View Full Version : pregnant transgender man? wtf?

03-26-2008, 09:24 AM

Transgendered male claims to be pregnant
National Post
Published: Sunday, March 23, 2008

An Oregon man who used to be a woman says he is pregnant with a baby girl.

Thomas Beatie's first-person story appears in a recent issue of The Advocate, a Los Angeles-based newsmagazine for lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgendered people.

According to the story, Thomas was born a woman but decided to become a transgender male and legally changed his sex to male. He had his breasts surgically removed and started bimonthly testosterone injections, but kept his vagina.
Now identifying as male, Thomas legally married Nancy, the story says. The pair wanted a biological baby but Nancy was unable to carry a child. So they decided Thomas would.

"How does it feel to be a pregnant man?" Thomas writes in the article. "Incredible. Despite the fact that my belly is growing with a new life inside me, I am stable and confident being the man that I am. In a technical sense I see myself as my own surrogate, though my gender identity as male is constant. To Nancy, I am her husband carrying our child . . . I will be my daughter's father, and Nancy will be her mother. We will be a family."

Before getting pregnant he stopped injecting testosterone, and his body "regulated itself after about four months," he writes in The Advocate.

One year and nine doctors later, Thomas got pregnant, but the pregnancy was ectopic, and rarer still, with triplets. After surgery, Thomas lost all his embryos and his right fallopian tube.

But the second pregnancy has been a success, writes Thomas: "We are happily awaiting her birth, with an estimated due date of July 3, 2008.

Imagine the kid saying "My mommy is actually a man" when she grows up.

03-26-2008, 09:38 AM
In the 60's, people took acid to make the world weird. Now the world is weird and people take Prozac to make it normal!

03-26-2008, 09:52 AM

03-26-2008, 09:53 AM
that is messed up, if you wanted to be a man live with it and don't get knocked up, men can't do that

03-26-2008, 10:00 AM
I thought this was another Britney thread.

03-26-2008, 10:04 AM


in other news bearmanpig is real!

03-26-2008, 10:20 AM
I found a picture of her-im-it:


03-26-2008, 10:37 AM
Originally posted by analbumcover


in other news bearmanpig is real!

ahahahha. sure sounds like it. hahaha :rofl: :rofl:

03-26-2008, 10:44 AM
Originally posted by JRSC00LUDE
I found a picture of her-im-it:


My thoughts exactly!

03-26-2008, 11:54 AM


03-26-2008, 01:20 PM
Originally posted by analbumcover


:rofl: :rofl:

poor kid im going to feel bad for it

03-26-2008, 01:23 PM
i saw this on ctv.ca this morning. like seriously what a fucking weirdo. to go transvestite and then plan to get prego is the most retarded thing i have ever heard. poor kid.

04-02-2008, 01:52 PM
The much buzzed about 'pregnant man', Thomas Beatie will be a guest on Oprah's show Thursday.

I am not a fan of oprah..or what much TV but I will not be missing this episode

04-02-2008, 06:58 PM
:barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf:

I feel sorry for the kid.

04-03-2008, 02:54 AM
He had his breasts surgically removed and started bimonthly testosterone injections, but kept his vagina.

04-03-2008, 07:50 AM
That is just messed up, some limits should just not be tested. I feel bad for the kids, there gonna have a messed up childhood.

04-03-2008, 08:59 AM
I don't know why the writer and the 'person' keep referring to 'it/itself' as a man. That is definitely not a man. A screwed up woman or person, but not a man. :thumbsdow

I do feel bad for the child growing up in that family. I would doubt it is a mentally stable environment.

04-03-2008, 09:29 AM
Originally posted by gt35r
He had his breasts surgically removed and started bimonthly testosterone injections, but kept his vagina.
That statement is just plain weird:nut:

04-03-2008, 11:41 AM
The doctor going to deliver that baby is gonna shit his pants.

04-03-2008, 11:44 AM
This person is chick trying to be a man...and still is a chick aka having a vagina still
she just takes hormones to look like a dude and grow facial hair

04-03-2008, 12:05 PM
here he is..


04-03-2008, 01:36 PM
is this goin to be a C section?

04-03-2008, 03:22 PM
He-she has a vagina

04-04-2008, 05:57 PM
Looks like a skinny unfit redneck with a beer belly. Kinda like Dale Gribble.


I just realized. How does this affect their sex? If sex during pregnancy is safe for a normal woman. Then what implications does that have for this Thomas man since he doesn't have a penis and probably wears a strap-on to bang Nancy.

04-06-2008, 11:24 AM
She's just a typical hairy German woman who doesn't know what she wants..

04-06-2008, 03:32 PM
And no one is wondering WHO THE DAD IS?

thats f'd up

04-06-2008, 03:41 PM
all there is to say is...wow....

04-08-2008, 12:29 AM
LOL this was on oprah
We were watching it at work and we were very much disturbed lol.

04-08-2008, 02:10 AM
that is f'in disgusting. I have nothing against gay couples until it becomes a problem when they raise children. Imagine this kid being terrorized growing up.

04-08-2008, 02:36 AM
Originally posted by mrjay1987
LOL this was on oprah
We were watching it at work and we were very much disturbed lol.

where do you work that they let (force) you watch Oprah? :rofl: :rofl:

i feel sorry for the kid, that's going to be one fucked up life

BT1 5L
04-08-2008, 05:30 AM
The parents have to understand how much this is going to affect the child/children in the future. Its going to be so hard for them growing up being known as the offspring of the he/she/it. If the parents want to fuck up there own life then thats fine with me, but dont bring kids into it.