View Full Version : Trouble finding place to live in Victoria, any help?

04-15-2008, 12:43 PM
I'm having a hard time tracking down a place to live in Victoria. Seems like everybody has a cat or dog (allergic), absolutely refuses to accept male tenants, or only wants to rent for the summer.

I need a place from June on, probably for 2+ years. $600/mo. is my max if it includes at least some utilties, internet, that kind of thing. Must have some sort of parking: street is okay as long as it's not a busy road.

I am willing to pay May's rent if the right place comes up, even though I won't be there.

If anybody has a lead, please PM me!

04-15-2008, 05:51 PM
Studentws will be leaving/moving coming the end of the semester. Youll have the best luck beginning of May.

04-15-2008, 06:12 PM
PM'd you

04-15-2008, 11:27 PM
Originally posted by cycosis
Studentws will be leaving/moving coming the end of the semester. Youll have the best luck beginning of May.

That's what I thought too, but it seems that a lot of those students sublet only May-August. I'm looking for something a bit more long term, and I don't want to move again right in the middle of classes.