View Full Version : Anti-abortionists at the UofC...

04-03-2008, 10:22 AM
I don't go to the UofC, I've only read about it in the news. What's the deal with these anti-abortion-bible-thumpers? Can anyone at the UofC give any insight? Are there a whole shitload of these religious whackjobs or just a handful?

Someone should take some pictures of the displays and post them up.

Article (http://www.canada.com/calgaryherald/news/city/story.html?id=f41ae88c-42c9-41e5-8693-2aece9666b06)

04-03-2008, 10:30 AM
walked by their display last year... they put up the most horrifying and gory pictures..:barf:

04-03-2008, 10:34 AM
Is it a religious group? I've seen them on campus, but never paid any attention to them.

04-03-2008, 10:37 AM
those people have nothing better to do in their lives. seriously. i mean i am against abortions but will standing out there all day really do any good? Go to Class

04-03-2008, 10:38 AM
Ah, yes, the anti-abortion whackos. Mildly shocking the first time you see it, but boring after that. I think they ship that display around to each university so all the anti-abortion groups can get their 15 minutes of manufactured controversial fame.

04-03-2008, 10:39 AM
Their signs as well as their tactics and arguments are supplied by an evangelical group in the states.

I knew a girl the was an active member of Campus Crusade for Christ (another big American group), there aren't too many of them on campus (on some US college campuses they are the largest student group), but they are all pretty fanatical and deeply devoted. Ironically she was doing a biology degree and flatly rejected the concept of evolution. I really don't think the anti-abortion people and Campus Crusade are related though, the Campus Crusade people kept it low key around here (my friend would complain about how people here weren't very receptive and sometimes hostile when they tried to proselytize here) and instead went overseas to convert heathens and spread the message.

04-03-2008, 10:43 AM
lol... they amuse me, i go argue with them on the way to class.

they are all so pig-headed, no matter how many facts you give them they insist that abortion is "comparable" to genocide... i think they are retarded.

04-03-2008, 11:00 AM
Originally posted by Destinova403
no matter how many facts you give them they insist that abortion is "comparable" to genocide

Wait, you mean to tell me that you don't think that the morning after pill is the same thing as piling Jews into a shower and gassing them? Where are your morals? :rolleyes:

04-03-2008, 12:00 PM
Were they actually charged with anything or did the U of C administration pussy out like I expect?

04-03-2008, 10:09 PM
I heard they received notice from campus security that they are no longer allowed to protest on campus. Oh it was mentioned in the article.

My friend kept arguing with them about the issue. Unfortunately he got owned. It was sad....

04-03-2008, 10:25 PM
I walk past them always and I can't help but have a goofy grin plastered on my face. There honestly retarded, or severely brainwashed b/c any argument quickly turns into them throwing stupid abortion jargon at you or trying to label you as "pro genocide" or "pro facism" (yeah i know it doesn't make sense but I heard one of the crazies calling another crazy that was arguing with here that).

I try not to make eye contact because they just stand there and stare at whomever walks by. I don't have the patience from retards these days, especially people who try and force their view onto others.

I hope campus security tells them to fuck right off campus and take there stupid shit elsewhere!!

04-03-2008, 10:27 PM
Actually, I stumbled upon them this semester. They had their signs and pictures up as usual, and the pro-choice group was set up in front of them in an opposition display. The pictures were actually kind of boring - I guess I'm more thick-skinned than others, but really I had no problem with looking at them because I simply do not consider half-developed fetuses to be humans.

Right when I was leaving though, a big moving truck pulled up in front of them to block the display - they were packing up because of it. I saw a barricade a little further down the path that said the University had issued a statement telling them to leave, but that they refused. That's why the U pulled out the truck.

Seriously though, just a bunch of drama.

04-03-2008, 10:37 PM
I remember they had a big display last year. This year seemed a little dry in comparison to the last. I usually just walk past it and have a few glances at their poster. But they seem to be the same ones or something similar.

I think it is more about raising awareness about the issue. But in some ways, I think it is a little extreme. Then again, abortion itself is not a 'pretty thing', so maybe the visuals convey that aspect? However, I don't think abortion is always as clear cut as they put it. They give the fetus a moral status, but personally, I think that the ultimate decision lies upon the individual involved, not what someones tells you that you morally ought to keep the child/have an abortion. I guess they are providing individuals some sense of direction as to what to think about, but still.

04-03-2008, 10:52 PM
Sarah Silverman: Eulogizing Abortions (http://jezebel.com/gossip/clips/the-sarah-silverman-show-eulogizing-abortions-306269.php)

04-03-2008, 11:34 PM
Originally posted by Super_Geo

Wait, you mean to tell me that you don't think that the morning after pill is the same thing as piling Jews into a shower and gassing them? Where are your morals? :rolleyes:

Can you justify killing an inocent human being?

this subject is very controversial and opinionated. It all depends on your definition of life and when it begins.

04-04-2008, 12:00 AM
According to the scripture, my blowjobs are as evil as punching a pregnant lady in the stomach.

And by scripture I mean the instruction manual for Beat 'Em & Eat 'Em...

every sperm is sacred

[The sperm] could have been a famous doctor or lawyer

What a horrible murderer I am.

04-04-2008, 12:10 AM
I walked by when a bunch of hippie pro-choice activists stood in front of the displays with signs saying "pro-choice". Pretty funny sight to see all these anti-abortion signs mixed with the pro-choice signs... I always assumed they had permission from UC to have the display there since they are there every semester.

04-04-2008, 01:43 AM
Originally posted by LuxCars

Can you justify killing an inocent human being?

this subject is very controversial and opinionated. It all depends on your definition of life and when it begins.

according to the catholic church (which im a member of) human life doesn't begin until the heart starts to beat in week 5/6 ish... so TECHNICALLY abortion would be NP until then.... its even argued that a fetus has no soul until the mother first feels it kick.(first movement, "Quickening", first signs of life.) (Pope Gregory XIV)

although i personally am pro choice. if you dont believe in abortion just dont get one... cant really argue with that. this topic is WAY too personal for some people to debate.

04-04-2008, 07:05 AM
Someone should have RickRoll'd them.

04-04-2008, 08:53 AM
They should be allowed to protest if they want too on the university grounds. The university is supposed to be a forum for free expression and all views are to be given equal place and respect even if they are not mainstream or accepted by the majority.

A couple weeks ago they had the white supremacists on campus with nary a peep which is as it should be *ALL* views should be presented even if they are somewhat looney... I mean if we can have a bunch of people during the Palestinian week denying the Holocaust what is it having a few people with gory posters? It just seems to me they have been unfairly singled out by the University or very likely by some high ranking feminazi in the University Administration...

04-04-2008, 09:02 AM
Don't feed the trolls. (Anti-abortionists)

04-04-2008, 09:19 AM
My opinion is they have the right to voice their beliefs...I'm fine with that... regardless if it is the same as mine. My issue araises when they choose to display those graphic pictures.

It really just grosses me out...not make me more anti-whatever

I can totally understand both sides of the fence, and it is really someones personal choice what they want to do. But what i don't need is someone shoving their opinions on me by display these pics.

04-04-2008, 09:35 AM
Originally posted by ralliart_girl
My opinion is they have the right to voice their beliefs...I'm fine with that... regardless if it is the same as mine. My issue araises when they choose to display those graphic pictures. It really just grosses me out...not make me more anti-whatever

It doesn't really matter if you don't enjoy the pictures. They still have the right to display them. That's the real issue at hand here... It's the strange selective shutting down of a protest group by the University. I mean those people did not invent the gory shocking picture protests... PETA has pictures and videos of animals dying in slaughter houses. Holocaust awareness folks put up posters of mass graves. Rwandan genocide protesters put up picture evidence of ethinic clensing and massacres. Even the people who protest about Tibet at times put up images of slaughtered tibetans or executed dissidents... The images are there for shock value which then again begs the question why is the University choosing to limit this specific group?

PS: "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." That's the real point behind why they should be allowed to be merry idiots if they will because free speech is free speech only as long as everyone can speek freely...

04-04-2008, 09:47 AM
Originally posted by boredengineer

It doesn't really matter if you don't enjoy the pictures. They still have the right to display them. That's the real issue at hand here... It's the strange selective shutting down of a protest group by the University. I mean those people did not invent the gory shocking picture protests... PETA has pictures and videos of animals dying in slaughter houses. Holocaust awareness folks put up posters of mass graves. Rwandan genocide protesters put up picture evidence of ethinic clensing and massacres. Even the people who protest about Tibet at times put up images of slaughtered tibetans or executed dissidents... The images are there for shock value which then again begs the question why is the University choosing to limit this specific group?

PS: "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." That's the real point behind why they should be allowed to be merry idiots if they will because free speech is free speech only as long as everyone can speek freely...

You're completely out of touch with reality. While it might be nice in an ideal world to have completely free speech, that's not the case in our world. There's a limit, and that limit is when it interferes with everyone else. Want to say something? Do it through the proper channels. Horrifying the public with terrible images is not the proper channel It would be different if they had their own space and an event inviting people down, but they're basically attacking the public with their pictures with NO approval from the U.

04-04-2008, 09:56 AM
Originally posted by HyperZell

You're completely out of touch with reality. While it might be nice in an ideal world to have completely free speech, that's not the case in our world. There's a limit, and that limit is when it interferes with everyone else. Want to say something? Do it through the proper channels. Horrifying the public with terrible images is not the proper channel It would be different if they had their own space and an event inviting people down, but they're basically attacking the public with their pictures with NO approval from the U.

Thank you! You totally just wrote what I was thinking. I have seen many horrible graphic pictures about historical events mentioned above. But I chose to research it, I chose to look it up for educational purposes - I did not have shoved in my face.

04-04-2008, 10:52 AM
Originally posted by boredengineer

It doesn't really matter if you don't enjoy the pictures. They still have the right to display them.

I'm against horse porn so I should go and put a bunch of pictures of chicks having sex with horses to show how bad it is.

You have to draw the line somewhere.

04-04-2008, 11:17 AM
Haha. The truck was a great idea!

04-04-2008, 03:51 PM
Originally posted by HyperZell
You're completely out of touch with reality. While it might be nice in an ideal world to have completely free speech, that's not the case in our world. There's a limit, and that limit is when it interferes with everyone else. Want to say something? Do it through the proper channels. Horrifying the public with terrible images is not the proper channel It would be different if they had their own space and an event inviting people down, but they're basically attacking the public with their pictures with NO approval from the U.

I completely agree.

04-04-2008, 04:05 PM
2 words....cunt punt. Then they'll leave im sure.

04-04-2008, 04:06 PM
abortion is a choice and I hate religions groups for trying to spoon feed us all that drivel they believe in not only with abortion but with religion itself. Keep it to yourselves and let the rest of the people make their own choices...hope they come to SAIT so i can ridicule them to their face.

04-04-2008, 05:30 PM
Here's what some of you U of C students need to do (hell, you don't even need to be students). Find out where they're putting up their stuff, then put up pictures of Hitler, Pol Pot and others (perhaps some Rwandan leaders) with captions saying "If only they had abortion" or "Abortion? Sounds good to me" or something like that.

Let them be the ones to attack your free speech, not the other way around.

04-04-2008, 05:38 PM


04-04-2008, 10:34 PM
Here's a solution

1) give fake name
2) buy drinks
3) bang without condom
4) never call back or give real number to

I think these anti-whatever people take their shit too far. Sure it's good to have opinions, but to try and force them on others. That's just lame. And you should all believe me on that one! It's the way of Kerry.... the only way, lol.

04-05-2008, 06:17 AM
i agree with all of ya it is lame as fuck to force opinions on people

04-05-2008, 10:46 AM
Just as bad as mormons, Jehova's witnesses and '08's IMO.

04-05-2008, 02:47 PM
Originally posted by ZorroAMG
Just as bad as mormons, Jehova's witnesses and '08's IMO.

:rofl: :rofl: :clap:

04-05-2008, 02:55 PM
Originally posted by ZorroAMG
Just as bad as mormons, Jehova's witnesses and '08's IMO.

you forgot scientologists, the mormons of the 21st century

04-05-2008, 03:42 PM
Finboy, I see your pictures and raise you...


04-05-2008, 04:22 PM
Originally posted by Canmorite
Finboy, I see your pictures and raise you...


:thumbsup: :rofl:

04-06-2008, 09:45 AM
There is no point arguing with these people on campus, because in the end they are going to believe that abortion is genocide anyways. Therefore defeating the purpose of arguing in the first place. I have seen them at the U of A campus as well, haven't ever talked to them though.

04-06-2008, 12:54 PM
Originally posted by Pahnda
According to the scripture, my blowjobs are as evil as punching a pregnant lady in the stomach.

And by scripture I mean the instruction manual for Beat 'Em & Eat 'Em...


What a horrible murderer I am.

Oh god. Every one of my masturbatory emissions has killed well into the billions. I'm going to hell.

04-09-2008, 12:36 AM
Personally I dont see whats wrong with giving the would be parents the decision on whether it would be a good idea to bring a child into this world. Not having a law making the decision for you.