View Full Version : Profanity...

03-19-2008, 12:21 AM
I'm curious as to what everybody's stance is in regards to profanity:

- Is it acceptable to you?
- Is it offensive to you?
- Does it even bother you?

I personally don't let it bother me if it's a passing remark on occasion - it's a fact of life. However (and this may sound strange to some), it does bother me when I'm having a conversation with somebody and they frequently swear. The same can be said for those who swear obnoxiously on the C-Train, especially when kids are around.

What's your take?

03-19-2008, 12:27 AM
Gotta watch the language in front of the little ones...

03-19-2008, 12:30 AM
Originally posted by Sykes
The same can be said for those who swear obnoxiously on the C-Train, especially when kids are around.

Yep, hate it when people swear a lot on the trains. Other then that, doesn't bother me at all.

03-19-2008, 12:34 AM
I think talking loud in public is trashy let alone swearing.

03-19-2008, 02:07 AM
fuck this topic is fucking stupid, jk...<--- minors do not read that

If the odd word is a swear so be it but no one needs to swear often imo

03-19-2008, 02:46 AM
in all honesty, i swear a lot. Mosty when im around friends and i usually never notice that i am swearing. I try my best not to let any profanity slip around other people, esspecially children or in public, but i don't really have an issue with it.

I think it makes people sound trashy when you've just met them and their swearing like they've known you forever. Esspecially when those people are suposse to be "proffesionals" .. ;)

03-19-2008, 04:02 AM
Don't really care unless it's around kids, it does make a person look really stupid when every other word out of their mouth is profanity though...

03-19-2008, 04:56 AM
I got a lecture for "swearing in front of a lady" by the old guy working at the Canadian Tire gas bar the other day. I was having a conversation with the guy and I used the expression "pain in the ass". The guys face went all long and he says, "you shouldn't use that type of language in front of a lady". The lady he was talking about was a 19 yr old girl behind me in line, who had been pumping her gas a few feet from me while listening to rap music with the f word ever y second word in it. I had a laugh about that one, seriously get with the times buddy. Its not like I dropped the F bomb or something. :rofl:

03-19-2008, 06:17 AM
but respect others... if you need to be told ... then its to much and dont be a punk about it if you get told

not around the family
or kids

03-19-2008, 06:43 AM
I fucking hate it when people swear and shit

03-19-2008, 07:13 AM
I don't mind the odd word here and there, but it starts to bug me and makes me think a whole lot less of someone's intelligence if they swear often. It feels as if they can't come up with the proper word to express themselves, instead they just automatically drop the most convenient 4 letter word.

03-19-2008, 07:16 AM
Originally posted by Melinda
I don't mind the odd word here and there, but it starts to bug me and makes me think a whole lot less of someone's intelligence if they swear often. It feels as if they can't come up with the proper word to express themselves, instead they just automatically drop the most convenient 4 letter word.
I must sound like a retard to you then :rofl:.

I swear a lot. I get bitched out about it when others listen in on my conversations. It's fun bitching them back out.

03-19-2008, 07:29 AM
Originally posted by Melinda
I don't mind the odd word here and there, but it starts to bug me and makes me think a whole lot less of someone's intelligence if they swear often. It feels as if they can't come up with the proper word to express themselves, instead they just automatically drop the most convenient 4 letter word.

Originally posted by rage2

I must sound like a retard to you then :rofl:.

Haha sorry, I guess I should add I doubt people's intelligence if I don't know them otherwise. My brother swears all the time. It bugs me, but I know he's not stupid, I guess it's just part of his vocabulary. But a stranger on the street or someone I've just met who's swearing all the time will always seem a little bit dumb and trashy to me just based on first impression. It's just how I was raised to perceive it. It sometimes changes once I've known them long enough.

03-19-2008, 07:37 AM
I don't mind it when it's thrown out once in a while because sometimes it's just better to describe certain things with it. But it's annoying when someone talks and every second word is a swear.

03-19-2008, 07:37 AM
Originally posted by Pahnda
I fucking hate it when people swear and shit

You so funny

I swear quite a bit. Usually I am pretty good around girls, but since I am dating a girl who swears just as much as me that rule seems like it went out the window. I also never swore around my family until my dad must have decided we were old enough to hear profanity and now I do that all the time too.
Some of the smartest people I know swear every second word. But for some reason when I hear someone on their phone on the train swearing about whatever, I automatically think "trashy". Don't ask me why :dunno:

03-19-2008, 08:05 AM
I could care less, it's just words.

03-19-2008, 08:09 AM
Originally posted by Zephyr
it does make a person look really stupid when every other word out of their mouth is profanity though...


swearing just makes you look ignorant and trashy

03-19-2008, 08:27 AM
Originally posted by Jlude
Gotta watch the language in front of the little ones...


03-19-2008, 08:27 AM
Originally posted by Jlude
Gotta watch the language in front of the little ones...


03-19-2008, 08:28 AM
i think it depends what word they are using

if someone says yo check this shit out - thats no big deal, but the eff bomb placed every second word is annoying and embarassing if you're in public...

Dave P
03-19-2008, 08:31 AM
I love swearing. Def gets the point across.

I usually only hold back in front of kids, old people, and usually people i havent met

The Verb 'To Fuck'

Perhaps one of the most interesting and colorful words in the English language today is the word "fuck". It is the magical word which, just by its sound can describe pain, pleasure, love, and hate.

In language , "fuck" falls into many Grammatical categories.
It can be used as a verb both transitive (John fucked Mary) and intransitive(Mary was Fucked by John).
It can be an action verb (John really gives a fuck), a passive verb (Mary really doesn't give a fuck), and adverb (Mary is fucking interested in John), or as a noun (Mary is a terrific fuck).
It can also be used as an interjection (Fuck! I'm late for my date with Mary). It can even be ued as a conjunction (Mary is easy, fuck she's also stupid).
As you can see there are very words with the overall versitility of the word fuck.
Aside from its sexual connotations, this word can be used to describe many situations:
1. Greetings........."How the fuck are ya?"
2. Fraud..............."I got fucked by the car dealer."
3. Resignation......."Oh, fuck it!
4. Trouble............."I guess I'm fucked now."
5. Agression........."FUCK YOU!"
6. Disgust................"Fuck me."
7. Confusion............." What the fuck....?"
8. Displeasure............"Fucking shit man..."
9. Lost........................"where the fuck are we?"
11.Retaliation............."Up your fucking ass!"
12.Apathy................."Who really gives a fuck?"
13.Suspicion............."Who the fuck are you?"
14.Directions.............."Fuck off."
It can be maternal........"MOTHERFUCKER!!"
It can be used to tell time......." It's four fucking twenty!"
It can be used as an anatomical description............."He's a fucking asshole."
Lastly, it has been used by many notable people throughout history:
"What the fuck was that?" ~Mayor of Hiroshema~
"Thats not a real fucking gun." ~John Lennon~
"Where the fuck is all this water coming from?" ~Captain of the Titanic~
"Who the fuck is gonna find out?" ~Richard Nixon~
"Heads are gonna fucking roll." ~Anne Boleyn~
"Any fucking idiot could answer that." ~Albert Einstein~
"It does so fucking look like her!" ~Picasso~
"You want what on the fucking celiling?" ~Michaelangelo~
"Fuck a duck." ~Walt Disney~
"Houston we have a big fucking problem." ~The crew of Apollo 13~

03-19-2008, 08:38 AM
That's stupid. He probably wanted to get with the chick. :)

I swear a fair amount, but I limit it around my family (especially my parents), and definitely around little ones. Honestly, there is so much to be offended by in this world - I'm not going to let someone's choice of words be one of them.

Originally posted by Mixalot27
I got a lecture for &quot;swearing in front of a lady&quot; by the old guy working at the Canadian Tire gas bar the other day. I was having a conversation with the guy and I used the expression &quot;pain in the ass&quot;. The guys face went all long and he says, &quot;you shouldn't use that type of language in front of a lady&quot;. The lady he was talking about was a 19 yr old girl behind me in line, who had been pumping her gas a few feet from me while listening to rap music with the f word ever y second word in it. I had a laugh about that one, seriously get with the times buddy. Its not like I dropped the F bomb or something. :rofl:

03-19-2008, 08:42 AM
My dad always says "the only people who resort to swearing are the people whose vocabulary doesn't include enough words to intelligently convey their point." So true, and that's always in the back of my mind as I swear, but I still do it anyway. Not in a professional situation or around kids though (if I can help it), and I NEVER swear at anyone seriously. I think it shows a complete and utter lack of respect when you swear at someone specifically (including your spouse/significant other) and I cringe every time our friends do it to each other.

03-19-2008, 08:54 AM
Yeah i only really swear if im really pissed off, or maybe out with some buddys or something. Other than that i dont. Doesent really offened me if i hear it, but for people who are swearing every third word i think they sound totally trashy and then it does bother me. Yeah if there is kids around i think its so rude.

Supa Dexta
03-19-2008, 08:59 AM
All depends on the setting. When I worked in town, hardly ever, growing up on the farm when I was young there was always swearing outside working, but never in the house or around my mom or sister. And thats carried on, I kinda get ticked if my GF swears now, so she doesn't, and I'm fine with that..

But now that I work out in the oil patch it's hard not to. Swearing IS the language of the patch, no matter how high up you are it's pretty acceptable.. You have to try and stuff as many in to one sentance as you can.

03-19-2008, 09:02 AM
Originally posted by abyss
My dad always says &quot;the only people who resort to swearing are the people whose vocabulary doesn't include enough words to intelligently convey their point.&quot; So true, and that's always in the back of my mind as I swear, but I still do it anyway. Not in a professional situation or around kids though (if I can help it), and I NEVER swear at anyone seriously. I think it shows a complete and utter lack of respect when you swear at someone specifically (including your spouse/significant other) and I cringe every time our friends do it to each other.

I couldn't disagree more, swearing has absolutely nothing to do with a limited vocabulary with the majority of people. If anything, they just have a wider range of adjectives to use.

Swearing is like anything else you do in life, know when it's appropriate and use a bit of moderation. I don't swear AT my spouse out of simple respect, but it's not like I don't swear when I'm talking TO her. And as far as friends go, that's what they're for FFS! If you can't look at your buddy and say "Hey fucknuts, grab me a beer and get one for asshat here too" then what's the point?

03-19-2008, 09:06 AM
Originally posted by Supa Dexta

But now that I work out in the oil patch it's hard not to. Swearing IS the language of the patch, no matter how high up you are it's pretty acceptable.. You have to try and stuff as many in to one sentance as you can.

Yeah it doesn't matter what level of a company you look at, everyone does it. In the office everyone swears just as much as in the field

03-19-2008, 09:29 AM
Around my family I try not to swear that much, especially in front of my little cousins. But when I'm out with my friends, I do quite frequently. Overall though, it doesn't really bother me.

03-19-2008, 09:29 AM

03-19-2008, 09:32 AM
Originally posted by 01RedDX
This may sound weird but I hate it when my woman says &quot;wanna fuck?&quot; I know she means it in a playful way but it just ruins the mood for me.
It's ok for a complete stranger to say it though haha.

werd.. like honestly, i only imagine prostitutes talking like that

03-19-2008, 09:50 AM
- Is it acceptable to you?
depends, if there are kids around, or if its in an public environment, or if someone is just doing it to look cool or bring on some kind of self image to others. Everyone has undoubtedly run into some kids on the LRT or bus who keep swearing out loud or listening to music thats ridiculously loud (yes, another pet peeve of mine) and gets

- Is it offensive to you?
not usually
- Does it even bother you?
bothers me if it's done intentionally more than needed, or again, in front of kids that shouldn't hear that in any public environment.

03-19-2008, 09:58 AM
I swear a lot, not in places where there are children though. I don't swear in the mall or at work, but when I'm at a lounge or at school I swear to my heart's content, and I have a rather large vocabulary.

Most of my professors swear in class too, never really happened before, but this semester for some reason they have all been swearing. :rofl: I love it.

03-19-2008, 10:15 AM
Depends on the situation, if I'm out in public or around children/elderly/my parents, I don't swear at all or if I do it's pretty mild stuff. If I'm hanging out with friends, or working on something that's frustrating, I curse like a sailor, haha.

Xaroxantu Zero
03-19-2008, 10:34 AM
Or when you play Super Mario Galaxy. xD

03-19-2008, 10:59 AM
Originally posted by Redlyne_mr2
I think talking loud in public is trashy let alone swearing.

Pretty much exactly that

03-19-2008, 11:04 AM
Originally posted by Xaroxantu Zero
Or when you play Super Mario Galaxy. xD

That goes beyond profanity! :rofl:

03-19-2008, 12:21 PM
I agree with your dad 100%. I believe that In over 90% of the population swearing can be used as a intelligence count.

Not only does it expose a lack of vocabulary throwing a swear word in every second or third word also slows down your speech.

Originally posted by abyss
My dad always says &quot;the only people who resort to swearing are the people whose vocabulary doesn't include enough words to intelligently convey their point.&quot; So true, and that's always in the back of my mind as I swear, but I still do it anyway. Not in a professional situation or around kids though (if I can help it), and I NEVER swear at anyone seriously. I think it shows a complete and utter lack of respect when you swear at someone specifically (including your spouse/significant other) and I cringe every time our friends do it to each other.

03-19-2008, 12:31 PM
As long as EVERY second word isnt a swear out of their mouth and if they have the "I Wanna be a thug" tone.

If a person is telling a joke or a story and they're swearing a lot , A LOT of the times its HILARIOUS - god knows ive bitched with co-workers at lunch and swore A LOT but its all in jest. Also i NEVER swear infront of kids (least i try my hardest not too).

Time and place is what i say.

Originally posted by Xaroxantu Zero
Or when you play Super Mario Galaxy. xD

LOL Halo 2 co-op with my buddy is was dubbed "The Game of Hate" lol. We found out how extensive our use of swear words were that weekend... lol

03-19-2008, 12:40 PM
don't swear around kids and thats about it.

I can't swear in french at home because it's dis respecting my parents religion. When I was 14 my dad knocked me out cold for saying tabernacle de calisse d'osty...it was a pretty bad french swear word I woke up on the ground with a black eye...fuckin asshole...

03-19-2008, 12:42 PM


What religion btw?

03-19-2008, 12:53 PM

03-19-2008, 01:32 PM
catholic would be a great guess hehe. No fuckin wonder I'm agnostic now hahaha. Worst religion to force onto your kids ever. Plus lost my grandmother cuz of a priest who told her to keep having kids even after her 11th one her doctor told her to stop. priest was like it's a sin to stop the family, so she kept having kids, and died from uterus cancer....fuck catholics, i hope that religion dies someday...

03-19-2008, 01:46 PM
Agreed with the comments above, there is a time and place. Usually will try to avoid it in professional settings, around children, and in public in front of strangers. I used to be really bad, but have gotten a lot better with my use of swearing as I have gotten older. Around friends I could care less, again though, its not good when every second word is a swear

03-19-2008, 03:57 PM
Originally posted by ekguy
catholic would be a great guess hehe. No fuckin wonder I'm agnostic now hahaha. Worst religion to force onto your kids ever. Plus lost my grandmother cuz of a priest who told her to keep having kids even after her 11th one her doctor told her to stop. priest was like it's a sin to stop the family, so she kept having kids, and died from uterus cancer....fuck catholics, i hope that religion dies someday...

you can get uterus cancer from repeated child birth/conception?


03-19-2008, 04:12 PM
^isn't that like saying "Medical Profession" sucks because a doctor gave bad advice and someone died?

03-19-2008, 05:16 PM
Originally posted by analbumcover

you can get uterus cancer from repeated child birth/conception?


well something along those lines...she did die from repeated child birth though she had 17. All I know is that it contributed to her death.

And swearing in french is sooooo frowned upon by alot of french families. I started saying fuck around my parents around 9 and 10 years old and they never said shit. But 1 calisse or a couple tabernacles thrown around and I was in deeeeeeep shit.

03-19-2008, 05:17 PM
used sparingly, swear/curse/vulgar/insertothertermhere words are great, used excessively, the lose their intended impact

03-19-2008, 05:34 PM
i swear all the time especially at work, ima cook and i fucking swear so loudly

i know its a bad habit but meh

03-19-2008, 05:37 PM

03-19-2008, 05:38 PM
Originally posted by Toms-SC
:rofl: :rofl:

EK 2.0
03-19-2008, 05:47 PM
Swearing is bad in front of Children...and God...and Kitten's...oh and Goldfish...otherw...wait and in front of Grandparents...otherwise it's kosh...oh and In front of Rabbi's...

03-19-2008, 07:22 PM

I think you meant to spell "rabbits".

03-19-2008, 07:27 PM
for all u bollywood kids.

what the fish?

03-19-2008, 08:05 PM
Originally posted by old&amp;slow
^isn't that like saying &quot;Medical Profession&quot; sucks because a doctor gave bad advice and someone died?

Given that the priest was dispensing advice that was only appropriate for a doctor to give, a better analogy would be that if a doctor told someone that fixing the brakes on their car was evil, they risked their eternal soul by fixing them, and then encouraged them to drive faster.

If a doctor gave such advice to a person who then died because their brakes failed and subsequently were sheltered against criticism by the medical profession. If then the medical profession defended themselves saying that the medical profession gives them the right to give such advice as they see fit and nobody outside the medical profession can judge them for their advice, then perhaps one could say then that the medical profession sucked.

EK 2.0
03-19-2008, 08:18 PM
Originally posted by JRSC00LUDE


I think you meant to spell &quot;rabbits&quot;.

No it was to be Rabbi's...hence the "kosher" haha...

Originally posted by soupey

for all u bollywood kids.

what the fish?



03-19-2008, 08:33 PM
Originally posted by EK 2.0

No it was to be Rabbi's...hence the &quot;kosher&quot; haha...

I know, I was being an idiot for pete's sake. It's one of my talents.....or at least it was.

03-19-2008, 08:45 PM
Love it.

EK 2.0
03-19-2008, 08:46 PM
Originally posted by JRSC00LUDE

I know, I was being an idiot for pete's sake. It's one of my talents.....or at least it was.

Well, I spoke to Pete the other day...and he's not happy representing you and your no-talent ass anymore...:dunno:

03-19-2008, 08:57 PM
Originally posted by Dave P
I love swearing. Def gets the point across.

I usually only hold back in front of kids, old people, and usually people i havent met

The Verb 'To Fuck'

Perhaps one of the most interesting and colorful words in the English language today is the word &quot;fuck&quot;. It is the magical word which, just by its sound can describe pain, pleasure, love, and hate.

In language , &quot;fuck&quot; falls into many Grammatical categories.
It can be used as a verb both transitive (John fucked Mary) and intransitive(Mary was Fucked by John).
It can be an action verb (John really gives a fuck), a passive verb (Mary really doesn't give a fuck), and adverb (Mary is fucking interested in John), or as a noun (Mary is a terrific fuck).
It can also be used as an interjection (Fuck! I'm late for my date with Mary). It can even be ued as a conjunction (Mary is easy, fuck she's also stupid).
As you can see there are very words with the overall versitility of the word fuck.
Aside from its sexual connotations, this word can be used to describe many situations:
1. Greetings.........&quot;How the fuck are ya?&quot;
2. Fraud...............&quot;I got fucked by the car dealer.&quot;
3. Resignation.......&quot;Oh, fuck it!
4. Trouble.............&quot;I guess I'm fucked now.&quot;
5. Agression.........&quot;FUCK YOU!&quot;
6. Disgust................&quot;Fuck me.&quot;
7. Confusion.............&quot; What the fuck....?&quot;
8. Displeasure............&quot;Fucking shit man...&quot;
9. Lost........................&quot;where the fuck are we?&quot;
11.Retaliation.............&quot;Up your fucking ass!&quot;
12.Apathy.................&quot;Who really gives a fuck?&quot;
13.Suspicion.............&quot;Who the fuck are you?&quot;
14.Directions..............&quot;Fuck off.&quot;
It can be maternal........&quot;MOTHERFUCKER!!&quot;
It can be used to tell time.......&quot; It's four fucking twenty!&quot;
It can be used as an anatomical description.............&quot;He's a fucking asshole.&quot;

HAHAHA wow.... I use every one of those just about every week

03-19-2008, 08:57 PM
double post... why are we so slow right now?

03-19-2008, 08:57 PM
Show me the way EK, show me the way. Thank god I'm going to Vegas next week, I need a vacation. :cry: