View Full Version : Rant: Alberta Liberals use telemarketing.

02-05-2008, 05:36 PM
I have never considered myself a Liberal but today cemented their faith. I was the fortunate receiver of a call from the Alberta Liberal Party. I am not against campaigning and firmly believe in the democratic process but telemarketing disgusts me. They rank right up there with Carnies and adult ice cream truck drivers. I do not want a new credit card, cell phone plan, magazine subscription or the chance to decree my support for the Alberta Liberal Party. Below is the transcript of my call.

Me: Hello?

ALB: Hi, I am calling to see if you had a chance to decide who you were voting for?

Me: Who is this?

ALB: The ALB, we’re calling to ask if you’d like to support the ALB.

Me: Nope.

ALB: Can I ask who you are supporting; maybe I can change your mind?

Me: the party that doesn’t use telemarketing.

ALB: Oh *click*

Not even a sorry. I hate telemarketers and I hate lazy politicians, if you want to impress me, get off your lazy ass and come to my door. (So I can be too lazy to answer it). In an effort to mitigate any progress they make in this telemarketing campaign, I am posting this to discourage EVERYONE to think twice before casting your vote for a party that apparently sells knifes and vacuums on the side.

/ end rant
// don’t vote for these dicks
//now I’m finished

02-05-2008, 05:38 PM
Uh yeah, because the ALB phoning to get support is entirely analogous to selling vacuums and knives. Please.

Maybe you should just not vote at all. :rolleyes:

02-05-2008, 05:39 PM
Hate to break it to you.

ALL political parties phone their constituents.

Especially in the areas where the vote might be close.

02-05-2008, 05:42 PM
The PC's have called twice in the last week wanting to know who we are voting for etc. I told them NDP because I am from out east (which I am not, but I like to fuck with them). With the process of elimination in parties that telemarket, that leaves the Wild Rose Alliance, NDP, So. Creds and Green party left to vote for.

02-05-2008, 05:42 PM
I dont take any telemarketers serious, but i seem to buy anything from real people at my door. lol.

02-05-2008, 05:46 PM

The OP is just another example of hating on the liberals for no real reason. Seems like every AB hates the east cuz they are "supposed to", and votes conservative because thats what their parents and grandparents did.

Open your fucking eyes

02-05-2008, 05:54 PM
u guys are so nice
the first word or sentence i hear about telemarketing i hang up

02-05-2008, 05:58 PM
Originally posted by digi355
I have never considered myself a Liberal but today cemented their faith. I was the fortunate receiver of a call from the Alberta Liberal Party. I am not against campaigning and firmly believe in the democratic process but telemarketing disgusts me. They rank right up there with Carnies and adult ice cream truck drivers. I do not want a new credit card, cell phone plan, magazine subscription or the chance to decree my support for the Alberta Liberal Party. Below is the transcript of my call.

Me: Hello?

ALB: Hi, I am calling to see if you had a chance to decide who you were voting for?

Me: Who is this?

ALB: The ALB, we’re calling to ask if you’d like to support the ALB.

Me: Nope.

ALB: Can I ask who you are supporting; maybe I can change your mind?

Me: the party that doesn’t use telemarketing.

ALB: Oh *click*

Not even a sorry. I hate telemarketers and I hate lazy politicians, if you want to impress me, get off your lazy ass and come to my door. (So I can be too lazy to answer it). In an effort to mitigate any progress they make in this telemarketing campaign, I am posting this to discourage EVERYONE to think twice before casting your vote for a party that apparently sells knifes and vacuums on the side.

/ end rant
// don’t vote for these dicks
//now I’m finished

You're really overreacting. If you're not going to vote for the party that doesn't telemarket, then you'll only be voting for the small parties who can't afford it.

02-05-2008, 06:02 PM
Originally posted by Oz-
...Green party left to vote for.

That's Federal :( I got mixed up too. The only parties in this election are Libs, Torys, NDP, and Wild Rose Alliance.

Edit: or an independent if you happen to have one running.

02-05-2008, 06:07 PM
Originally posted by Schwa

The OP is just another example of hating on the liberals for no real reason. Seems like every AB hates the east cuz they are "supposed to", and votes conservative because thats what their parents and grandparents did.

Open your fucking eyes

I'm not from Alberta, my parents don't hate the liberals, and have voted for them on numerous occasions. When I was younger, dumber and much more naive, I even voted for the liberals myself.
I've never been told that I'm "supposed to" hate the liberals.

You're just another example of someone claiming that anyone who doesn't support the liberals inherited their opinions, and should be discredited as being an ill-informed follower, incapable of making their own decisions..

There are billions of reason to hate the liberals. Billions. With a 'B'.

"Not to be a socialist at 20 is proof of want of heart; to be one at 30 is proof of want of head."

02-05-2008, 06:09 PM
Vote Liberal if you want the oil industry destroyed in Alberta :thumbsup:

02-05-2008, 06:14 PM
Originally posted by 97'Scort

That's Federal :( I got mixed up too. The only parties in this election are Libs, Torys, NDP, and Wild Rose Alliance.

Edit: or an independent if you happen to have one running. You do know there's an Alberta Green Party (http://www.albertagreens.ca/) right?

02-05-2008, 06:20 PM
^ Hey, how about that. Thanks!

02-06-2008, 04:53 PM
Originally posted by dragonone
u guys are so nice
the first word or sentence i hear about telemarketing i hang up

LOL, if they ask for me using my first and last name, I hang up. :rofl:

02-10-2008, 12:58 AM
When I was in Dalhousie, Harry Chase was seen all over the riding campaigning for weeks. He knocked on my door at about 8 pm the night before the election, too. And he actually won the election. I'm guessing that the other three Liberals in Calgary did likewise. Seriously now, phoning is a lot less useful that door-knocking.

02-10-2008, 01:31 AM
If you don't reconize the number then don't pick up the phone.

02-10-2008, 02:21 PM
Can't you get a soliciting block on your phone?

02-10-2008, 02:47 PM
Those fuckers called my cell phone three years ago.


02-19-2008, 05:36 PM
I just got a call from the PC Party, which consisted of a generic questions being asked in a monotonous voice about my perceptions and opinions on Stelmach, the PC party, etc. I felt like telling him how Ed's commercials make it appear as though they had pulled him out of the freezer and re-animated him for the hour, but I held my tongue and just kept it to yes or no to get him off the line.

Personally, I find it to be quite annoying, I'm not sure how phoning people at home and pestering them with mindless questions could be construed as a good thing. :thumbsdow to phone-spamming people. For me personally, it contributes to a negative perception of whatever group is doing the calling.

I'm also a little creeped out as to how or where they got my name and address (he recited both back to me) as I live with my parents, yet they asked expressly for me when they called. I've never given out my details to th PC Party.

02-19-2008, 05:49 PM
On the weekend I was at home sitting in the living room and all of a sudden I hear steps at the front door and then see a piece of paper get stuffed in the door jam. I went up to see what it was and it was a flyer for the Liberal guy in my area. Now talk about lazy imo. If you aren't going to knock on the door and talk to someone don't leave me with junk mail. lol

As for the phone calls, I think all parties do it. I have had a call from the PC's, Liberals and the NDP so far for this election.

I personally don't mind a phone call or a knock on the door, but it is how the conversation goes that can bother me. Some just call and ask for support or bash the other parties (NDP guy in my area) and others ask you how familiar you are with the party and actually give you some brief info on the party and the candidate in your area and then ask if you are undicided or not and if you would like to support (PC and Liberal guy in my area were both pretty good with this).

02-19-2008, 05:58 PM
I have gotten phone calls too, and it only started when I checked off the "ok"box on my tax return that indicated they could. Hopefully, when I submit this year's taxes, my unchecked box will make the calls cease next year.

Hopefully, I am not on a "perpetual list"!

Digi: Can you please not hate me because I'm an ice cream truck driver? I found that rather offensive.