View Full Version : FS: Vacation Package

02-09-2008, 06:46 PM
I won a vacation package at The Taste of Calgary Festival in the summer from Imperial Majesty Cruise Line Vacations. The holiday consists of:
- 4 Days/3 Nights in Orlando, Florida. You can choose either a free car rental w unlimited mileage or 2 days free for 2 adults at Universal studios.
- 3 Days/ 2 Nights in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
- 2 Night cruise to Nassau, Bahamas. You get a stateroom, 6 meals a day and Las Vegas style entertainment. There is a casino and theatre.
- Also there is a bonus 3 days in Las Vegas and 4 days in Puerto Vallarta.
This is for all for 2 people. The only thing not included is the flight. I have the package. It has a coupon book worth 3,500, DVD, brochure and the travel documents. The last day to book is for February 2009. The package is fully transferable. I paid 800 bucks to secure it, so I'm selling it for $800.00 I'm not making a cent off this. Here is the website: http://www.imperialmajesty.com/
I just need money, I'm a poor student haha. You can pm me or email me at [email protected]. CHEERS!

02-10-2008, 01:43 AM
Originally posted by Delta

...The last day to book is for February 2009. The package is fully transferable. I paid 800 bucks to secure it, ...

hey man, i think u forgot to say what day. 1st? 31st? and what does secure it mean?

02-10-2008, 01:43 AM
Im interested, but I would need the installment plan :S

02-10-2008, 01:46 AM
Damnit... only if I was 21 :(

02-20-2008, 07:17 PM
Anyone? anyone? Bueller?

02-21-2008, 01:57 AM
Hey did you buy this from Ramada Plaza Resorts?

I got caught in their 'scam' too.. google them man, it sounds like a good package, but the hotels and cruise ship are crap..

Ramada Inn isn't even associated with Ramada Plaza, they just use their name..

You can get your money back though, because they do some illegal things when they sell you it, I forget all the details, but there is a website that outlines how you can get a refund because they high pressure sales, etc. Once you threaten that you'll bring in your Credit card company, they'll usually cave.

Took me 2 hours on the phone to get my money back.

I'm not trying to thread crap.. I'm trying to help you out and warn others.. Don't enter those "free vacation" things at the mall/ conventions. If it is really "free" they why do you need to pay any deposit.. Sorry if you want me to delete this post, just let me know.

EDIT: here is the website to help get money back.

02-21-2008, 10:31 PM
I've 'won' this package several times...usually through junk mail. Hope you can get your money back.

02-28-2008, 11:09 AM
It is a scam. Hope that you didn't get bitten. This link (http://boakes.org/amerivacation-cancel/comment-page-1/#comments) tells you the stories and shows you how to cancel if it is still within 30 days of purchase.

About two years ago, my wife was once felt in the trap and her credit was charged for ~$700 US. We followed the steps to cancel with success (thank God)!

Good luck.


03-09-2008, 04:33 PM
It's not with that company. I fuckin hope it's not a scam. Even if it's not. Do you think I can try get my money back anyways? I kinda doubt it. Any help appreciated. Thanks.

03-09-2008, 06:20 PM
your screwed unless you paid it on credit card, the credit card company will give you back your money if you can prove it's a scam

03-10-2008, 12:16 PM
Yea I've received these phone calls before after filling out things at tradeshows.. fishy..

the funny part is how nice the people are on the phone and then as soon as you dont want it they hang up.. not a word... rude.

03-10-2008, 01:31 PM
My mother in law won the same trip, she was sent an entire package, complete with tickets and brochures etc. She is going in the fall....??:dunno:

03-10-2008, 01:38 PM
What's the scam in this case? Is it just the usual them calling to say "You've won this trip...but to secure it we need X dollars upfront"?

03-10-2008, 02:03 PM
i dont think its really a SCAM..... you pay.. you recieve a product. You pay very little.. but then you get very little too (i'm guessing).

03-10-2008, 03:42 PM
Yeah I don't think it's a scam. They just say you won, but still have to pay a bunch of money. I thought it was legit since I won it from the Taste of Calgary festival, otherwise if they just called randomly, I would've just ignored it. I just don't want to go anymore and want to sell it or get a refund. That's all.

03-10-2008, 03:48 PM
It's not so much of a scam, it's just they make you sit through hours of timeshare presentations, I "won" one of these at the sex show and same with everyone else in my group that I went with. It's a cheap vacation with a few hours of boredom to save money.

03-10-2008, 03:51 PM
Originally posted by retro-steve
It's not so much of a scam, it's just they make you sit through hours of timeshare presentations, I "won" one of these at the sex show and same with everyone else in my group that I went with. It's a cheap vacation with a few hours of boredom to save money.

Time share presentations SUCK and they are soo pushy :thumbsdow

03-10-2008, 05:45 PM
Those fuckers. I'd rather plan it my own way. Oh well, lessons learned. So anyone want a trip now!? lol.


03-11-2008, 02:05 PM
bahahahaha :nut:

03-24-2008, 11:26 AM

03-28-2008, 07:58 AM
Sorry to break it to you, dude...it is a scam. It's not new. Been around for years. I've won that same package a hundred times over.

The last auto show had the very same "prize"...everyone that entered won. Me, my wife and my son...we each received the same phone call within days of each other.

It's basically this:

you won a trip...but pay the "upfront" dollars...you use "their" hotels/booking agents/ etc. (which is hugely inflated for what you're getting) and then sit thru hours of HARD SELL sales tactics...not pleasant.

You could get the very same package for cheaper and nicer hotels/flights etc if you bought and planned it yourself.

You won't sell this package to anyone unless you deceive them just like every other "winner" was deceived. Sorry dude.

04-07-2008, 09:27 PM
Well thanks for that. I don't wanna decieve anyone. So you got the same call from that company? and everything? I wonder if anyone has got their money back or if it's a lost cause. Fuck that pisses me off. I can't believe I fell for it. Grrrr.

04-07-2008, 09:52 PM
That's ok man - we all fall for something somewhere down the line.

I once bought a Genesis Media Labs stereo out of the back of a Denali. I figured - hey... something is fishy here, but maybe it's just hot... which did not concern me at the time. (I had little money.) I thought I recognized the brand name, but it was only simliar to the name of a decent manufacturer back in the day. (Not unlike "Ramada")

This "$3800 msrp" stereo which I bought for $400 (after the standard scam dickering they allow us to do) was worth half of what I paid... if that. In fact, I heard some of these stereos had caught fire - if the fact it was a piece of shit isn't enough...

Sounds like this IS a legit trip, but I've heard a lot of horror stories surrounding this company. I wouldn't touch it with a pole. :(

04-07-2008, 11:05 PM
Sorry for off topic (don't want to waste thread space on new one) but could some of you older guys with experience tell me about www.fairmontcanada.com

In specific their Kelowna location http://www.lakeokanagan.com/index.asp

This chick somehow got my number, keeps calling me to setup a free week or something. I keep on telling her the nature of my job is hard to have a schedule, but she keeps on "checking back with you to see when you're free, our packages are getting full but we got a session coming up"

I don't wanna break her heart, but I'm at the point of running out of honest excuses (you know chicks you wanna dump, so you don't care and suggest like anal in hopes she'll break up with you). I've already told her I gots nobody to go with and the only reason to go to these things is to get some ass. Then she chuckles and is like "oh well, give it some thought by then you'll probably have someone to go with"

What's the deal timeshare??? Buy-out condo types?

04-08-2008, 12:28 AM
I did this package Tom. It's a time-share sales thing. I took mine in the Fairmont condos just outside of Fairmont hot springs. It was a great deal. Usually they only book weekdays though. I took a monday to Friday package for about $199.00 or thereabouts. The free ones are usually a longer sales pitch and a "hard sell". Mine was a HUGE 3 floor condo, 4 bedroom, pool table....blah blah blah. She asks you to set aside time for her sales pitch...which I did. And it was a very soft sell..took about an hour, she walked thru the different condos and then went over the package.

They usually offer these cheap or free deals in the off season and mid week, because they have a hard time filling these spots...so they do this "sales drive" and try to earn a few dollars for the empty weeks.

It was not a bad deal, equity shares, $20,000 gave you 4 weeks a year..plus you pay for the maintenance fees for those 4 weeks. You can trade your weeks with different spots all over the world...Hawii, Mexico, Vegas etc.

Some are RRSP eligible, and they talk about the money you can make selling them down the road...dont believe that. Very hard to get rid of.

It's a good deal if you travel a lot, but expect it as a long term thing. Like 20 years long term. I've known a few ppl that have them and they're all older folks and have had them for years.

04-09-2008, 12:56 PM
Originally posted by Maddog55
I did this package Tom. It's a time-share sales thing. I took mine in the Fairmont condos just outside of Fairmont hot springs. It was a great deal. Usually they only book weekdays though. I took a monday to Friday package for about $199.00 or thereabouts. The free ones are usually a longer sales pitch and a "hard sell". Mine was a HUGE 3 floor condo, 4 bedroom, pool table....blah blah blah. She asks you to set aside time for her sales pitch...which I did. And it was a very soft sell..took about an hour, she walked thru the different condos and then went over the package.

They usually offer these cheap or free deals in the off season and mid week, because they have a hard time filling these spots...so they do this "sales drive" and try to earn a few dollars for the empty weeks.

It was not a bad deal, equity shares, $20,000 gave you 4 weeks a year..plus you pay for the maintenance fees for those 4 weeks. You can trade your weeks with different spots all over the world...Hawii, Mexico, Vegas etc.

Some are RRSP eligible, and they talk about the money you can make selling them down the road...dont believe that. Very hard to get rid of.

It's a good deal if you travel a lot, but expect it as a long term thing. Like 20 years long term. I've known a few ppl that have them and they're all older folks and have had them for years.

ppls try to unload their time shares all the time.. there are tons of free classifieds with times shares for sale by owner usually for a fraction of what they paid.

04-09-2008, 07:52 PM
Originally posted by MintRacer

ppls try to unload their time shares all the time.. there are tons of free classifieds with times shares for sale by owner usually for a fraction of what they paid.

Thats exactly my point. There's tons of them out there for sale. So to buy one from the issuer in hopes of selling it down the road for a profit is pointless...The company always says its an "equity" timeshare and that it will increase in value, but no one will pay that increased value.

Or..is that what you were pointing out...sorry..sometimes hard to get the context of a post.

05-24-2008, 09:49 AM
Well if anyone wants to give this thing a shot let me know. They called me today wondering when I was gonna take the trip and said if I paid the required port tax or something I would have an extra year to book it. It costs 198.00 for 2 people. Anyways if anyone wants this let me know. 100 bones obo.