View Full Version : Wii still hard to get?

01-19-2008, 10:35 PM
What gives, is this item still that hard to find?! I would have never thought this long after its launch there would still be issues purchasing one.

If anyone knows of ANY retail outlets in Calgary with these...please let me know!


01-19-2008, 10:37 PM
Was wondering the same.. I've checked many places in the last few days. EB games says mid Feb. when they get the next shipment.

01-19-2008, 10:40 PM
They are staggering releases but it's getting better. Brilliant marketing if you ask me.. My wife picked one up today at Toys R Us.. pretty easy. really well organized.

01-19-2008, 11:57 PM
I have looked for a Wii a couple of times and both times I found one to buy .. just call every possible place that sells them in the city .. some store will have it

01-20-2008, 08:49 AM
Originally posted by modded46
They are staggering releases but it's getting better. Brilliant marketing if you ask me.. My wife picked one up today at Toys R Us.. pretty easy. really well organized.

Analysts have predicted potential losses for Nintendo that amount to billions of dollars since they weren't able to meet demand after two seasons. Not brilliant if you ask me.

01-20-2008, 10:05 AM
"Nintendo Loses $1.3 Billion in Sales Due to Wii Shortage

Estimates have put demand for Wii consoles at twice the 1.8million being made each month, and Nintendo's inability to supply them could cost it over $1billion in Christmas sales.
Nintendo expects to ship 17.5 million consoles next year.

Source: business.timesonline.co.uk"

Those are potential sales they are losing, not actual losses. Nintendo is doing what it can to supply the Wii but demand continues to outstrip supply.

01-20-2008, 10:12 AM
Originally posted by ianmcc
"Nintendo Loses $1.3 Billion in Sales Due to Wii Shortage

Estimates have put demand for Wii consoles at twice the 1.8million being made each month, and Nintendo's inability to supply them could cost it over $1billion in Christmas sales.
Nintendo expects to ship 17.5 million consoles next year.

Source: business.timesonline.co.uk"

Those are potential sales they are losing, not actual losses. Nintendo is doing what it can to supply the Wii but demand continues to outstrip supply.
True, not technically "losses", but how many of those people ventured to the XBOX360 or PS3? The fact remains that Nintendo certainly isn't making any money by not having the Wii readily available.

01-20-2008, 11:42 AM
Everyone knows that companies do not make money on the hardware sales.. it's on the software, accessories etc.. once you get them in people's hands they buy everything that makes money for them..

Keeping the demand and "BUZZ" up for getting a Wii, even threads like this create a demand for a product. Simple supply and demand.. If they were readily available they would have to drop the price because when you look at the hard involved there is no way it is worth 270 bucks and could never compete with the Xbox Arcade which is only 30 bucks more.. And PS3 well we're talking well over 100 bucks more for their cheapest model.

01-20-2008, 11:47 AM
Originally posted by modded46
Everyone knows that companies do not make money on the hardware sales.. it's on the software, accessories etc.. once you get them in people's hands they buy everything that makes money for them..

Keeping the demand and "BUZZ" up for getting a Wii, even threads like this create a demand for a product. Simple supply and demand.. If they were readily available they would have to drop the price because when you look at the hard involved there is no way it is worth 270 bucks and could never compete with the Xbox Arcade which is only 30 bucks more.. And PS3 well we're talking well over 100 bucks more for their cheapest model.
Well, Nintendo MAKES MONEY on every Wii that it sells. Not only that, but it's hard to sell Wii-related software/hardware to people that don't own it.

The Wii appeals to a much larger audience than the XBOX or PS3, hence it's massive success. It WILL OUTLAST the other systems because of it. Make a note of that, I'm calling it right now.

01-20-2008, 02:29 PM
Originally posted by modded46
They are staggering releases but it's getting better. Brilliant marketing if you ask me.. My wife picked one up today at Toys R Us.. pretty easy. really well organized.

Your wife is very lucky and picked up the last unit Toys R Us had in stock in Calgary. I have called every place I can imagine, (bestbuy, futureshop, london drugs, toysrus, hmv) nothing...all sold out until next month.

Funny thing is, I just returned from vacation down in south america a couple weeks ago. I saw the Wii at every single electronics store I went into...no craze about them, no line ups, no sold out products, nothing. It amazes me how N. America has reacted to this unit!

01-20-2008, 03:06 PM
Try renting one first is my opinion, although super fun I found that after a few weeks they get pretty repetitve and boring, try renting for a week and see if you still really want to hunt and buy one.

01-20-2008, 03:10 PM
Originally posted by pinoyhero
Try renting one first is my opinion, although super fun I found that after a few weeks they get pretty repetitve and boring, try renting for a week and see if you still really want to hunt and buy one.

well I think the Wii is way more fun when friends are over.

and there are some titles i cant wait to come out, like Star wars's own saber duel game. that would rock with the wiimote.

01-20-2008, 03:21 PM
im selling mine in the FS section!