View Full Version : Tattoo Placement

01-29-2008, 04:18 PM
I wanted to get some feedback on where you guys have your tattoos on your body. The main reason for this is that I am contemplating getting another tattoo in light of recent events in my life and I am considering a few places that I am not to sure of.

One of the places I was considering is on my fore arms. How does this effect anyone in the business world? Is it pretty easy to conseal with a long sleeve dress shirt? Any regrets on this placement? What are your general thoughs on forearm tattoos?

The other place I was thinking was on my left side down my ribs/side. This would be easier to cover up but I dont know about the look or what it would be like to get it on my ribs.

More importantly where do you guys have your tattoos and why did you choose that spot. ( I have read the other threads about tattoos in general but this is ment to be about where they are on your body)

Thanks for the help guys.

01-29-2008, 04:21 PM
I have one on my shoulder blade. For me it was more like "someone watching over your back" type of an idea. That's why I put it there.

01-29-2008, 04:23 PM
Top of my back, shin, entire forearm (soon to be full sleeve).

I work in an office and wear short sleeve shirts daily, nobody has ever said a thing.

My spots were chosen because that is where the subject matter fit the best.

01-29-2008, 04:24 PM
I have one on my chest, dont have to worry about hiding it in the office, hurt like a bitch over the shoulder blade where there is no meat though!
I like the idea of under the arm along the ribs, but apparently this is one of the worst places to get one since nothing really touches you in that area, making it very sensitive.
I love the idea of a forearm tat, but would never get one just because I do have an office job. I would hate to have to wear long sleeves all the time, especially in the summer! You might not be as worried, but I dont think its very professional to be flashing tattoos at the office

01-29-2008, 04:27 PM
I have tattoos covering both of my forearms, neck.. ext.. I work in an office and sometimes I wear short sleeve shirts.. Doesn't bother anybody.

Whenever I am in a meeting I am wearing a collared shirt with suit so they are all covered.

Tattoos are pretty much an artistic thing now.. not so much the gangster/bad ass stereotype they once had.

01-29-2008, 04:29 PM
got mines upper back center due to the size and design.

I've heard the rib area hurts a bit though.

As for the forearm easy to cover in winter where you can wear long sleeves but in summer would you really want to be wearing long sleeves? And as stated above it may not be considered very professional.

The Cosworth
01-29-2008, 04:30 PM
Left calf, both sholders, working on half sleeve for the right arm, another one on the right calf and contemplating one on the under side of my wrist where a watch band could cover it.

I work in an office and usually wear long sleeve shirts. You cant see any of them now so I don't know how it would work.

But brandon is right that they are not so taboo anymore

01-29-2008, 04:34 PM
Originally posted by schurchill39
I wanted to get some feedback on where you guys have your tattoos on your body. The main reason for this is that I am contemplating getting another tattoo in light of recent events in my life and I am considering a few places that I am not to sure of.

One of the places I was considering is on my fore arms. How does this effect anyone in the business world? Is it pretty easy to conseal with a long sleeve dress shirt? Any regrets on this placement? What are your general thoughs on forearm tattoos?

The other place I was thinking was on my left side down my ribs/side. This would be easier to cover up but I dont know about the look or what it would be like to get it on my ribs.

More importantly where do you guys have your tattoos and why did you choose that spot. ( I have read the other threads about tattoos in general but this is ment to be about where they are on your body)

Thanks for the help guys.

I have one on each fore arm. They're not too hard to cover up with a sweater or long sleeve dress shirt, as long as you don't get it too far down. My treble clef is pretty far down the arm so it can peek out ouf long sleeve dress shirts, but rarely does on a sweater.

The ribs are supposed to fucking hurt. My good friend has tattoos on his ribs and he said they sucked. |He's got way more tattoos than me and I thought my chest hurt the most. He said ribs was like 100x worse than his chest. The other thing about the ribs is if you gain weight your tattoo can get stretch marks and look stupid. So I guess the key thing for ribs is just don't get overly fat haha. If you can man up to it that is...

I chose my spots because they were good placement for what I wanted. My treble clef one is on my left inside forearm so when I play guitar you can see it. The one on my calf is small on my right calf. Got it there because it's a good place, easy to hide and looked best for what the tattoo was. Chest is a small piece too on my left side of my chest. That one has it's own reasons but it's a killer spot and looks great with the writing.

Really you want to pick somewhere you'll enjoy them the most. Dependant on meaning/significance for yourself right? people don't even know I have 4 tattoos because of the placement of 2. I prefer that. The 2 that are usually hidden have more meaning to me. Everyone knows I play guitar, so the treble clef is in a good spot. Shows my dedication to music, but alas the other two no one sees except a few people that either catch me at the gym in shorts, or... well you can figure out the other one haha. What I'm getting at is do you want everyone to know you have a new tattoo or a first tattoo? Or are you doing mainly for your own personal reasons (which seems to be the case based on your explanation). Personally, a rib tattoo or a back tattoo is next. I want the next one to be a "for me" design. Will you care to have people asking what it means if they're on your fore arms. If you have tattoos on your fore arms, guaranteed people will randomly ask what they mean. I got bothered about my treble clef on Saturday at the Ship. Are you okay with being asked every other day? If you want to share your story, do it. Great place. If not, go for ribs.

Hope my rant helps.

01-29-2008, 04:35 PM
I have mine on my ribs down my left side. But I'm a chick so it will most likely be different as to look/feel, mine only goes to my bra line, so not all the way up my ribs either. I love it, it hurt a bit to get, but healed up fantastic and looks great. I picked the spot I did because of the pain associated with it and the ability to hide it. I don't want to get into it too much, but if you want further explanation feel free to PM me.

01-29-2008, 04:40 PM
Originally posted by schurchill39

The other place I was thinking was on my left side down my ribs/side. This would be easier to cover up but I dont know about the look or what it would be like to get it on my ribs.

Your ribs will hurt. It usually looks good depending on what it is. Mine on my left rib is only about a foot long and i think it looks good. But some people who get it from waist to armpit on their ribs i personally dont think looks good.

01-29-2008, 04:48 PM
I am pretty sure that, nowadays, if you thought visible tattoos were damaging to your employment you could sue about it, possibly spinning it as a religious belief. It wouldn't get you a job though.

01-29-2008, 04:52 PM
I think placement depends on what you're getting inked as well as, how many people do you want seeing it. If it's a "private" thing, then I would get it somewhere hidden (rib/side). If you want the public to see it then put it on your forearm.

I got some ink done on the right back/side and I have to tell you that getting the ribs hurt like a bitch! The reason why I got it done there is that so no one can see it expect for me. I can wear tank tops and not having to worry about it showing.

01-29-2008, 05:22 PM
Maybe it will help if I explain what I want. Its a quote from a song that says: "Never let them see you down, Smile while your bleeding".

My parents recently had a pretty nasty divorce and its an on going battle, between whats going on at home and my first year away for school, to try and stay strong no matter whats going on inside. Its to show that I am strong and can handle what is being thrown at me and to try and remain positive no matter the situation. Also it represents not to give in to people trying to put you down.

My only fear of getting it on my forearm would be that some one would interpret it as being "gangsta" because all it is is words in a slight "gothic" font. Besides that I would have no problem having people ask me about it. I also want it somewhere I can see so it can be a constant reminder to "smile while I'm bleeding." This would be a little harder to do on my side but still not a problem. If I were to put it on my forearm I would have the first half of the quote on my right forearm and the second half on my left.

I dont want it to hinder any sort of professional job i may one day have either (just in the oil field and school right now) but I suppose any where I get it can be easily covered under a long sleeve shirt with no problems.

I already have a tattoo on my upper back and I dont like the fact that I need a mirror to beable to see it.. and I wasn't to keen on getting it done on my spin.

01-29-2008, 05:34 PM
IMO i think that getting them on your ribs will hurt
i wanted to get a tat on my ribs but im holding off for now
because after getting one on arm that goes onto a part of
my chest it hurt so bad, but its differnt for some people
and as for having a tattoo in the business world, its
really not that big of a deal, in your interview wear a long
sleeve and if they say anything afterwords it could be
wrongful dismissal.

01-29-2008, 06:33 PM
Originally posted by peterparker
in your interview wear a long
sleeve and if they say anything afterwords it could be
wrongful dismissal.

But it might hinder moving up in the company later on in life too

01-29-2008, 06:40 PM
Originally posted by schurchill39
Maybe it will help if I explain what I want. Its a quote from a song that says: "Never let them see you down, Smile while your bleeding".

"Never let them see you down, Smile while you're bleeding"
just wanted to clarify that to you.. wouldn't want a typo on something thats going to be inked on you forever.. haha

01-29-2008, 07:06 PM
Originally posted by al-ti2d

"Never let them see you down, Smile while you're bleeding"
just wanted to clarify that to you.. wouldn't want a typo on something thats going to be inked on you forever.. haha

Haha yea I knew that.. had it drawn up properly in my ideas I guess I was just typing a little fast here.. thanks for catching it though

01-29-2008, 07:16 PM

i got one on my lower right stomach/ribs. (in memory of a late friend R.I.P Danny)

wasn't the easiest session at all. you gotta time breathing with the artists strokes.
so it wasn't relaxing the least bit. if u get it there make sure you have a good relationship with the artist.
becuz afterall your paying by the hour at most of these places.
so if your taking time out just to get your breathing back on track, it adds up.
outline's was the easy part of it, shading... felt like i was gonna puke!
it was as if someone was carving my stomach out!
after all was said and done though, i love where it is, looks great.

01-29-2008, 07:18 PM
i just had 2 placed on each tricep....

01-29-2008, 07:34 PM
This is something to think about.

Tattoos are becoming more common place and getting more accepted in pop culture. Yet theres still a lot of people in society who arent accepting of tattoos and associate negative connotions with tattoos.

People in this thread keep mentioning they work in an "office." Theres a difference between working in an office in a strip mall in a manufacturing company and working in a corporate office/professional environment. Even in a professional career, theres a difference between working in advertising and software programming that have creative environments versus working in a law firm practising securities law or being in management in a public oil&gas co.

Originally posted by Euro_Trash

But it might hinder moving up in the company later on in life too

01-29-2008, 07:36 PM
worse comes to worse, tell em its part of ur religion :P Jokes Jokes

01-29-2008, 07:51 PM
Originally posted by honda4LIFE
worse comes to worse, tell em its part of ur religion :P Jokes Jokes

They will most likely not tell you that you werent promoted because of your tattoos... you just wont get a promotion!

01-29-2008, 07:53 PM
Originally posted by urban.one

People in this thread keep mentioning they work in an "office." Theres a difference between working in an office in a strip mall in a manufacturing company and working in a corporate office/professional environment. Even in a professional career, theres a difference between working in advertising and software programming that have creative environments versus working in a law firm practising securities law or being in management in a public oil&gas co.

Exactly. The last office I was in I coud have tattoos up my neck, down my arms, etc (it was a field office as a field engineer). But now being around VP's and such in a professional environment I would not feel comfortable showing that off, and Im sure I would get looked down upon as well

01-29-2008, 07:59 PM
i have my right chest going to my wrist. so full sleeve and got my back done

01-29-2008, 08:05 PM
I have a full sleeve, the other arm is about half covered now, my whole back is done, the majority of my chest is done, most of my stomach, my knees, one of my fingers and the lower part of my neck and I deal with lots of customers/have business meetings almost daily and it doesn't affect me at all. I wear a ring on the finger that i have tattooed, a collared shirt which hides my neck and a watch to hide what may pop out of my shirt when I stretch out my arms. Most people don't say anything about tattoos anyways, it's actually preatty accepted now a days. I say go ahead with your forearm.

As for your ribs, it hurts more then any other place I've found and my tattoo artist says most people can't handle it.

01-29-2008, 08:08 PM
have some on both my fore arms and I can hide them easily enough. Mine go down to below where a watch would be. So basicly I just buy my shirts a tiny bit longer than I usually would and they get hidden pretty decent. Sometimes one of the stars on my arm will show a bit.

My experience is that the business workplace is quite a bit more open to tattoos than they used to be.

01-30-2008, 12:57 PM
Originally posted by schurchill39
Maybe it will help if I explain what I want. Its a quote from a song that says: "Never let them see you down, Smile while your bleeding

That is a wicked song man! K' Naan.. good shit. And thanks for starting this post, I also would like some ideas on tattoo locations.. Thanks :thumbsup:

01-30-2008, 01:03 PM
i heard the ribs hurt like a mother...it will probably hurt anywhere where you don't have any fat or muscle surrounding it.

i have mine on my right shoulder and arm (close to the elbow), soon to be a half sleeve...but contemplating having it pass my elbow for professionalism reasons.

It's placed there because of my tattoos relative size...no significant reason.

01-30-2008, 01:10 PM
the company im currently working for has a dress code that includes a clause that no tattoos to be shown with you rmanner of dress. so tat it up as you like but it better be covered at work.

01-30-2008, 03:44 PM
Originally posted by Euro_Trash

But it might hinder moving up in the company later on in life too
that is very true..

01-30-2008, 05:19 PM
I took a solid 6 hour session on the ribs, to say it was brutal would be an understatement..

01-30-2008, 05:24 PM
Isnt the general rule where there is more fat the better?

I have been contemplating getting my first one done....but I am petrified of needles....

I was thinking lower back over the kidney area??

02-01-2008, 11:23 AM
Yeah i have a tattoo thats working its way across my torso and the ribs are a whole new level of pain. Truly hard to describe.

02-01-2008, 11:30 AM
Originally posted by Archea
Isnt the general rule where there is more fat the better?

I have been contemplating getting my first one done....but I am petrified of needles....

I was thinking lower back over the kidney area??

I think it's completely dependant on the person. The underside of my wrist hurt worse than absolutely anything but over the bone of my shin/spine was a walk in the park, didn't bother me a bit.

Oh, and avoid any location near the typical "tramp-stamp", you don't want to be confused with a jerkoff! :)

02-01-2008, 11:37 AM
I have a small tat on my left shoulder. It wasn't too bad to get because there is lots of meat there. It's easy to cover up if need be, but it's pretty conservative anyway.

I like the fact you're getting one because it really means something to you - and probably will for the rest of your life. I get annoyed with those who get artwork which will be on their body for the rest of their life because they think it's "a neat picture", or "cool".

02-01-2008, 12:13 PM
Thing is you CAN get them somewhere visible like your forearm and cover them easily, but do you really want to restrict yourself to have to always wear long sleeve shirts?
A lot of people still have old fashioned views of tats, and it would suck to have to wear long sleaves to work every day in the summer. Just something to consider...

02-03-2008, 11:42 PM
I am with you on that one Kloubek. I dont agree with people just getting tattoos because they look cool. I didnt want to get another one but this means alot to me so I figure might as well.

If I work in an office I am not worried about wearing long sleeve shirts because I would have to anyways. Besides that it will be in the field and no one cares out there.

Any more thoughs?

02-04-2008, 12:47 AM
do the ribs actually hurt that bad?? I had a piece planned that was going to go from near my arm pit down to my hip....maybe i need to reconsider placement haha

02-04-2008, 01:15 AM
Originally posted by ekguy
do the ribs actually hurt that bad?? I had a piece planned that was going to go from near my arm pit down to my hip....maybe i need to reconsider placement haha
My brother had a memorial piece done for our grandmother who recently passed away. It stretches all along his side. He had plans to get a second piece on the other side once our grandfather passes, but after experiencing one side of the ribs, he will just be adding on to the piece done for my grandmother instead of getting a whole new piece done. He has tats on his calf, shin, across his shoulders and the inside of his bicep and said the ribs were 100x more painful than any other site on his body (including the shin). While it was healing he said wearing some shirts, laying on that side as well as rubbing his arms against the side of his body was impossible. Definately not a walk in the park!

02-04-2008, 10:47 AM
Originally posted by ekguy
do the ribs actually hurt that bad?? I had a piece planned that was going to go from near my arm pit down to my hip....maybe i need to reconsider placement haha

It hurts, alot, but I found the night of the tattoo hurt more than getting the tat itself. I couldn't lay on that side at all the first night. Mine was only a three and a half hour sitting though, and by the end I was ready to say "fuck it, let's reschedule" but I toughed it out, and I'm super glad I did too. Mine's only halfway too, not all the way up to my armpit. My artist laughed at me cause I whined to him a bit about it hurting and he told me "anyone anywhere can get any old tattoo, but this is one of those ones you're going to have to earn." So yeah, reconsider if you want an easier way out. I agree with my artist, the ribs are definitely somewhere you have to earn.

02-04-2008, 03:55 PM
Originally posted by JRSC00LUDE

I think it's completely dependant on the person. The underside of my wrist hurt worse than absolutely anything but over the bone of my shin/spine was a walk in the park, didn't bother me a bit.

Oh, and avoid any location near the typical "tramp-stamp", you don't want to be confused with a jerkoff! :)

No tramp stamp :P

No bullseye lol

I had a design picked out but it was going to run down the center of my entire back...not for me...who is a wimp

02-04-2008, 05:28 PM
Originally posted by Archea

No tramp stamp :P

No bullseye lol

I had a design picked out but it was going to run down the center of my entire back...not for me...who is a wimp

When I got mine on my spine it was a really messed up kind of pain. Like it had the typical tattoo feeling but then it tingled down my arms, maybe it was just because of the nerves on that part of my back but it was weird. Yes it hurt but it was a tolerable kind of hurt and I am a big wimp to.

02-04-2008, 06:23 PM
When I saw my ex's tounge get pierced I passed out lol

I really dunno if I can sit through it....if there was a way to like....get knocked out or drunk or something....I may be able to

Some people describe tattoos as being pinched....accurate??

02-04-2008, 06:29 PM
no you can't go drunk cuz you'll bleed too much and they won't be able to tattoo properly and to me it feels like a hot scalpel being dragged on my skin dosn't hurt much though and after like 2 mins adrenalin kicks in and it becomes more of a rush than anything else...plus the needles are in the tattoo gun you can't see them...Well barely anyways.

02-04-2008, 06:32 PM
I have the tops of both hands tatoo'd and if anything it creates conversation that gets it over and done with and then people move on... Not that I recommend it for everyone but it isn't the huge deal some people make it out to be...

I have my calves done in solid and tattoos on my forearm as well and have never had work isses. I have gone golfing with the presidents and vice presidents of some major companies and show up in shorts and for sure it all they can talk about for a few minutes, buyt then they move on...

If you are very good at what you do and you generate profits for the company it is something that is easy to overlook. If you are timid and useless, then don't do it because you will not be able to overcome the stigma...

02-04-2008, 09:12 PM
couldn't of said it better but it's not hard to hide tattoos these days either