View Full Version : Dirty Clothes

01-22-2008, 09:42 PM
Theres been a few times I've worn pants maybe 2-3-10 times between washings, and shirts less but more than once. After somehow getting on this topic, I mentioned this to a female friend of mine.

Anyways she proceeded to rip me for how much of a scruff/dirtbag/homeless person I was. My argument was if the garment didn't smell, and there was no visible dirt, then it wasn't dirty and suitable for wearing. If side by side to something 'clean' from your closet you can't differentiate, then its fine. She whole-heartily disagreed. One day. Pants maybe 2. and you're done.

I said # of wears/time had only a secondary bearing on dirtiness. One day is a completely arbitrary measure of time, and it would be like replacing car tires every year irregardless of how much you drove. Likewise the decision to wash clothes should be based on dirtiness, not time or # of wears. Thoughts?

01-22-2008, 09:46 PM
Pants can go a few days. I think wearing a shirt twice is fine. I dont but I don't knock it.

Now if someone were doing your laundry for you, thats a different story. Something that goes really good with getting your laundry done is getting a pie baked for you.

01-22-2008, 09:51 PM
Get a pair of nudie jeans, don't wash them for 6 months - 1 year before washing. I haven't washed my nudies in 3-4 months.

01-22-2008, 09:51 PM
Shirts are usually only day, two no biggie if I had nothing else to wear for some reason.

Jeans I wait 5-8 times of wearing them before wash (keeps the color longer), unless it's really dirty/gross.

01-22-2008, 09:53 PM
Originally posted by seadog
Theres been a few times I've worn pants maybe 2-3-10 times between washings, and shirts less but more than once. After somehow getting on this topic, I mentioned this to a female friend of mine.

Anyways she proceeded to rip me for how much of a scruff/dirtbag/homeless person I was. My argument was if the garment didn't smell, and there was no visible dirt, then it wasn't dirty and suitable for wearing. If side by side to something 'clean' from your closet you can't differentiate, then its fine. She whole-heartily disagreed. One day. Pants maybe 2. and you're done.

I said # of wears/time had only a secondary bearing on dirtiness. One day is a completely arbitrary measure of time, and it would be like replacing car tires every year irregardless of how much you drove. Likewise the decision to wash clothes should be based on dirtiness, not time or # of wears. Thoughts?

I do the exact same thing and my girlfriend feels the same way as your friend. If it's not dirty, don't wash it.... simple as that (except shirts for me)
Besides if you wear high end shit, washing is hard on it and will reduce the life of the garment greatly

01-22-2008, 09:53 PM
Pants and Shirts are one thing. If you haven't done anything strenuous or nasty in them, they could pull off a couple wears, although a quick spin in the dryer with a bounce sheet is nice. Socks and underwear however, those are single use! haha

01-22-2008, 09:53 PM
Originally posted by pf0sh0
Get a pair of nudie jeans, don't wash them for 6 months - 1 year before washing. I haven't washed my nudies in 3-4 months.

u a dirty mofugga

01-22-2008, 09:55 PM
^ lol, you live with your mom don't you?

EDIT: We should poll to see who lives at home and who doesn't. That will help with responses :)

Shit if it doesn't smell why wash it?

adam c
01-22-2008, 09:56 PM
shirts once, maybe twice max thats its

jeans, 4-5 times

socks, underwear, undershirts once

01-22-2008, 09:58 PM
Originally posted by pf0sh0
Get a pair of nudie jeans, don't wash them for 6 months - 1 year before washing. I haven't washed my nudies in 3-4 months.

Thats wicked, I washed mine after 6.5 months. Fadeage is awesome.. I put a condom in the top pocket and my back pocket where my wallet is has a rip already, its almost a hole

01-22-2008, 09:59 PM
Originally posted by adam c
shirts once, maybe twice max thats its

jeans, 4-5 times

socks, underwear, undershirts once


I'll wear a shirt twice if its COLD outside and I just wore the shirt for a couple hours or something...no sweat = no stink = it can be worn again.

01-22-2008, 10:00 PM
ya man shirts 1 or 2 times depends of what kinda of day it was or what you did, but jeans i think its good for at least 5 - 8 times depends on how they look.

01-22-2008, 10:01 PM
Originally posted by pf0sh0
Get a pair of nudie jeans, don't wash them for 6 months - 1 year before washing. I haven't washed my nudies in 3-4 months.

I have many pairs of nudie jeans and other raw denim jeans that you're suppose to wear for months without washing..

01-22-2008, 10:12 PM
I agree, T-Shirts or shirts once then washed.

Jeans like once a week depending on wear.

Sweaters, Dress Pants and Suits that require dry cleaning I will wear a few times before taking them in.

I bet she is lieing to you. Washing pants after every time. MADNESS I say!

01-22-2008, 10:15 PM
Originally posted by brandon

I have many pairs of nudie jeans and other raw denim jeans that you're suppose to wear for months without washing..

What the hell is the purpose of that?

D'z Nutz
01-22-2008, 10:16 PM
You can double clothing usage if you turn them inside out.


01-22-2008, 10:21 PM
I also like to save the environment =D

01-22-2008, 10:22 PM
Originally posted by JRSC00LUDE

What the hell is the purpose of that?

they're raw denim - untouched, untreated before selling to the consumers.

you wear them everyday for 6-8 hours for at least 6 months. During that time, you make the jeans "yours". your creases are personal, whatever you have in your pockets start to fade and show up... you get the idea.
by the time you wash them, the dark indigo fades and your creases show up even more and whatever is really faded will become thin... rips can form. It's great actually.

Marketing at its best. But it's a good one at that.. and it works too.

01-22-2008, 10:22 PM
Originally posted by D'z Nutz
You can double clothing usage if you turn them inside out.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

01-22-2008, 11:34 PM
Originally posted by D'z Nutz
You can double clothing usage if you turn them inside out.


I actually spat out my coke reading this :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

01-23-2008, 12:02 AM
your sick

jk, i do the same thing :D

01-23-2008, 12:16 AM
Originally posted by D'z Nutz
You can double clothing usage if you turn them inside out.


i know people who actually do that
an yesssss. they are NE lol

i barely wash my jeans lol unless i spill beer on them!
but shirts are a one time use for me...

01-23-2008, 10:40 AM
shirts once no matter what.

jeans i wear them 2-3 times than wash.

hoodies and sweaters once or twice.

socks and underwear once no matter what.

01-23-2008, 10:54 AM
Jeans I'll wash after 2-3 wears. I don't like to over clean my jeans so I don't ruin the "wash" of the denim or fade the denim. Also distressed jeans become toooooo distressed with over washing even on gentle cycles.

Shirts, if you rock an undershirt you'll be good for a few wears. If not I wouldn't push past 2.

Edit: The only time I'll wash more often with my jeans is if they feel like they're stretched out a bit from wearing and need to be shrunk again for it. I don't like overly tight jeans, but I like them to fit properly.

01-23-2008, 11:51 AM
Shirt: twice max
Jeans: i can stretch how long i can go without washing them. just the wear and tear on the jeans when you put them through the wash.

dress shirts are different though. they seem to hold their cleanliness longer and normal t-shirts/ shirts. perhaps its cuz the activities you do in dress shirts usually dont involve working up a sweat.

A night out at the bar with freshly washed clothes (including jeans) wear only once. i can not leave my clothes un-washed after a night out at the bar.

01-23-2008, 12:36 PM
werd ^^^ after the bar - it is a must wash.

01-23-2008, 05:31 PM
I got the whole "if it aint broken don't fuck with it" attitude so I also will wash shirts after 2-3 times of wearing depending on the situation and whether or not they are dirty. Some people are FREAKS with hygiene.

01-23-2008, 05:42 PM
Yeah im the same way. When i lived at home and my mom did my clothes, i would wear shirts once and maybe jeans twice.
But now that i have my own house, i find myself wearing shirts maybe twice if there still clean and jeans a few times. I dont see why not? as long as you didnt sweat alot or they look dirty i think its fine. Plus i think its better this way because you use less water, less soap, less time, less money to heat the water you may be using. Better for the environment and your bank account lol.

I find girls tho are the opposite. I swear my gf does loads of laundry everyday lol.

I also Iron alot of my clothes because i hate wrinkles. So if your wearing a shirt for a 2nd time round, give it an iron and it will look and feel like its freashly washed.

I also wash all my clothes in cold water. Makes them last longer, keep their shape and size better. Also hang dry.

01-23-2008, 07:05 PM
I don't want my clothes until they smell or are noticeably dirty. Otherwise why bother?

01-23-2008, 07:24 PM
I'm a smoker, everything is dirty after one wear. I hate putting on something that has stale smoke smell all over it.

01-23-2008, 07:32 PM
Forget about the trend of raw denim.

Think about the concept of wearing a pair of pants for 6 months to a year without washing them.

You sweat. Your skin gives off oil. And after you pee, no matter how much you shake and dance, you always get some on your pants. And then anything that drips on your pants from eating or drinking or just in the course of your daily activity. And anything you sitdown on.

6 months worth of #@!^%$. If this was the 1800s, this might be great.

Originally posted by riced

they're raw denim - untouched, untreated before selling to the consumers.

you wear them everyday for 6-8 hours for at least 6 months. During that time, you make the jeans "yours". your creases are personal, whatever you have in your pockets start to fade and show up... you get the idea.
by the time you wash them, the dark indigo fades and your creases show up even more and whatever is really faded will become thin... rips can form. It's great actually.

Marketing at its best. But it's a good one at that.. and it works too. [U]

01-23-2008, 07:37 PM
Shirts 1-2 days never more.

Jeans and pants 2-3 times.

01-23-2008, 08:03 PM
I have friends(girls) who wear everything only once and they will wash it.

I on the other hand will wear sports shirts once and then wash them, dressier shirts ill wear twice before washing and jeans will usually be washed every 5th or so time. Socks and underwear is a one day use only.

01-23-2008, 09:26 PM
shirts 8-10 times
jeans once a month
underwear i use them one day, rotate them and use them again, flip them inside out for another day and finally rotate them once more
its the same thing for socks:guns:

01-23-2008, 10:05 PM
Originally posted by j.ng-
underwear i use them one day, rotate them and use them again, flip them inside out for another day and finally rotate them once more

with a little white-out i'm sure you can at least double that

01-23-2008, 10:46 PM
Originally posted by pf0sh0
Get a pair of nudie jeans, don't wash them for 6 months - 1 year before washing. I haven't washed my nudies in 3-4 months.

The OP's scenario sounds pretty normal. That, is just disgusting.

01-29-2008, 08:08 AM
Originally posted by riced

Thats wicked, I washed mine after 6.5 months. Fadeage is awesome.. I put a condom in the top pocket and my back pocket where my wallet is has a rip already, its almost a hole

Any pictures? Which pair do you have?

01-29-2008, 10:06 AM
If you are really in a bind, you can get four days out of your underwear.

Front, then flip it to the back, then inside out and repeat.


01-29-2008, 10:23 AM
Originally posted by Mr.Buffy
If you are really in a bind, you can get four days out of your underwear.

Front, then flip it to the back, then inside out and repeat.

That's f'ing nasty...

I agree with most people that if it's not noticably dirty or smelly then it doesn't need to be washed. Same thing goes with expensive suits. I think the problem is that some peoples definition of dirty and smelly are different from the average person, and me being the average person, there are a lot of stinky people on the bus.

Below Poster: Yeah I know, still nasty just thinking about it. I swear some people actually do that considering how they smell.

01-29-2008, 10:50 AM
I'm joking man.....

01-29-2008, 11:17 AM
Shit man once a semester when I take them back to my moms house to get washed lol.

01-29-2008, 12:10 PM
it's actually best to not wash jeans often. I read somewhere to wear them about 2 dozen times before washing so the jeans fit to you better

01-29-2008, 02:20 PM
I always do a smell check man.

01-29-2008, 10:31 PM
Yeah, sweat and other stuff can cause your jeans to stink, but there are plenty of things you can do to get rid of the smell.

-Put them in a ziplock and throw them in a freezer to kill the bacteria
-Give them a cold soak for a couple of hours
-Spray some febreeze
-Hang them outside overnight to air them out

The longer you hold off washing your jeans to more beautiful they turn out in the end.


These jeans were worn everyday for about a year, first wash was at 8 months, then had another 7 washes during the remainder 4 months.

IMO, these pair of jeans look better than any $500 pair you can buy.

01-30-2008, 03:08 AM
Originally posted by U4RIA
Yeah, sweat and other stuff can cause your jeans to stink, but there are plenty of things you can do to get rid of the smell.

-Put them in a ziplock and throw them in a freezer to kill the bacteria
-Give them a cold soak for a couple of hours
-Spray some febreeze
-Hang them outside overnight to air them out

The longer you hold off washing your jeans to more beautiful they turn out in the end.


These jeans were worn everyday for about a year, first wash was at 8 months, then had another 7 washes during the remainder 4 months.

IMO, these pair of jeans look better than any $500 pair you can buy.

do you carry your balls in a separate beautiful unwashed purse as well?

01-30-2008, 10:38 AM
Originally posted by U4RIA
Yeah, sweat and other stuff can cause your jeans to stink, but there are plenty of things you can do to get rid of the smell.

-Put them in a ziplock and throw them in a freezer to kill the bacteria
-Give them a cold soak for a couple of hours
-Spray some febreeze
-Hang them outside overnight to air them out

The longer you hold off washing your jeans to more beautiful they turn out in the end.


These jeans were worn everyday for about a year, first wash was at 8 months, then had another 7 washes during the remainder 4 months.

IMO, these pair of jeans look better than any $500 pair you can buy.

Don't get me wrong I like the raw denim look! but a couple things.. 7 months is way to long to go without washing.. and you need to buy more fucking pants... you wore those everyday for a year?

That's fucking disgusting man.