it's pretty admirable that he went about it the way he did, it's pretty inspiring to hear stories like that.

Personally, I actually think it's better to risk people judging your intentions by making things known, for the greater good of potentially inspiring others. That way, more people are likely to follow suit, and in the end it doesn't really matter if people accuse you of bragging, because people get helped either way.

I'm pretty sure if someone finds out that they're able to live because of someone's donation, they really don't give two shits that their donor was accused of doing it to brag. Haha, even if someone donates $400 and brags, you can't say we would be better off if they hadn't donated at all, even if you personally find it a bit irritating. Actually, that seems more selfish than anything.

stevo 27
01-04-2008, 10:04 PM
Originally posted by iceburns288


Lemme post that again, to remind you of why, if I wanted attention, I'd go somewhere other than Beyond. I'm gonna try to steer the thread away from this (a second time) so if you still think I'm a jerk, PM me ;).

you know the best gradification is from people you most likely will never meet :rolleyes: