View Full Version : Friend having computer problems... vista

04-10-2008, 02:11 PM
My friend has been having a problem for a week now where he cant get connected to the internet. I have no idea any more so maybe you guys can help. Hes on windows vista.

Before april 5th- Internet works fine
April 5th - Microsoft updates (3 parts) as computer is shut down
April 6th - computer start up, but internet was ridiculously slow right off the bat. approx 9 minutes to load home page. (I think it didn't actually load.. just loaded from cache). He then rebooted his modem and restarted computer. Internet was completely fucked at this time
April 7th - Calls ISP says its a problem with computer, called computer store, they said its a modem problem or to much disk space used. He deleted games and photo programs to open up more space.

He said he uninstalled the updates yesterday and still nothing.

It says he is connected to a unidentified network, when he goes to diagnose the internet problem: This computer has limited or no connectivity.

Nothing was changed except downloading the updates so I have no idea. I have tried to help him enable and disable etc. diagnose connection problem. When he goes into "net magic" it says there is nothing wrong with this computers connection, but the router is off line and internet is disabled.

Nothing was done to the modem except restarted it. All the lights are on. Power is one Line 1 lit up. DSL light is one and internet light is on.

Any idea guys?