View Full Version : Need advice on World Finacial Group

01-24-2008, 11:26 AM
Please share your knowledge on this company. I searched on google and I find that some people say it's a scam and some don't. I have a meeting with a representative with them 2morrow but don't know if it's even worth going. Help me out please.

01-24-2008, 11:32 AM
Here's a bit of, and in my opinion enough, information for you.


adam c
01-24-2008, 11:35 AM
don't bother.. waste of time

search on beyond theres a few threads like JRS posted

01-24-2008, 11:35 AM
Ask the rep where he will be around 4:00-4:30PM... tell him "Oh, actually I can only meet you [at the opposite end of the city] at 5:15PM" so he can drive across the city in rush hour traffic (also be sure to mention that you're very interested, have the cash ready and you're stoked to get rollin, etc)... and, um, yeah I think you know what to do from there ;)

01-24-2008, 11:40 AM
Run. Fast.

01-24-2008, 11:40 AM
haha good i was about to skip the gym for this shit.
Thanx everyone

01-24-2008, 11:41 AM
dont do it. who pays for their own training? and not get paid for it? only idiots do. ;)

01-24-2008, 11:46 AM
keep the post comming

01-24-2008, 11:48 AM
ITs shit, once you go for one meeting the faking repersentives keeeep calling you and begging you to come again, They will even hire cabs to bring u there if needed :guns: :bullshit:

01-24-2008, 11:53 AM
run like a mofo

01-25-2008, 12:35 AM
Haha its a total MLM. I was supposed have an appointment with this girl to have a financial acessment. Only thing is that i totally forgot about it until i get a call from her. At that time i have already had about 4-5 beers and feelin' pretty good. Then the guy actually cunducting the interview trys to tell me that if i ever inherited a house that i would have to pay capital gains tax on the full appriciated amount(which is total BS, if im not mistaken its only on a portion of the maximum taxible %). I normally don't like screwin' with people on commision but this time was kinda fun.

01-25-2008, 12:40 AM
I made my first, second and third million through them. I bought rage2.

01-25-2008, 12:42 AM
Dude do not waste your time... in reality they don't want to admit it but it's a corporate legal pyrmid scheme.

not only that but WFG is like Primerica selling insurance and using your warm market to attract people and you have to get your LLQP which is easy but... still it's a lot of work and not a lot of ppl will believe you.

They get paid commision by how much work they do, and don't get me wrong but sales are the way to go but as soon as you try to manipulate things to gain people's money and stuff it's not cool. I'd rather invest at a bank... and only reason why these types of companies exist is because they sucker in people like YOU! and lil peons like YOU work your @$$ off and eventually it may pay off but that's all a mathematical problem. Easier said than done... you'd need to recruit like 100 people under you in order to be wealthy and trust me it's hard to make people change their mind about their jobs and come to this and sell insurance and other BS....

My advice... stay away. because I've been there, and done that. Just go to school get a good degree and work and save money, and have no debt and open up your own business.

01-25-2008, 03:56 PM
Just go to school get a good degree and work and save money

I very much suggest you read Rich dad Poor Dad
It would completely change how you think

As for wfg

My mother and my two aunts are currently employed for them
and they had to work hard, but they could not be happier with where they are at right now. They are making more money than they ever did in there life, and not too long ago they were just as skeptical as you.

Mind you, if all you want is job security, and just hope your company takes care of all your needs, this is NOT the company for you. This is a risky career to dedicate your full time to, because you only get out of it what you put in over a period of time.

But if that doesent float your boat
Get a job that pays you good enough, guaruntees security, has good benefits, just like everyone else does. Pay your bills, do small time secure investments like RRSP's and be stuck in the rat race like 90% of the working class, and pay off debt for the rest of your life.

WFG is not a scam, its just a far stretch for most people who have old values caked into there minds.

If you put in hard work and effort at a company like this, and have your eyes opened to all sorts of investment opportunities, you will no longer work for you money... Your money will work for you.

01-25-2008, 03:59 PM
dont do it
do a search.....its been brought up a few times

01-25-2008, 04:17 PM
Originally posted by JDM¦FC

I very much suggest you read Rich dad Poor Dad
It would completely change how you think

This phrase must be taught at these WFG seminars. It's been used by every single person who's tried to lure me in.

Sometimes I feel like this when talked to about joining these things:


01-25-2008, 04:24 PM
i'll warn you now, you will probably get calls non stop, even if you tell them flat out NO, they will still try and drag you in.

01-25-2008, 04:30 PM
Originally posted by JDM¦FC

I very much suggest you read Rich dad Poor Dad
It would completely change how you think

As for wfg

WFG is not a scam, its just a far stretch for most people who have old values caked into there minds.

If you put in hard work and effort at a company like this, and have your eyes opened to all sorts of investment opportunities, you will no longer work for you money... Your money will work for you.

Let me guess, your church buddy here appoved that message?


01-25-2008, 04:40 PM
Originally posted by JDM¦FC

I very much suggest you read Rich dad Poor Dad
It would completely change how you think

Wow, people still read that scam book? The real secret to making money is to write a book of "secrets to make millions".

01-25-2008, 04:43 PM
hahaha, just edited it on wikipedia to say scam

01-25-2008, 04:44 PM
it lasted all of thirty seconds before changed back

01-25-2008, 06:03 PM
I know someone involved with this as well. They are very sucessful in WFG and seem much happier than they ever were before joining.

As for me I personally would never join.

01-25-2008, 06:33 PM
Nice little write up from an insider.

If you don't want to read it all here's a synopsis: If you're not a douchebag, don't join.


I recently discovered this website. I am sorry that it is too late for me, but maybe I can help someone else avoid this scam.

I breifly joined World Financial Group (WFG). I have always liked the idea of being in business for myself, and WFG offered that opportunity. So far so good, right? I was not recruited by anyone. I sought them out, and went in to talk to the office manager about what they could offer. What I heard sounded just like what I was looking for - a chance to be in business for myself, but not by myself.

I paid the initial $100 for the 'background check' and was told to come to the 'training meetings' which are held on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Initially, everything seemed to be going well. The first training meeting was shallow, but I figured it was just the beginning. Well, in fact, the entire operation is much the same way; on the surface it appears to be on the up-and-up, but you soon find out it's otherwise.

Beyond the initial training which dealt with simple financial concepts, like the effects of compounding interest over a very long period of time, that was it. If a person has never seen the effects of compounding interest on paper, this might really impress them, and they might be led to believe that World Financial Group really offers something good. But it soon becomes disappointing.

I received no more real training during our meetings. Meetings were more of a pep-rally, or what they call the 'mozone' or motivational zone. This was really an artificially enthusiastic environment created for the benefit of the potential recruits, or envitees.

The meetings or 'mozones', while they called them training meetings, were there only to hook-in the invitees so they will join WFG. After I had attended a few such training meetings, I came to learn they were repeating the same script over and over at every meeting. That is why it is an artificial environment, where as a member you MUST be convincingly cheeerful despite the fact that you have seen it and heard repeatedly - like a nightmare Ground Hog's Day. Prior to writing this post, I read a few where they described it as a cult. I tend to agree with that characterization. It is a lot like a cult!

Recruiting is the key to the system!!! So bringing in new people to the mozone is the absolutely essential to making it work. You advance within the organization by recruiting. They instruct you to bring in family, frinds, co-workers, strangers you bumbed into at the grocery store, etc.

They mainly rely on those who care about you. It has to be that way, because they know it's highly unlikely that you will ever get someone who can go to a real financial advisor. So, they want you to get those who trust you. After all, most of the WFG 'financial advisors' don't have a college degree, and I doubt there is a single one who has a Financial Advisor certification. Do you think that anyone other than those who care about you (as the new recruit) will turn over their financial life to these amatuers, except for the fact that they are trying to help you in your 'new business'?

They have a very high turn over rate. Most people leave once they figure out they have been caught in a smoke-and-mirrors, over-hyped, empty-promises scheme. BUT, they don't care, because, as one insider told me, they still get your list of friends and family and by the time they leave they will have sold something to them.

I minizimed my losses. I left as soon as I figured it out. But they took me for a ride, and a few hundred dollars on background check, materials, training courses, etc. The bottom line is that they are phony 'financial professionals' who exploit the trust of your friends and loved ones to sell them their financial intruments. From what I could see, the real money is in a life insurance policy/saving account hybrid. They push it aggresively and recommend it to EVERYONE.

If they approach you, hold on to your wallet and address book, and run for you life or dignity.

I hope this helps someone avoid what I could not.

01-25-2008, 08:54 PM
Originally posted by Toms-SC
I made my first, second and third million through them. I bought rage2.

Oh my god :rofl: :rofl:

EDIT: +1 for run, as fast as you fucking can, away from this group.

02-16-2008, 10:54 PM

OMG so a "friend" of mine called me up the other day and told me to come in for an interview because i was looking for some part time employment. He was saying that i could be a financial adviser, which isn't what i'm in school for, but i was like hey cool but i haven't taken any real finance courses and he said it would be fine as they provided full training. So i asked him how much he was making and how much i would be looking at bringing in as a part time employee and he goes to try and change the subject. I asked him again and he basically tells me its commission based but assures me i would be making a lot because hes making so much he can't even disclose it to me.:rolleyes: With all that being said i knew what was up right away, no reputable (meaning not a scam) company would call to seek out employees like that but given this was a friend of mine so i showed a bit of interest. So i asked if i needed my resume for this and he tells me i don't need anything and he will schedule me an appointment for so and so date and time(recriutment fair). Finally i straight out asked him if this was some sort of pyramid sale scam and he stuttered a bit and said of course not he wouldn't be doing or recommending stuff like that.

RIGHT, fuck off PRIMERICA, and so much for being a friend of mine. I guess these people just brainwashed him so bad, like everyone else, that they would actually exploit friends, family and close ones into this BS. My friend dropped out of college because he needed to work for a year and make some money before he planned to return this year. I haven't seen him back at school since and i found him on facebook a week ago prior to him calling me and it's clear to me that Primerica has him locked in and basically fucking him in the ass. :thumbsdow

Luckily i asked a few of my buddies and checked beyond or else i'd be a victim in this scam as well. :burnout: