View Full Version : EA charging extra to buy guns in battlefield

03-31-2008, 12:38 AM
anyone hear about this yet? guess theyre continuing their retarded "micropayments" business model to squeeze 4 times as much out of gamers. them going that route makes me want to never buy another EA game again.




03-31-2008, 12:56 AM
Games that make significantly important content pay-to-use should be half (or less) of their retail value. Why would I pay 69.99 for an incomplete game? I know DLC is good as it gives gamers some new options, but if it's important stuff then it should be in the game in the first place.

IMO Bungie did a pretty solid job with Halo's downloadable content.

03-31-2008, 01:01 AM
yeah being able to download EXTRA content, expansion packs and stuff, is totally fine. its pretty obvious when they just rip out parts of the core game just to charge for it though, and that isnt cool.

03-31-2008, 09:47 AM
Originally posted by googe
yeah being able to download EXTRA content, expansion packs and stuff, is totally fine. its pretty obvious when they just rip out parts of the core game just to charge for it though, and that isnt cool.

:werd: I don't play battlefield and now I definitely wont. Shouldn't be too long till crackers crack it, or make their own weapons and put it in the game. I can see it now. A Nuclear RPG: Kills everyone on map. GHEY

03-31-2008, 12:30 PM
I played a few matches ... its pretty dumb .. takes a whole clip to kill a person .. I think they just released a patch for it though ... so might try again ... the controls are like cod4 which is very nice .. the destructable environment is good too .. but paying for guns is retarded .. I think EA mentioned it's not going to give people who buy them a big advantage though

03-31-2008, 12:49 PM
I didnt buy BF's latest installment (the one with the mechs 2142 or something?) because of the stupid advertising...

So much for finding a replacement for COD4... IMHO, a company should make a Battlefield style game (HUGE Maps) with the COD engine... that engine is FLAWLESS. And IMO have it with just infantry, NO vehicles other than jeeps. I hate tanks, i hate helicopters. Not because i suck with them... but because every map becomes a race to horde all of the vehicles. At least in COD you're always on the same playing ground. Im surgical with my m16 in COD4 and I'm rank 39 so i've unlocked almost all of the other guns, yet im best with the starting gun, figure that.

04-01-2008, 08:00 AM
Wow, paying to unlock content in a game is kind of a joke unless the game was like $20. Looks like I won't be buying this one.

04-09-2008, 07:47 PM
Karl Magnus, senior producer on Battlefield: Bad Company, laid out the situation for GameSpot in an interview earlier today.

"It all started when the beta came out," said Magnus. "The beta is a beta. We had some problems with explanation of the weapons that are available or you can see on the unlocking page. We had some weapons that we were planning to release through various marketing programs, but they were actually flagged there like you were supposed to buy these weapons through Xbox Live Marketplace, and that was a misunderstanding between marketing and us the developers. We clarified that in the last statement that went out, but lately there's been a lot going on about the Gold Edition weapons."

"I should pretty much start at the end, we listen a lot to what people say out there. I think that's important to show, because we don't have time to comment on everything, because there's so much noise out there, but DICE is built upon the multiplayer community, and we do listen to what people say out there. When we saw this big uprise about people that really felt it was dissatisfying that some people bought the Gold Edition, those five weapons you couldn't get or that you had to buy if you had the ordinary version of the game, that we just decided that all weapons will be free in the game, and that's how it is now."

"These Gold Edition weapons, we won't give away, you have to do something as a gamer. The Gold Edition guys and girls that actually buy that game will have some time where the weapons are exclusive, because if you don't buy the Gold Edition, you have to earn them. That means you have to rank up all the way to the top rank, which is rank 25, and then you have a massive unlock of five new weapons which are the same that are in the Gold Edition."

When asked whether DICE has any future plans to release weapons as downloadable content, Magnus commented, "It isn't something we've announced at this point. DICE wants to support the product out there. We won't say that we won't do it, but it's not something that we're planning right now. It all depends on the feedback we get and how much people like the game." An EA representative picked up on Magnus' comment, saying, "There's other content we're looking at after the game releases."


:rofl: Idiots .. why even try something like this

I need to try the beta again .. I think a lot of the bugs have been fixed

04-10-2008, 08:43 AM
Originally posted by beecue


:rofl: Idiots .. why even try something like this

I need to try the beta again .. I think a lot of the bugs have been fixed

Sounds like a lot of backpeddling and I can only see the "Gold Edition" members getting in an uproar over this now.

In the end, isn't this just a glorified COD4 now?

Only thing that sounds really cool is the destructible terrain, however like most battlefield games, i hate vehicles lol.

04-10-2008, 09:02 AM
arent they doing something similar with gran turismo? have to buy cars or mods or something?