View Full Version : Urban X Hummer - picking fights at the Flames Game

04-15-2008, 11:21 PM
Tonight following the loss of the Flames to the Sharks everyone was heading to their vehicles. A dark blue Hummer with URBAN X written all over it pulled over so a young asian passenger could get out a try to pick a fight with some random Flames fan. I'm actualy surprised he didn't get rocked by the mob, however luckily all the Flames fans were pretty cool and kept everyone away from this lunatic.

I witnessed the whole thing and trust me, nobody provoked this passenger, they were driving with someone hanging out the window yelling at people. I'm assuming someone yelled somthing back.

I'm only bringing this up because I can't imagine why someone with a company vehicle would pull over after a Flames game and try to pick fights with people. It was absolutely pathetic and a poor reflection on URBAN X. To be honest, I don't even know what Urban X is, perhaps they are associated with Speedtech as there were large Speedtech stickers on this lifted Hummer.

:thumbsdow :thumbsdow to URBAN X for being a bunch of pricks to random Flames Fans.


04-16-2008, 12:23 AM
Sorry guys I heard about this event from the owner of the hummer( he's a good friend of mine). The one passenger that being stupid was way too drunk but everyone else in the hummer was trying to stop his idiot act. Me and my friend that own the Hummer are very sorry if anyone got offended by this passenger act; or had to witness this awful act.

Will from Speedtech


04-16-2008, 12:34 AM
I was actually the front passenger in the hummer. The guy who jumped out was very drunk and we DID try to prevent him from causing a scene. As soon as he got out of the vehicle we got out as well and calmed the situation down.

04-16-2008, 12:38 AM
i hate asshole drunk freinds
i have 2
i want to punch them myself half the time haha

04-16-2008, 12:45 AM
Turn on the child locks next time...

04-16-2008, 12:46 AM
Originally posted by SikAssR1
I was actually the front passenger in the hummer. The guy who jumped out was very drunk and we DID try to prevent him from causing a scene. As soon as he got out of the vehicle we got out as well and calmed the situation down.

Wayy off topic, but how is the ML? Did you end up moving?

04-16-2008, 12:50 AM
Originally posted by sneek

Wayy off topic, but how is the ML? Did you end up moving?

lol, the ML is great, just got my lowering springs and bilstein shocks in. Yes I moved, came back to Calgary to watch the playoffs.

04-16-2008, 12:57 AM
:D sweet :D
hahahaha, must be good being able to snowboard all the time as planned then :bigpimp:
I hope you enjoy your stay in Calgary!

04-16-2008, 01:01 AM
mehh. Drunk people do stupid things, we've all done them. I was upset with the loss too. nothing happend so no point in putting blame on a fantastic company.

04-16-2008, 01:19 AM
Fakkkkkkk.... Well everyone, where to begin...

First off, I just found out about this and let me say to everyone that I am in no way the the drunk who would be so idiotic as to pull dumb crap like this, nor is my friend who owns the H2 with all the Urban X company decals on it, and let me apologise for whatever stupidity went on with my companies name unfortunately attached...

I just talked to my friend with the H2 and he gave me the low down. His friend was far to drunk and just basically acted like a complete tool. The owner of the H2 and other passenger got out to drag his dumb ass back into the truck before it got even more out of hand. They had nothing to do at all with the drunk guys actions...

It's too bad my company had to get dragged into this because of drunken, rowdy friends, and while it may sound like just an excuse, but I know we have all had drunken buddies do something stupid and pull us unwilling into it. I hope everyone can see that...

I feel pretty crappy right now that something I take great pride in and work extremely hard at, that being my reputation and integrity in business, is getting dragged down by the stupid actions of a person who happened to be at a Hockey game with a friend of mine who happens to be kind enough to advertise for me on his vehicle...

Again... sorry to all on behalf of the Urban X name.

04-16-2008, 01:24 AM
Originally posted by 7thgenvic
nothing happend so no point in putting blame on a fantastic company.

read again, no one pointed their finger at the company. :rolleyes: It's a simple assumption.

Great and fast responses to the parties "involved" tho.:thumbsup:

04-16-2008, 01:28 AM
Originally posted by Team_Mclaren

read again, no one pointed their finger at the company. :rolleyes:

Great and fast responses to the parties "involved" tho.:thumbsup:

The quote from the initial post finished as " :thumbsdow :thumbsdow to URBAN X for being a bunch of pricks to random Flames Fans. "

I thought that was a bit of an assessment of blame... I am glad though that it seems so far most people don't seem to hold Urban X specifically responsible though...

04-16-2008, 01:52 AM
Originally posted by tirebob

The quote from the initial post finished as " :thumbsdow :thumbsdow to URBAN X for being a bunch of pricks to random Flames Fans. "

I thought that was a bit of an assessment of blame... I am glad though that it seems so far most people don't seem to hold Urban X specifically responsible though...

I guess you are right, it does sound like that URBAN X shares some kind of "blame" if you will, from the OP.

It's a fair assumption though, when you see a vehicle with giant logos and writings on it, wouldn't you assume that it's associated with the company. Let me put it this way, in response to 7thgenvic's post, there IS a point in putting the blame on the company, fantastic or not. It's a company vehicle and its reputation is on the line. Either its driven by some random or the owner himself, no one can tell. Just treat this as a warning and be careful next time around. The damage has been done unfortunately (for those that won't read this thread, but witnessed the incident).

04-16-2008, 02:05 AM
Originally posted by Team_Mclaren

I guess you are right, it does sound like that URBAN X shares some kind of "blame" if you will, from the OP.

It's a fair assumption though, when you see a vehicle with giant logos and writings on it, wouldn't you assume that it's associated with the company. Let me put it this way, in response to 7thgenvic's post, there IS a point in putting the blame on the company, fantastic or not. It's a company vehicle and its reputation is on the line. Either its driven by some random or the owner himself, no one can tell. Just treat this as a warning and be careful next time around. The damage has been done unfortunately (for those that won't read this thread, but witnessed the incident).

The damage hasn't really been done. Next time I see some drunk yelling out of a Corona vehicle or a melrose vehicle, I'll blame it on the drunk idiot inside the vehicle and not the company who owns the vehicle. Im not going to go point a finger at melrose or any company for that matter and say "what a horrible company." The drunk guy was a passenger in the vehicle and the situation was controlled immediately.

Now as a mod, if you were to help "control" the reputation of this thread you would be kind and lock this from blowing up :) Especially when owners who are beyond sponsors have given the story and apologized.

04-16-2008, 02:11 AM
Originally posted by 7thgenvic

The damage hasn't really been done. Next time I see some drunk yelling out of a Corona vehicle or a melrose vehicle, I'll blame it on the drunk idiot inside the vehicle and not the company who owns the vehicle. Im not going to go point a finger at melrose or any company for that matter and say "what a horrible company." The drunk guy was a passenger in the vehicle and the situation was controlled immediately.

Now as a mod, if you were to help "control" the reputation of this thread you would be kind and lock this from blowing up :) Especially when owners who are beyond sponsors have given the story and apologized.

hmm lets see, the OP didnt know what Urban X was, and he though Urban X should take "some blame" on it. How would you know that anyone else who witnessed the incident wouldn't think the same way?

For me, if I see someone driving like an idiot with a bigass logo on the side with a company name on it, I'd think twice before i pay a visit there. Its a common assumption.

As a mod, i'm going to keep this thread open. Sponsor or not, it has nothing to do with me. They don't get any "breaks", it's the same policy across beyond.

04-16-2008, 02:17 AM
Originally posted by 7thgenvic

Now as a mod, if you were to help "control" the reputation of this thread you would be kind and lock this from blowing up :) Especially when owners who are beyond sponsors have given the story and apologized.

^^^^ true.

04-16-2008, 06:58 AM
If I saw someone acting like a complete pile of douche waste in a vehicle with company logos all over it, I would immediately have negative thoughts about that company as well as the person.

The whole point of Logo placement on vehicles (in a company displaying manner) is for advertising. Getting the name out there. If you have an unhired "mascot" doing stupid shit out of a vehicle that advertises the business, that idiot is representing said company to perfect strangers.

Even when people drive company vehicles recklessly I would assume most would automatically A) think of the company itself, B) want to call that company and report the idiocy.

Some people don't care, some people do. I am huge on customer service and how companies represent themselves. It helps me choose who to give my money to as a consumer. In this given situation, my opinion of Speedtech will not change as Will has stepped to the plate as a solid business owner on many occasions. Therefore representing his company in an upstanding manner. That doesn't mean that someone unaware of Will or his company (Bob and his) won't have a negative impression of what they represent. Or once they do figure out what Speedtech or Urban X are, they will automatically think "oh that's the company where that idiot was picking fights with people." Probably not the best way to build business effectively.

As the reference to the Melrose company vehicles. (I know it was only an example) You just plain and simply would never find idiots acting like imbecilles out of any of those vehicles. That is a company that is high up on company image!

04-16-2008, 07:27 AM
Originally posted by Kona9
If I saw someone acting like a complete pile of douche waste in a vehicle with company logos all over it, I would immediately have negative thoughts about that company as well as the person.

The whole point of Logo placement on vehicles (in a company displaying manner) is for advertising. Getting the name out there. If you have an unhired "mascot" doing stupid shit out of a vehicle that advertises the business, that idiot is representing said company to perfect strangers.

Even when people drive company vehicles recklessly I would assume most would automatically A) think of the company itself, B) want to call that company and report the idiocy.

Some people don't care, some people do. I am huge on customer service and how companies represent themselves. It helps me choose who to give my money to as a consumer. In this given situation, my opinion of Speedtech will not change as Will has stepped to the plate as a solid business owner on many occasions. Therefore representing his company in an upstanding manner. That doesn't mean that someone unaware of Will or his company (Bob and his) won't have a negative impression of what they represent. Or once they do figure out what Speedtech or Urban X are, they will automatically think "oh that's the company where that idiot was picking fights with people." Probably not the best way to build business effectively.

As the reference to the Melrose company vehicles. (I know it was only an example) You just plain and simply would never find idiots acting like imbecilles out of any of those vehicles. That is a company that is high up on company image!

:werd: The way that individuals act in company vehicles, whether it be employees, friends or w/e represents the friends and employees that this company keeps. I don't think the original post was in anyway unfair, Evo saw someone acting like an idiot in a marked vehicle and hence connected it to the company, seems logical to me.

Though the way that this situation was handled by those involved is commendable. :thumbsup:

04-16-2008, 07:38 AM
Hi Guys,

I'm sorry to hear that Urban X has ties here on Beyond (I actually wasn't expecting that). I'm impressed with the heartfelt apologies by the owner of the vehicle and some of the other individuals involved.

Now, that being said, right before that young drunk man got outta of the vehicle the light turned green. I remember very clearly that the Hummer had an opportunity to pull away, or at least further ahead. By pulling away, that would at least show that the driver did not want there to be any conflict of any kind. Secondly, We saw that young drunk guy yelling at people a few minutes earlier. Why didn't the driver put up the window and lock it.

Its easy to blame the young drunk guy but ultimately the driver could have avoided the situation by making a few smarter decisions. So I do lay some blame on the other occupants in the vehicle.

Alot of the Flames fans were super pissed at what happened. As we continued to walk, so many people were yelling "Way to go Urban X, nice way to promote your company"

I think it reflects very poorly on the company for sure to hundreds of fans who were walking down Olympic Way and witnessed either the drunk yelling or the jumping outta the vehicle to start a fight.

Thanks to the mods for keeping this open, it would be incredibly sad to close a thread like this. This altercation happened right in front of me and my family. My wife thought a huge fight was about to break out and got scared. I'm sure she wasn't the only one who felt this way. I was super, super angry with what happened. I thought the best way to vent my frustration was to post it here on Beyond. I know I appreciate it when other member post their encounters.


04-16-2008, 07:50 AM
tickets to flames game $200.00
flames jersey - $120.00
heroin beer at saddledome $100.00+
driving your company vehicle to the game and forever tarnishing its reputation - PRICELESS

04-16-2008, 08:08 AM
Originally posted by rmk
tickets to flames game $200.00
flames jersey - $120.00
heroin beer at saddledome $100.00+
driving your company vehicle to the game and forever tarnishing its reputation - PRICELESS Hahahaa!!! Sorry guys... maybe it is tactless but even I have to laugh at that!!!

That being said, by no means am I advocating the closing of this thread because it is a very legitimate point that it was incredibly stupid and shows me exactly why companies are careful about where and how there name is shown about.

I was in no way involved with this stupidity so I can't say either way what went down "exactly" and am going basically by what I was told from someone in the vehicle who I do trust. Yes he may have been able to handle it better but he did not cause it and I have accepted his personal apology for exactly what VWevo pointed out, that being the fact he didn't drive away before his drunken buddies idea of fun turned completely idiocy...

It sounds like I am going to have to have a "Sorry To All Flames Fans For The Drunk Idiot In The Urban X Vehicle Sale!!!" Show up in a Flames jersey and get not only an apology from me, but also get a discount!!! Haha...

04-16-2008, 08:21 AM
hahaha, I am usually the guy that takes everyone home...and I just want to say, drunk people do stupid shit. I really don't think that Bob's company could be held liable for this.

Plus...decals are everywhere, it doesn't mean it is a company car...just because you have Honda, Mugen, AEM and Injen stickers all over your car, doesn't make your car their company car. Hopefully Bob's name doesn't get dragged through the mud, he is a pretty good guy to deal with. :D

04-16-2008, 08:21 AM
Will and Bob have been responsible businessmen in apologizing about the incident to the people here on beyond and I would never hold it personally against either of them as they are outstanding people to do business with. :thumbsup:

However two phrases come to mind when i'm a consumer, and when I worked at MemEx (and anyone who has worked any retail environment):

1) First impressions mean everything.
2) Customer perception is reality

Unfortunately for those that have never done business with either of them, I hope this does not too adversely affect their reputation anymore then it has.

04-16-2008, 08:23 AM
There is no point in closing the thread... can't see it going out of hand. Will and tirebob have apologized, and we all understand. We've all been out with drunk friends that's done stupid shit, unfortunately in this case, in had a negative impact on their companies. I think all of us here on beyond understand the situation. It's just unfortunate that not all of the flames fans that witnessed it read beyond.

04-16-2008, 08:27 AM
Originally posted by sneek

Plus...decals are everywhere, it doesn't mean it is a company car...

But in this case, it IS a company vehicle

Just curious, was the drunk a SJ fan? Or did someone just give him the ol stink eye?

04-16-2008, 08:30 AM
It may be a good idea for the owner to write to one of the newspapers "To the editor" things, but I guess its not really "to the editor"... Perhaps take out an ad in the paper to apologize.

04-16-2008, 08:30 AM
Bob Blakeborough=Class Act, IMHO.

04-16-2008, 09:09 AM
Originally posted by VWEvo
A dark blue Hummer with URBAN X written all over it pulled over so a young asian passenger could get out a try to pick a fight with some random Flames fan.

He probably had ONE beer...Young + Asian = cheap drunk! (Like me!!!) :nut:

But he was an ASSHAT to embarass his buddies with his antics.

04-16-2008, 10:40 AM
Good job on the company owners to take responsibility and apologize for this incident.

Having driven a company logo'd vehicle for years - and having a fleet of logo'd vehicles, I have seen the importance of always driving responsibly.

Bottom line it, if your company logo is on a vehicle, that vehicle is a billboard on wheel and must be driven that way. I always try to drive as though everyone is watching - because our name is everywhere. And we remind our guys that in this society there is competition everywhere and we need to do our best to not give any potential clients reasons to avoid us - especially from something as easily preventable as irresponsible actions.

IMH - long-winded - O

04-16-2008, 10:41 AM
the owner(s) should write into the herald editorial section and apologize. more people will see it.

04-16-2008, 10:47 AM
Originally posted by sneek

Plus...decals are everywhere, it doesn't mean it is a company car...just because you have Honda, Mugen, AEM and Injen stickers all over your car, doesn't make your car their company car. Hopefully Bob's name doesn't get dragged through the mud, he is a pretty good guy to deal with. :D

If it's local, it can effect the business/club/organization in a big way though. A few years back a local Calgary forum (they don't exist anymore) became a little infamous for trying to organize a few street racing meets and for its members driving very recklessly around Calgary. Those members had club decals on their cars and, if I remember correctly, there was a pretty good backlash in terms of the way people perceived the club/forum.

Same goes for any cars sporting Beyond, and any cars that participate in the annual Spring Cruise. If you sport a decal or you participate in the cruise, people expect not to act stupid because you are representing the Beyond.

It's unfortunate that this happened to Urban X. I've never dealt with them but the people I know who have, say good things. It's just one of those things you have to chalk up to 'lessons learned'

04-16-2008, 11:23 AM
Originally posted by VWEvo
Hi Guys,

I'm sorry to hear that Urban X has ties here on Beyond (I actually wasn't expecting that). I'm impressed with the heartfelt apologies by the owner of the vehicle and some of the other individuals involved.

Now, that being said, right before that young drunk man got outta of the vehicle the light turned green. I remember very clearly that the Hummer had an opportunity to pull away, or at least further ahead. By pulling away, that would at least show that the driver did not want there to be any conflict of any kind. Secondly, We saw that young drunk guy yelling at people a few minutes earlier. Why didn't the driver put up the window and lock it.

Its easy to blame the young drunk guy but ultimately the driver could have avoided the situation by making a few smarter decisions. So I do lay some blame on the other occupants in the vehicle.

Alot of the Flames fans were super pissed at what happened. As we continued to walk, so many people were yelling "Way to go Urban X, nice way to promote your company"

I think it reflects very poorly on the company for sure to hundreds of fans who were walking down Olympic Way and witnessed either the drunk yelling or the jumping outta the vehicle to start a fight.

Thanks to the mods for keeping this open, it would be incredibly sad to close a thread like this. This altercation happened right in front of me and my family. My wife thought a huge fight was about to break out and got scared. I'm sure she wasn't the only one who felt this way. I was super, super angry with what happened. I thought the best way to vent my frustration was to post it here on Beyond. I know I appreciate it when other member post their encounters.


HOOOOLD on.. I was also one of the guys who jumped out.. we were trying to calm everybody down not fight.

04-16-2008, 11:44 AM
Originally posted by interlude

HOOOOLD on.. I was also one of the guys who jumped out.. we were trying to calm everybody down not fight.

I'm not saying that any of the other occupants tried to provoke a fight, I'm saying that your friend who was yelling out the window could have been stopped earlier and the whole altercation could have been easily avoided. All the other vehicle's in front of the hummer had moved forward, the Hummer remains stationary, your buddy jumps out and a few of you also come out. I realize now that the few of you who jumped out came to get your buddy back in the truck, but at the time I couldn't help but feel that this was going to break out into something. So I realize your good intentions, but I'm sure in hindsight you guys just wished you shut your buddy up and kept his window shut.

Perhaps you can elaborate better. I'm just telling this from the point of view of a guy walking with his family back to our car. This all happened right in front of me.

04-16-2008, 12:04 PM
Originally posted by interlude

HOOOOLD on.. I was also one of the guys who jumped out.. we were trying to calm everybody down not fight.

Why didn't you guys keep going instead of pulling to the side of the road?

04-16-2008, 12:19 PM
i hate drunk dramakings

04-16-2008, 12:59 PM
Originally posted by Weapon_R

Why didn't you guys keep going instead of pulling to the side of the road?

pulling to the side of the road??? we were waiting in traffic to leave the area, and he jumped out of the truck. Thats besides the point, hes not the only person at fault, the guy he was argueing with called him out. That guy was probably drunk too.. its over.. we broke it up.. got him back in the truck and left. Is there a reason to blame Speedtech or Urban for this?

04-16-2008, 01:10 PM
Originally posted by interlude

pulling to the side of the road??? we were waiting in traffic to leave the area, and he jumped out of the truck. Thats besides the point, hes not the only person at fault, the guy he was argueing with called him out. That guy was probably drunk too.. its over.. we broke it up.. got him back in the truck and left. Is there a reason to blame Speedtech or Urban for this?

I don't think anyone is personally blaming us... They are just pointing out that having giant logo's on a vehicle means that you will be associated with anything that happens with its occupants... Justifiable or not, it is a fact.

04-16-2008, 01:11 PM
I was the one who jumped out of the car.. and dont say trust me noone provoked it if you didn't witness the whole thing.
this is what happend. he was in the middle of the road with a stuffed shark on a stick wanting us to run it over and i told him to get off the fuking road, then we stoped in traffic and he caught up and told me to get out of the fuking car after a few words so i did. then everyone got out to stop the incident..
and that was that. as for the driver he is not gonna drive off while a passenger was opening the door..
or think to puting the child safty on while he was yelling at me not to get out of the car.
yes i was stupid for getting out.. but its not the driver or anyone elses fault but me and the other fan
i'm sorry to both shops speedtech and urban X and ppl who witnessed it, you included VWEvo. i just wanted to share my side of the story because i don't want any misunderstanding of what happend last night..

04-16-2008, 01:17 PM
Originally posted by TKRIS
Bob Blakeborough=Class Act, IMHO.

:werd: I can't believe the big deal some people are making this into. Get over it..OMG a drunk guy was being obnoxious?? OMG. The bleeding hearts of this world never cease to amaze me.

04-16-2008, 01:25 PM
Originally posted by syeve

:werd: I can't believe the big deal some people are making this into. Get over it..OMG a drunk guy was being obnoxious?? OMG. The bleeding hearts of this world never cease to amaze me.

It's more like drunk guy soiling a business' reputation.

04-16-2008, 01:37 PM
yah it just sucks it had to be associated with tirebob's business... shit like this happens so much its funny.. my freinds are always doing it, im always draginng them out of places by there collars so i dont have to defend them haha...

04-16-2008, 01:40 PM
Originally posted by JDMDC2
I was the one who jumped out of the car.. and dont say trust me noone provoked it if you didn't witness the whole thing.
this is what happend. he was in the middle of the road with a stuffed shark on a stick wanting us to run it over and i told him to get off the fuking road, then we stoped in traffic and he caught up and told me to get out of the fuking car after a few words so i did. then everyone got out to stop the incident..
and that was that. as for the driver he is not gonna drive off while a passenger was opening the door..
or think to puting the child safty on while he was yelling at me not to get out of the car.
yes i was stupid for getting out.. but its not the driver or anyone elses fault but me and the other fan
i'm sorry to both shops speedtech and urban X and ppl who witnessed it, you included VWEvo. i just wanted to share my side of the story because i don't want any misunderstanding of what happend last night..

Apology much appreciated, thanks for coming on here and owning up. I think its about time we put this thread to rest.

Oh, and seriously dude, don't pick fights in public, it's totally not a great idea!!

04-16-2008, 01:59 PM
Originally posted by JDMDC2
I was the one who jumped out of the car.. and dont say trust me noone provoked it if you didn't witness the whole thing.
this is what happend. he was in the middle of the road with a stuffed shark on a stick wanting us to run it over and i told him to get off the fuking road, then we stoped in traffic and he caught up and told me to get out of the fuking car after a few words so i did. then everyone got out to stop the incident..
and that was that. as for the driver he is not gonna drive off while a passenger was opening the door..
or think to puting the child safty on while he was yelling at me not to get out of the car.
yes i was stupid for getting out.. but its not the driver or anyone elses fault but me and the other fan
i'm sorry to both shops speedtech and urban X and ppl who witnessed it, you included VWEvo. i just wanted to share my side of the story because i don't want any misunderstanding of what happend last night..

:thumbsup: glad you cleared it up, its nice to have all sides of the story and no speculation......luckily this incident didn't involve 5+ blocks of running :rofl:

04-16-2008, 02:03 PM
like i said the guy told me to get out of the car.. but either way it was stupid of me for getting out of the car and causing so much useless drama to everyone... again sorry to all :banghead:

04-16-2008, 02:10 PM
Originally posted by JDMDC2
like i said the guy told me to get out of the car.. but either way it was stupid of me for getting out of the car and causing so much useless drama to everyone... again sorry to all :banghead: Thanks man... Apology is definitely appreciated and accepted...

04-16-2008, 06:10 PM
Simple solution. We don't let the idiot back into the car!

That one seems to work. He needs a ride to the flames game, bus. He needs a ticket to the flames game, too fucking bad.

Gotta be a hard ass sometimes to make people really feel stupid for what they did.