View Full Version : Not-At-Fault-Collision/ Insurance Company Being PITA

01-17-2008, 11:29 PM
Hey, I thought I'd post here and get some opinions about my situation and see if anyone else has been in the same boat that I am in.

Last month I got into a collision. Coles notes: I was in the main road, got into a collision from a person facing a stop sign.

Any advice is appreciated :thumbsup:

edit: removed just in case

01-17-2008, 11:31 PM
it seems the insurance company is dicking you around. Its not like sitting around is going to do anything. Get a lawyer.

01-17-2008, 11:33 PM
How was the guy at the time of the accident? Like was he a prick or anything? If not I would go to his house and see whats up. Maybe bring a friend or too just incase..

01-17-2008, 11:38 PM
Honestly I'm surprised YOUR insurance company is dicking you around so much. They're the ones that need to go after the other company. Your car is insured under them, they pay you the money, then go recover their money from the guy that hit you.

01-17-2008, 11:39 PM
Guy was all chill at the accident. He was an older fellow and actually apologized for causing the collision. The other thing that was "weird" was when the I was talking to the cops, they were like he doesn't have a printed insurance slip, just one of those ones you get when you get a new car (he was driving an SRT-8 300M :( ) But I never though twice about it at the time.....perhaps I will stop by his residence.....

01-18-2008, 01:02 AM
Writing nasty letters is for middle aged women. Just go to his house and see what's up. You don't have to knock any heads just yet (except maybe your insurance company to get off their asses)

01-18-2008, 09:43 AM

Masked Bandit
01-18-2008, 09:49 AM
I'm guessing you do not carry collision coverage on your car? If you did, your company would have fixed the car and gone after the other guy on your behalf. If you don't have collision, you are pretty much on your own.

You might want to contact the police officer that attended the scene and let them know. They aren't going to care the insurance company is "dicking you around" but if you believe that this guy did not have insurance (which sounds possible) I'm pretty sure they have to investigate that.

01-18-2008, 09:55 AM
Hey, give me a call and I can see if I can get is number for you by looking up his addy in my "database". =)
Maybe he has some services with me.

adam c
01-18-2008, 10:03 AM
+1 for no collision.. when i had my first accident my insurance company at the time were complete jerks (Peace Hills Insurance) they did absolutely nothing for me and kept trying to cut off my medical benefits at the time.. my car was written and it wasn't my fault...

For your story.
insurance companies try to find any excuse to get out of paying money anyway they can

01-18-2008, 12:00 PM
Originally posted by buh_buh
Writing nasty letters is for middle aged women. Just go to his house and see what's up. You don't have to knock any heads just yet (except maybe your insurance company to get off their asses)


Originally posted by Masked Bandit
I'm guessing you do not carry collision coverage on your car? If you did, your company would have fixed the car and gone after the other guy on your behalf. If you don't have collision, you are pretty much on your own.

You might want to contact the police officer that attended the scene and let them know. They aren't going to care the insurance company is "dicking you around" but if you believe that this guy did not have insurance (which sounds possible) I'm pretty sure they have to investigate that.

Yeah, no collision. Perhaps this week I will add it to my policy.

Originally posted by Kaos
Hey, give me a call and I can see if I can get is number for you by looking up his addy in my "database". =)
Maybe he has some services with me.

Thanks man, text sent :)

Originally posted by adam c
+1 for no collision.. when i had my first accident my insurance company at the time were complete jerks (Peace Hills Insurance) they did absolutely nothing for me and kept trying to cut off my medical benefits at the time.. my car was written and it wasn't my fault...

For your story.
insurance companies try to find any excuse to get out of paying money anyway they can

Thanks for your help everyone, I'll see if I can get a contact number through Kaos, and then call the guy up and see whats up....I guess I'll go from there when the time comes.

01-18-2008, 03:43 PM
Man same thing just happened to me, except the guys insurance company is in the states. At first my claims agent said he would call them and do this and that for me even though I didn't have collision. But I waited 4 days have had no response, and had to call him up. He now told me they aren't doing anything except forward the papers to his insurance. Way to waste 4 days jackass. I basically have had to file a claim with the other driver's insurance myself after looking up their phone number, address etc on the net...and they are being dicks seeing as they are so far away. "Well I don't know how they do it in Canada but bla bla bla...". I'm having a pain just getting a rental from them...F**K. They give me their "word" they will cover the rental but refuse to put it in writing. I'm adding collision as well as soon as this is over, but with a different company because this has been BS so far.

01-18-2008, 04:18 PM
thanks Homie.....I will call the dood's insurance first thing Monday morning.....best of luck to you.

01-18-2008, 04:40 PM
Just for everyones information:

Your insurance company is most likely not dicking you around. There are certain limits to what a Claims Adjuster can do. For example, if the collision report, I'm assuming that you provided your insurance company, doesn't have the driver's info, then they will have to call the police officer, which in experience takes a couple of days, if not weeks for them to return their calls...they don't work normal office hours. The other option, the claims adjuster orders the police report, well, the quickest I have ever seen these process and sent back by the police is about 2 week.

The other thing, even if they had the insurance info for the dude, and sent the letter to the other insurance company, it takes time for them to process thier end of the claim. They will have to try to contact their driver first before they are going to accept anything.

Come on, would you want your insurance company to accept fault on a claim, without hearing your side of the story?

Also, I know this is not an excuse, but people, please realize that most claims adjusters in this city have 200 + files, that is files, not claimants, one file could have multiple claimants.

that is my 2 cents.

Masked Bandit
01-19-2008, 09:35 AM
To add to ralliart_girl's insight to the industry, claims service in gerneral is the worst I have ever seen it in the eight years I've been in the industry. We keep hearing the same excuses "we're understaffed".....blahblahblah. We actually had one of our companies send out an apology letter saying they were sorry for the brutal claims service over the last six month and they are doing what they can to fix it.

It's not right, but it's the way it is right now in Alberta.

01-19-2008, 10:47 AM
Everything is backed up. When I am asked to do an appraisal it can be months after the loss, its weird. Hail claims from June still pop up. So you end up getting an adjuster thats backed up and takes too long to send the file to a dispatcher who is backed up and takes too long and then goes to an estimator who is backed up and takes too long. Then the file has to go back to the adjuster who is still backed up. Most companies will take a claim 7 days a week but won't have anything done with it on weekends so even 20 days of waiting can span over a month.

It sucks but everyone need to realize that it will get sorted out and be thankful you're not hurt or dead from the accident. The car is drivable so really tho only inconvenience is your car is a little uglier, not quite ford ugly but a little ugly.

01-19-2008, 12:14 PM
thanks for the input from the other side of things we normally don't see.... :thumbsup:

Masked Bandit
01-21-2008, 11:52 AM
Originally posted by tom_9109
not quite ford ugly but a little ugly.


01-21-2008, 02:07 PM
Thats brutal... and I know exactly, what you're going through. I am in the same situation right now, however by the sound of it you can still drive your car... mine is completely dead right now due to the accident, and it has been a month without a car now!! :guns:

The other party in my accident didn't admit fault at the scene, he seemed pretty convinced it was my fault, but the police issued him tickets at the scene after determining he was at fault. Yet I am still sitting here without a car, and no way to get around. I am having to deal with an independent adjuster on behalf of both insurance companies due to not having collision coverage, and the adjuster refuses to even return my phone calls. Not having collision coverage blows.

02-15-2008, 08:01 PM
Originally posted by 01RedDX
I was thinking insurance fraud, like a fake slip, but due to the fact that it was an older guy with a nice car it doesn't seem likely...

Originally posted by Masked Bandit
You might want to contact the police officer that attended the scene and let them know. They aren't going to care the insurance company is "dicking you around" but if you believe that this guy did not have insurance (which sounds possible) I'm pretty sure they have to investigate that.

**Ding ding ding** We got a winner :thumbsup:

Just providing an update......

edit: anyone know the penalties for insurance fraud>??

Masked Bandit
02-15-2008, 09:53 PM
Sounds like there is a bit of a story here. Do tell.......

02-15-2008, 11:11 PM
lets just say the other party involved in my collision decided to fake an insurance form in order to not have his rates increase on his actual insurance.....thanks to Kaos everything seems to be in good order :thumbsup: