View Full Version : Seal Hunt Protests

04-14-2008, 06:08 AM
I can't believe their isn't a thread on this already:


I say more power to the government on this one. And I had to :rofl: at this:

Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Loyola Hearn had little sympathy for the protesters' tactics.

"They are a bunch of money-sucking manipulators," said Mr. Hearn, "and their sole aim is to try to suck as much money out of the pockets of people who really don't know what's going on."

04-14-2008, 08:19 AM
How much money does whacking baby seals's with field hockey clubs make anyways? (honest question)

04-14-2008, 09:43 AM
i ve hunted but what they do is sick...... no skill involved.. being able to walk up to something and whack it with a bat ive always ate what i killed.......... watched a couple youtube vids on seal clubbing

04-14-2008, 09:48 AM
If the baby seals looked like this instead, no one would be making a big shit about it:


04-14-2008, 09:58 AM
Originally posted by 4bier
i ve hunted but what they do is sick...... no skill involved.. being able to walk up to something and whack it with a bat ive always ate what i killed.......... watched a couple youtube vids on seal clubbing

They do it for good reason, they need to kill the seals to get paid. Plus, the seals eat all the fish so it gives fishermen jobs too. God, get an education! :D

04-14-2008, 10:17 AM
all i said is i disagree with the way they are killed........if you think its fun go buy a bat and start swingin all the power to you tell us how much money you make at it:hitit:

04-14-2008, 10:28 AM

04-14-2008, 10:34 AM
The way they slaughter cows for beef is pretty inhumane too. But who gives a fuck?

Supa Dexta
04-14-2008, 10:36 AM
I've got a buddy who used to do this. I can't remember the figures, but it was decent money I think.. I say whack as many as you can..! If you were from there and know the damage these little fackers do, + the huge population of them, you'd be all for it as well.. These things take over an area, theres nothing out there that eats them really since theres not many polar bears around newfoundland, and sharks and whatnot can only take so many. ha..

They can be good for a joke now and then, if your at the beach and one pops up right beside you, you can yell SEA MONSTER! And all the kids start screaming and run out of the water.. :rofl:

04-14-2008, 10:38 AM
Originally posted by mark4091
How much money does whacking baby seals's with field hockey clubs make anyways? (honest question)

Whacking baby seals is illegal. The biggest misconception of the seal hunt.

Of course polar bears (the most badass animal on the planet as far as I'm concerned) play by their own damn rules


04-14-2008, 10:39 AM
Originally posted by 4bier
all i said is i disagree with the way they are killed........if you think its fun go buy a bat and start swingin all the power to you tell us how much money you make at it:hitit:

Uh huh...

And you're qualified to speak on this how, exactly? Because you watched a PETA video? ;)

In 2002, the Canadian Vetrinary Journal did a study that found that the VAST majority of seals killed (98%+) are done so as humanely ans properly (aka proper use of the hakapik). This study stand is glaring opposition to the allegation from animal rights groups that claim seals are bludgeoned, then left to suffer, skinned alive, etc etc etc. In short, the activists are full of shit. There's no animal cruely here.

Furthermore, studies have shown that killing seals with a hakapik is a very humane, economical, and efficeint way to do things, and is comperable to the methods used in commercial slaughterhouses. Additionally, the proper use of the tool is strongly enforced, with many charges laid each year.

The only disgusting thing about the annual seal harvest is how activists use misinformation, imaginary statistics, staged footage and antiquated stock video to turn it into a rallying cry, and, therefore fundraiser.
The hunt is regulated based on sela populations, and designed to maintain the optimal herd sizes and ecological footprint. According to the numbers I heard last year, the quota represented less than 5% of the total seal population. It's not a free for all massacre that decimates the harp seal numbers, like PETA and their ilk would have you believe...

Now, if you want to talk about weather or not the hunt actually provides financial benifits, then that's another topic, and not one I'm particularily up to speed on (especially not having ever been to the Maritimes). But it's a losing battle to protest the hunt on the basis of conservation or animal cruelty.

04-14-2008, 11:10 AM
its just my opinion ......i feel putting a bullet in there head is more humane .lots may disagree that is why i wrote (my thoughts )

04-14-2008, 11:19 AM
Originally posted by 4bier
its just my opinion ......i feel putting a bullet in there head is more humane .lots may disagree that is why i wrote (my thoughts )

Umm... not really. Bullet or steel pick, it's all the same. The animal is killed in the same manner - instantaneously and by all definitions, humanely.

The difference between the seal hunt and a slaughterhouse is that the seal hunt occurs in the open and is more visible. If we slaughtered cattle in an open field instead of in a closed plant, these people would be showing up in Alberta to protest the cow slaughter. It's all about optics, red blood on white ice makes for a good visual, even though this type of thing occurs daily in slaughterhouses worldwide.

If you object to the seal hunt, you would be a hypocrite to not be protesting at the Cargill meat processing plant in Brooks.

Again, if seal pups looked like this and were taken to a slaughterhouse to be killed, no one would care:


04-14-2008, 11:26 AM
Originally posted by 4bier
its just my opinion ......i feel putting a bullet in there head is more humane .lots may disagree that is why i wrote (my thoughts )

Lots do disagree, because it's a hollow, indefensible argument.

04-14-2008, 11:31 AM
Seal hunt protesters, greenpeace, peta, Al Gore, etc. All useless shit that slopped out of the same bucket of diarrhea at some point in time.

04-14-2008, 11:38 AM
Originally posted by badatusrnames
If the baby seals looked like this instead, no one would be making a big shit about it:



It's just cause their cute, fuzzy and whatnot.

04-14-2008, 01:53 PM
Originally posted by TKRIS

This post is full of win.