View Full Version : Any IT guys that can give a NEWB some help with wireless internet basics?

01-11-2008, 01:57 PM
I am a complete NEWB when it comes to even the basics of setting up connections etc.

I have not tried calling Telus and sitting on the phone for 8 hours in order for them to say ...I so solly, I can no help.

As basic as this is for some (most) of you, I would appreciate some positive feed back towards my situation.

I have my internet through Telus and have their wireless router. My PC works fine yet my room mates laptop will not pick up a signal.

The fucker goes in my room and unplugs my computer in order to plug his laptop in and gain access to internet when I'm not around. I gave him a suggestion to stay TFO out of my room or maybe not walk properly for a long time. Now he leaves 100 feet of internet cable plugged into my router and trailing through the house. Another no go for me. (PS due to inconvenience I do not charge him for the internet)

What is it that I have to do to keep shit pants outta my room and gain him internet access wirelessly?

01-11-2008, 02:23 PM
Does he have an old laptop? does the wireless router do both Wireless B and G?

If his laptop is old, he can get a PCMCIA (SP?) card and use that, or a USB wireless connection to get on Wireless G. That is of course if the router only does wireless G and not B.

If that is not the case, then maybe he is simply too far from the router. I think they only work about 50ft through walls. There could also be interference from another wireless device (like a lanline wireless phone).

01-11-2008, 02:53 PM
Thank you for your input Benyl. I will check these things out once I get home.

I don't believe it is a distance thing as my house is not that big. Especially from the router to where he has tried to use his laptop in the living room.

When my ex and I were together, the wireless system there worked rather well. Hooked through my PC the ex's laptop worked well anywhere in the house and it was a bigger place.

01-11-2008, 02:56 PM
DId you turn on the wireless on your router??

if not go to your router gateway address

01-11-2008, 03:19 PM
Encryption problems? Or MAC filtering?

adam c
01-11-2008, 03:21 PM
mac filtering +1

if i turn security on my wireless i can't connect to it with my work laptop cause its part of a domain, so instead i use mac filtering. not the best but it keeps most people off my home wirless connection

01-11-2008, 04:21 PM
Does he even have wifi card in his laptop? Why does he come to your room to unplug your pc and plug in his if you have wifi, coudlnt' he just use wifi in your room if its a distance problem. Try his laptop in your room on wifi and see if your network shows up. Also, are you sure you are broadcasting your ssid or if its hidden? If its hidden, then ur roommate would have to manually enter your network inforamtion to get connected as it would not automatically show in windows wireless panel

01-12-2008, 11:57 PM
Originally posted by adam c
mac filtering +1

if i turn security on my wireless i can't connect to it with my work laptop cause its part of a domain, so instead i use mac filtering. not the best but it keeps most people off my home wirless connection

This makes no sense. What does your computer being part of a domain have to do with connecting it to a wireless network?

01-13-2008, 12:49 AM
Originally posted by codetrap
This makes no sense. What does your computer being part of a domain have to do with connecting it to a wireless network?

X2. It shouldn't matter. My work laptop connects to my home wireless connection no problem (it's what I'm on at this very minute).

As far as the OP goes, here's a few quick steps to try and troubleshoot:

- find out if your roomie can see the signal at all. If he can, but can't connect, it's probably a security issue (see below). If he can't see it, then it could be a signal strength issue, or a compatibility issue (although most routers and cards are backwards compatible, so this isn't likely). What kind of router are you using? I have seen problems in the past where some cheaper routers (Belkin, for example) just have shitty connections.

- find out if you've enabled any sort of wireless security (usually WEP, or WPA). If you HAVE, then any machines trying to connect to your router would need to have matching codes. The code would've been something that you entered into the router, so you'd need to go into the settings to find it.

01-13-2008, 01:19 AM

01-17-2008, 09:59 AM
Originally posted by 01RedDX
If you're using the 2wire residential gateway, type in gateway.2wire.net in your address bar and go through all the settings.
For example, your wireless signal may not even be enabled yet.

This is more along the lines of what needed to happen

I MUST give HUGE props to BEN on here. He took the time out of his day to help me out. He was able to show up at my home and make the appropriate fixes. While on the phone with Telus, their only solution was to replace the router within 5 days, when all BEN needed was for him to reset the password.

All said and done, BEN made the fix.

Many thanks to BEN for fixing my situation. As easy of a fix as it was I appreciate the good nature of BENs actions.

Thanks BEN!!!:thumbsup: :thumbsup: