View Full Version : Optoma HD32 DLP Projector?

03-22-2008, 06:53 PM
I just got my tax return and am thinking about buying a projector. However I have a budget of only around $1200. I'm wondering what your opinions are of this system from Costco:


I don't have an HD or Bluray player or anything and don't plan on buying one soon. So I will just be watching regular DVD as well as satellite TV. I doubt I will hook up my computer or use it for gaming. One thing that concerns me is that I only have around a 10' throw range to my wall. I used the calculater on projection central and it looks like I should still be able to get around a 89" diagnal screen in.

What do you think, does this seem like a decent unit for the price? Or is there something better for a similar price? Thanks for the input.

03-22-2008, 10:01 PM
We've got something similar on special at Memory Express right now:


It's an Optoma HD70 Projector with a free screen for $1050. Check it out!

03-22-2008, 10:57 PM
^Cool thanks for the tip. From reading reviews it sounds like the HD70 and the HD32 are the exact same projector. So Costco is slightly cheaper. I'll keep an eye on it and maybe it'll go on sale though.

03-23-2008, 08:46 AM
Those lumens are REALLY low, I've got a HD72 (the costco 6800), it's got 1300 lumens, and man if there's ANY light, you have to crank the brightness level up to max (and burn your bulb out that much quicker)

don't get me wrong, at that price, it'll work awesome for you, just be sure to put it in a very dark place.

03-23-2008, 09:57 AM
Thanks for the comment, Tik-Tok. I was wondering about the lumens thing. Are you able to tell me how far back you have it mounted, what zoom your using, and how big of a screen its generating? I'd like to see if the projection calculations I've read are correct. I have limited space and don't want to end up with a smaller than expected screen size. After doing some more research I'm leaning a bit towards this Epson model:


It has 1600 Lumens instead of 1100 and also its 3LCD instead of DLP. This is appealing to me because of the vertical and horizontal lens shift, which will make mounting a alot easier. In fact I can probably run it right off a small table instead of having to mount it. It also has much higher zoom so I can fit in a 100' screen instead of 85' to 89' with the other models. This one is on for $1199 including a free bulb until the end of March. It doesn't include a screen though. Anyone have an Epson projector?

Also has anyone made their own screen? I've been looking at special paints that are supposed to offer good reflectivity. I'm wondering if these work well or not.

03-23-2008, 10:30 AM
Right now I've got it 13' away, and it's on a 92" screen, it could go bigger. I'll be down to 10' as well when my basement is finally finished (I bought it for down there, but couldn't resist putting it up in the living room temporarily :D )

Don't forget too, your room may be 10', but after putting the projector against one wall, that'll take up another foot, so really your throw distance will be down to 9' or so.

With that Epson model, your only going to get 64" of screen with the standard lens at 9', and I don't think you can change lens's on cheaper models like mine, or those you listed (I could be wrong though) If you're unsure about the size, you may want to buy a projector first, mount it, see what the max size you can do is, then buy a screen to match.

03-23-2008, 10:33 AM
If you need lots of light look at the Panny 200U.

For your reading pleasure:

03-23-2008, 03:47 PM
Originally posted by Tik-Tok
Don't forget too, your room may be 10', but after putting the projector against one wall, that'll take up another foot, so really your throw distance will be down to 9' or so.

With that Epson model, your only going to get 64" of screen with the standard lens at 9', and I don't think you can change lens's on cheaper models like mine, or those you listed (I could be wrong though) If you're unsure about the size, you may want to buy a projector first, mount it, see what the max size you can do is, then buy a screen to match.

Yes I had already taken into account the space the projector will take up next to the wall. Really I have a little over 11'2" from wall to screen. I deducted around a foot for the unit, so that leaves me with around 10'2" throw distance.

As far as the Epson model, I don't think you used the Zoom in your calculation. From 9' without zoom is 64" like you say. However with the max zoom it becomes 89". With my distance of 10'2" I should be able to get 70" screen without zoom and 99" with zoom. This is assuming I'm reading the chart at Projector Central correctly. To get a 100" screen you can place the projector anywhere from 10'4" to 22' and then zoom in or out. So it seems pretty flexible there. With the Optoma, to get a 100' screen, the projector has to be positioned from 11'6" to 13'10", so its a lot less flexible.

I'll read up about that Panasonic old&slow, thanks for the suggestion.

My problem is going to be with the mounting. The area I'm putting the projector in has 20' ceilings. So this means I can't mount to the ceiling. I'm going to need to either sit it low on a table or mount it high on a shelf or something connected to the wall. Thats the main reason why the LCD models are attractive, since the lens shifts, allow me a wider variety of mounting positions than DLP models. However LCD models are more known for Screen door effect than DLP, plus usually have lower black levels. However sometimes the image can be a bit more crisp, so its kind of a trade off it seems.

03-23-2008, 04:02 PM
If you need a screen pm me. I might be able to get one for you. Let me know what size you want.

03-23-2008, 04:05 PM
^^If I buy a model that doesn't include a screen, I'll let you know. I'll most likely be looking for around 90" to 100" screen. Widescreen format of course.

03-23-2008, 06:07 PM
With 11 ft wall to wall, can you shelf mount it?

Keep one thing it mind about pull down screens.
They have waves in them...it may or may not bother you.
U can apparently buy a sheet of laminate that suppose to work well...

03-23-2008, 06:10 PM
Originally posted by Mixalot27

However LCD models are more known for Screen door effect than DLP, plus usually have lower black levels. However sometimes the image can be a bit more crisp, so its kind of a trade off it seems.

There is no screen door effect with the 200U...

03-23-2008, 06:55 PM
Originally posted by old&slow
With 11 ft wall to wall, can you shelf mount it?

Keep one thing it mind about pull down screens.
They have waves in them...it may or may not bother you.
U can apparently buy a sheet of laminate that suppose to work well...

Why wouldn't I be able to shelf mount it? The shelf will be mounted basically above where we will be seated. Since my wall is 21' high I can go pretty much as high as I want. As long as I have 10' throw distance I think it should work. Is there something I'm missing here?

I'm not sure how much the waves will be or if they would bother me, since I've never owned a projector. I don't really need a screen that pulls up, a fixed one would be fine too. However I don't have much budget for a screen (max $200) so that somewhat limits my choices. I've been reading about some type of material called Budget Blackout that some have had success making a screen out of. Or like you say maybe there is a type of laminate I can use. The easiest would be if I could just find some paint that works good and paint on a screen, then I wouldn't even have to bother with mounting anything. However I have no clue how well these paints work.

Originally posted by old&slow

There is no screen door effect with the 200U...

Good to know. That model is a little more than I want to spend but maybe if it goes on sale.

Right now my front runners are:

Epson Home Cinema 720 - $1199 with extra bulb
Optoma HD70 - $979 with screen included
Sanyo PLV - Z5 - $1197
Panasonic PT-AX200U - $1400 - I'm having trouble finding where I can buy this in Canada.

Hopefully one of these will go on a good sale soon and help make my mind up. :thumbsup:

03-24-2008, 05:11 AM
You could always paint a white area with a border for a screen. The waves don't bother me too much.
The shelf should work perfectly.

Thr problem with the 200U is that you'll prolly have o go stateside which means no warranty in canada.

Have you tried this site for comparisons?

03-24-2008, 11:09 AM
I have this projector, been using it for about 5-6 months. This projector is the HD70, rebadged for costco.

The projector is wicked, I use it for my 360 and watching movies. It has a great picture, is very bright, has good features. For the price with a screen you can't beat it.

I would definitely recomend it to anybody :thumbsup:

03-25-2008, 04:37 AM
Originally posted by old&slow
You could always paint a white area with a border for a screen. The waves don't bother me too much.
The shelf should work perfectly.

Thr problem with the 200U is that you'll prolly have o go stateside which means no warranty in canada.

Have you tried this site for comparisons?

Thanks for the link, lots of good info there. I found a paint called Behr Silverscreen thats supposed to be good for painting a screen, and its available at Home Depot. So I might just use that.

I found the Panasonic at A & B Sound but they want $1999 for it, so that rules it out for my budget. I'd definitely want a valid warranty.

Originally posted by legendboy
I have this projector, been using it for about 5-6 months. This projector is the HD70, rebadged for costco.

The projector is wicked, I use it for my 360 and watching movies. It has a great picture, is very bright, has good features. For the price with a screen you can't beat it.

I would definitely recomend it to anybody :thumbsup:

It sounds like that model is pretty good judging from the reviews I have read. However I think I'm going to go with the Epson Home Cinema 720. At the price of $1199 including a free extra bulb, it effectively makes the unit only around $900. The fact that it has 500 lumens more as well as double the contrast and 5X the zoom of the Optoma, along with the much more flexible mounting positions makes it more attractive to me. The only downside is that it doesn't include a screen. But I can either just paint myself a screen or pick up a $100 one from Dell for now. Then maybe I will upgrade to a nicer screen down the road.

The rebate and free bulb on the Epson ends March 31. So I'm going to keep my eye out for any good sales in the next week on the other models I'm interested in. If I don't find anything better I will most likely order the Epson on March 31. In the meantime I have to work on getting some blackout blinds up and getting the room as dark as possible. I have a lot of windows and some are as high as 19' from the floor, so it should be a fun job putting up blinds. I'm going to have to rent a ladder of some kind I guess.

03-27-2008, 12:39 AM
if you want to ceiling mount it, it is a bitch with DLPs. without lens shift, the image is almost impossible to get squared up. when you use software keystones, it shrinks the picture so it isnt really HD anymore. if you want a good budget projector, order a Sanyo Z5. i have one hanging of my ceiling for a year now and still love it.