View Full Version : Anyone see the Castro/Cuba story on Passionate Eye (CBC) today?

04-13-2008, 09:39 PM
Fucking amazing!

It was part 2, I musta missed part one. I am gonna call them up and see if I can order a copy.


04-14-2008, 07:34 PM
I did.
I like the quote about the US sanctions.

I forgot how it was exactly said, nor do I remember who said it in particular, but I think it went something like:

"The US had an easier time reconciling with Germany and Japan post world war II, and they were at outright war with those two nations, than with Cuba. Why is it that to this day the US insists on the economic blockade?"

04-14-2008, 09:33 PM
Originally posted by randedge

"The US had an easier time reconciling with Germany and Japan post world war II, and they were at outright war with those two nations, than with Cuba. Why is it that to this day the US insists on the economic blockade?"

Does he honestly not know? Germany and Japan were strategic allies as well as potential economic powerhouses, Cuba was neither. The loss of potential trade was nothing compared to the chance to flex its muscles and stand up for capitalism and democracy, regardless of how small the target.

If Cuba had oil or major industry, then things may have been different, but its just a small island who's only impact on history was that communism was "close to home" and that the Russians put a bunch of nasty missiles there putting the world on hold for a little while.

Just think, had Ike not snubbed him in his first visit to the U.S. we probably would never have heard of Fidel Castro.

04-14-2008, 10:08 PM
Originally posted by randedge
"The US had an easier time reconciling with Germany and Japan post world war II, and they were at outright war with those two nations, than with Cuba. Why is it that to this day the US insists on the economic blockade?"

Strategic position.

A US foot hold in Europe and Asia. Same with Iraq and Afghanistan. US got all parts of the world covered and at the door of Russia and China to keep the in check.

04-14-2008, 11:05 PM
Does he honestly not know?

Oh, I know that. And I know Castro knows it too.

Look, McArthur, the guy who practically wrote the Japanese constitution, was arguably "trained" in my country of birth.

The point is this: The person who spoke that, was a great manipulator of emotion.

He (or was it she?) spoke as though the US was hurting Cubans a great deal just for spite; just so it could appear powerful. Well, in that sense it was successful.

^^^That's what the person was trying to say in between the lines - that the US is being a prick just because it can.