View Full Version : 1 less stereo theif in calgary

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07-23-2003, 06:09 PM
well, it all started on monday night. we just got our sattelite dish installed, so i brought my girlfriend over for the night, i had to work at 6:30 but there was too much good shows on :bigpimp: ;) ;) so we stayed up watching porn till like 12:45
then we went to bed.

Around 1:00 i was still awake :bigpimp: and i heard a noise outside, like a pipe banging or something, i though nothing of it, then i heard it again like a min or so later, so i go to the window and look at my car...nothing, look at my girlfriends saturn (which i just put all my stereo equipment in) and some mother fucker was in the back seat opening the front door! so i put my shorts on and a shirt (i was in the middle of something) run down the stairs, and take a peak out the peep hole (American History X style) i slowly unlock the door, then i whip the door open and run outside to her car, (he was in the front pulling on the deck.) When he heard the door open he got out of the car, and started to walk away fast. I grabbed his shirt "what the fuck are you doing in her car?" i asked (politely of course :rolleyes: )he says I wasn't in her car, i get confused. then I see the pipe in his hand, which he had brought up to shoulder height, which looked like he was going to ding me on the head with it. So I fuckin smooooooked him, i hit him so hard, he dropped like nothing i have ever seen before, he dropped the pipe so i threw it away.

I was amazed, he got up!! so i threw him on the ground a couple times, and he kept gettin up, so i booted him in the face, and still he gets up. my mom had just called the cops before i booted him in the face, so they were on their way. I did the pattent pending "cop hold" (arm behind back, face on ground, knee on back of head) until the cops came, which was like 2 min from when my mom called to when they arrived. 4 cop cars, i have never seen a cop be so brutal to a person, they told me later he was on something, thats why he didn't stay down when i drilled him or kicked him.

The cops were so cool, they were like "you shoulda hit him harder" i was like "i don't think i could hit him any harder then i did" he says "if it was me i would have shot him" I laughed and said i dont have a gun. all and all i was up till like 3:30, got an hour and a half sleep and went to work, now 2 days later i think my knuckle is broken or something (can't bend finger at joint very well) and i am a very satisfied man.

Oh yeah, he went to jail and is getting charged with, break and enter, something else the cop said that i don't remember, theft under 5,000, and assault!

well thats one less asshole that we all have to deal with :thumbsup:

D'z Nutz
07-23-2003, 06:14 PM
Of all the parts you took from American History X, you only did the peep hole thing???

Hahaha! :thumbsup:

07-23-2003, 06:17 PM
Originally posted by D'z Nutz
Of all the parts you took from American History X, you only did the peep hole thing???

Hahaha! :thumbsup:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
pretty much that whole part of the movie is what happened, except
1. he wasn't black
2. i don't have a gun
3. i didn't curb stomp his ass (which i should have)

07-23-2003, 06:19 PM
WELL DONE!!!!!!!!!!!

Makes me smile to hear that!!!

07-23-2003, 06:24 PM
:rofl: awesome work man!

07-23-2003, 06:25 PM
Originally posted by Ben
WELL DONE!!!!!!!!!!!

Makes me smile to hear that!!!

Could have got a couple more boots in the face before the cops came.;)

07-23-2003, 06:27 PM
I would have got more boots in but, my mom u know how it is , mever let your mom see you fight

07-23-2003, 06:30 PM
haha nice man..i would have freaked if i saw the pipe..pending on how tall he is.. if hes like 3 foot 2 and had a pipe to shoulder length then its still as scary..but good thing you cranked the mofo hard!

07-23-2003, 06:32 PM
Originally posted by theken

The cops were so cool, they were like "you shoulda hit him harder"
That's some nice work.
Hehe, too bad you didn't keep stomping the SOB.

07-23-2003, 06:35 PM
Yeah, I would deffinatly went to work on him, but you have to watch that you are not yourself charged for a crme while stopping one in progress...

07-23-2003, 06:40 PM
Originally posted by Ben
Yeah, I would deffinatly went to work on him, but you have to watch that you are not yourself charged for a crme while stopping one in progress...
I was thinking the same thing, so i asked the cop if i could get charged, he told me if I thought that he was going to hit me with the pipe, i could do anything i want to him, boundries of course.

U should have seen that dudes face when they threw him in the cop car, bleeding from his eye, face so swollen, i hope he is in the cell feeling his 3rd degree concusion, and his new asshole, that bubba is gonna feed to him

07-23-2003, 06:52 PM
Thats FUCKING AWESOME MAN!! You are my HERO:bigpimp:

07-23-2003, 06:52 PM
Nice Job :thumbsup:

07-23-2003, 06:52 PM
Ha, that's such a nice story. :clap:


07-23-2003, 07:00 PM
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: Awesome dude!!!
Vigilant justice at its finest!!!

07-23-2003, 07:02 PM
That's proper. What part of the city was this in?

07-23-2003, 07:08 PM
My sincerest thanks for your public service. I have been ripped of twice by little punks. Kudos

07-23-2003, 07:08 PM
NICE! :thumbsup:
I'd shake your hand if I could. Then again I might hurt your knuckle :D

07-23-2003, 07:10 PM
write a damn essay on the thing! :rofl:......that was hilarioius when you called me that night telling me about that shit, the guy had to be pretty wasted to get up from that punch too! :thumbsup:

07-23-2003, 07:17 PM
Yeah, your a big guy Ken, I sure wouldn't want a belt accross the face from ya, let alone several!

Public Service indeed!!!!!

07-23-2003, 07:18 PM
Awesome man!! Did you ask him if he had my sub and throttlebody? :rofl:

What neighborhood was this?

07-23-2003, 07:39 PM
this was in riverbend :thumbsup:
I am kinda hopin that that was the punk that ripped off james car, u never know.
i think the kick might have done a lil hard justice, maybe next time those lil batards will think twice about fuckin with cars, 248lbs of ragin fury :thumbsup:

07-23-2003, 07:42 PM
nice, now hes gonna charge you with assult, good work buddy!!!

07-23-2003, 07:43 PM
Originally posted by vsmSIR
nice, now hes gonna charge you with assult, good work buddy!!!
actually he can't
if u read above, i asked the cop if he could, the cop said no, but thanks for coming out :D

07-23-2003, 07:51 PM
ohhh was that the same cop that said if that was him he would have shot him,,, yeah trust that guy man, wouldnt surprise me, if some rookie gun slinging cop didnt know what he was talking about

07-23-2003, 08:03 PM
If the cop is on his side tho, the thief can't do anything... it would be a car thief's word against a cop and an upstanding citizen who was just protecting himself. the thief can try to sue, but he'll probably lose that as well.

Good job man!!!! Take care of the knuckle!!


Talies R
07-23-2003, 08:04 PM
Originally posted by accordboi_02
If the cop is on his side tho, the thief can't do anything... it would be a car thief's word against a cop and an upstanding citizen who was just protecting himself. the thief can try to sue, but he'll probably lose that as well.

Good job man!!!! Take care of the knuckle!!


That thief could sue and win, the police are his witness, his injuries are solid evidence.

07-23-2003, 08:10 PM
yeah man, like i said, if i was that theif and some dood, beat me bad, over and over, id be pressin charges, just outta spite, i mean, knocking that guy over hitting him once, fine, but a rodney king beating.....haha good luck man, id have a lawyer ready, but thats just me

07-23-2003, 08:18 PM
So after all this was done did you go back to "bed"? :poosie: ;)

07-23-2003, 08:58 PM
Originally posted by vsmSIR
nice, now hes gonna charge you with assult, good work buddy!!!
What woudl you have done? Invited him in for coffee? Nice work theken!

07-23-2003, 09:19 PM
Originally posted by altima
So after all this was done did you go back to "bed"? :poosie: ;)

actually, I went in drank a couple mgd's and watched porn till like 3:30

Originally posted by Redlyne_mr2

What woudl you have done? Invited him in for coffee? Nice work theken!


07-23-2003, 09:21 PM
Originally posted by James

actually, I went in drank a couple mgd's and watched porn till like 3:30

Ah, nothing like drinking alone and watching porn at 3am :rolleyes:

07-23-2003, 09:26 PM
Originally posted by Ben

Ah, nothing like drinking alone and watching porn at 3am :rolleyes:
Hey Ben he does the same thing you do!! You 2 could should start some sort of club

07-23-2003, 09:32 PM
Originally posted by Redlyne_mr2

Hey Ben he does the same thing you do!! You 2 could should start some sort of club

That may be, but just cause you barkeep at the bustling gay bar down the street from you in Ontario and you dont make it home every day till 11am the next morning because 'Lance' felt it incumbent upon himself to cook you breakfast, doesn't make it right for you to mock me like that.:thumbsdow

07-23-2003, 09:35 PM
Originally posted by Ben

That may be, but just cause you barkeep at the bustling gay bar down the street from you in Ontario and you dont make it home every day till 11am the next morning because 'Lance' felt it incumbent upon himself to cook you breakfast, doesn't make it right for you to mock me like that.:thumbsdow
Hey man Lance's breakfast sandwhiches rules, plus some of us arent fortunate enough to have eggo waffles sewn to our collars;)

07-23-2003, 09:39 PM
Originally posted by Talies R

That thief could sue and win, the police are his witness, his injuries are solid evidence.

this aint the states, we are allowed to protect ourselves and our property, besides he went to swing the pipe at buddy first

07-23-2003, 09:45 PM
Good job. One less bastard on the streets :thumbsup:

07-23-2003, 10:01 PM
Originally posted by jdmakkord

this aint the states, we are allowed to protect ourselves and our property, besides he went to swing the pipe at buddy first

Yeah, it'd be pretty hard to beat the self-defense angle that theken would use... not like he is some innocent person who was just standing on the street.

07-23-2003, 10:02 PM
LOL...good post. :clap:

Chalk one up for the good guys.

07-23-2003, 10:23 PM
lets put this in perspective for all the haters..

if you saw a theif breaking into your car, stealing your stuff-would you

A) wine like a baby and call the cops when he left with all your stuff

B) kick the living shit out of him

I garentee most of you would choose B, if you not your just a fucking pussy!

Good Job man, you did everyone a big favour!

07-23-2003, 11:14 PM
i am going to have to give you uber props on this one man.... that fucker messed with the wrong guy, i feel rage just thinking about anyone touching my stuff... nice work :thumbsup:

07-23-2003, 11:15 PM
Originally posted by theken
I did the pattent pending "cop hold" (arm behind back, face on ground, knee on back of head) until the cops came

The Hammerlock? :D

Exciting story! Good job! :thumbsup:

07-23-2003, 11:25 PM
You missed the part about the guy "raising his pipe in a threatening manner". If it was threatening (which of course it was), then he can't sue - especially if he kept getting up. And it's pretty hard to get an excessive force charge when the other guy has a weapon.


07-23-2003, 11:39 PM
man someone said it before, your my hero! everytime I read a stroy about theft it makes me so mad, ive got such a big smile on my face.

Im so glad you just clocked him, must have mad you feel good.

07-23-2003, 11:41 PM
aren't u scared he's gonna come back with his bum/theif friends??!?! the guy is probably hella pissed cuz bubba ripped him a new asshole...

07-23-2003, 11:42 PM
Dude are you for hire!
I will pay you to sit and watch my vehicles ;)

07-23-2003, 11:44 PM
just fucking lucky he didnt have a knife or a gun, and the mental capacity to pull it, or else it could have turned out WAY different.

07-23-2003, 11:49 PM
Originally posted by method
just fucking lucky he didnt have a knife or a gun, and the mental capacity to pull it, or else it could have turned out WAY different.

^^ :werd:

07-24-2003, 12:00 AM
good job!!! damn that guy was on something? when people are on drugs it is so damn dangerous, they dont feel pain dude. Luckly he didnt take swings back or else u would be like DEAD.

I've heard stories that cops told me about how they tried to take down people who are on drugs and it was like impossible. Mace didnt work and took like 4 guys to take him down.

U got Lucky!!


07-24-2003, 02:21 AM
I woulda kicked him in the nuts!!!!

07-24-2003, 02:46 AM
Originally posted by Ben

Ah, nothing like drinking alone and watching porn at 3am :rolleyes:

his Gf was still there, thier into that kinky shit! :poosie:

07-24-2003, 04:51 AM
Congrats on bustin the guys face in....
but I got a question...
Don't you think buddy will be waiting for you when you walk out of your door?
after all, the guy will be out of the holding cell and he has his charges but he'll probably be out on bail.
I personally wouldve followed the guy to the spot he would strip it.
Most likely thats where you would find your other car.
Unless of course you didnt have abother one to hop into.

07-24-2003, 05:49 AM
Good job man.....

That curb stomping part in American History X still makes me cringe when I hink about the dudes teeth on the curb....:eek:

07-24-2003, 06:01 AM
Quality film tho ;)

07-24-2003, 06:59 AM
shoulda taken a pic man

07-24-2003, 06:59 AM
You guys are saying theken made a mistake for fighting the dude. My question is, what would you have done? Sit back and wait for the officers to show up? By then, the guy would of been long gone. Ken is a big guy and probably had some pent up anger inside and props to him for showing the thief what's up. In the heat of the moment, anything can happen.

Its just that you guys make it sound so easy that you would have done this, or would have done that. When in reality, you can never be certain how would react under these circumstances.

My two cents and time for bed! :rofl:

07-24-2003, 07:28 AM
Good work, you've lived a personal dream of mine! I was all about American History X curbing after my car got broken into years ago, took me a while to simmer down.

07-24-2003, 10:19 AM
Nice work! I'm impressed. Just running on andrenaline probably at the moment eh?

So did he break the window on your GF's car with the pipe???

07-24-2003, 10:40 AM
good work.. keeping the south safe!!!

07-24-2003, 10:49 AM
Originally posted by Kaos
Congrats on bustin the guys face in....
but I got a question...
Don't you think buddy will be waiting for you when you walk out of your door?
after all, the guy will be out of the holding cell and he has his charges but he'll probably be out on bail.
I personally wouldve followed the guy to the spot he would strip it.
Most likely thats where you would find your other car.
Unless of course you didnt have abother one to hop into.

what other car? :confused:

Originally posted by roopi
Nice work! I'm impressed. Just running on andrenaline probably at the moment eh?

So did he break the window on your GF's car with the pipe???

no, the dumb girl left her back door unlocked


07-24-2003, 10:49 AM
good read, good job man!

07-24-2003, 11:00 AM
Originally posted by theken
so we stayed up watching porn till like 12:45
then we went to bed.

when my mom called to when they arrived.

Just so I'm clear, you were watching porn with the gf while your mom was in the house? Man you must have balls the size of coconuts or just don't give a f@#$!!:thumbsup:

07-24-2003, 11:42 AM
good, shoulda stole his shoes...

07-24-2003, 12:58 PM
Originally posted by James

no, the dumb girl left her back door unlocked


women will never learn!!! even after you put your stereo in her car!!! :dunno:

07-24-2003, 03:08 PM
Originally posted by Mckenzie
Good job man.....

That curb stomping part in American History X still makes me cringe when I hink about the dudes teeth on the curb....:eek: yeah that shit was messed, really gross

Originally posted by roopi
Nice work! I'm impressed. Just running on andrenaline probably at the moment eh?

So did he break the window on your GF's car with the pipe???
well i was pisssssssed, i hate theives, she left the back door unlocked.

Originally posted by B17a

Just so I'm clear, you were watching porn with the gf while your mom was in the house? Man you must have balls the size of coconuts or just don't give a f@#$!!:thumbsup:
my mom was in bed, and naa i really don't give a f@#$!! i like porn :thumbsup:

hey ben u wanna start the "late night porno's club, i have 5 members on each hand :thumbsup:

07-24-2003, 03:12 PM
im not too worried about the dude comin back with his buds, most of my friends are big guys, and i am pretty sure i can hold my own, he just has to wait like a week until my hand is better.
If u were him would u come back for another beating?? i know if a guy my size hit me i wouldn't go near him.

so who thinks it is a mistake for beating this guy??? and it wasn;t a rodney king beating, just a punch, kick in the face, a whole lot of throwing him to the ground, then the behind the back cop hold. If i wanted to beat his ass more I would have used the pipe and killed him, but i learned my lesson from american history x, i don't wanna get f@$ked in the anus by a big nazi :thumbsdow

07-24-2003, 03:22 PM
Originally posted by theken
im not too worried about the dude comin back with his buds, most of my friends are big guys, and i am pretty sure i can hold my own, he just has to wait like a week until my hand is better.
If u were him would u come back for another beating?? i know if a guy my size hit me i wouldn't go near him.

so who thinks it is a mistake for beating this guy??? and it wasn;t a rodney king beating, just a punch, kick in the face, a whole lot of throwing him to the ground, then the behind the back cop hold. If i wanted to beat his ass more I would have used the pipe and killed him, but i learned my lesson from american history x, i don't wanna get f@$ked in the anus by a big nazi :thumbsdow

hahaha i think you did a damn fine job and if that dude ever comes back call me cause i wanna get a boot in where i can.

you had every right to do what you did.:thumbsup:

07-24-2003, 03:22 PM
Originally posted by theken
so who thinks it is a mistake for beating this guy??? and it wasn;t a rodney king beating, just a punch, kick in the face, a whole lot of throwing him to the ground, then the behind the back cop hold.

I'm 100% with you! Let's just look at the optics here, pipe weilding criminal trying to break into your car, you being a law abidding citizen (no record I hope), confronts said slimebucket, he makes a motion like he's going to hit you, you nail him a couple times. I really don't see how this could be misconstrued into an assualt. I think you disarmed him, and then immobilized him, sounds good to me!

07-25-2003, 05:41 PM
nice one! :thumbsup: Who says you can't learn anything from a movie! theken, dude, you need to do a writeup on how to beat the living crap out of a car thief and make it a sticky in the faq section! haha! :rofl:

07-25-2003, 07:11 PM
Originally posted by theken
...and his new asshole, that bubba is gonna feed to him

Isn't it spelled Buh Buh? LOL

07-25-2003, 07:28 PM
As for him getting charged for assault, don't worry about it. People who always come up with that "you're going to get charged for that" shit are just scared to take the law into their own hands when the situation merrits it :thumbsdow

theken: GREAT work :thumbsup:

07-26-2003, 10:02 AM
Originally posted by Abom
As for him getting charged for assault, don't worry about it. People who always come up with that "you're going to get charged for that" shit are just scared to take the law into their own hands when the situation merrits it :thumbsdow

theken: GREAT work :thumbsup:


07-30-2003, 01:15 AM
Originally posted by Abom
As for him getting charged for assault, don't worry about it. People who always come up with that "you're going to get charged for that" shit are just scared to take the law into their own hands when the situation merrits it :thumbsdow

theken: GREAT work :thumbsup:

double :werd:

and by the way i asked my grandpa ... who so happens to be a lawyer and TheKen was 110% in the right .... you guys who are saying that he can get charged, are completly wrong ... like this "gunslinging" cop said he could have shot him the instant that pipe came into the picture this isn't USA where it seems like criminals have more rights then us ... and if he did try to charge him or sue him the lawyer would have to be a "complete retard"( -My Grandpa)to take the case with the evidence given. (whoever called that cop a "gunslinging" rookie is an ignorant dick)

TheKen .. you're the man :thumbsup:

and whoever says that they wouldn't do the same has got some issues ... i wouldn't even think twice ... but that is easyer to type then to live out ...

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: once again Theken you're the man

07-30-2003, 05:50 AM
Excellent job !!

Bows down to theken ...


10-09-2006, 12:53 AM
Originally posted by theken

so who thinks it is a mistake for beating this guy??? and it wasn;t a rodney king beating, just a punch, kick in the face, a whole lot of throwing him to the ground, then the behind the back cop hold. If i wanted to beat his ass more I would have used the pipe and killed him, but i learned my lesson from american history x, i don't wanna get f@$ked in the anus by a big nazi :thumbsdow I wouldve rodney kinged him with a baton, especially if he kept getting up. :D Nothing you did sounds excessive to me. I wouldnt take the chance the piece of shit crackhead wouldnt get up and try to stab you, hence beating him some more.

10-09-2006, 01:08 AM
Originally posted by drox
I wouldve rodney kinged him with a baton, especially if he kept getting up. :D Nothing you did sounds excessive to me. I wouldnt take the chance the piece of shit crackhead wouldnt get up and try to stab you, hence beating him some more.

Way to bring a 3 year old thread back to life! :clap:

10-09-2006, 01:11 AM
It was linked from another thread, and I closed that window already when I felt like posting it. :whocares:

10-09-2006, 01:24 AM
Originally posted by adidas

Way to bring a 3 year old thread back to life! :clap:

:rofl: i was betting it would be within the next two days someone would post in this

10-09-2006, 02:53 AM
Originally posted by theken
im not too worried about the dude comin back with his buds, most of my friends are big guys, and i am pretty sure i can hold my own, he just has to wait like a week until my hand is better.
If u were him would u come back for another beating?? i know if a guy my size hit me i wouldn't go near him.

so who thinks it is a mistake for beating this guy??? and it wasn;t a rodney king beating, just a punch, kick in the face, a whole lot of throwing him to the ground, then the behind the back cop hold. If i wanted to beat his ass more I would have used the pipe and killed him, but i learned my lesson from american history x, i don't wanna get f@$ked in the anus by a big nazi :thumbsdow

I'm glad to hear that a thief finally got what he deserved. It probably has been a long time coming as well, probably not the first time either. I know when I woke up in the morning to head off to downtown and all my stereo, work tools and cd's were gone, I was f*cking livid and if I knew the guy that stole my stuff, I'd attempt to beat the ever loving shit out of him. It still drives me nuts. I remember I was suspecting anyone that walked in front of my house! +1 for standing up for yourself and not taking shit from some punk who has to resort to stealing things than buying them like everyone else in the world.

Another thing, you'd have to have a pretty good lawyer to charge this man with assault, considering the theft and weapon he was eqipped with. Honestly, I doubt a judge would let something like that go through. Sure you could have just put him in the police hold and waited for the cops but.......

10-09-2006, 02:06 PM
Dude.. YOU FTW!!!

10-09-2006, 03:00 PM
Ancient thread, but still a pretty damn cool story.

10-09-2006, 03:03 PM
nothing ever happened to me, i never got charged, and i have some other sweet cars sitting here and nothing has happened to them, so i am going to assume that for all the people that thought i would get charged were wrong, and everybody who thought he would come back for vengance was wrong.

so yeah, good times, good beating, 1 less theif :D

10-09-2006, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by theken
nothing ever happened to me, i never got charged, and i have some other sweet cars sitting here and nothing has happened to them, so i am going to assume that for all the people that thought i would get charged were wrong, and everybody who thought he would come back for vengance was wrong.

so yeah, good times, good beating, 1 less theif :D

You da man :clap: :clap: and :clap: to your self control for only hurting him a lil

If it was me, I'd do what you did, then take a shit and smear it on his face to give him a shit moustache and whizz all on his head til the cops arrived...:angel:

10-09-2006, 11:03 PM
Good read, very inspiring, kinda wish mine wasn't so anti-climatic

10-09-2006, 11:33 PM
2 words

brass knuckles

otherwise great job! :thumbsup:

10-10-2006, 09:26 AM
gj !!!! :thumbsup:

10-10-2006, 09:56 AM
The sad thing is that the guy is obviously an addict and needed cash to get his next fix. I think you actually did him a favour by catching him in the act and beating his ass. Perhaps getting charged and going to jail will enable him to rethink his life, get treatment, and (thanks to Theken) reconsider breaking into another car, lest he be fed a few more knuckle sandwiches :thumbsup:

Well done, laddie

10-10-2006, 11:27 AM
Originally posted by theken
well, it all started on monday night. we just got our sattelite dish installed, so i brought my girlfriend over for the night, i had to work at 6:30 but there was too much good shows on :bigpimp: ;) ;) so we stayed up watching porn till like 12:45
then we went to bed.

Around 1:00 i was still awake :bigpimp: and i heard a noise outside, like a pipe banging or something, i though nothing of it, then i heard it again like a min or so later, so i go to the window and look at my car...nothing, look at my girlfriends saturn (which i just put all my stereo equipment in) and some mother fucker was in the back seat opening the front door! so i put my shorts on and a shirt (i was in the middle of something) run down the stairs, and take a peak out the peep hole (American History X style) i slowly unlock the door, then i whip the door open and run outside to her car, (he was in the front pulling on the deck.) When he heard the door open he got out of the car, and started to walk away fast. I grabbed his shirt "what the fuck are you doing in her car?" i asked (politely of course :rolleyes: )he says I wasn't in her car, i get confused. then I see the pipe in his hand, which he had brought up to shoulder height, which looked like he was going to ding me on the head with it. So I fuckin smooooooked him, i hit him so hard, he dropped like nothing i have ever seen before, he dropped the pipe so i threw it away.

I was amazed, he got up!! so i threw him on the ground a couple times, and he kept gettin up, so i booted him in the face, and still he gets up. my mom had just called the cops before i booted him in the face, so they were on their way. I did the pattent pending "cop hold" (arm behind back, face on ground, knee on back of head) until the cops came, which was like 2 min from when my mom called to when they arrived. 4 cop cars, i have never seen a cop be so brutal to a person, they told me later he was on something, thats why he didn't stay down when i drilled him or kicked him.

The cops were so cool, they were like "you shoulda hit him harder" i was like "i don't think i could hit him any harder then i did" he says "if it was me i would have shot him" I laughed and said i dont have a gun. all and all i was up till like 3:30, got an hour and a half sleep and went to work, now 2 days later i think my knuckle is broken or something (can't bend finger at joint very well) and i am a very satisfied man.

Oh yeah, he went to jail and is getting charged with, break and enter, something else the cop said that i don't remember, theft under 5,000, and assault!

well thats one less asshole that we all have to deal with :thumbsup:
ken FUCKING AWESOME!! You have my eternal mad-props-fo-lyfe.

Good shit. Ice the knuckle buddy!

Dave P
10-10-2006, 12:37 PM
Someone Buy This Man A Beer

10-10-2006, 12:40 PM
Haha awesome story!

10-10-2006, 06:13 PM
Dang! I've lived in Riverbend most of my life; theken, I actually pass by your fairlady everyday, and I would have never suspected something like this could've happened here. Thanks for making the neighbourhood a safer place for the rest of us!

10-11-2006, 02:00 AM
^ i might possibly know you then :dunno: what schools did you go to?

Fairlady looks pimp now with the new bumper too, little off topic but yeah.

10-11-2006, 02:21 AM
^^ Acadia Elementary, Fairview Jr. High, then Western High. Started at UC, then went to Mt. Royal, now at U of S. Still in Saskatoon for the moment, but I'm home almost once a month for long weekends though. You?

By the way, love the new look of the car. It's what I look forward to seeing everytime I come in and out of the neighbourhood. Next would be that EK down the block from ya with the 5-lug conversion, and maybe the same guy's lowered Mini too. And of course, I drive by the neighbourhood's strip mall's parking lot to check out Max_Boost's new toys once in awhile. :D :drool:

EDIT: Had to take out some street names to keep confidentiality.

10-11-2006, 02:45 AM
banting n best, sherwood, then to western(2 years)/central for grade 12.

max :zzz: haha just kidding hes a pimp

10-11-2006, 02:47 AM
How old are you? Maybe we may have went to Western together? Yeah, this is going a little off topic, but whatever. Still commending you for your act of courage.

10-11-2006, 09:36 AM
i dunno how old the thread, but theken FTW

good read

10-11-2006, 11:29 AM
shoulda broke all his fingers...one by one :thumbsup:

10-11-2006, 05:25 PM
i would be 22, graduated in 02

10-11-2006, 09:29 PM
just goes to show dont mess with someones Gf's car, when his half way throw "sleeping" with that kind of addrenaline who is hoviously pretty big and just happens to call himself theken lol

u FTW man,

10-12-2006, 08:48 AM