View Full Version : -416 Polygamist FLDS children in custody

04-10-2008, 04:58 PM
416 children in custody
A 16 yr old calls for help of a borrowed cell phone in texas
because of being sexualy assulted and abused,
your thoughts on this ?
why haddent somthing been done earlier ?
the government knew aout thhese happenings already why haddent they reacted !


heres one article on cnn about a spy in the polygamist sec

-children were married off when they were ...ARE child barring age (14-15)
-men decide who they marry

-they older men send off the younger men to work construction as they have the young wives and the workers have no pay it goes to the temple

- In the temple theres a bed where they have sex as soon as their married ... 15 yr old girl with a 45 yr old man ew..

-Its basically kinda, the man has multiple young wifes gets them pregnant and then the younger generations do the ame so alot of insest ..

04-10-2008, 05:01 PM

A couple articles on cnn about this

04-10-2008, 05:02 PM
From what I gather they can't find that particular 16 y/o. makes me think its a fictional call that gave them probably cause to take them down.

04-10-2008, 05:03 PM
I've been following this since it started, pretty crazy stuff.

04-10-2008, 06:05 PM
It's a travesty that these half-breeds are trying to cite religious persecution after getting arrested.

These wastes of skin prey on women when they're weak and confused to drag them into their little Mormon compounds, and then keep them there under the threat of violence/death. And if you're born into these crazy sects... fuck, good luck getting out!

What can you do though... I mean, you can't kill all of them (I know, the world isn't fair), and I don't want too much tax money going to break them up cause, well, come on... how fucking stupid do you have to be to join? We're definitely not saving future Einsteins, more likely future Safeway grocery baggers. And I want to make sure that our tax dollars are making the roads pothole free before it's used to unleash a horde of retards into open society.

Rat Fink
04-10-2008, 06:11 PM

04-10-2008, 09:45 PM
Theyre recognized as mormons in utah, where alot .. alot of the population is in fact morman/ Chruch of latterday saints.
Even these mornans that go door to door are pretty perverted,
I sapose all of us guy are a bit perverted but i was esdropping and reading some of thier emails at the library and they were
talking about how they wanted to bend over thier leaders wife
and it went on and on about her. Honestly one of the main beliefs and the one thing they bitch at "regular" people about is being selebate. jeeze its all about the money with most of them !

04-10-2008, 09:54 PM
What I really don't get is how they maintain the high ratio of women?

04-10-2008, 10:03 PM
Same! but I guess they just ship the men off to work construction as the older ment bang thier little sisters. Which is FACT.

04-10-2008, 10:07 PM
My bad their not recognized as "morman" .... although they did branch off and still live in utah morman communitys ... till this day :dunno:


04-10-2008, 10:12 PM
"" Increasingly harsh anti-polygamy legislation penalized church members, disincorporated the church, and permitted the seizure of church property. Members of the church were subsequently sent to Canada and Mexico to set up communities free from prosecution and in order to keep their marriages intact; e.g., Charles Ora Card founded Cardston, Alberta at the direction of John Taylor. ""


So I guess those people at wallmert may not be omish but morman polygamists .. maybe ? anyone know ? there are some in alberta I see .... disgusting..... :thumbsdow :whipped:

Rat Fink
04-10-2008, 10:32 PM

04-10-2008, 10:40 PM
^ I held my breath for a ridiculars porno script to be worked in there, but instead I was disappointed with an insightful post.:(

04-10-2008, 10:46 PM
sick fucks

04-10-2008, 10:52 PM
Originally posted by Rat Fink

Polygamy did exist in the real church but was abandoned long ago. You have to open up your brain and step back in time 100 years ago when all that was out here was bald ass prairies. So you think one couple could take their wagon up here start a fucking town? Okay, then what about a large group of couples coming up here to start a town, and a large percentage of the males get killed off fighting the natives? Now, you have a group with a large percentage of widows compared to men. It was common for the marriage to be more of a way to bring the widow into a support network than anything in that time.

Says they fled here and to mexico and started a town of the name cardston here in alberta out of fear of being fear or being persecuted.... not cuz of natives and lack of men lol

Rat Fink
04-10-2008, 10:54 PM

04-11-2008, 07:28 AM
Originally posted by Rat Fink


Well, if you wanna hear something really fucked up.

Oh god, I don't know if I want to even admit this.

Technically, I am mormon. haha. Yup, Rat Fink was baptized mormon when he was 10 years old!

My mom converted and dragged me into that circus. I don't consider myself one at all, but my step-family is all mormon. I'm the black sheep in the family by far, same with one of my step brothers.

If you filter out the religion aspect of it (how they magically found the book of mormon buried in a hill, scribed on brass plates, and was translated to english with the help of an angel and a magic pair of glasses.....um, p-shaaa, and monkies fly out of my ass!) and look at all the other shit they do in the communities, like I said, there are far worse things in this world. I grew up canvassing for food banks, heart and stroke foundation, etc.....along with going to senior homes and spending time with them. Shit, i was even a boy scout!:rofl:

I really don't consider myself mormon.....just a minor technicality. It is a very misunderstood religion though, thanks to the fundamentalist whackos primarily in the states.

Damn you and your long winded boring ass replies. (((fist))) :rofl:

Hottest Mormon evar.


04-11-2008, 07:41 AM
Originally posted by Rat Fink
^ they aren't really mormons. They are a fanatical branch off from the Mormon church that are in no way affiliated to it. They just claim to still be mormons, but the mormon church doesn't recognize them as such.

That's only because the Mormons keep changing what they believe in. 100 years ago these guys would be just like all of the other Mormons.

Mormons also believe that black people come from the offspring of Satan and white people come from Jesus.

04-11-2008, 07:44 AM
Originally posted by pome902
So I guess those people at wallmert may not be omish but morman polygamists .. maybe ? anyone know ? there are some in alberta I see .... disgusting..... :thumbsdow :whipped:

The people you see at Wal-Mart are probably Hutterites.

There are not polygamists. They are actually very strict orthodox Christians.

Rat Fink
04-11-2008, 07:48 AM

04-11-2008, 07:50 AM
Sorry. That was the Jehovahs Witnesses.

Mormons aren't that clean when it comes to racism either though.


Rat Fink
04-11-2008, 08:13 AM

04-11-2008, 08:19 AM

Rat Fink
04-11-2008, 08:25 AM

04-11-2008, 08:52 AM
I can't believe you were arguing about mormons with someone who can't even spell mormon. Or amish. Or pretty much anything.

But they are right, the mormon church has a pretty bad record with black people. Then again it's relative, since there's only like a 20 year difference between when the Catholics/Christians stopped treating black people like godless mud creatures and when the mormons did....

04-11-2008, 10:11 AM
Originally posted by pome902

So I guess those people at wallmert may not be omish but morman polygamists .. maybe ? anyone know ? there are some in alberta I see .... disgusting..... :thumbsdow :whipped:


04-11-2008, 10:22 AM
Originally posted by Super_Geo
I mean, you can't kill all of them (I know, the world isn't fair),

They rape little girls.
Remind me again why killing them isn't an option?

Listen, few people bitch about religion as much as I do. With that established, I also don't have a problem with any adult praying to any invisible man in the sky, as long as I don't have to hear about it, or pay for it. Much like sex, what consenting adults do behind closed doors is none of my concern.
That indifference turns to concern when you enlist innocent children into your archaic belief structure, and changes from concern to rage when you start raping them.

I have no problem with killing rapists and diddlers, and I care about as much about their religion, as I do about who their favorite football team is.
Life is sometimes very easy: You fuck little kids, you deserve to die.

04-11-2008, 10:23 AM
wallmert :rofl:

04-11-2008, 10:23 AM
wallmert :rofl:

04-11-2008, 08:39 PM
Originally posted by pome902
So I guess those people at wallmert may not be omish but morman polygamists .. maybe ? anyone know ? there are some in alberta I see .... disgusting..... :thumbsdow :whipped:

Originally posted by googe


Easily the best use of the term "ridiculars". Ever. Note that he nailed "polygamist". Funny.

04-13-2008, 04:18 PM
Originally posted by Rat Fink

The religion is fairly new. The religion was started up around the time when slavery was in full force. While that shit might be written into the religion, I personally don't know of ANY mormon who actually pays any focus to that part.

Seriously dude. I have never been taught that once in my life the times I've been to church. I've never heard my step-family reference that at all either and they were all born and raised mormon. Never even heard my friends reference it. I would say a good majority of mormons don't take that to heart.

I wonder how many catholics, and other christians were anti-black back then as well. haha.

It's a very misunderstood religion. I love what other christian religions teach about mormons. Seems like they play the telephone game passing around "facts". About a year ago I was dating this one chick who had some whacko baptist parents. The dad didn't want her seeing me because I apparently wasn't christian, and didn't beleive in Jesus. hahaha. I guess his church beleives that mormons worship some other god?

I love hearing mormon "facts". Makes my fucking day. A lot of the "facts" come from the fundamental mormon crackpots who get out of the religion and go write a novel saying "how it is"

Back then It depended realy on the church or geographic region, not so much weather your anglo-, lutheren,catholic or bapitist. The moromans well I know for a fact Jahova witness from what Ive read believe that " Noah's son ham with the curse from god for seeing his father naked Literally turned him black , or darkened litteraly" They believe god litteraly turned him black and thats where they get the idea of hams desendents should all be slaves or should have because he ham was the slave of his brothers.

According to Genesis 9:20–25, Noah began to raise grapes after the flood, and became drunk one day. While drunk, he lay naked in his tent. Ham saw his father naked, and told his brothers Shem and Japheth about it. Shem and Japheth went into the tent with their faces away from him, and covered him. When Noah awoke, he realized what had been done to him, and cursed Canaan, son of Ham, to be the "servant of servants" of Shem and Japheth.[1]


04-13-2008, 04:24 PM
Originally posted by Antonito
I can't believe you were arguing about mormons with someone who can't even spell mormon. Or amish. Or pretty much anything.

But they are right, the mormon church has a pretty bad record with black people. Then again it's relative, since there's only like a 20 year difference between when the Catholics/Christians stopped treating black people like godless mud creatures and when the mormons did....

Like I said it depends what catholic or christian. Lets see some facts that
this 20year difference you say there is exsisted and all of these christians and catholics thought that about black people, and in the states
It was mainly anglicans...

04-13-2008, 04:43 PM
Hey Rat Fink. Since you joined the Mormon church at a late age, do the guys have to go thru the ridiculous naked ceremonies that girls have to go through when they join the church late (say 17 or 18 y/o)?

I've heard some pretty fucked up shit from chicks that join the church at a late age.

04-13-2008, 04:49 PM

04-13-2008, 04:50 PM
perverts... :poosie:

Rat Fink
04-13-2008, 04:52 PM

04-13-2008, 04:56 PM
just make sure you dont blow the laod and lose the camera you'd have to post it on beyond :D

04-13-2008, 05:05 PM
Originally posted by Rat Fink
haha. I hope you're joking? It's new to me, but I haven't been to church for 10 years now.

....why wasn't I informed of these naked ceremonies? I'd hide a peep-hole camera in the end of my dick! :rofl:
haha no, not joking. The females are naked, wear a robe and go through pretty much 1 way in the basement (the girl mentioned she couldn't go backwards). Then they meet up with sr church guys (that's why u missed out haha), disrobe, and they bless them with holy water while they're buck naked.

She said it was indeed weird, and didn't really talk about it till she was kicked out of church (for getting hammered lol)

04-13-2008, 05:29 PM
Originally posted by pome902

Like I said it depends what catholic or christian. Lets see some facts that
this 20year difference you say there is exsisted and all of these christians and catholics thought that about black people, and in the states
It was mainly anglicans...

Well considering it was the 1960s when most of Americas ignorant people finally started seeing black people as, well, people, it's not exactly a stretch. Of course, with the Catholic church being headed out of Rome and the Christians not actually have a head office, it's hard to pinpoint, like you said it basically came down to region and people.

But really the whole thing that amazes me is when people say "OMG, a bunch of white religious people in the Southern USA are racists, WHAT A REVELATION!" as if this is somehow news

04-13-2008, 05:49 PM
Originally posted by rage2

haha no, not joking. The females are naked, wear a robe and go through pretty much 1 way in the basement (the girl mentioned she couldn't go backwards). Then they meet up with sr church guys (that's why u missed out haha), disrobe, and they bless them with holy water while they're buck naked.

She said it was indeed weird, and didn't really talk about it till she was kicked out of church (for getting hammered lol)

That sounds like an odd mixture of the marriage ceremony and, um, weird shit. Was this the real LDS, or one of the offshoots?

And what do you mean by "getting hammered"? Do you mean like unrepentant alcoholism mixed with a whole bunch of other stuff (or simply that she told them to go fuck themselves)? Or did they kick her out for being drunk once without any second chances (which would also further my suspicion that she was in some corrupted weirdo version of the church)

04-13-2008, 11:40 PM
Originally posted by Antonito

That sounds like an odd mixture of the marriage ceremony and, um, weird shit. Was this the real LDS, or one of the offshoots?

And what do you mean by "getting hammered"? Do you mean like unrepentant alcoholism mixed with a whole bunch of other stuff (or simply that she told them to go fuck themselves)? Or did they kick her out for being drunk once without any second chances (which would also further my suspicion that she was in some corrupted weirdo version of the church)

I know they will temporarly kick you out for getting hammered also engaging in sex if you not married with one another, oh and you cant even talk to your family members or anyone in the church or .. temple during this time and its the same with the Jahova witness I know for a FACT happened ... all the time lol to a guy I knew =D

04-14-2008, 07:14 AM
Originally posted by pome902

I know they will temporarly kick you out for getting hammered also engaging in sex if you not married with one another, oh and you cant even talk to your family members or anyone in the church or .. temple during this time and its the same with the Jahova witness I know for a FACT happened ... all the time lol to a guy I knew =D

Really? Because when I was a Mormon we'd get busted all the time doing things we weren't supposed to (drinking alcohol, sex, etc), the worst they would do is take away some of our privileges (like going to the temple) and make us go through the atonement process. But they would put pressure on us to come to church/be with our families/church members more so that we wouldn't "lose our way"

I guess it might be worse in some areas, I think it depends on the local leadership. I know they're pretty crazy in Utah, so it wouldn't completely surprise me, but it seems pretty stupid anyways.

Why do you keep bringing up Jehovah's witnesses? You do know they aren't Mormons, right?

04-14-2008, 02:08 PM
Yeah but if you read earlier some people were talking about witness'...

04-22-2008, 08:11 AM
Originally posted by tom_9109
From what I gather they can't find that particular 16 y/o. makes me think its a fictional call that gave them probably cause to take them down.


COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. -- A 33-year-old Colorado Springs woman who may have sparked a massive child-protection raid at a polygamist compound in Texas kept a steady job and gave no hint of her activities to those closest to her.
"She is the last person I would expect to do something like this," said a woman in her mid-20s who described herself as the roommate of Rozita Swinton. Speaking at the door of their apartment, the roommate described Swinton as a steady, soft-hearted person.
But growing evidence indicates Swinton repeatedly made calls to authorities in multiple jurisdictions, setting off large emergency responses that sometimes involved dozens of police officers.
The Texas Ranger Division of the Texas Department of Public Safety confirmed Friday that Swinton was a person of interest in calls placed to a crisis hotline by someone claiming to be Sarah, a 16-year-old girl who had been sexually abused and beaten by a 50-year-old polygamous husband.
The reports in late March led to a raid that began April 3 at the Yearning For Zion Ranch in Eldorado, Texas, in which 416 children were taken into custody.

04-22-2008, 08:17 AM
Good thing she did make that phone call, even though it was fake

Supa Dexta
04-22-2008, 08:44 AM
Most of these places the cops are scared to go into. Even that place in BC, bountiful or whatever it's called, the rc's want nothing to do with it. And when tht big hunt was on last yr for the lead guy (jeffs?), they thought he may have been there, but the cops had no deisre to go in to find him. They're believed to be armed to the hill, and we can all tell they're not quite right in the head.

.. I too have heard some weird stories from girls who met these guys (old guys) and have gone off with them to join. They really do get brainwashed, and change completely and there is no talking to them once they are into that life..

04-22-2008, 08:48 AM
Originally posted by Antonito
Good thing she did make that phone call, even though it was fake

I'm not into law or anything, but won't the defence be able to get these people off? Since the original thing that lead to a search warrant was found to be fake, or is it good since the police didn't know it was a phoney call?

04-22-2008, 08:56 AM
Originally posted by Tik-Tok

I'm not into law or anything, but won't the defence be able to get these people off? Since the original thing that lead to a search warrant was found to be fake, or is it good since the police didn't know it was a phoney call?

I'd say that considering that everyone knew what was going on, and that everything was confirmed afterwards, the fact that the cops were tricked isn't going to be enough to get these things thrown out, since they had "reasonable doubt" or however it works.....at least, that's what I keep hearing in the news. They've already gotten a court order to keep the kids away, so that's the first hurdle over with.