View Full Version : Windows: 64 bit vs. 32 bit?

04-10-2008, 03:27 PM
I know there are a lot of PC tech ppl on here so got a few questions.

I just bought a new PC and I don't know what to go for.
Has anyone used both versions?

Is 64 actually better? Other than it can register 4GB+ of RAM.
And can you use 32 bit programs on the 64bit version?

The PC I bought does have 4GB RAM so is that all I'll benefit?
I'd rather have something that is compatible to more software/drivers etc, so 32bit?

04-10-2008, 03:34 PM
Vista x64 is pretty good regarding drivers IMO. It is what I use.

XP Pro x64 is good, but some things like newer audio solutions designed for Windows Vista such as IDT/Sigmatel HDA are tough to get working.

04-10-2008, 04:24 PM
If you use any old hardware at all stick with 32 bit.

adam c
04-10-2008, 04:29 PM
even tho they say 64 bit will support 32 bit, you will be hard pressed with some of the programs out there

04-10-2008, 04:58 PM
I agree, wayyyyyyy to many video issues right now with 64 bit. I have a completely new computer and i just cannot get what I want out of 64 bit (1080p) so I am waiting till the driver base gets a little better

04-10-2008, 05:53 PM
for vista go x64 all the way.
one of the most stable OS I've ever used

but dont go XP x64, I heard/read that MS and other companies doesnt update/support drivers in it that often.

never had any compatibility problem with any softwares that I use on vista x64 as well

04-10-2008, 10:18 PM
32bit vista with the new sp1 supports 4 gb of ram. Got it running on both my desktop and laptop with 4gb fully visible (before sp1 only 3.25 or something like that)

04-10-2008, 11:20 PM

Okay, I felt a hint of panic when I saw this thread. For those of you who don't know, I work at Memory Express, and every weekend in the morning meeting for more than a month now the manager has told us the same thing: QUALIFY YOUR WINDOWS 64 CUSTOMERS!!!

Here's the deal - nothing works with 64-bit. I'm serious. Even the simplest stuff that you'd expect things to be fine with have driver issues. We've had so many people come back trying to return 64 bit because it's nothing but problems that it isn't even funny. There is NO reason to go with 64 bit unless you're specifically using applications that require it.

Games? Forget it. You want more than 4GB of RAM? No you don't. There is absolutely nothing out there for the casual user that requires more than 4GB. You want Windows to recognize the full 4GB? So what? Who cares? It's not a big deal and it definitely won't be worth the headache.

So I repeat: unless you specifically need 64 bit for special applications, there is no need for you to get it. End of story. Sorry if I wrote a bit much, but you can see how strongly I feel about it.

04-11-2008, 04:26 AM
Thanks guys. I was going to stick to 32 bit XP but I'll give 32 bit Vista a go instead...:thumbsup: