View Full Version : Best place to pick up new snowboarding gear

02-11-2008, 12:36 PM
i;m looking to get a whole new complete set up! clothes, gear everything! been to the source and missions
i dont want to wait till end of season sale!

02-11-2008, 01:12 PM
Expect to go to a bunch of places.. I just got a new setup. I really like Ski Cellar down on 17th ave, they were flexible on the price for my snowboard - gave me great help and was willing to give me a good overall discount, versus Abomidable Sports who gave absolute no discount on my board and 3 different price quotes for bindings from 3 different salespeople (btw it was boxing day too). Horrible experience from them and will never return there.

Sportschek has reasonable stuff, i'd go there for boots, and possibly bindings. But they lack cool boards.

Mission and Source aren't too flex on price but will throw in board bags which you don't need, or get one for $40 at sportchek. Get the best advice from these guys.

Clothes wise, skiwest and skicellar have a lot of selection, but expect to pay a ton cause they only carry the best ($500-1000). If your on a budget then go to sportchek.

adam c
02-11-2008, 01:15 PM
if ur on a budget goto sportswap.. can buy new and used

some of their stuff is decent, i picked up a nice pair of goggles and gloves there, along with pants, but i got my jacket, board, bindings at sportschek

02-11-2008, 06:42 PM
Well if your picky on your stuff, DO NOT wait till end of season sales. To be completely I don't know why you would wait till now to buy new stuff. Snowboard manufacturers only make so many snowboards for each year, so stock will be low right now.

I would highly suggest holding out till next season, when your selection is greatest, and there are some pre-season sales.

02-11-2008, 06:46 PM
I really like Mission on 17th Ave and Skaters near Chinook. Thats where my sister and I have both bought our boards, not a bad experiance yet.

02-12-2008, 01:08 PM
Source sale in August or buy online. Source/Mission is such a rip off even with the UofC discount. Go there to pick out something you like and then get it online :D