View Full Version : clinton and obama want to renegotiate nafta

02-27-2008, 06:35 PM

02-27-2008, 06:46 PM
Of course they do. It's a huge campaign issue in the two states they were in last night.

Americans think the US is losing out because of NAFTA, while both Mexico and Canada think they are. Who really is getting the short end is up for debate, but I'm willing to say Mexico just because of subsidized agribusiness in the US.

If they do re-negotiate, I really hope they look at worker movement between the countries. Right now, registered professionals (engineers, doctors, nurses, etc) can move between the three countries on a one year pass. We need to extend this to tradespeople as well. That way, it makes it easier to attract skilled workers to wherever the work is.

02-27-2008, 06:57 PM
Politicians are whores. They say whatever to get elected and find excuses to back out later.

Re: GST cuts promised by the Liberals.