View Full Version : Plot to blow up Canadian planes foiled.

04-02-2008, 10:14 PM
MSN Link (http://news.sympatico.msn.ctv.ca/TopStories/ContentPosting.aspx?feedname=CTV-TOPSTORIES_V2&showbyline=True&newsitemid=CTVNews%2f20080402%2fairliner_plot_080402)

The most eerie line in the article:

"Osama Bin Laden himself has said Canada is a target for Al Qaeda and of the five countries on the terrorist group's list of intended targets, only Canada has not been attacked. "

It's just a matter of time everyone. I hope when it does happen that losses will be limited and the terrorists killed a gruesome, horrible friggin death.

I'm flying to Mexico next week. But feel safe knowing everyone will be on their highest alert...

04-02-2008, 10:19 PM
Can't we just cut off their heads?

04-02-2008, 10:22 PM
wow thats very sketchy....

04-02-2008, 10:22 PM
Nothing to worry about, Don't let the media scare you with their crap!

04-02-2008, 10:24 PM
Originally posted by kevie88
Nothing to worry about, Don't let the media scare you with their crap!


04-02-2008, 10:27 PM
I'm glad the little bastards got caught, they're organization should be too.

04-02-2008, 10:31 PM
Originally posted by rmk
Can't we just cut off their heads?

haha werd:rolleyes:

04-02-2008, 10:42 PM
Why us?

04-02-2008, 10:43 PM
because we are a threat...

04-02-2008, 11:20 PM

04-02-2008, 11:22 PM
Propaganda :dunno:

04-02-2008, 11:23 PM
Why us? Because we have a large group of soldiers over there perhaps? If someone sent troops to come invade your home, wouldn't you be a little pissed?

I have nothing against any country battling the Taliban. It's a good cause. But it WILL make your country a target for retalliation.

Yes, the media wants to get their story and will make their presentation of it seem all sensational. But the fact is that we ARE on a terrorist's list, and we WILL be struck eventually - I'm sure of it.

04-02-2008, 11:33 PM
Any bets that if anyone follows this long term, most of those"terrorists" will be found not guilty?


Just like those dudes they caught in Ontatio and "stopping their terror ploy".... bunch of kids meeting at Tim Hortons.... :rofl:

Propaganda to rationalize their/our absurd support for the US war criminals.

04-02-2008, 11:34 PM

04-02-2008, 11:58 PM
It's not an attempt to sensationalize it. But the fact is that we're not going to be able to find out about all attacks before it's too late.

I get your point - don't live in fear. And I don't.... trust me. I live my life and seldom give it a second thought until I read stuff like this and it freaks me out a bit. Not for my OWN safety - but to know that people are out there who simply hate Canadians for being Canadians and that there is a real chance that some of our citizens will die as a result. (Besides the 74+ we sent over there to die already.) For the record, any strike on Canadian soil will likely be in Toronto anyway IMO.

I guess what really bugs me is the inhumanity of the whole thing. Groups of morons driven to kill innocents in the name of a ridiculous religious-driven ideology. While this has been quite the norm in the Middle East, it hasn't been until 9-11 that they made a stronger effort to take their "war" overseas to us. I've shaken my head in disgust over many of the inhumanities that have occured all over the globe, but it really hits home for me when I hear about foiled attempts, etc.

04-03-2008, 07:29 AM
Originally posted by 01RedDX

Well it's good that you're not trying to sensationalize it or anything. ;)

So what kind of strike do you think it will be? Traditional explosives, contaminated water supply, or maybe a dirty bomb? I'm betting water, always try to stock up on a couple hundred gallons at all times.

I'm pretty sure you don't know what sensationalize means

04-03-2008, 08:55 AM

04-03-2008, 09:42 AM
Hey, Toma. Don't you know that to Islamo-fascists, you're an infidel too? They don't make the distinction. They don't like western society and its freedoms. And they're as happy to bomb you as they are to bomb anybody else here. You're an infidel.

04-03-2008, 10:21 AM
Originally posted by canuckcarguy
Hey, Toma. Don't you know that to Islamo-fascists, you're an infidel too? They don't make the distinction. They don't like western society and its freedoms. And they're as happy to bomb you as they are to bomb anybody else here. You're an infidel.
Perfectly natural response to having Christian fascists (the USA) murdering people and meddling in the "Islamic World) for 100 years....

There is no danger, 9/11 was an inside job, these "arrests" are staged.

04-03-2008, 11:27 AM
Originally posted by 01RedDX

No, no, I'm pretty sure I do. To make sensational? Or am I missing something here? :nut:

I just don't see how sensational it is for him to state that we are targets, or his opinion that we will get hit one day. He might be wrong, but I don't think it's too outlandish to think that since other countries involved in this whole thing have been targetted and attacked, that we won't escape the problems.

If he had said we all need to fear for our lives on a daily basis and not fly or that darkies are all covert agents or something, then sure I'd say he's nuts.

04-03-2008, 11:30 AM
Originally posted by Toma

Perfectly natural response to having Christian fascists (the USA) murdering people and meddling in the "Islamic World) for 100 years....

There is no danger, 9/11 was an inside job, these "arrests" are staged.

Even if 9/11 and the london bombings etc were an inside job:rolleyes: what's then to say that whomever staged it won't do something to Canada and pin it on muslims too?

Actually, you should be more scared than anyone considering how well that would work into the NWOs plan to create a completely fascist NAU and then proceed to slaughter us all

04-03-2008, 11:35 AM
We already know we're targets since we're friends of the USA. We can pull out of the ME and whatever else but in truth we could still easily be attacked. Terrorists don't really care. Media continues to be fear mongers though, I wouldn't worry about it. Plus when they say "Canadian planes targeted" they probably just included a couple Canadian flights in their list of possible planes or whatever.

Srsly gtfo media. I'm much happier when I don't listen to their BS.

04-03-2008, 11:44 AM

04-03-2008, 11:53 AM
So, do you not think we are targets at all?

04-03-2008, 11:57 AM
Originally posted by Toma

Perfectly natural response to having Christian fascists (the USA) murdering people and meddling in the "Islamic World) for 100 years....

There is no danger, 9/11 was an inside job, these "arrests" are staged.


and man's never been to the moon, and there was a second gunman, etc, etc, etc...:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

04-03-2008, 11:57 AM
Not at all. Canada will never experience a terror attack.

O wait..

What plane was it that blew up off the coast of Canada?

04-03-2008, 12:04 PM
It's not meant to create "sensationalism". It's just a personal opinion stated to see what others' thoughts are. It's like saying "I really like coffee. I'm sure of it". Am I trying to sensationalize coffee? I think not. If it's a really really good cup of flavored starbucks, I might be inclined to express my excitement over the unique flavor and bold aroma. But it would still not be a classic definition of sensationalism.

I DO hope I'm wrong about them attacking here. But it has always been terrorist intent to ensure those who are considered their enemies are fully aware they can be struck any time, any where. That's the nature of inciting fear in a population and pretty much their overall goal with such attacks. Hence, the word TERRORism.

IMO, I think that getting OUT of Afganistan is our best approach to attempt to lessen the potential for attacks on our own soil. The fact is that the Taliban and al qaeda movement will never be able to be completely crushed. As such, there will aways be a realistic risk to Canadians so long as they see us a threat - no matter how many of them we kill. But it might be too late, as they might already have the desire to retaliate for our participation - regardless of whether we still have troops in Afganistan or not.

Rocky: We are not targets because we are "friends" of the USA. The USA has lots of "friends". From what I recall, we were added to the attack "wishlist" after our participation in Afganistan. If this is indeed the case, then it appears becoming a target was pretty much our own doing...

04-03-2008, 12:04 PM

04-03-2008, 01:31 PM
Trying to make excuses so that I can't bring my bottle of evian from home on the plane with me.

04-03-2008, 01:43 PM
No I don't know it will be Toronto for sure - that's why I said "IMO". Which means: "In my opinion". ;)

It just makes sense. That would provide the maximum amount of fear - due to sheer population figures. And again, IMO, I believe the majority of the talk about the terrorists, etc has been via American viewpoints. Ie: USA television channels. I have not heard a lot about it in reference to Canada and our own citizens.

To me, it's kinda like a woman carrying pepper spray. It's always a good idea to be as prepared as possible, without actually allowing herself to live in actual fear of what *might* happen...

04-03-2008, 02:11 PM
Actually, I wouldn't be at all surprised if an attack was directed out west. An airline attack would likely be easier to facilitate in Ontario, since there are more international flights there, but I think our oil pipelines make an attractive economic and political target, and are likely less secured than populated areas in eastern Canada. Could be mistaken, obviously, but I think an attack on Canadian soil is inevitable.

As far as our support of or friendship with the US being a factor, I think it's overstated. Our way of life is repellent to Islamo-fascists, and as stated earlier, we're all infidels. There was an Al Quaida attack on a French oil tanker a few years ago, and when the terrorists were caught, they admitted openly that they had actually selected an American target, but when they couldn't get past its security, they targeted the French ship instead. The leader of the sect literally shrugged and said, "Americans, French, whoever. They're all infidels.". This despite the heavy French rhetoric opposing the war in Iraq and their history of trading with Saddam Hussein's regime.

04-03-2008, 02:32 PM
Originally posted by canuckcarguy
Actually, I wouldn't be at all surprised if an attack was directed out west. An airline attack would likely be easier to facilitate in Ontario, since there are more international flights there, but I think our oil pipelines make an attractive economic and political target, and are likely less secured than populated areas in eastern Canada. Could be mistaken, obviously, but I think an attack on Canadian soil is inevitable.

I'd say no simply because of the lack of people in said areas, and that it doesn't send the same message. If a bomb were to go off in the oil fields, your average Canadians first gut reaction (the one that terrorism feeds off of) would be "well, it's not like i work in the oil fields". Blow the shit out of a transit station, and that's your average Canadian, right there.

Originally posted by canuckcarguy

As far as our support of or friendship with the US being a factor, I think it's overstated. Our way of life is repellent to Islamo-fascists, and as stated earlier, we're all infidels. There was an Al Quaida attack on a French oil tanker a few years ago, and when the terrorists were caught, they admitted openly that they had actually selected an American target, but when they couldn't get past its security, they targeted the French ship instead. The leader of the sect literally shrugged and said, "Americans, French, whoever. They're all infidels.". This despite the heavy French rhetoric opposing the war in Iraq and their history of trading with Saddam Hussein's regime.

France may have said no to Iraq, but they are in Afghanistan, which probably has a much more emotional impact on Al Quada. Hell, they weren't even in Iraq (in any appreciable way) till the US kicked down the door and let them in. If Al Queida is mostly interested in those who have attacked them directly, anyone in Afghanistan is as "guilty" as it gets...

04-03-2008, 02:54 PM
I agree that people dying is a desirable impact from a terrorist perspective, but the intersection of oil lines in Southern Alberta would have significant economic impact on the US, which would be desirable as well. Plus, there's the added benefit that since these areas are sparsely populated, they'd be easier to hit. But hey, we're all just guessing. I hope we're never proven right.

Originally posted by Antonito

If Al Queida is mostly interested in those who have attacked them directly, anyone in Afghanistan is as "guilty" as it gets...

I think this is a big "IF". I think retaliation is part of their motivation, and also the desire to intimidate western nations out of the conflict (see Spain). But while the US is a prime target, I think they're pretty happy to kill any infidels. Remember, they have all those virgins to look forward to one way or another...

04-06-2008, 12:28 PM
stupid unrealistic issue.

lets not forget air india. was it arabs no? where the facts real unlike 9/11. YES

04-06-2008, 12:34 PM
Originally posted by canuckcarguy


and man's never been to the moon, and there was a second gunman, etc, etc, etc...:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Its Toma, get used to it. Conspiracy king.

There are no terrorists in the world, all these Islamic extremist groups are actually well tanned undercover CIA operatives with an agenda. :thumbsup:

04-06-2008, 12:43 PM
does anyone know who the other 4 countries they are targetting?

04-06-2008, 08:00 PM
Originally posted by Soren1989
does anyone know who the other 4 countries they are targetting?

I thought they were all transatlantic flights, and the only two countries targeted were Canada and the USA.

04-07-2008, 12:59 AM
Originally posted by ZEDGE

Its Toma, get used to it. Conspiracy king.

There are no terrorists in the world, all these Islamic extremist groups are actually well tanned undercover CIA operatives with an agenda. :thumbsup:

Really.... tell me.... WHAT evidence do we have that 9/11 was a Islamic plot?



We have absolutely NOTHING aside a phony confession from a dude that does not even look like Bin Laden, the REAL Bin Laden denied it, and no security footage of Islamic men getting on the planes, most of the guys they said did it have turned up miraculously alive etc....

There is no evidence at all, and I am the conspiracy theorist? lol :nut:

It must be true cause the US said it was... :drool: :rofl:

04-07-2008, 01:21 AM
there not afraid to die, they say. i wish i can inflict pain on them a thousand fold to feel what others have felt.

04-07-2008, 10:56 AM
Originally posted by Toma

Really.... tell me.... WHAT evidence do we have that 9/11 was a Islamic plot?



We have absolutely NOTHING aside a phony confession from a dude that does not even look like Bin Laden, the REAL Bin Laden denied it, and no security footage of Islamic men getting on the planes, most of the guys they said did it have turned up miraculously alive etc....

There is no evidence at all, and I am the conspiracy theorist? lol :nut:

It must be true cause the US said it was... :drool: :rofl:

Hilarious. You know the air farce is going off the air, you should apply for a job with the CBC. You'd qualify on two levels - you're anti-American, and you're super funny.:rofl: :rofl:

04-08-2008, 01:26 PM
Originally posted by canuckcarguy

Hilarious. You know the air farce is going off the air, you should apply for a job with the CBC. You'd qualify on two levels - you're anti-American, and you're super funny.:rofl: :rofl:

wow, what proof can you bring to the table? you're just another brainless sap

04-08-2008, 01:27 PM
Well Osama hasnt actually been behind any plane crashes before.. why would he start now??
Id say watch out for the american government trying to hijack our planes to start another war!!!:barf:

04-08-2008, 06:00 PM
Originally posted by Fiasco

wow, what proof can you bring to the table? you're just another brainless sap

ha. You're funny too. And with stunning rhetoric to boot.

You can go through life doubting everything, if you like. But really, what can anybody prove beyond what he sees with his own eyes? Conspiracy theorists tend to believe what they want to believe, and nothing more. They don't doubt, for example, that the buildings were destroyed, but the evil Americans did it to themselves. They don't doubt that Kennedy was assassinated, but Lee Harvey Oswald didn't act alone. Diana definitely died in that accident, but it was a royal family conspiracy. Hitler existed, they're sure of it, but didn't really die in the bunker, and he and the rest of the super-race all escaped to Brazil.

I'd be more impressed if they didn't believe anything at all. But to selectively pick and choose what you want to believe is just childish. None of these conspiracies are ever "outed", which is, of course, just more proof of the conspiracy. It never ends. Videotape of the plane hitting the building? Proof of conspiracy. No videotape from one angle, but plenty from another? Proof of the conspiracy. Corn flakes suspiciously come out with crumbs in the bottom of the box, but not the top? Can't be gravity, must be another American plot.

At a mimimum, thinking this way all the time has to be exhausting.

04-08-2008, 10:32 PM
In the real world, there is this thing in modern legal systems called due process and evidence.

It's why when they accuse you of dealing drugs, or murder etc, they have witnesses, evidence etc. They cant just hang you cause they CLAIM you did it.

This happens everywhere, except the US, whom can accuse and then bomb anyone they please with no whisp of evidence, proof, or due legal process.....

Let me get this right.... Bunch of fake ID toting Islamic guys armed with box cutters got onto some Jumbo Jets they did not know how to fly, and managed to hit 3 out of 4 of their target, while the US air force stood by and missed it all, then 3 buildings collapsed, including one of which didn't even get hit.... hmmmm

Who's the conspiracy theorist again? :nut:

Rick Mercer is awesome btw :thumbsup:

04-09-2008, 08:50 AM
Originally posted by Toma
In the real world, there is this thing in modern legal systems called due process and evidence.

It's why when they accuse you of dealing drugs, or murder etc, they have witnesses, evidence etc. They cant just hang you cause they CLAIM you did it.

This happens everywhere, except the US, whom can accuse and then bomb anyone they please with no whisp of evidence, proof, or due legal process.....

Let me get this right.... Bunch of fake ID toting Islamic guys armed with box cutters got onto some Jumbo Jets they did not know how to fly, and managed to hit 3 out of 4 of their target, while the US air force stood by and missed it all, then 3 buildings collapsed, including one of which didn't even get hit.... hmmmm

Who's the conspiracy theorist again? :nut:

Rick Mercer is awesome btw :thumbsup:

I always thought that only a couple of the hijackers had been proven not to know how to fly? Did every single one of them flunk out?

As for the fall of the buildings, it depends on which scientists you want to believe, the ones supporting the accepted side, or the ones who support the conspiracy side (a good portion of whom now claim they've been grossly misquoted, although I'm sure Bush worked them over in his dungeon)

04-09-2008, 10:51 AM
Originally posted by Toma
In the real world, there is this thing in modern legal systems called due process and evidence.

It's why when they accuse you of dealing drugs, or murder etc, they have witnesses, evidence etc. They cant just hang you cause they CLAIM you did it.

This happens everywhere, except the US, whom can accuse and then bomb anyone they please with no whisp of evidence, proof, or due legal process.....

Let me get this right.... Bunch of fake ID toting Islamic guys armed with box cutters got onto some Jumbo Jets they did not know how to fly, and managed to hit 3 out of 4 of their target, while the US air force stood by and missed it all, then 3 buildings collapsed, including one of which didn't even get hit.... hmmmm

Who's the conspiracy theorist again? :nut:

Rick Mercer is awesome btw :thumbsup:

Hey, if you're going to be a conspiracy nut, you might as well go all the way... have you ever met the hijackers, even? I don't think they were Islamic at all, but rather the Easter Bunny and a handful of Santa's Elves, all of whom have some flying experience. Or at least hopping.

The buildings didn't go down either, but rather were moved by secret military helicopter to Crawford, Texas, where they've been buried underground to house the ultra-secret Saudi torture squad that devotes its efforts to maiming, waterboarding, and then killing any scientists that manage to come up with either cold fusion technology or the combustion engine that runs on water.

And I love the "due process happens everywhere, except in the US". Yep, okay. the USA is the worst country in the whole world. I get it. Nowhere less free. don't dare criticize the government, or speak your mind, or film documentaries espousing theories counter to official policy, or you'll be feted internationally, well-paid, glorified by Hollywood, and courted by international ngo's to make paid appearances in tropical climates. Yep. Those fascist Americans and their cruel ways. Oh, to live somewhere more free. Like China, or Russia, Iran, Cuba, etc, etc, etc...

04-09-2008, 10:57 AM
Originally posted by canuckcarguy

Yep. Those fascist Americans and their cruel ways. Oh, to live somewhere more free. Like China, or Russia, Iran, Cuba, etc, etc, etc...

You'd think this would work, but Toma fucking loves Iran, Russia, etc. Pretty much any place that has brutal human rights violations against their own people is a-ok with him, since being forced to wear a seatbelt is apparently on par with imprisoning women for having sex.

04-09-2008, 03:19 PM
Lot of yapping going on in the above posts, yet still no evidence .......

American thinking at its finest.... :drool: :poosie:

04-09-2008, 03:42 PM
Originally posted by Toma
Lot of yapping going on in the above posts, yet still no evidence .......

American thinking at its finest.... :drool: :poosie:

Odd that you ignored my question about all the suspects flying skills

But really, considering your stance is based not on evidence, but solely on skepticism of the stated events, I don't expect much

04-09-2008, 03:49 PM
Originally posted by canuckcarguy

I'd be more impressed if they didn't believe anything at all. But to selectively pick and choose what you want to believe is just childish. None of these conspiracies are ever "outed", which is, of course, just more proof of the conspiracy. It never ends. Videotape of the plane hitting the building? Proof of conspiracy. No videotape from one angle, but plenty from another? Proof of the conspiracy. Corn flakes suspiciously come out with crumbs in the bottom of the box, but not the top? Can't be gravity, must be another American plot.

Just to clarify, the Corn Flakes thing is actually because of the Jews.

04-09-2008, 03:59 PM
Originally posted by Antonito

Odd that you ignored my question about all the suspects flying skills

But really, considering your stance is based not on evidence, but solely on skepticism of the stated events, I don't expect much
There is NO evidence. Did you check the manifests?

I suggest you look again, and then note how many "suspects" miraculously survived the crashes.

Let me clarify how this works....

You make a claim.... something like "GWB eats babies". If it has NO BASIS in fact, there is no point refuting it with "evidence", since the original claim is fictitious.

Do you understand that fundamental bit of logic?

04-09-2008, 04:09 PM
Originally posted by Toma

There is NO evidence. Did you check the manifests?

I suggest you look again, and then note how many "suspects" miraculously survived the crashes.

Let me clarify how this works....

You make a claim.... something like "GWB eats babies". If it has NO BASIS in fact, there is no point refuting it with "evidence", since the original claim is fictitious.

Do you understand that fundamental bit of logic?

Ah, when things aren't 100% correct, that means they are completely false, and therefore your made up assertations become 100% true, without even a sliver of evidence of your own.

You do realise this makes you as bad as young earth creationists, right?

04-09-2008, 04:45 PM
Originally posted by Toma

There is NO evidence. Did you check the manifests?

That's always my favourite part of the lunatic fringe... "Hey, those crazy Americans deceived the whole world by blowing up their own towers, in a highly-organized, complex, and successful plot to trick the country and all of NATO into a war for oil. But despite their organization skills, they couldn't figure out how to doctor the manifests. It's true, really, I saw it on youtube!!!"

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

04-09-2008, 04:53 PM
Originally posted by canuckcarguy

That's always my favourite part of the lunatic fringe... "Hey, those crazy Americans deceived the whole world by blowing up their own towers, in a highly-organized, complex, and successful plot to trick the country and all of NATO into a war for oil. But despite their organization skills, they couldn't figure out how to doctor the manifests. It's true, really, I saw it on youtube!!!"

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Most of Tomas more deranged ideas rely on the villians (almost always America) being evil masterminds, but also very stupid. Like a villian from a Scooby Doo cartoon.

Able to pull off collosal feats, but foiled by a bunch of stoners

04-09-2008, 05:00 PM

04-09-2008, 05:07 PM
For once I kind of agree with Toma. The whole situation was way too convenient for the states.

All the anti-freedom laws that have been passed after 9/11 affect even us Canadians.

The whole idea of fighting terrorism is brilliant. You're fighting a faceless entity that can be anywhere at anytime. This lets you do whatever you want, wherever and whenever you want in the name of the War on Terrorism.

Including Canadian airlines just further promotes the fear we should all be feeling at all times. As can be demonstrated from some of the posts on here, its working...