View Full Version : If you like exploding gophers...

03-13-2008, 04:54 PM
This story in the Edmonton Journal (http://www.canada.com/edmontonjournal/news/story.html?id=f30bdc4a-f847-4d42-9708-8aa5621eb646&k=44769) made me curious, so I checked Youtube. Sure enough...

Linky until I can get the embed to work... (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l60g8DjwqYE)

03-13-2008, 05:01 PM
Sweet. I'm going to buy one for my dads farm.


03-13-2008, 05:04 PM
Originally posted by Graham_A_M
Sweet. I'm going to buy one for my dads farm.


I could totally kill an afternoon with a quad, cooler full of beer and one of these suckers.

03-13-2008, 05:06 PM
Next time your down in Calgary, we'll mix up our own version... I got 8.8 acres of land, and i'm guessing a few gopher holes... plus the neighbors have horses (horses = broken legs in gopher holes) so i'm sure we would get some applause... Haha me you and a gp36912 will Git'r'dun

03-13-2008, 05:08 PM
Originally posted by LilDrunkenSmurf
Haha me you and a gp36912 will Git'r'dun
you'd trust Gord with one of these? okie dokie. :thumbsup:

^ yeah we had a serious gopher problem on this field, so right after it was harvested on a hot July day, we tried doing this ourselves with a (un-lit) propane powered flame thrower, and just gassed them, then used a BBQ lighter on a broom handle to light it. It worked... kind of. it was a cool explosion at least, seeing flames shoot out from the holes was hella cool, but it didn't do a damn thing to the gophers, and we were running around frantically afterwards trying to put out the quicky spreading fire, that was started at each of the gopher hole entrances. :banghead:

:rofl: :rofl:

03-13-2008, 05:12 PM
Haha I do... Wanna come and supervise?

03-13-2008, 05:13 PM
Seems like a pretty good idea...

Until the company is sued because some hick gets a concussion from a flying rock...

They should use this on the Taliban.

03-13-2008, 05:20 PM
I thought this article was definately something though

"B.C. animal rights activist Sinikka Crosland proposes dealing with the animals in a more humane matter that doesn't harm either the environment or gophers.

Aside from crop rotations and building fences, she suggests a relocation program.

"There are vacuums that can suck them out of their holes without harming them, and you could set aside some Crown land or farmers' land for gophers to use," she said. "Then you could use vegetation they prefer, or radio frequencies to keep them on that land."

:rofl: :rofl: I wonder if she has any (somewhat realistic) comprehension of what that would cost to remove ALL the gophers from Sask. alone. Leave alone Alberta. (excluding the fact that with their hard to access nests, this alone is impossible)
It would have to be one BIG piece of "crown land" to support the population.
vacumming them out? sure. she should grab a shoebox, put a few small heavy things in put in it, cut a small hole in two of sides, and hook up a home vac to it and see how well & effective that is towards getting those heavy peices out without moving the box.
It would have to be quite a convoy of these vacuums & their neccessary crews, since these little critters can reproduce extremely quickly, that making their efforts completely futile.
Regardless of that however; lets "remove" the pests from some farmers and give them to others somewhere else, but in a place with a climate that they can survice in:thumbsup:
Nice world she lives in.
We use crop rotations, that does absolutely nothing whatsoever towards altering the gopher population. Nothing at all, ints not even about the gophers that we do that, its so the land have have a year to rejuvenate itself before cycling it again. "Building fences" for burrowing animals? LMAO. WOW. Where do you find these people?
She talked about "not harming the environment" but with these (mystical) fences in place; those would block other land animals, being foxes, deer, moose and other critters.
Funny how opinionated she is for a matter she (quite obviously) knows absolutely nothing about. (but should I be surprised?)
Animal rights activists really are a breed in their own. :nut:

03-13-2008, 08:25 PM
Vacuums? I she fucking serious? I think somebody did their research by watching Wallace and Gromit.